Change UK
It appears that breakaway party Change UK, sometime political home of such all out cunts as Spearchuka Umunna and Anna Sourpuss, is on the verge of becoming the Breakup Party.
Six rats, sorry MPs, have announced that they’re deserting the sinking ship after just a couple of months. According to reports in arsewipe comic The Groaningremoaniad, Chukup and Heidi ‘Sweet Tits’ Allen could defect to the LimpDumbs following Change UK’s disastrous performance in the European elections. No doubt they’ll receive a warm welcome from that old woman Vince ‘Widow Twankey’ Cable. It now seems that a rump of just five MPs will continue as party members under the ‘leadership’ (lol!) of Sourface herself, henceforth to be known no doubt as ‘Change Change UK’, or possibly ‘The Hokey Cokey Party’.
However way you cut this fellow cunters, I’d say that political oblivion is staring the wankstain Change UK party in the face. The prospect cheers me up no end. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of absolute and utter cunts.
Nominated by Ron Knee
How the mighty are fallen. The Chuka Umunna Big Band is now just the Anna Soubry Quintet. Anna plays cello of course, she likes a nice hard instrument throbbing between her legs.
The thought of Anna Soubry playing the Beef Bugle or Pork Oboe turns my stomach. It’s her swivel eyed manic stair that scares me. If I was having a spat with her, I’d make sure their were no bread knives in sight.
Imagine looking down and seeing that alcohol-cured old witch working the skinflute.
I think I’d rather Ann Widdicombe before that cunt.
Blimey Empire. Ann Widdecombe ?
I might give her one as a thank you for joining the Brexit party but absolutely no tongue and groove .
If Heidi Allen was as proficient at politics as she is at growing Tits, she’d be PM by now.
I doubt I’d give her my vote, but I’d certainly like to give her a good seeing to 😉
Change uk Whats that? basically another remainer luvie leftist party oh goody just what is needed…
I have only one comment –
Fucking village idiots.
What a bunch of shallow cunts!
Defect from one party to create another, only to realise no one gives a shit about them or their new party. So they go into a massive sulk and decide to defect again, and this time cuddle up to the LibDums!
There really should be a law prevented cunts likes these to simply ignore the wishes of their constituents and form/join another party just because it suits their particular agenda.
They have all the integrity of a priest in a girls’ school. They are scum, and very undemocratic scum at that.
First 3 weeks of June i was starting to enjoy summer weather tending to my garden and watching the birds flock around outside but these last 7 days has been a fucking hot heatwave cunt, a few degrees more then i’m comfortable with.
I’d been sound asleep usually right now 1 20 am for those wondering but its too fucking hot can’t sleep might as well drink some java an smoke some hash
Think of those poor cunts in France – 45° and 9% muslim. The towlheads must think it’s a sign from allah the country’s theirs now.
Is it only 9% muzzie in france? Judging by the most recent photos I seen, i swore it was at least closer to 20 or 30 %
plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
‘In March 2019 it emerged that Wollaston had supported a 2011 bill which required MPs who switch parties to face an automatic by-election. Wollaston herself switched parties on 20 February 2019, yet refused to let voters have a say on her switch’
In no way a hypocrite, is she.
Woolycunt is a huge hypocrite. She flip flopped between leave and remain.
Fuck off.
Just look at the fucking state of them. How do the miserable cunts think that they’re going to change anything ? They look as if they’re incapable of changing their shitty under crackers.
I can’t stop laughing. Fucking village idiots.
I bet they turned up for this photo, on a Variety club bus.
They look like a bunch of window lockers, mongrel cunts.
Lickers, fucking technology is shit.
Apologies, but off topic.
Israel Folau has to go to court for voicing his religious beliefs (read: his opinion)? Since when has having an opinion been legal ground for sacking an employee? Fuck rugby Australia (and rugby in general as its shit).
No employer in the Western world would pull this stunt against a Muz-cunt, but it seems devout Christians are easy marks.
Bollocks and fuck off.
I’m no fan of botherfolk, however Falao (a most talented sportsman) is entitled to his opinion. There is no comment on the others he said would endure damnation, being drunks, atheists, thieves, idolators, iconoclasts, fornicators and adulterers. Many cunters may be guilty of at least one or more of the aforementioned and couldn’t give a shit what others think. But it’s the benderstasi that makes a fuss and gets the attention and now have ended a fine athletes career.
Quality reply Shackle.
As per yourself, I am both baffled and highly amused at the deafening silence from the other slighted parties versus the high horse whining emanating out of the “festive” community via the Rugby Australia spokesperson.
You’d think the “Toe Touchers” would be pleased as punch, given their propensity for self promotion, but I guess they missed the memo saying there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Cunts, hypocrites and mincing fuck-wits.
To right Kiwi cunt.
Vlad Putin has just said that western liberalism and multiculturalism is a failed system. And it’s about time Merkel and co woke up.
What a guy that Vlad is, perhaps we’d be better off with him running the show ?
Depends how much you value free speech and democracy. It would mean waving goodbye to ISAC.
Morning Fenton.
Give it time and we’ll be saying goodbye to ISAC anyway. Democracy in this country is more or less fascism by any other name; you can speak your mind just so long as we approve first!
Free speech is being slowly chipped away at by the Left – you’re not allowed to say anything remotely offensive otherwise hate crime will be hanging over your head.
“Democracy in this country is more or less fascism by any other name.”
“Same shit: different country.”
Bollocks on steroids.
You should be using your new lawnmower on a beautiful day like this instead of slaving over a hot computer. Perhaps Mrs Creampuff is still working out how to put it together. If so, I suggest you withhold this weeks housekeeping allowance until it’s complete.
? Good afternoon RTC
Afternoon Bsc.
Lady Creampuff persevered well into the wee-wee hours of Thursday morning, attempting to put the damn thing together. Apparently it took her nearly two hours to assemble the fucking grass box alone!
Long story short, I took it out for a spin yesterday afternoon and it was… err… ok I suppose. Anyway, she got her housekeeping. ?
The way things are going Ruff Tuff were fast on our way to being shut down anyway. A lot of free speech is being clamped down on YouTube under the guise of hate laws.
Russia’s a shithole, and the state utterly corrupt, so no.
London is also a shithole; and the state is undemocratic (referendum being the most obvious) and utterly corrupt.
Same shit:different country
O’Shithead has just been blaming the collapse of discipline in schools on right-wing media bias…
I almost feel sorry for the cunt sometimes.
And at the next GE all those MP’s that obstructed leaving the EU can be voted out, and Brexit supporting MP’s voted in.
And the parts of London and the UK that are unmittigated shitholes are the pakistani/middle eastern areas – Russia’s a shithole in it’s entirety.
We complain about left wing bias of the state broadcaster, that’s as nothing to the state-controlled media the poor bastards of Russia suffer.
Who is the brunette on the half turn in the front row of the photo? She looks ok from 12000 miles away and I’m wondering if she’s worth a good seeing too. ?
That’s Heidi Allen. Considered a MILF by some. However her MILF credentials aside, she has proven herself to be as mad as a wagon load of bumholes.
Enter at your peril…
This is who she is:
Thanks to Paul and RTC for the information on Heidi MadBint. However, not having been subjected to her ramblings or political flip-flopping, I’ll have to stick with my first impression, which was to give her a thorough physical examination. ?
It’s Priti Patel for me Ruff Tuff.
I bet my saggy old srotum that she is a salacious milf. Probably partial to swinging. Christ, where’s my wank rag when I need it ?
Great boners think alike Fenton…
Soubry needs a good seeing to, by Peter Sutcliffe.
Bang! Bang!
Peter’s ball-pein hammer
Came down upon her head
dum-di-dum-da… ?
And where, oh where, is John Reginald Christie when you need him ??
“It’s what we in the profession call a syndrome.”
Which just about sums up Chuckup’s whole existence
I think Sutcliffe would run for the hills if he ended up with her in a dark alley!
Careful with the comments guys. MPs are sensitive little snowflakes and may just sue or asses for being nasty to them. Or Mr plod the policeman could come a’calling
The police however can’t protect them from the ballot box, just a shame none of them have the integrity to allow their constituents to endorse their choices.
Irrelevant Party UK
Ha Ha Ha the imploded Party
They don’t seem to be laughing now What a set of wankers.
I feel sorry for all those people who put time and effort into helping them get this party started, not to mention those who willingly donated hard earned money to build an election campaign. Not really, a fool and their money are easily parted…??
Gavin Shuker (2nd left top row) looks like Bernie Winters, The woman between him and Chukaduckie looks like Lily Munster.
The blokes in the back row look like they’re jizzing off! Fuck knows how they can manage that with all those old crones at the front!
And am surprised the touchy-feely liberals have not complained about having a black bloke on the back row – surely a case of institutional racism!
The idea of the Party makes me think of “Nudge committees” and Pressure groups.
Unfortunately the only people who believed the propaganda were the ones who helped fabricate it.
Makes me think about Hitler in his bunker, in his last moments did he think “I’m right they are wrong!” he was a bit deluded too.
If Sourberries had stayed with the Tories she would have had the time of her life during this leadership campaign. She would have been all over the telly backing remoaner boy Rory Cuntface and then switching her allegiance to Hunt the Cunt. Right now she would have been on every day slagging off Boris and giving us the benefit of her wisdom.
Instead she is nowhere and nobody wants to know the dried up old whore. She must be gutted. That’s what you get for being a dirty, stinking turncoat traitor.
May the fleas of a thousand camels set up home in her disgusting, diseased stink trench. Bitch.
Not a fan then? lol
Sourpuss is defo solids that need to hit the aircon asap.
They should change their name to got any spare change guvnor UK.
It’s not illegal to laugh at MP’s yet is it?
Let’s help them out as they need a new name.
They could of been the dirty dozen or the Mercenary Party.
The cunt party is no good because it applies to the fucking lot of them.
Let’s show Anna how much we care
Before long Change UK will just be The Sourberriies and no one else. They deserve oblivion. The only one I have any sympathy for, but not politically, is Luciana Berger, hounded out of Labia by Compo’s anti- Semitic bully boys.
It’s pride day on BBC, lesbians kissing on BBC breakfast, sorry off topic but I only wanted to see news and weather.
It will be the Gays bumming each other next on the BBC’s Breakfast “right on” tick-box agenda
Really? Oh for fucks sake. My mate who works at TfL has been sending me stuff all week as the homos prepare for another bugger fest this weekend. Apparently there is not only a “rainbow roundel” but there are also loads of other colours for the other perversions. I didn’t read it all as I have to watch my blood pressure.
Sounds like fun! Not as good as xhamster tho I’ll wager
Good on the BBC! I frequently enjoy a spot of hot lezza action with my porridge of a morning.
Fed up with Pride. The whole of Oxford Street is festooned with posters about this pc buggery. The worst offender, Laing PLC, who are working on Tottenham Court Road Station, have a sign saying how proud they are to support Gay Pride. Corporate virtue signaling rubbish. I’d like to see what their fag smoking, boozing rough neck workers really think of Gay Pride.
Be careful what you wish for, you may end up seeing Soubry eating out Diane Abbott’s snatch box on the telly – all for the good cause of diversity and inclusion
Do the Lesbians enjoy your porridge?
They love me to smear it across their lips. They can’t get enough of it.
Sourfaceberry used to be the go to remoaner for the BBC and Sly news and was interviewed about every 4 and a half minutes. Seems they dont take her views seriously anymore.
Message to MSM: we never have done you cunts.
Stating the bleeding obvious I know but Chukka left Labour and joined Change thinking it could be the start if something big then as soon as he realised it was going nowhere he desperately looked around and all that was left for him was the Libdems.desperate times call for desperate measures eh Chukka?|
That would that be the same Chuka who said: “You can’t trust a word the Lib Dems say.” ?
He was right, and he makes a great addition to the party.
Quote from Cuntipedia on ChuckerUppa:
He called for Labour to target Conservatives and middle-class voters ,saying that the party needs to be “on the side of those who are doing well.”
What a fucking opportunistic cunt,he’d join the High Class Prostitutes Party(only accepts as members slags who charge £5000 a day) if he thought it would help his “career”.Once tipped to be GBs first Black PM-I guess that honour will now go to Fatty Lammy
Talking of opportunistic Cunts anyone see the Glastonbury Mob chanting its “coming home” after the “Lionesses” win over Norway?Hope its the kiss of death for em both,the wimmin get thrashed next game and the worst heatwave in modern history sets that pig farm ablaze. Im a Cunt and I dont care,
Billiard ball headed smirking remoaner cunt. Fuck that wanker.
The Changeuk moppets could learn how REAL political leaders operate by studying these 2 Masters: