Dating British hipster cunts – notes from a French female reader
Remember when, walking down the street strapped in your tight white pants, you would get deliciously wolf-whistled by construction men? When, on the tube, you would hear ‘I want you’ murmured in your ear and feel a hand against your thigh? When a man (an actual man) would come up to you in a bar and offer you a drink, then an another one, and another one until it all blurred into a sweaty night?
Alas, these days are long gone.
Now, your usual rendez-vous with privileged British white males will go as follows:
First, you will be asked to book a vapid vegan venue where all edibles have been grown within a 2 mile radius. There, the bearded cunt you met through a common hipster friend will avoid your cleavage for the entire evening like it’s some sort of devilish artefact. While he orders his matcha tea with almond milk, he will proceed to drown you in a numbing logorrhoea on meditation, yoga, and travels and after having asked what kind of music you like – probably in the hope of name-dropping his own pathetic spotify-induced discoveries, he will unavoidably lean in, letting a waft of the latest aesop essential oil fragrance tickle your nostrils, and say:
‘Did you go to Burning Man last summer?’
‘No, you wanky wimp, I spend my summers in another desert trying to clean-up the plague your mdma-cash finances’
After an endless hour of his inane karmic-jabbering, he will finally ask to fucking SHARE the bill because he is no chauvinist scumbag. And yes, on the way out, he won’t hold the door for you because being a feminist exempts him from the most bloody basic courtesy.
If tragically, you are weak enough to accept his lame invitation, you shall find yourself stranded in an Ikea demo-flat, with a fixie bike in the living-room, motivational posters on the wall, and one lonely self-help book on the shelf while the twat fiddles with his Bose speaker to play some agonising electronic ’sounds’. The last nail in the coffin of your sex drive will then be hammered when he asks for your consent before turning off the lights and by God shall you endure a very forgettable night with your Prince Cunting, waking up to his bird-chirping-natural alarm clock.
Cunt hipster, give a French girl a break, breath in some toxic masculinity, order a whisky and for all our sakes, be a fucking man.
Nominated by MademoiselleG
I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s nice to finally have some continental representation on these hallowed pages.
And what a fantastic post !
‘Hipsters’ was a type of trousers when I was in my early teens. Think I bought a pair from a shop called Harry Fenton… or was it Carnaby Street?
This country is finished.
Buying clothes in Cuntnaby St.?
You cunt.
Now get your tits out or STFU.
She said she wants a man.
Don’t tell her to get ’em out- take the fuckers out for her!!
‘Common hipster friend’ and ‘vegan venue’ should have been red flags for the cuntishness that awaited.
Millennial men have become quivering nancy girlie- boys whose only interest is virtue signaling and moaning about Trump and Brexit.
Was saying the same thing the other day. I’m an old school bloke polite to women hold doors open, give up a seat etc, but so many “men” now are so effeminate it’s scary. Singing in that wimpy breathy style about being wimps. At least the old darkie fella rappers act like men not very nice ones but talk about shagging and drinking like normal men.
This generation soy latte drinking cunts are going to be the death of our culture.
Just watching the D Day celebrations from pompey and the old boys on there told it like it was, fight and live or fight and die but you have to fight.
Now unless they are moaning about some nonsense racism or sexism or protesting about the Donald, meanwhile real sexism and racism is happening all round the world but in countries they dare not got to, to protest. Millennial, snowflake, hipster cunts.
Bonjour Mademoiselle.
So you’ve met Mr Fiddler then?
“Iz ee the one with ‘No nukes’ on iz black cape and a rainbow flag in iz at?”
Welcome M’lle!
You’ve got all the earmarks of a good contributor!
bet that was written by a bloke.
Check your gender-binary-bias. I’m appalled.
Probably. Unlikely that a French woman would be interested in this site. Probably have their own version in France.
Spot on cunting, though.
Could be Catherine Deneuve…
Or Brigitte Bardot. She hates peacefuls more than anyone.
RTC, I think you must be the best researched contributor to IsAC! I pick up so much information from you and regard you as a far more reliable source than Al-Beeb. Respect.
High praise indeed Bsc! Luckily I have secret access to all No.2’s files…..
I didnt get past tight white pants……
brought back memories from where i used to work of one girl (spanish) who wore tight white pants, the best fucking ass you have ever seen….
Watching her walk up a central staircase and just slightly pushing her hand down from her hip caressing her ass (she knew people were watching).
Fucking lovely!
I theenk zat la Mademoiselle is not Mademoiselle G at all – she iz likely to be le Kevin from le Wezt Midlands wiz le ‘airy danglees bits as opposed to la firm titties and tight white panties.
Bon appetit!
Sounds like a b grade 70s Porn start. I feel a semi coming on
Change UK gone down the shitter, a good day to bury bad news!
What is left of the rag and bone party must be happy Trump is in town!
Six of their MP’s have left .. SPLITTERS !
Soubry is the new ‘ leader ‘.
Oh my fucking sides ….
Get to fuck.
With that news, I am just picturing Blakey from On the Buses giving that lop-sided mouthed giggle when Stan and Jack befell poor fortune.
“Aaahhh, you’ve made my day, Butler, you ‘av”
What a bunch of gutless cunts! They desert their original parties because they think the grass is greener etc.And then they quickly realise no one gives a shit about Change, so they fuck that off in the hope of looking for a new home!
Whatever happened to dedication and loyalty? And how can anyone take these cunts seriously anymore? And what is more they’re still getting paid a salary plus expenses while wandering around like fucking nomads looking for a home!
Fuck ’em
Apparently, she’s been “elected”.
There’s only 5 of the cunts!
I bet the others all go crawling back up the arses of their respective mother parties…..
We sophisticates must stick together together on this site of rough,coarse barbarians, Mademoiselle. I sense in you the elan and style so rare in this the ” Age of the Pleb”. Breeding and refinement are dirty words to so many these days.
I,of course,am neither a hipster or a footy- shirt-wearing chav…so,indeed,a rarity in modern Britain. I have often been likened to a young David Niven…dashing,debonair and ruthlessly charming. Of course,such qualities cannot be learned,one must be bred and correctly raised in order to become a true English Gentleman…there are so few of us these days,alas.
I feel that we should meet so that I can restore your faith in British manhood. I have booked us an intimate table at Galvin La Chapelle, Spitalfields 8.30,Saturday night. Rest assured that I will neither ignore your cleavage or offer to split the bill. My ” fragrance” will undoubtedly come as a pleasant surprise too, a heady mixture of silage and old dog fox,apparently.
‘Til Saturday,ma chère.
PS…you’re not that auld slapper that I did up La Pigalle over the bonnet of a Citroen 2CV last time I was in Paris for the racing, are you ?
Great Cunting…..”Mademoiselle” indeed
I think that the use of the word “logorrhoea” gives us a fair hint just who “Mademoiselle” may be,
Caught out?
a tendency to extreme loquacity.
Barely does him justice really…..I miss him.
The Latin terminology would have made it too easy, you need another ISAC nemesis to pit your wits against Mr Fiddler.
I do as well Mr F. A very brilliant post by him not long ago. When I think I more fully understood what he was about. I was confused..
Still a bit naughty this.
Naughty caughty.
I am reliably informed by my 2 year old granddaughter that Madamoiselle G is no other than Georgia Gazelle the daughter of Madame Gazelle who is Peppa Pig’s teacher at Peppa’s playgroup. She is also lead singer, guitarist and lyricist of the group ‘The Rocking Gazelles’. If you don’t believe me, click on this link.
I think you’ll find M’lle that they are just as much warriors as the D day boys of 75 years ago.
Owen Jones said 250 000 would be demonstrating against Trump but only
8000 turned up because it was raining and their mums stopped them going out. See what i mean, macho warrors all!
There cant have been that many, the BBC were stugling to find people to interview, they even had a couple from Holland who had made the trip to protest (lying cunts, probably on holiday and nothing to do on a shit day) and then they found a brainwashed kid…. his fucking parents should be reported to social services for mental cruelty.
Fucking spot on from Trump, he said Steptoe request a meeting and Trump told him to fuck off…..
Trump 1000 – Steptoe 0.
Looking at the tv news, I’ve never seen so many childish people in one place. When these twats are interviewed, I immediately ask myself “what the fuck do I have in common with these people?” I feel completely embarrassed.
I hear comrade Catweazle requested a meeting with the Orange Racist Devil and was told to fuck off. Quite right. Why would the President of the United States want to be harangued by a scruffy student union leader from the 1970’s.
The daft cunt really hasn’t got a clue.
He’d be here forever if he had to meet every joker.
14.00 Steptoe
14.05 Cable Guy
14.08 Chucky
14.09 Green leader
14.10 Pritti Patel
15.30 Zelda May
15.33 Little feller in charge of the SNP
Excellent post!!
Seriously how utterly clueless is catweazel? First up he snubs the DON and calls him a few names, then lines himself up at the anti trump demonstration as a fucking speaker? And then thinks that trump would be happy to sit down for a chin wag?
How fucking naive are you cunt???
All the while his camel jockey son of a bus driver cunt of a London major is calling potus a “ fascist ‘ and hanging the far right tag on tango man whilst laughing as the trump giant baby blimp gets hoisted over the capital again…..
They’ve both mad complete fools of themselves and have embarrassed the country!! Fucking pathetic pair of cunts
Spot on Q although a quick gander at Genghis and the swivel eyed lunatics twitter account tells a different story. No, I am not a tweeter but it does give a certain yardstick as to what people outside of the Londonistan bubble (and the few good white men left in certain parts) really think about the self aggrandising pair of cunts. I was pleasantly surprised to read that the twatters hate old CorBin bag and Genghis quite as much as the cunts on the hallowed pages of ISAC – and sometimes with the same expletives. Out of maybe 20 tweets that I read 18 were absolutely scathing about the loony and the muslim. Common thread being “instead of preaching diversity start spending some time on figuring out why your fellow muslims and dark keys are making Londonistan and its stabby shooty inhabitants and just fucking stop the carnage”. Nobody seems to trust the loony who spoke on the same platform as some anti-Semite Hamas loving t0wel head at the Dons “not welcome here” demo. A man who puts his country and its people first making illegal immigrants – well – illegal. Meanwhile he shares a platform with a man who would use “any means necessary” to remove the military from the worlds dangerous shitholes, all the while the half witted libtard cunts clap like seals at Seaworld. Glad that most of his “supporters” couldnt get the day off school, that just left the wrinkly – work 2 miles from home and recycle used tampons brigade. It was just missing a lightning strike to burn a few to a frazzle. Just who the fuck actually likes Corbyn and Genghis?
Why isnt this post written in French???
by a cunning linguist
That’s a very tongue in cheek remark..
Still don’t know what a hipster is, don’t really care. Maybe if I was a hipster I’d attract better women but I ain’t about to put it to the test.
A hipster is an individual who rejects all modern fads and fashions in favour of what is real. That’s why they dress as lumberjacks and have beards and drink craft beer. Everything is authentic see. They reject fashion.
Right, thanks, like monty python?
And they’re unique…… Which is why they all dress alike.
Apologies… I missed out the short sided haircut with that fucking stupid slicked back man-bun.
Hipsters were originally decent,down to earth heroin addicts from America who preferred injecting their Ambrosia via the hip rather than leg or arm.I dont know how the term ended up being used to describe bearded cunts in trendy parts of Londonista.
“walking down the street strapped in your tight white pants” ?
Mon dieu, toi cochon (mais evidement un garçon anglais parce qye le mots et syntax sont jusque parfait) ! C’est un plaisenterie, non.
Pants? It was either a hot day or you were gagging for it.
Interesting……I’m still cautious. Tell you what Madam….convince me…send a picture of your armpits.
‘I’m still cautious’
Yes, a young French woman using phrases like “bearded cunt” is stretching credulity just a tad I think.
Wanquere bearded qunts et phuquits. Mais oui.
Brilliant Sheikh!
Merci. Ah phaaaart een zere general direction.
Cunters I can confirm MademoiselleG is indeed an imposter.
I just met her in the Wank Bank and can confirm it’s actually Julia HB and when I left her she was still doing naked star jumps.
What happened to the anti Trump demo? 250,000? Me no think so..
Midget cunt Sadiq Khan and Comrade Corbinski got a BIG fuck off when the Donald refused to meet them.
Ha,Ha Ha.
I just hope that Trump doesn’t come to regret the fabulous once in a lifetime opportunity of meeting the great Comrade Catweazle and his brilliant ideas for the future of the UK based on the successful Venuzuelan model.
Who knows he may have got to meet that other genius Abbottpotamus who would outglamour the first lady obviously.
I don’t know about outglamour but she’d certainly put her in the shade, especially if she’s standing anywhere close.
I had two great years going out with a French girl, she was funny as fuck. Her language on times could make a docker blush, and she could rant for planet earth, just like we do here. Good times…
I remember a French girl at college. She must have had the wettest twat imagineable.
Marine Le Pen ?
Possibly, this bird had one green eye and one blue.
what in God’s name was a ‘jeepster’ ala Marc Bolan ?
A homosexual man who drove a pink Wrangler Jeep with chrome studded black leather upholstery.
When I first came in contact with the Chelsea Shed at Stamford Bridge it was one of the most infamous and intimidating places around… Now the once feared Shed has a bar in that sells papaya juice… Bloody papaya juice in the Chelsea Shed… No doubt there for the new man vegan manicured poofy bearded hipster snowflake cunts that now infest every football ground in the Premier League…
Doc’s Red Army!
Does anyone know the identity of the cake infused blonde bobbed cunt that was screaming ‘Nazi Scum’ into the face of the bloke wearing the MAGA cap and who got ‘milkshaked’ in London today?
I’d love to know.
Typical fat pointless slag, dried up quim and fuck all to smile about. Should have booted it in the Cunt, it would have suddenly remembered that it was female, as they always do, when it fucking suits them.
Her Twitter handle and first name are visible if you go and look at Paul Joseph Watson’s Twitter feed.
However, she closed that sharpish and privatised her Instagram account. So much for fucking bravery, the fuck-faced cunt.
Fucking spineless cunt.
Let’s hope the ISAC ‘Community’ can come together and ‘reach out’ to Helen.
I don’t know why but I think she’s probably called Helen.
Helen is reaching out to be kicked in the cunt
It’s Siobahn, apparently.
Cheers Empire.
Found the bitch.
Siobahn Prigent, a cursory search on google finds the cunt works at Hammersmith Hospital.
Would be good to know her address.
As a bin for the dissected tumours and other clinical waste delicacies.
‘Sweetbreads, ma’am?’
The fat bitch is as mad as a box of frogs I know that.
When one of her fellow libtards was trying to keep her away from that bloke did she say “ I don’t need any advice from another white man?”
Did anyone catch that or is it my hearing?
Just heard on the radio that’s exactly what the bitch said. Doesn’t that just sum it up……..the hierarchy of victim hood among the SJWs?
The bloke should have said, “i’m a non binary and i’ve converted to Islam…… fuck you fat bitch”.
These people live on a different fucking planet. Insulated from reality by by constant immersion in derranged leftist and feminazi websites.
All in all I’m utterly embarressed by the behaviour of the ‘protesters’. Love or loathe Trump, the so-called left have proved themselves just plain rude. Nobody likes Teresa May, but if American protesters treated her the way Trump was I’d be pissed right off. She may be a cunt, but she’s OUR cunt. I’m ashamed to be British tonight.
Or imagine the Mayor of New York approving a massive dirigible portraying Mavis as some hunchbacked old crone?
Or a model of Her Maj sitting on the bog?
Wouldn’t fucking happen. The likes of Steptoe, Suckdick, Nugee etc just have no class. That’s not satire that’s kids stuff, strictly for kids.
A shame these bastards (especially that ugly fat femstapo fuck) weren’t around ‘protesting’ when Maggie was in charger… The fat psychotic anti-white man pig would have been put on the spit for a fucking start…
‘High likelihood of human civilisation coming to end’ by 2050, report finds.
Good evening.
Doesn’t give it much time to start, then.
Christ I am sick of these environmental alarmists. Some cunt the other day banging on there’s 18 months left to reduce emissions or we’re fucked. I hope somebody puts the cunt back on the air and asks him ‘right, now that deadline’s passed we may as well say fuck it, yes?’. Just listen to cunt squirm then.
Fuck this shit.
It’s all bollocks Mandroidz.
If it is so clear cut, why don’t the worlds top scientists agree?
Some cunt in 1970 said something similar about it going tits up in 1995….
These fuckheads make me laugh… We still have nuclear weapons, the peaceful filth are spreading like a disease, and these spazflakes are more worried about the weather being a threat?! Fucking cunt trombones, each and every one…
Willie – good article by Toby Young in the Spectator … he researched some climate change carbage reported by the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation ( think it was a couple of weeks back) saying 1 M species face extinction in 10 years ………. turns out the cunts at the BBC had swallowed whole a press release from a climate organisation which when considered ( and quite apart from only being descriptive of a report they had yet to publish) was in fact a real stretch of various interpretations of evidence. To you and me frankly hysterical ‘utter bollox’. This is how people get whipped up into a frenzy!!!
Best news ive heard this week. I should be on my death bed by then, and hooe to go out laughing.
What happened to Madmoiselle???
Max Factor !
Apparently Her Majesty has taken to Big Don (eat it and choke, snowflakes)… Got to admire the Trump…Takes no shit from anyone, least of all the son of a bitch/bus driver cunt trying to turn London into Islamabad…
Viva Big Don!
Nice Post! My generation have been demonised by the virtue signalling leftie twats. This in my view is down to life being easier than it was 25 years ago and parents being softer. At some point this will all change ( a shock to the system – economic or even a war) and with it Men and Women will recognise that difference is a good thing and there is no need to pretend we are all the same in every respect – tip toeing all over the place for f we of offence. Unfortunately for the no doubt lovely MG it will be too late for this turn around. I hope there is a remnant of a past ‘proper male’ out there for you ……. meantime I like your style and will watch out for your future posts!
Kids arent even allowed to piss about on park swings and roundabouts anymore coz of Elf an Safety, in the good old days children were even politically astute,look at these urchins giving the fascist salute years before Hitler and Mussolini