Another nomination for channel 4 – this time for an hour long cuntfest, literally, called ‘100 Vaginas’ where Laura Dodsworth,whoever the fuck she is, asked 18 women about how their vagina has shaped their lives. This abomination was on on the 27th, apparently.
18 women and 100 vaginas, still trying to work that one out.
I suppose this was the TV version of Radio 4’s wimminz hour.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
Wimmin are obsessed with their vaginas. Why is that? Is it because they are frustrated lesbians?
Why not “100 Cunts”?
Sounds like the House of Commons bar.
or a “cuntury”? Like a century? Or a “cunturion” in a Roman Army?
Sorry, I’ll stop now.
“You’re going to find me (ba ba ba baaa) way out in the cuntry”
No keep going that’s quite good!
Weekend Wimminz Hour was on about masturbation, for the few seconds it took to get to the off switch. No hint of a ‘some people might find this offensive’ warning, either.
Will we see a Chanel 4 “ Me and my dick” programme- for the sake of equality. 100 men on how their dicks have shaped their life.
I know how my dick has shaped my life. I’ve been led by it the past 40 years.
Imagine the feminist outrage as 100 men discuss how their dicks have influenced them to wank over pictures of big tits and to penetrate members of the fair sex when they got lucky or the wife’s in a good mood.
It’s fucking pathetic that they present this shit like it’s some sort angel-hearted exploration of a gift from god all fluffy clouds and choirs – but of course if a man shows interest in pleasuring himself he’s the saddest cunt that ever lived and men led around by their cocks are some kind of modern evil. Fuck ’em.
Watched a documentary on sex tech a while back, and the looming promise of robotic sex dolls was discussed, with the usual mustachio’d feminists claiming “objectification of wahmen!”
Yet, most of these cunts have a dildo. A literal objectification of a man being reduced to nothing but the sex organ.
I’m never sure whether learning what utterly hypocritical fucking cunts women are was a blessing or a curse.
Women also fuck inanimate objects on a regular basis. I remember reading about some bloke who got done for shagging his bike. What’s the difference between shagging a piece of metal and shagging a piece of plastic Wimmin get away with murder the dirty cows.
Have you got a video of that?
Which one?
Lorry driver mate of mine was feeling a bit horny on a delivery in a remote part of Caithness (I was being ironic there – it’s all remote). There were no women for 80 miles so he shagged the lorry’s exhaust pipe. Couple of weeks later his knob broke out in sores so he went to the doctor who took samples for testing. Turned out he was HGV positive.
Very good.
The old ones are the best…..! I’d heard it as “I went to the doctor as I kept getting a lob on whenever I saw a lorry”…….
after 2 divorces and neer poverty I might consider one.
Allow wimmin to talk long enough and it always boils down to “muh vag”.
Between their mouths and their cunts, I don’t know which gaping hole is the filthiest.
Especially wimmin comedians, their routine always comes down to the same cliched unfunny toe-curling crap. Amy Schumer a prime example of everything wrong with entitled feminists who cant shut up about their twats.
Amy Schumer’s cunt produces an echo akin to the Grand Canyon.
If you had a face like Schumer, you would focus on yer axe wound as well.
Well, we have had the Vagina Monologues, which I thought was some kind of ventriloquist act. So why not 100 minges? Or better still 650 cunts on at least £79k pa and unlimited expenses. We could call it Prime Minister’s Questions.
Some of the old tarts I see where I live – for example a hoe who at 35/36 already has 5 kids by at least two different men, and is now pregnant yet again – probably would do as well to toss themselves off, it would be cheaper for those who have to pay for her.
As for shows about how my life has shaped my vagina it is typical of the nudge-nudge braindead C4 commissioners who think that sex and nudity will make their pathetic shitty channel watchable.
100 cunts, 18 women, maths by the Flabbatasaurus Rex, whose own foo-foo must be like a bat-cave with the toxic whiff of a séwer.
Enjoy your dinner.
Have often wondered why they bother with the small print at the foot of tv adverts when women’s beauty products are advertised.
Example of this being 73% of 57 women. A bit like some of the Brexit Remain polls that make the headlines.
Completely meaningless.
Channel Four became Channel Poor become Channel Bore. Viewing figures are dropping through the proverbial so I am informed.
BRITAIN’s stumbling exit from the European Union has been blamed for a slump in viewing figures for Channel 4 news, after the public service broadcaster said audiences have experienced “Brexit fatigue”.
Simple suggestion, either change your anti Brexit bias or broadcast something else worth watching.
Fucking arseholes.
That’s properly funny WS
Talk about lack of awareness!
The only “fatigue “ I’m suffering is from the cunty media remoaners ….
Their incessant bleating is giving me a headache!!
As if anything those CUNTS over at C4 remain broadcasting can be trusted!!
Fuck those liars ……
My ex had a bit of an “itch” down there. One night she was showing her mates on a wine night with her mates – I called them her “coven”. To prove the point she had laid a mirror on the floor and was stood astride showing her coven the “itch” on her fanny. As I walked past I pushed the ex to one side rather clumsily. She said oww – that fucking hurt. Fucking hurt I said? I just saved your life – if you had fallen down that hole you would have broken your fucking neck. On having our first she had 42 stitches – I declared there is only 40 stitches on a fucking mail sack.
Cunto, you are clearly a gentleman.
As one wise cunter on here once said “if women didnt have cunts (for fucking) we would throw rocks at them”.
Ha, thats why their cunts are so near their arseholes – so they can be picked up and carried off like a ten pin bowling bowl. Just watched that Beth whatsherface on sly news, a fucking great reason to go batting for the other side. That is one tattered old worn clog.
Apart from being a left-wing remoaner cunt, she’s defo a rug muncher. And she sounds like they’ve recorded her voice and then replayed it at 3/4 speed.
Channel 4
Made by cunts, for cunts.
The Curse of Komodo & Ruff has struck again…. Rory the Chimp has been eliminated!
Reckon we’ll be backing Pob now. What say you Komodo?
Bye bye MUPPET!!
That cunt was really irritating me!!
Especially when he took his tie off in the BBC shit shower hosted by mrs PUNCH!!
“ oh look at me ! I’m just a normal guy”
FUCKING WANKER!! Put your tie back on and learn to sit on a chair properly you fucking spastic ……
Evening Q – you’re on exceptional form tonight! ?
Evening RTCP..
None of then did particularly well but Stewart was SO fucking irritating…
He was auditioning for PM and acted looked a club crooner doing an encore!!
Like a club crooner
A perfect hat-trick, from the only necromancers on ISAC!
Pob it is. Pob’s leadership qualities, loyalty to his colleagues and self-effacement qualify him uniquely. And isn’t he handsome? I have pleasure in again pronouncing the mystic charm: Floreat Pobba! (worked last time)
Out by tomorrow lunchtime it is then!
Rory the Remainer is out.
Sired by Mick Jagger and shat out by his mum, Bubbles the Chimp, Rory was always punching above his weight. Nobody had heard of this runt three weeks ago but the media love an EU-felcher and Rory’s the felchiest of them all.
Might I suggest hitting the opium…
Poor old Rory will be having a toot on his pipe while reliving his MI6 days and watching ‘Moonraker’ in his pants.
Moonraker in his pants. Lol LL. He’ll probably sit in the bath playing with his ducks and battleships while having big hits from his hookah. Forgive me for being chimpist:
Two apes in a bath. One of them says, “Oo-oo-oo, Aa-aa-aa!” The other says, “Well, turn on the cold tap then!”
Two nuns in a bath
Nun 1: where’s the soap?
Nun 2: yes it does
Actually laughing!! ??
Evening compatriots.
Evening captain!
I thought he’d go “across the road to [whatever chapel it was]” and hold his own leadership contest.
The little rodent.
When my mate’s missus gave birth, the hospital had to get the bolt cutters on biffin’s bridge to allow the baby out. Much stitching later, the midwife took my mate aside and quietly cautioned him to “be careful” if they were attempting sex any time soon. “Careful ?”, my mate bellowed across the ward, “My wife’s twat looks like you’ve set a fucking grenade off up there and you’re telling ME to be careful….”
True as I stand here.
One ex of mine loved fucking inanimate objects. The gearstick of my car got it one day. As it was an Alfa, the gearknob was shaped just like a glans.
Those filthy eyelids!
Eye-ties not fucking eyelids!
I was wondering wtf…!
Baby born without eyelids
Doctor: we could use his foreskin to make eyelids
Dad: but he’ll be cockeyed!
Doctor: yes but he’ll have good foresight
1.7 pints of EU man-yoghurt.
Poor old Treeza.
Think I’m right in saying the Freddie Mercury holds the male equivalent record.
Elton John must be a close second.
Elton “I’m A Euwopean” John probably guzzles and swishes it like he’s wine-tasting.
Jesus !! I got moderated earlier because I happened to casually mention wank puffin soft cell wanker Marc almond ( allegedly) swallowed a (small) jacuzzis worth of man chowder at a party?
Getting a hint of……. R arse berry and……Cum Quat
Winner if you count gallons inserted from the south
I had a couple of fingers up some bird I’d pulled earlier in the evening.
“Try getting your hand up there” she said.
Bit of a push and in it went.
“Now try getting the other hand up there.”
Managed that as well.
“Now try clapping” she said.
“I cant” I said.
“See” she said, “Told you I’ve got a tight pussy….
I saw some bloke with his whole arm up some bird’s back-side – I think his name was Rod Hull.
Me: That bit of skin between the arse and the fanny has an actual name, you know.
Her: Is it “Gooch”?
Me: No.
Her: Is it “taint”?
Me: No.
Her: What is it then?
Me: Chin rest.
Fuck, I just pissed myself!
I remember back in the day, Escort magazine ran a competition to take a photo of their wives vaginas and send them in and the best one would win a few quid. In the next publication they issued a plea not to address their envelopes as “Cunt Contest”.
I missed this. Was it all just wimmin prattling on, or was there actually any fanny on show?
To RTC’s great ‘relief’ the Internet porn ban has been put on ice this evening and is now unlikely to even happen at all. When interviewed, RTC said that he was happy that his X- hamster shares were now likely to retain their value. True story, no kidding.
Jonathan Pearce, just commentating on the women’s football has mentioned Rusty Touch but I thought she was a porn star?
Sir Alex has wished the Scottish women’s football team good luck in their crucial match with Argentina. The team captain said he’d assured her he had watched the first two matches. Yeah, I bet he’s been glued to the whole thing
Porn ban put on ice Bsc? Where did you hear that? You better not be fucking me around. My arm is long and my vengeance is total…
Unfortunately cannot see anything to substantiate his claim Ruff Tuff.
Think he’s well and truly pulling our plonkers.
You can’t see anything because too many willy vinegar strokes will make you go blind.
Looks like the only thing on ice will be your wrist Creampuff. The ironic thing is this ban coming from the place that houses some of the biggest degenerates and sexual deviants in the country and that’s just the stuff you get to hear of in the papers.
Here it is RTC. Sorry about the source 🙁
They are only doing it because politicians fearing the end of their Westminster careers are thinking of getting into porn.
David Lammy, Dawn Butler and Diane Abbot in *Let My People Cum*
and for the many irons there: Ben Bradshaw and \lord Adonis in *The Plumbers Ballcock*
The cancellation of the ban is due to EU red tape it was aired on Al BBzeera I think. They were moaning and ratfucking about it.
No, I am serious! Reported twice on Sky.
I’m a little worried now. Sky refer to it as an ‘exclusive.’
On Al Bibi too:
Thanks for all your help and research chaps.
I too heard it on Radio 4 this morning, so it must be true…
Women’s football is fucking shite.
But even worse than that is Scottish women’s football.
3-0 up with 16 minutes to go against Argentina. Final score 3-3. And Scotland on their way home.
Totally fucked it.
R4 News at 10 is now extolling Stewart, and led with an interview with the Great Man (Stewart). Neither Raab nor Leadsom got this treatment after Round 1. The piece moved on to accuse the Johnson team of ‘lending votes’ in order to eliminate Stewart*. This probable canard was apparently thought up by Nicholas Soames, and was flatly denied by the Borisites. We then had Saj, the interview also being focussed more on Stewart and where his votes might go (or be lent), before moving to Khashoggi’s murder and the contrastingly highly likely allegation that Prince Salman was responsible. Neither Pob nor Cunt’s opinions were invited.
* and if they did, so what?
Let’s hope they ‘lend’ Javid enough votes to see Pob eliminated in the next round…
Good god, no. Concentrate! Pob must beat Boris in the next round! Pob must march to victory, accompanied by Pob’s appalling wife. And absolutely certainly not lose all his support but one MP with cognitive problems….
Hymn of the day.
I believe in Pob.
Pob is a winner.
I believe in Pob.
Pob for PM now!
For some reason this post reminds me of what I believe to be the golden age of porn. 1970s and My favourite was always horse meat scandal I mean this was before it had any negative connotations. Correct me if I am wrong but I have a sneaking suspicion Dick Fiddler was the star when he was in his prime ( this was long before the crippling ( or liberating) obsession with Japanese porn). I do apologise if I have gone off of the very important matter at hand, more over, I would be mortified to be classed as a thread jacking cunt. I would sign off with a fuck off but I feel in my current state it it more appropriate to say fuck all of the sad cunts we have become. I mean come on, we are beaten down to only being able to Express our colourful views on a two bit publication like surely this should be main stream. Any way I am off to test a loop of cheese wire on my very short, almost polish neck. Might try walking at the same time like that bloke Bob geldof killed, apparently. I bid you all goodbye and goodluck for the future. As a little man stuck to another man’s belly in a well known science fiction movie once said. Open your mind. I am horny just at the thought of it. Time to break out horse meat scandal I reckon. Xx
I will go on to say I will wank while testing a loop of cheese wire round my short, thick, maybe inbred, maybe polish neck. Arrivederci.
More like how are women’s vaginas shaped by their lives.
Welly tops, clowns’ pockets and wizards’ sleeves.