A cunting please for Danny Dyer.
Since discovering that he is descended from Edward III and William the Conqueror, Dyer ( or HRH Prince Danny Duke of Cunts as he is now known) has become an insufferable knob head. It got worse when he discovered that he was also descended from a saint, in this case King Louis IX of France (later canonised as St Louis).
Dyer was a remainder cunt before this, raging over Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum on the EU. But know he knows he can cure scrofula with his royal touch he gone overboard, even announcing that Shamima Begum may return to the UK to receive his royal forgiveness.
What this cunt has forgotten is that nearly every one that can trace their family history back more than 700 years will find a king or two in their family tree.
Fuck off.
Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
The very latest pictures of this professional Dick Van Dyke voice coach show that age is catching up with him fast.
He is carrying a bit of timber now, so much that he is morphing into Liberal loving Ian Hislop.
Would be interesting if he is invited on HIGNFY as you would probably struggle to tell the two apart. It would only become clear when Dyer opens his pie hole and his brain comes a tumbling out.
The caaaaaant.
You missed that episode did you Paul?
I did indeed. Did I.miss much?
You certainly missed having your piss boiled Paul, but fuck all else. One of the last episodes screened at Creampuff Manor before it was banned forever. The clip tells you all you need to know…
Thanks RTC. I stopped watching it years ago. Hislop ably illustrates his credentials as a premier league, wobbly jewelled old bag of cunt.
Jowelled. Not jewelled.
I banned Private Eye as well, it use to have a go at everyone, much like this site but it is now turned into a left wing remaining load of crap. Richard Ingrams must be quite upset about it.
Don’t know much about this tosser but seems to be an illiterate ignorant cunt-apologist. I hope he gets amononia blasted in his face by a burka wearing peaceful.
Is, was, and always will be a pwopah muggy cant.
We all have a endless family geaneology going back in time simply because we exist now means we must have a past ineage and all of us have a connection to each other if you go back far enough. Going forward maybe not,depends on if you have children or not.
But knowing I’m in someway related to cunts in Africa, peaceful, or worse Danny “fucking” Dyer™ is not a comfort.
I think I would rather be related to Mr. Dyer than Dominic Grieve or Gaylord Adonis – that pair would be a matter of real shame. Mr D can’t help being a cunt, the other two take evening classes for it.
We all have Neanderthal DNA, I guess Dyer has more than most.
And living in London helps bring it to the fore.
It sounds like he’s hot a very sticky turd between his molars. What an irritating cliche this idiot is.
My opinion doesn’t get reported, if it did I’d be ripped to shreds and have to join Twatter to grovel and apologise.
Why does the opinion of any actor or pop bimbo carry any weight if it’s not related to their profession?
Shit actor who is now only famous for working on a soap opera, the story lines are dire.
Danny Dire? ?
Not forgetting his Discovery Channel UFO documentary and straight to DVD zombie film.
In his mind, it puts him in the same league as Orson Wells or Laurence Olivier…
Watched the genealogy programme about Danny, and enjoyed it, Mr Dyer was charming, funny, and enthusiastic. His professional cockney barrowboy, up the apple n pears, alwight my son? Mike Reid impersonation is refreshing and never gets old! Gawd bless yer me old cockle hope your on our screens more often! Talent will out.
Yer avin a bubble arn yer?
Mornin miserable!
Morning Blunt me old cock sparra!
Faaahk me, ee’s saaach a faaahkin caaaant!
Viz Comic’s Cockney Wanker needs to shut his fucking pie hole…
Think Lee Mack based his cockney on Danny”fucking”Dyer™
Off with his head.
Get To Fuck.
I’d box his ears for him nothing but a scrote A proper lightweight.
You should take him to work with you George . A day in the sand pit with the crazy ragheads trying to slot him would rein him in a bit.
Good call matey but I don’t think hard man Danny would cut it somehow As I’ve said a proper lightweight.
The problem with all this ancestral research is that you often end up with a vast amount of cringe making embarrassment as well as the “direct descendant of Charles the amazing of lower Moldavia”. A very good chance of finding one is a distant descendant of Brawnn the sheep shagging bandit, or Simon the sodomite or some such colourful character. Not really something to advertise if one is an important celebrity type person with well thought out and researched opinions on today’s affairs. I bet the persons who investigated old Dyers family tree found a couple of right cunts lurking amount the mists of time. Turned up some right crackers when I looked into my past.
‘..Turned up some right crackers when I looked into my past.’
One of my great grandmothers died in the police cells..
One side of my family had a branch involved in the ‘service industry’ of a local port town…so many children…so many different fathers..
The ‘gentry’ ancestors in my family history were a right shower of violent drunken cunts, plain and simple, pissed and gambled the family fortunes and estates away…
My brother in law got me to trace his family, his sister in the states had a bit of a disagreement with him regarding some of the dates and names, let’s say they were less than pleased when I found the period newspaper article about the court case where their great-great grandfather and his family had murdered their great-great grandmother..hence the fudged family history re names and dates…
Skeletons and closets, eh?
Regarding these ‘celebrity’ cunts and their pedigrees, isn’t it fucking amazing how they’re all descended from the offspring of royals, bastard or otherwise, and not one of them, despite their obvious professional leanings in the direction and being so full of it, claims descent from good old George de Gongfermour?
I’d fuck his daughter.
I bet she’s ‘ad his ‘Ampton Wick up ‘er Aris a few times,the dirty brass.
Cockney Hard-Man,indeed.
Fuck Off.
I would make sure you are bagged up Dick. It sounds as if she has had more gone through her than the Blackwall Tunnel.
I’d recommend wrapping it in a discardGolden Wonder* cheese & Onion crisp packet.
* Other makes of crisp packet are available.
Utter turd and BBC luvvy who thinks that because he plays ‘ard geezas, he fucking IS one. But yes, I’d roger his daughter ragged.
‘Eees a pwopah caant.
Just about everyone in the UK is probably descended from Edward III (barring peacefuls, new arrivals in the form of Africunts etc.:
“Conclusion: there is an extremely high probabilty that a modern English person with predominantly English ancestry descends from Edward III, at a very minimum over 99%, and more likely very close to 100%…..”
“I’m welated to woyalty me old china” is an argument used by common-as-muck cunts like useless shitcunt “actor” and all-round bellend Dyer to counter claims that
a- they’re common-as-muck, and
b- they’re a cunt.
I don’t see how being related to royalty counters the claims that you’re a cunt, I mean look at Prince Andrew.
Since we are paying £2.4m for Ginger pubes and his Mrs to refit their cottage on the Windsor Estate will his Royal Geezerness be putting in a request for his humble Essex gaff?
The “royal” pair should be forced to let El Don stay there on his UK trips as part of the package, the ungrateful, parasitic whelks.
Need to putting in a spray tan room for Big Dons Sunny D glow and temperature controlled rooms to keep his barnet from going off-piste.
On Trump visits, dress that uppity Meaghan strumpet in a maid uniform and have her scrub the shithouse pan clean after the daily Twitter-inspired draining of Big Don’s big bog logs.
Think Danny was voicing the opinions of those he hears around him, he moves in luvvie circles so hears luvvie talk , hes not the sharpest of tools after all, Danny if your ever up north and fancy a late drink, i advise you to be yourself! Oh and flaunt your cash, try and get everyone in a drunken rendition of ‘roll out the barrel’ we northerners are known for our friendliness and warmth to strangers! Oh and tease the locals about theyre local football team we love a bit of banter! Youll have a cracking time….
‘ow can ‘e ‘ave a pop at deir football teams when ‘es an ‘ammer suppor’er? Do me a fayvour, wiw ya?
You’re ‘aving a giraffe, ya Norvern monkey. Wind yer neck in.
Skull-cracking time maybe…. ?
Cant stand this cunt. Part of the ITV gravy train of Essex celebrities. Celebrities because we are told they are, not because they have any ounce of talent. Manufactured bollocks. Love island to I’m a celebrity get me out of here to TOWIE. And round and round they go until some one drops off or kills themselves. Good morning.
Fucking spasticated heel kicking chim chimeney cunt. Ray Winstone’s apprentice.
Jog on you mug….
That Ray Winstone also needs a slap he needs to go on P Company sharpish the fat bastard Another one of the so called Hard Men What a fucking clown have you noticed they both walk the same a bit like the old Hoffmister Bear minus the trilby
Yeah, like that other thick cunt Lord Garfield Linewank, too much time mixing with the limp wristed libtards at the BBC has made Danny think he is one of them.
You never can be Danny. You’re their pet monkey boy project. They laugh at you behind your back you soppy cunt.
Tell him freddie! True Danny ive heard em! They snigger at you in rehearsal, giggle because you dont know which is your fish knife while dining at the Ivy, your acting skills are mocked by all, they think your common,mainly the gays they can be bitchy and cruel! Suggest you fackin show em son, poison the water dispenser with turps!!!
Boris is obfuscating like crazy on Nick Ferrari programme right now. I feel a car crash coming on…
Christ the guys gone from hero to zero in 3 days. Who’d of thought Jeremy Cunt could become PM?
And the good lord sent a plague of communists upon them.
Fuck me the Tories are working hard at getting Corbyn elected.
More like getting themselves unelected. Cunts.
Now now leave Danny boy alone.
A proper lad… Hard man obviously not but a good laugh.
He like most other celebrities say one thing but believe another… He’s from Canning town and now lives in Essex… He fucked off from the shit hole, a West Ham fan as well so has probably shouted the odd racist chant back in the day.
A family man so has to make sure the bills get paid and in his profession leaning or showing right wing attitudes is not wise.
He’s playing the game and getting paid for it.
Good luck to the cunt.
Go fuck yourselves.
What this stupid cunt doesn’t realise is, that the days of chirpy Cockneys, Bow Bells, pearly kings and queens are all drawing to an end. It’s ironic that we in the suburbs are more likely to understand what ‘es on abahhht than the average ‘Londoner’.
Sorry Danny, it’s even too late for Extinction Rebellion to save you.
Sorry, meant provinces not suburbs. Although I don’t know! I’m that fuckin’ confused, I tried to sign in to my Asda account this morning as ‘Bluntspeakingcunt’
What this odiot fails to take into account is that 90% pf indigenous Brits are descended from William the Conqueror. Indeed both my self and my wife are descended from Earl Hugh Kevelioc of Chester, William’s g-g-grandson.
So fucking what, you twat?!?!?!?!
He’s just denied Steve Bannon has anything to do with his campaign. Hmmm. I hope for his sake that’s true. If it isn’t , he’s toast.
Steve Bannon isn’t an idiot, I’m surprised he’s not denying it himself.
What’s one more lie when it’s Boris?
That staged photo he cynically fed to the media is likely to have a far greater negative impact on his campaign than whether or not he gets advice from Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon thinks he did. At which point there’s a very difficult question: which is the bigger liar?
The sooner the Tory Party dies the better and Hunt the Cunt will get the job done much quicker.
I’m backing Jeremy for this one.
If the tory party dies the marxists could all but destroy this country in the space of a parliament. It’s no joke.
Don’t see it. The remoaner wanker vote will be split between Tory/ Labour / Lib Dumbs/ Greens and SNP leaving Sir Nigel to come steaming up the middle. Boris gives Tory leavers hope…….which he can’t satisfy even if he wanted to. Mind you, if he does get in it will really wind up the Libtards so win win as far as i’m concerned.
Catweazle must have a scent of it in his nostrils right now …
POWER. We’re doomed I tell you – doomed!
He’ll be shitting himself with fear!
Indeed RTC. Cacking his pants at the though of having to “walk the walk” instead of just talking the talk.
I would almost enjoy watching him gain power, then fall apart like a chinese motorbike…
Chinese motorbikes not up to much Mr B? Last motorbike I had was a Honda 250 in 1970…
Caught a bit of Boris on Nick Ferraris show and he did the typical not answering the question and going on abaaaaaht a load of other things.
Whether you like it or not we need something different in a leader, unpredictability etc. Anything has to be better than the robotic cunts we have had lately who have got us nowhere.
Sometimes you need to play the wild card.
Go for it Boris.
In the spirit of Blairs campaign… Things can only get better.
Piss off.
Everyone’s allowed to make the occasional mistake but Johnsons( I refuse to call him Boris) are just too numerous to be acceptable. We all deserve better than him.
Looks like he has a chromasomal deficiency.
Danny Dyer is a West Ham CUNT
Makes me laugh when hear him refered to as a hard man, I remember when he was going round meeting real hard cunts before cuntenders and he was shifting himself, Billy the limpet is as true to life. He’s a pure undiluted bottle of cunt.