Ethan Bramble is a cunt. Who the fuck is Ethan Bramble? Exactly. Wanted by Aussie police for assault this cunt is ‘famous’ on the internet for tattooing his eyeballs black amongst other fucking vile things he’s done to his body. His tongue is forked, he has piercings and tattoos all over. He’s done it he says ‘to be unemployable’. What a cock.
Fucking cunt needs a dose of rock-breaking at Her Majesty’s Pleasure to instil a work-ethic.
What is fucking galling is that cunts like this can exist at all. Fuck this shite society that breeds these cunts.
I just fucking laugh to think my 12+ flights a year shorten the amount of time these Millennial Cunts can indulge themselves. I’ll be gone and they can fucking cry themselves to sleep as they share their safe-spaces with 500 million African migrants. Cunts.
Nominated by zippy.
Ethan Bramble
Self identifying as “the world’s most modified yoot” the sick cunt has 98% of its body covered in tattoos, as well as having body modifications including a forked tongue and a chopped cock. Has it got a job? Would anyone employ it? Well the Lib Dems need a new leader as do the Tories hmmm – however Yours Truly is sure you are ahead orf him. Correct. It is a social media influencer, model and poster boy for body modifications and hails from Oz, once bastion orf “no pooftahs” and old world virtues but now sadly sicko central.
So have Oz police charged the cunt for an offence against public decency and given it a kicking to help it orn its way as they would have done in me day? Oh no an alleged crime infinitely more heinous – it threw a can orf beer in an Australian bar. Again in me day that was how one adjusted the air-con or started a fight. To compound its felony it then posted a photo orf itself on social media directing a full Churchillian at the police. In response Australia’s finest posted a wanted notice on FaceBook. Woops dearie. Oz has gone Wuz.
Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke
I wonder which 2% isn’t covered by tattoos?. The mind boggles.
Probably not his arsehole. That’s his favourite bit!
Jesus, what a freak !!! This moron makes that Alien from Predator look like Clark Gable in comparison.
What’s he going to look like when he’s 80 and everything has wrinkled and sagged?
Used to be you could count on cunts like this dying of aids before then. But EU funded science has even gone and fucked that up.
Yet another thing the EU has screwed up ?
Way to go Ethan!! You look great mate! Dont listen to advice! Theyre just jealous of your good looks, but piercings are so yesterday, i for one am starting a new cool craze of swallowing razor blades, cool eh? Race you to see who can do the most?ready…steady….go fuck yourself.
Fucking attention seeking freak. Well, there’s not much else he can do to his body so let’s hope he starts doing dangerous stunts to attract attention and fucking kill himself.
Anyway, he can fuck kangaroos for all I care as long as the cunt doesn’t come over here. Surely they can’t give the wanker a passport with a boat like that?
They say that tattoos and body piercings are personality-substitutes. This little speckled turd looks like something Jo Brand shat out and left splattered around the bowl.
As if Jo Brand would leave anything on the bowl. She recycles most of it for her ‘comedy’ and licks the rest off for sustenance for that long waddle back to the fridge
True enough, Cuntemy. Who knows which smells worse after the shit has emitted from it, her arsehole or her cakehole.
You cunts are constantly exposing me to fucking freaks and weirdos. I need a safe space and a patting dog to get through the day. Cunts.
Dont forget to claim benefits for your post traumatic & life changing visit to this hallowed site. From what i gather u can get extra money for your therapy dog too. Dont delay, claim today!
“Sue, Grabbit & Runne” – to the opening strains of Beethoven’s fifth symphony.
Not forgetting the Blue Badge parking permits for fruitloops who shouldn’t be let anywhere near a car.
Very well deserved cunting…
Sorry to hijack this cunting but I’m watching fyi on sly news (only coz I can’t be arsed to find the remote and change the channel).
The usual shit about what a cunt trump is, how great Mark zuckadick is, climate change, how great it is to be a vegan, and now they’re trying to make out that gypos aren’t theiving cunts.
Well they are.
It’s blatant propaganda. Gypos ARE theiving cunts.
Fuck the lot of em….
Urgh now it’s about wimminz in politics. How terrible that there are men in politics…. treeza the appeza looks like a fucking lemon wearing that blouse. The bitch.
Had 500 – 1000 of them for a gypo funeral this Friday. Outside the dead pikeys house (on a main road FFS) more luxury motors (Ferrari, Bentley, Rolls) than you could shake a stick at, nonsensically parked on any spare bit of grass verge that they could fit on. The local bars were closed and the cops had to attend due to the fracas and short tempers of drivers waiting ages to get past the pikey horse drawn hearse and accompanying cortege. Lots of “sympathy” from local pikeys of facecrook and posts about they just want to be left alone to do their own thing and they are very good decent people.
I have met many pikeys over the years and I have to say the only good one was like the bloke in the hearse. Dead. They literally shit where they eat, move on and shit / steal / con where they next descend. Ask any non pikey resident of Appleby in Westmoreland, a yearly gathering of the “travelling” fraternity – it takes the local almost a year to clean up before the next one. As Viz referred to them (and had to publicly apologise and make a donation) in one of their comic strips – Dirty, thieving Gypsy bastards.
Just gas the cunt or set him on fire, the world would a better place without him, I’m sure when the Aussi police catch him he,s going to have some sort of accident anyway, what an utter cunt
Probably put him in the cricket team.
With the amount of metal stuck through his body, not so much cremated as smelted.
What a cunt…put me right off my Bacon sandwich.
Probably shoves straws down his piss hole to get turned on.
These freaks are in a competition to out freak eachother and no doubt some potential freak is inspired by this cunt and will try to out freak the cunt.
If I had my way I’d have a secret division of cunt seekers that went out and rounded people like this up and they would ‘vanish’…the list of vanishee’s would be endless.
White trash,
Black cunts,
That cunt Alan and his Snackbar
Traffic wardens
Loony lefties
Cunts who dont like Black pudding
Road ‘workers’
The EU and all its supporters
Obsessed foodies
The poor
The unemployable
Femenist fruitcakes
Cunts who dont like Jamaican food
Coke head cunts
Down and outs
The no hopers
Druggie cunts
Go fuck yourselves
Good morning by the way…and then go fuck yourselves
“sticks straws down his piss hole”…..I have never tried that one, where can you get a plastic straw these days? (apart from a dolphin’s nose)
I like neither black pudding nor Jamaican food because I can afford better and therefore don’t have to eat uncivilised grub for gyppos.
You dont know what your missing GS, Stew Fish or Chicken with rice an pea, Roast Breadfruit on a real fire, Rum Cake, Jerk pork, you might even like Cow foot although thats where I draw the line.
Your a braver man than me Lord benny.
I have tried it but with plenty of anaesthetic and it still wasn’t my favourite day out.
I agree with all of your policies b&w cunt…
Especially the black pudding one.
May I add cyclists to the list please?
I knew I’d forgot something DTS, you watching the Frog Grand Prix Qualifying today?
Yea I’ve recorded it, I’ll watch it later once I’ve cooked up a steak and chips. How about you?
I wonder who’s going to win this week? ??
I think Bottas is due a win DTS. Hopefully McLaren can get in the points.
And unfunny “comedians.” Should be a special category under the Trades Descriptions Act, allowing for summary execution.
Ethan – as in “My dad couldn’t spell Ethane. Or Methane, possibly.”
Don’t forget Audi and BMW cunts who drive up your arse and complain when you pull them up.
Need a bigger list
I can only imagine that he committed said offence so that someone would want him, Probably the only time he has ever been wanted.
What a sad waste of breathable air and other life affirming substances. On the one hand i want to cunt his parents, but on the other, they may be normal folk but just sired a total cunt. In any event it would be kinder to us all to just give this twat to the Daleks and have him exterminated.
Could it be that Mr. Bramble is the secret love child of Jess Phillips?. There is a resemblance
That’s unfair and hugely offensive, W.C. How could you compare them? A disgusting, ghoulish, slothful stain on its country, endlessly draining society with shitty opinions and Halloween features, is nothing like this Australian cunt.
As a committed layabout myself I must say I’m not impressed that hes defaced himself so as to render himself “Unemployable”.There are far less painful and aesthetically pleasing ways to avoid employment i.e act the fool at interviews,turn up dishevelled and smelly for a job and my personal favourite,read up on psychology and psychiatry and get yourself registered as a manic depressive.All 3 have worked for me in the past but it’s a moot point now as I am old,fat ,unqualified,inexperienced and genuinely unemployable.What a stupid,nasty cunt I’ve been.
But surely, I have seen you on the Liebore front-bench ?
You must be Laydee Thornpiggery…
How dare you Sir,I may be a cunt but I take great offence to being compared to a putrid Hippopotamus who drinks champagne.If I wasnt a craven coward I would challenge you to a duel as it is Ill let you off with a warning.
You think he looks like a cunt now imagine what he’ll look like in 30 years or so!
At least when he’s dead they’ll be able to hang him up as a Halloween decoration.
My taxes pay for morons like this. The only thing he should be good for is target practice for our troops
The cunt would treat the bullet holes as piercings and stick the spent cartridge cases up what remains of his nose and shrunken dick
I have more than a little sympathy for freaks who are biological rarities. These are on full show in the House of Commons.
John Bercow (Tom Thumb)
David Lammy(The Dog Faced Boy)
Dominic Greave(The Elephant Man)
Theresa May(The Bearded Lady)
Rory Stewart(Zip the Pinhead)
Zip the Pinhead was supposed to be particularly interesting. When the curtains of his cage were pulled back, he would scream and shout. However, I can’t fuckin be doing with self inflicted freaks like Bramble. Lock him up in Barnums.
I see the press are in full scale “get bozza” mode – we’ll get Hunt the Cunt and never leave the fucking EU – wait and see.
It’s never been so easy to look alternative. Don’t cover yourself in fucking tattoos, don’t put one of those ridiculous ear stretchers in, don’t act like a cunt. Why is it those that scream look at me the loudest have the least reason to be interesting? Do the world a favour, and top yourself, you attention seeking prick.
Christ, he looks like fucking elephant man.
Is it one of those lizard royals with its mask off?
I bet he gets loads of pussy from SJW birds who think he’s a brave warrior in fight against the weirdocuntphobic patriarchy. Or just want their bean flicked by that tongue.The cunt.
Afternoon all.
Great cunting zippy and sir stoke I had a good laugh after reading your description of this fucked up freak of cunt
Unemployable? TfL will take him on – they had a similar tattooed employee on their website last month. I couldn’t possible post a picture as the cunts would know who sent it. Suffice to say, he would scare some old lady passenger (sorry “customer” in TfL cunt language) shitless. What the fuck has happened to standards in this country. Even the fucking rozzers are covered in tats. I’ve got nothing against tats, especially if they are proper old skool, but the shit that I’ve seen on peoples’ skin. Please, please, please keep it to thissen … At least in the army they were not allowed to be visible.
Yeah im inked up, as are a lot of my mates but if needs must can cover them up simply by putting on a shirt, Ethan would need full letterbox muzzie outfit, only place hes getting a job is in the cantina band in fucking star wars!
I like the word bramble for some reason, probably cause there is good gin cocktail that i like called bramble but its hard to find the blackberry liqueur creme de mure that you need in order to make it. Have to pick up a bottle for myself but have better luck of ordering online then going to the liquor store with the unhelpful cunts I deal with there
That photo could be used as a great reason to outlaw human cloning, but an even better one for human vivisection, what a cock gobbling little twat his family must be so proud, it must have been a misfuck the night that was conceived.
He looks like the sort of Cursed Earth mutant cunt 2000AD’s Judge Dredd would routinely terminate with a high explosive round. Shame the future isn’t right here right now.
Sums up the children of the left-olution. Can’t wait to point and laugh at him getting torn limb from limb by moo-slimes whilst he emasculatedly protests “but, but we were nice to you…”.
Turn this miserable cunt into croc, dingo or bunyip shit post haste.
I actually bet he’s quite popular with the young ladies being young and stupid and still living off mum&dads cash they find him edgy and exciting. But once on the worong side of 30 they’ll realise what an utter selfish, useless, waste of space the narcissistic cunt is.
I didn’t realise in the photo hes doing the gun sign with his hands poor fucker just wants someone to end his misery and shoot him in the head. Will someone hopefully fulfil this poor cunts plea and end his sad life
Cunts like this don’t live to a big age, if drugs don’t get him it will be suicide when he realises that he is a joke non celebrity and nothing more than a sorry sideshow and talentless wank fuck.!