A red and yellow equals orange cunting please for this self-satisfied, too easily pleased with himself, greasy looking motherfucker.
Chuka used to be a right wing Labour MP who in the old days in 1997 would have been straight up Anthony Blair’s arsehole from the back benches, but alas Chukaspear didn’t come along early enough to crawl his way into a Blair cabinet, and to his horror he found that his leader was old Steptoe. He didn’t fancy being Harold to his Albert, so, after a leadership campaign of his own, aided by his dear friend Mangledbum, which lasted all of 48 hours, he minced into the back benches where, along with Simon Danzuk (remember him – whatever happened to him and his lovely beard?) they would snipe away like a pair of disgruntled old queens.
In February this year Chuka and Anna Soubry set up “The Independent Group” which begat “Change UK” which begat The Anna Soubry Quintet. Now our hero was alone and decided to sit as an Independent, but sadly Chuka alone didn’t get enough press attention, for his preening self-importance, but now he has announced he has joined the Liberal Democrats, and he and old uncle Vince have become the new Ant & Dec, slapping each other on the back and real bosom pals.
I wonder if Chukup would have been so quick to join the LDs if they hadn’t done so *well* in the recent EU elections?
Meanwhile Chukaduckie has now been in 3 political parties this year and has not submitted himself for re-election to his bemused electorate who, probably like Chuka himself, or his lovely wife (is she not fragrant?) doesn’t know which way he swings.
Umunna is the epitome of crawling, careerist, shit-eating grin, unprincipled motherfucker MPs, who changes his opinions more often than Jess Phillips changes her knickers.
Who knows, if Uncle Vince disappoints, the ever moving Chuka might next join the Tories and become Dominic Grieve’s toyboy. After all, as Lord Adonis would tell you – there is nowt so queer as folk.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Since leaving UK shores I only seem to hear about more ‘mainstream’ cunts, even digging into my dear Lancashire local news this cunt has never crossed my horizon.
However, based on the OP description and the mention of a Liberal Democrat, Labour and unpopular ‘popularist’ attempt, the guy is a massive cunt.
Where did you emigrate to – Easter Island? You must have heard of Chuckup Yerbhuna? He stood for the Labour Party leadership in 2015 and then withdrew days later to “ spend more time with his family”
Dunno why to save time all political parties dont add upchuck amumu’s name to their subs bench, let him come and go as he pleases? He’ll join fucking anything! From the monster raving loonie party to the klu klux klan.
Great cunting WC. Hits the nail firmly on the head.
Have always detested the smug fucker, and was hoping he might fuck off into obscurity.
Should have known better and that cunts like this linger like an unflushable turd.
I have never liked this cunt and now have zero respect for the self serving pile of political dog turd.
To fuck off from his party is one thing, maybe he can justify not having a bi election sitting on his precious arse as an independent.
But no, this cunt has to join in with his mates to form a brand new party which most people would think is a significant divergence from his original stance as a labour politician.
Not content with his new found lovers he has ditched them for the fucking bum bandit party.
Chuckacunt says our politics is broken and i would agree anyone who switches partners like a Peter Stringfellow car key romp (note, I have no idea if stringfellow ever had these, just made it up for effect) is indeed broken and needs to resign immediately and seek a re-election.
Off all the people who are cunted on here this fucker deserves it more than most!
No doubt Chuckacunt will get behind Uncle Vince in order to either stab him in the back and become party leader; or fuck him up the arsehole, and become party leader.
But I hope his constituents tell him to fuck off and die, because whatever he says won’t be worth the shitroll its written on because he has no dedication or integrity – he just wants power.
And he is sucking up to the LibDums because they could hold the balance of power come the next election, in much as they did with the Tories a few years back when they formed a coalition government. And that’s what Cunto is hoping for at the next election.
He will no doubt cross swords with Jo Swinson, a woman whom he has insulted on more that one occasion. Jo Swinson is an arrogant cunt, who sees herself as the natural choice to replace Cablecar. She won’t take too kindly to this fuckerchukker !
Plenty of room for some virtue signalling between the two of them then: “I is a feminista wimminz” and “I is oppressed black, innit!”
Popcorn at the ready then
Once touted as “the British Obama”.
Nuff said.
Think you must mean Michael, don’t you Capt?
I’m not sure. All these black fellows look the same to me.
Except this one’s not gay and married to a tranny.
ChuckyToysOutDePram must spend a ridiculous amount of time updating his CVs and e-mail addresses:
I’d advise him to secure chucky@greenPartyinAcave.co.uk and chucky@snpScottishNaziParty.co.eu fairly soon and to practise his Edinburgh dialect.
“Oh aye, av always bin prood o’ma Scottish ancestry and ah divnae like the Brexi’ thingy. Ah love Yorkshire puddings an’ the wee Guinness an’ stuff. Och aye, top of the morning!”
The silly cunt is so obviously power-crazed…he’s running out of options.
Silly nonce would probably try for UKIP or The Brexit party, he’s so stupid.
The Anna Soubry Quintet…Hmmmm – guess they specialise in scat, and not the jazz sort either.
A typical Key of the Dark who has managed to ingratiate himself into western society by subtle means, but who harbours a deep and dark ancestral past in the darkest jungle of the Africunt Cuntinent. Chukka Dukky is indeed a cunt !
What a prime example of getting your nose in the trough.
No policies of worth, (so he’s in the right party this time), and scared stiff of trying to earn an honest living.
This lying cunt would say anything to salvage his political career, If he stands again for the limp undemocrats lets hope everyone remembers what a bastard he is.
He needs a “safe” Lib seat. ( very few and far between ) His own constituency are unlikely to vote Liberal……he’s fucked .
Ole man river!
Get back to the cotton field,it ain’t gonna pick itself.
Um bongo,um bongo, they drink it in Stretham.
This brave lad entered the leadership of the Liebour party for 2 maybe even 3 whole days before pulling out because someone from the press wanted to know the name of his ‘partner’.
Churchill this cunt ain’t.
Another Nigerian millionaires Son and as smug as fuck He loves himself He will jump on anything that floats. Vince Cable be careful or you will soon feel the knife in your back
We hope!
“Go back to your constituencies and prepare for Gov…uhh… ? “
Yeh, looking at that photo, smug is what immediately comes to mind. Looking in the Urban Dictionary, the definition of the word smug could have been created completely with him in mind
The name given to someone when they consistently and without compromise look down on others with contempt using a wry smile or grin oozing superiotity. This attitude is often preceded with a sense of self entitlement and/or a daddy complex. There is generally a bit of “me me me” about this person.
Good cunting. This cunt is laughable.
He is like one giant rat leaving a succession of sinking ships, not for any deep seated, personal convictions and beliefs reason, but because he wishes to remain reasonably ‘high profile’ in the political arena. It is all about his narcissism and ego.
Labour are a pile of shite and run by a highly unpopular, batshit crazy, terrorist sympathiser – ooh no, let’s leave that shit behind.
Post EU elections, it appears that Change UK are about as popular as a fart in a lift – ooh no, fuck that bollockry and let’s go ‘Independent’ again.
So now he has copped on that everyone will give even less of a fuck about the unprincipled, self-serving fuckhead and he will just disappear up his own arsehole into oblivion, he has joined the Liberal Democrats as they appear to be his best bet (stifles a laugh.)
Not only is Umunna laughable, but so is Grandpa Vince, giving it the big ‘Welcome home Son’, arse licking, gushing statements about how he ‘could lead the Lib Dems one day’ (stifles a retch.)
The about face hypocrisy of politics and the cunts who are in it is hilarious.
I wish there was a law that prevented politicians from “walking the floor” and just joining another party, just like that!
It feel so undemocratic, as well as being a big “fuck you” to the people who voted for him/her in the first place.
I don’t care if all the cunts play musical parties but each time the constituency should be forced to hold a by-election, preferably at the expense of the party getting a free MP, or they can change at General Election time.
I think the phrase is ‘crossing the floor’ (of the house) NoCunt. Mind you ‘walking the floor’ is more appropriate for Chucka- he doesn’t know where to sit.
Wonder how much fried chiggun, melon, and white wumman the Lib Dems promised old Chukka?
Way down deep in di middle o’ di Congo….
Are you sure it am de white wummun Norman and not LGBTMGBGTV8 dat he am bin promised?
What this site needs is the occasional bit of soft porn to help relieve some of the vent and tension with all these cunts on offer!
How about a pic of Flabbot in a gymslip, bending over a table? (am sure Admin can come up with something inventive)
I bet McVey was a goer back in the day…
Allowing Chuka into the Lib Dem’s says as much about the libdems as it does him. He’s got no scruples, as long as he gets to feel important he’s in. The limp dims may be the real sims here. No loyalty Chuka is embraced for his seat in Parliament. If they had 60 MP’s they might of made a big thing about principles and told him to fuck off.
Desperate old Vintz, like sad cunt taking a prostitute to a family function, everyone knows she’s a whore but they all know you’re desperate and can’t get your MP’s elected.
Double cunt
Don’t be surprised if the rest of the “Change” party move in with the Lib Dums,
It’s gratifying to see all his old comments rubbishing the Lib Dem’s have been dragged up.
“The Lib Dem’s can’t be trusted on anything” really tickles me.
Well you’re right Chuka, you must feel like you found the promised land.
“taking a prostitute to a family fnction.”
– ha ha, excellent smile, Sixdog.
The Anna Soubry Quintet…sounds like a reet dirty scat band. And I don’t mean jazz, either.
Chuckudder is an unprincipled,hypocritical,two faced,mendacious,Champagne swigging,supercilious,chip on shoulder,snobbish,unintelligent back stabbing Son of a Cunt.The boy has a great political career ahead of him.
Astonishing how this toad has the temerity to switch teams at the drop of a hat. Change Uk indeed. Change your colours every five minutes, more like.
Latent slurper of the cock, blatant hater of Democracy.
He’s defo a glop gargler. That’s why he pulled out of the lab leadership contest. He was about to be unmasked as a cockrider. As well as a smug cunt.
If you ever have the misfortune to meet this cunt Chuka banana…. that is all.
These cunts called ‘politicians’ have no actual policies. They just complain about the tories, how they would do everything better becuase they’re ‘fresh’. Fuck off.
Nah! His next party will be The Greens. Even he’s not stupid enough to join the Conservatives, which won’t be viable unless by some miracle Bojo DOES get us out by October 31st.
The UnfuckingLiberal Dumbo-crats really ARE a crowd of cunts to allow that greasy jungle-cunt to join them. Especially after the greasy duplicitous cunt bad mouthed them from here to the fucking moon and back. It says all you need to know about all of these cunts.