A testosterone-fuelled cunting incoming for Caster Semenya.
Despite producing more natural male hormone than your average, er, male; despite having a voice deeper than Barry White hitting the low notes; despite being irrefutably tested as having the male XY chromosome (thereby fulfilling medical classification as a man); and despite looking like Didier Drogba in drag – scrub that, despite looking like Didier Drogba – Caster Semenya as the media would have you believe is 100% all woman.
This cunting admittedly would probably be better addressed at the bleeding heart liberal intelligentsia festooned shitrags like the Graun, as well as the indoctrinated pundits and ex-athletes at the BBC. But it takes a special type of cunt who knows deep down (or at least finds out) that they are a man, has the gall to still participate in races against real women, beats said women by ridiculous margins and does this in full view of the deeply sceptical public who remain untainted by the rightspeak of the left.
Gender-bending has become a real issue in sport and is repeatedly rearing its ugly head in American college sports. Often, it seems men too shit to cut it in legitimate competition suddenly declare themselves ‘transition’, and appear to get a free pass to whip the women who, like it or not, are as a rule physically less able than men. Taking advantage further of the now equal pay lunacy, these ‘men’ are ultimately aiming to win the same rewards but by taking on lesser opponents.
Part of me thinks this is just desserts for women; for so long now we have been lectured at that ‘men and women are equal’, deserving of equal rewards, and now these precious little flowers are all upset that individuals like Caster Semenya are demonstrably proving that gender equality in sport is largely a stupid philosophy.
Caster Semenya has just won a verdict awarded by a Swiss court, over-ruling the previously set IAAF rule that women must not exceed a certain level of natural testoserone to compete in light of her own manly excesses. So thanks to this cunt, you will now be seeing all kinds of freaks, deviants and bruisers call themselves women across sports, all because the left have cowed the Universe into being afraid to offend.
Semenya, you absolute, utter fucking abominable cunt.
The Empire Cunts Back
Comes as no surprise. It was bound to happen sooner rather than later that fickle victims of one VS will try to shit on another; and in this case its even more awkward because the victim is black, and the other victims are wimminz.
The liberals will find it difficult because in their tiny minds both sets of victms have rights and freedoms of expressions to be whoever they want; but I suspect wimminz groups will get rather pissed off when all these transgenders start dominating their sports – imagine the grief if a black transwoman beat an ordinary black woman; or even worse a white transwoman beat an ordinary black woman.
All these VS victims from across the Spectrum will eventually kill each other purely because their particular victimhood should be appreciated the most, and fuck everyone else.
Trouble is that 3rd world male average athletes will always declare they are women to get the prize money.
Authorities won’t clamp down on it as they are too busy promoting it for globalist reasons.
Sothe female athletes have to do it themselves and refuse to compete against trannies.
And there will be accusations of transphobia, or even sexism/racism!
It’s becoming a right old melting pot of VS bullshit, that will probably collapse in on itself, with the final outcome being – “it’s the white man’s fault!”
I fucking love reading your noms Empire, always have me in bits. Good work fella!!
I wrote a cunting for this freak about the same time but Empires was a lot funnier.
Think Semen or whatever its called is a wonderful lady, and as im u.k womens armwrestling champion its be a bit rich if said otherwise!
I think that it’s just rather nice to see one of The Gays trying to make something of himself. Most of them are too busy putting on make-up and frilly frocks to actually do something positive. More Gays should be encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle instead of spending their time importuning men in public toilets,if this means upsetting a few dried-out lezza types,well,too bad. The safety of men going for a shit in a public convenience is more important.
Incidentally, I’ve often wondered where the Dark Keys tuck their cock when competing in hurdle races. I wonder because I too have a massive cock which dangles to my knees and has been known to snag on the third bar of a five bar gate as I climb over. Perhaps they too have a “poacher’s pocket” sown into their pants where they can roll up the meaty accoutrement and tuck it away.
Fuck Off.
Perhaps Semenya could undergo some kind of “sexing” test? A certain well-known Lothario could apply his “tongue up her bumhole” test and give judgement.
Now now Mr Fiddler I am a most debauched person but even I have certain limits.
That bloke is definitely a bloke and it’s no surprise it likes to fuck women. I don’t if it’s gay or what and I don’t really want to find out…perhaps Kravdarth may be a more suitable candidate.
So does it now have carte blanche to take performance enhancing drugs? Not that it needs them, obviously, as it wins by several hundred metres each race anyway. But seeing as the testers aren’t allowed to check it for testosterone now, why doesn’t it go for broke, take all the roids under the sun, and try to break the sound barrier.
Cheating, ugly man-cunt.
Masculine wimmin and feminine men – the human race seems to be totally fucked up.
The only silver lining behind this dark cloud is that he/she/it looks as if he could give old Emily Thornberry a first class bitch slap.
And what sayeth the Church, who seem to be quick enough to bemoan those that don’t follow the Adam & Eve mantra?
But typically they are strangely quiet regarding these “unnatural abominations”! Perhaps they’re too busy fiddling with kids?
In fact over the years the Church have given way to women bishops and gay marriages. So don’t be too surprised if you find yourself in front of a transgender vicar/priest next time you get married!
Oh and I suspect the marriage vows will have to change too – no longer will you be able to say “Do you take this man….” as that would cause great offence.
Yeh this cunts about as feminine as Mike Tyson!
I’m sick and tired of circus that surrounds this lady man woman man thing , that idiotic ruling by the Swiss court will have huge ramifications for women’s sports , but agree on one hand it’s actually funny after the constant droning from the feminazis about equal pay and equality in sport, be careful what you wish for springs to mind……
Tired of the circus……..
Tell you what I wouldn’t want to meet Her on a Dark night or get on the wrong side of Her Or any side for that matter she is a fella
There’s only one word for these trans athletes that insist on competing with women – cheats.
Oh, there is another word – CUNT.
The world has gone mad.
Fuck off.
Massively off topic,
I have just pulled this out the bin, (that nasty comment eating monster)
I chose not to approve this one, but its good for a laugh, I think the author likes to fart in lifts too. (the topic was London)
I love London
It’s such a great city and a beacon of what a city should be like. I love the different cultures and richness this brings to us as a country. We can all integrate and live together showing the rest of the country the values they should aspire to. I love immigration which brings so much to this country and we are stronger and rich for this. I am a remainer and I am not British but European and I hope and fight to make sure Brexit does not happen. Leavers come across as so uneducated and need to be taught the values of great London and how liberal values will win.
Please don’t be so negative
We are multicultural and as one
well made me laugh.
It wasn’t Owen Jones, who wrote that bollocks was it?
Tarquin Rentoul-Boy, aged 34. Air-skateboarder. Antique rose-pink hair.
Vomit inducing garbage. Typically of the Libtard Remainer mentality. The writer sounds mentally deranged, probably has a low iq, a result, no doubt, of being sexually assaulted by gangs of peacefuls when an adolescent.
It is Owen Jones the leftie little remoaner
Like an automaton reading from a propaganda leaflet…. ?
Mademoiselle G, perhaps? Note the deliberate ending of a sentence with a preposition…I suspect the author would have preferred to add in a few obscure quotes,perhaps a smattering of Ancient Greek and a reference to other Posters’ mistaken use of an apostrophe,but feared being Caught out Spending his time unwisely.
I see you lurking in the shadows,you appalling Windbag….Show yourself.
: ) .
It could be a genuine post. I’ve read too much similar saccharine remainer blather on flakebook to assume it is automatically a piss-take by our resident Cantabrigian.
We seek him here, we seek him there Mr Fiddler. I think that Baghe Baghe poster is him as well.
Who? Me?
(I’m a fairly recent arrival to these fair shores, negative mention was made of the content here in another place, came to see what the fuss was, being a long time fan of the ‘semenal’ sociological and ethnographical works of Derek & Clive, mostly liked what I saw, decided, like the proverbial bad smell, to hang around…)
Apologies Magnus de Baugh-Baghe. I thought you were someone else.
I have ‘caught’ him out. In flagrante as it were. In the Zamzam Ibrahim Nom he posts as cs. Then (in real time) Fim praised him-‘ Brilliant CS’.Then the response came- ‘I thank you (Arthur Askey 1945)’. But it was from a different name- ‘Willem Cees van der Boggse’. Does this matter? Not in the slightest.
Yes we know, words have been said in private.
You got there in the end Miles.
Good morning ?
Yes RT I am all about rooting out deception. No, I’m not. It was something to do because I couldn’t sleep. Anyway he let it be known from the first that he had an interest in espionage- referenced in his username. So to my mind indicating that he was interested in deception, secrecy. I suspect that ‘pull’ to secrecy is strong in him. Whether he has broken any rules well that’s up to Admin.
we know, they haven’t broken any rules
I’m all about rooting out nutjobs ?
Nah! You’d have expected a proposition.
I definitely detect Mr F’s hand in this ( when it isn’t elsewhere). In fact I definitely suspect collusion between Mr F. and Admin. Is the mask of the jovial Northumbrian farmer beginning to slip?
It’s so hot in Spain at the moment that piles of manure are self igniting and starting forest fires. If you think Dick is spreading shit now, wait till these temperatures hit us.
The Krauts tried to integrate into London and impose their own rules and ethics on the indigenous population.
They used bombs as part of their drive to integrate.
They had their own ways of celebrating diversity that were not really acceptable to others.
Those integrating today also have bombs, but they also have wombs too. They only celebrate what they always have done plus raise a cheer for the lunatics who let them in and still do.
We will fight on the beaches… Well not if they’re behind you
It is a joke…… right?
Please tell me its a joke ???
This needs a re-post…
There are so many cunts in London like this. Also at the vomit-fest Glastonbury this weekend.
I hope those cunts all get a melanoma this weekend.
I was thinking more along the lines of bubonic plague or hemorrhagic fever. That should thin the crowd.
Christ, no one is allowed to say anything ‘tongue in cheek’ any more. Wind your necks in and look beyond the obvious. I fear for the fact that this was “pulled out the bin.” Software algorithms are one thing as an instrument for moderation but do we now have censorship as well? Oh, no. I fear my comment is heading for the ‘bin’.
Certain key words will put a post in to moderation, certain links will put a post in to spam, comments from certain IP addresses go in the bin. Admin are the human factor that check these places and reinstate the nuggets that are there and flush away the turds, That is how most forums, or web sites open to comment work.
On this occasion you have been privileged to see the raving of a deluded troll who attempted to post here, normally we don’t bother but that one was rather funny so we shared it.
As far as censorship is concerned read the rules in “Important Stuff”.
Love Admin xxx
It’s so obviously a wind up. I’d bet my fuckin’ pension on it.
SSSH…. don’t spoil the sock puppet’s fun.
What a spunktrumpet. If he likes stabby stabby immigrant cunts and the goat fondlers so much I suggest he lives in their lands
I think Mike Tyson should change his name to Michelle, and come out of retirement to participate in wimminz boxing. It’d be great fun watching him smash the piss out of all those “bad girls” of wimminzzzz boxing. I reckon he’d actually kill most of them.
They could televise the rematch with Robin Givens.
I have no interest in sport but I would watch that.
Why don’t wimmin athletes just refuse to run against her and just leave it for other trannies to step up to the plate.
Then the empty stadiums and limited tv audience would dictate the prizes on offer. The other wimmin athletes could set up their own version of athletics for those with xx chromosomes and very low testostorone.
If this individual menstruates than it might have a case. If it doesn’t, then it has an illness and should only compete against others with similar conditions
Either that or just fuck the fuckity off
It’s basically a dude that’s missing a prick. Other than being prickless it’s a man in every way.
They ought to set up a subcategory like they have in the Paralympics.
Blokes becoming more effeminate and women becoming less effeminate.
It’s all going to end badly.
It makes women’s sport irrelevant, imagine AJ decides he’s a woman, he could be the woman’s heavyweight champion for life.
Two genders worked for the entire history of humanity, now we are just screwing with reality to appease people’s mental illness.
I expect many of us feel that inside we are really rich people being denied our right to money.
Give me money and a private jet now!
“It makes women’s sport irrelevant, imagine AJ decides he’s a woman, he could be the woman’s heavyweight champion for life.”…
I very much doubt it,particularly if Serena Williams decided to give up the tennis and indulge in a spot of boxing men around the ring.
I reckon Serena herself has taken a few batterings around her ring.
PS off topic the governments response to the petition to abolish the TV licence fee is the biggest cop out.
According to the government we are all very happy with the current model.
I’m so happy with the BBC and what they currently have to offer we as a family have decided not to renew our licence when it expires.
Andrew Marr, Victoria Derbyshire, Emily Maitliss and Lineker can all FUCK OFF.
I got that bullshit email as well, fucking deluded or what.
I have a little sympathy for this fucker, she (it) hasnt been reconstructed but if her natural ‘state’ does create a unatural advantage (extremely high testosterone) then it isnt fair to allow her to compete against regualr women
The was a good program on last night about Trans bollocks with Martina Navralalova, it gave a vey good insight inro the advantages a trans person would have even after taking the various drugs to lower testosterone.
The real shitstorm is the self identification where a bloke with full tackle can compete against women, fucking unbelievable, the olympics are still adopting the stance of requiring a period of hormone therapy prior to competing but that had been reduced from 2 years to 1 year.
Some tit was talking about just having no gender sport where women would compete against men so in the olympics there wouldnt be any women at all unless they put knitting in as a demo sport.
Actually women do have one advantage, they are more flexible so in gymnastics for example they do have a good chance of kicking ass in something like the floor exercise.
I cant wait for Transgender sport to be set up like the para sport, with cock, without cock, without cock + hormone, cock sewn on. beard but no cock.
What a bunch of CUNTS!
I made the same point further up, before I read your post.
An excellent and very well deserved cunting. They’re fucking cheaters plain and simple. …..though you’re right, the cunts have kind of brought it on themselves.
Did you see that fucking bruiser netball or handball or whateverthefuck player that just steamrollered all the women. Cunt needs a slap.
I reckon Serena herself has taken a few batterings around her ring.
You can say what you like about this Casper athlete but he’s one hell of a guy.
I would be curious to know what lurks in ‘its’ undergarments. Apparently ‘it’ has undescended gonads, so technically it is a man. It may also have a micropenis that could easily be mistaken for a plump clitoris. No-one from the sporting authorities over here is going to be brave enough to open this can of worms and risk being labelled a tranny fascist.
Apparently it is ‘married’ to a woman. I am not surprised this has happened in its birthplace of Afreaka. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this was all a witchdoctor’s doing.
Personally I think it serves them right. All the lefties and feminazis wanted gender fluidity & now they’ll have to reap what they sow.
CC straight to the point, about time these feckless twats realised that these sort of consequences are the result of their fuckwit ideas
I know that being a libtard means you can happily believe that truth can be multiple but fuck me when they find out what that really means they crash their pants. I suppose its all about who is top of the “victim” tree changes may be afoot…
Germany’s Angela Merkel seen shaking again in Berlin
I would like to shake the useless fucking bitch- round her ugly fat neck.
Same as Mr Hitler he did a bit of shaking towards the end….
Ach! Ze poison is verking… Maybe she ate something dodgy?
There’s loads of kebab shops in Germany now…
How do you tell a kebab to be quiet..?
Shh, kebab….
She is fucked!
More good news today (good as in bad for labour)
Chris Williamson allowed back into the party, the usual perpetual victims are ‘disgusted’, yes you have guessed who they are –
Creasy, Phillips and Streeting, these cunts are not happy unless they have something to complain about.
Surely he is related to /is Voldemort?
What an absolute anti-Semitic shambles Liebour have become.
And now there are no political parties representing the vast majority of working folk. Fuck the lot of them.
Chris Williams is an evil nasty piece of work. I hope a steel anvil falls on his head. Surely this cunt has been the subject of a cunting before ?
I nearly cunted Chris Williamson last year. He is indeed a MAJOR cunt.
Get cunting, Ruff Tuff. With your eloquence you can do justice to a premium cunt like this.
But great for the labour party, the more shift they get the better, it just pisses me off that all the fucking ‘victims’ cant wait to be the most disgusted.
I feel sorry for Merkel. She’s fucked the country good and proper floodling it with pooslimes, but she’s just an old lady now after all.
I would be shaking too if I had 10 trillion peacefuls demanding benefits
Perhaps her nuclear powered Rampant Rabbit is just out of her reach?
You beat me to it!
I’d apologise but I’m rarely quick enough to be original so I won’t.
It’s probably due to the industrial strength vibrator she’s got up her arse.
Excellent suggestion.
Made to incredibly high specification in Dusseldorf, no doubt.
Freude durch Technik?
As Komodo Joysticks GmbH are currently branding their range of precision-engineered devices for feminine stimulation. (We have yet to penetrate the UK market)
Could it be Parkinsons? Then all we need is for Macron to get Alzheimer’s, Junker to get alcahol poisoning ( a strong possibilitiy) and May to get Leprosy and all will be well again in the world.
How wonderful that would be.
All fully deserved.
May’s already chucked her hand in MM.
I’ll get me coat…
The Ancient Greeks had it spot on,only Men were allowed to compete in their original Olympics.Why was this? According to the modern liberals it’s because they were a patriarchal,slave owning chauvinist,women hating Fascist state.Real reason? The Greeks were no fools,they knew women were at a physical disadvantage,no point in seeing em humiliate themselves competing against men,no point in giving em their own games coz the Greeks were only interested in the best,after all only the Winner got a medal in their games,2nd and 3rd could fuck off
Comes in handy when she fancies giving her clit a bit of a strumming…..every cloud.
Sure I’ve seen this cunt somewhere before…
Know what ah mean, ‘Arry?….
”I’m sorry Basil I thought it was a man!”
Men pretending to be women beating women at sport goes with muslims vs LGBTQ in the ever-increasing list of reasons for why intersectionality is a load of shit.
My missus came home early and caught me wearing her wedding dress. Fucking embarrassing.
The dog wasn’t bothered though.
He just sat there in his top hat, wagging his tail….
Great cunting Empire. Takes me back to the happy times of my youth, when beasts resembling The Hulk used to compete in wimminz events for the good ol’ Soviet Union. Cheating cunts.
A bright summer’s good day to all!
A few years back I was watching old athletics meets from the early 1980s on YouTube. The Eastern German team was just an absolute fucking joke. I think it was a shot-putter, but my God, this creature resembled a man in everything but name. Just outrageous.
If Semenya is a woman then obviously she can have a baby. Can’t she?
Mrs N has said that is a bloke… Sol Campbell were the words she used…