
A cunting for Brighton is needed.

My dad used to work there in the 90s and said it was a shithole full of druggies and dossers. It seemed to improve in the noughties, but in recent years become mired in the grip of another strain of eternal fuck-ups; the insufferable bourgeois London wankers. Apologies to any sensible residents wrapped up in this mess but you will probably understand my hatred of this Safari park for SJW freaks, screeching feminazis, deranged vegan ‘mermaids’, vaping top-knotted manginas and male feminists, genderless faerie folk and dragonkin, middle-class students called Arabella and Hermione wearing hijabs because it looks ‘totally ethnic and empowers me against the white western patriarchy yah?’, hipster twats, Greta Thunberg-worshipping green cultists and all of them terminal sufferers of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
The old queens and twinks that have given Brighton its old reputation are entirely respectable and decent in relative terms. Nowadays this dump with what I’m told is a ‘happening, youthful vibe’ is rammed with cunts who work in London and elected Caroline Lucas of the Watermelon Cult. They’ve erected a phallic monstrosity – the threesixty- as a tourist attraction that is struggling to make money, because the local council overestimate the pull their crap little town has on tourists, and it looks like a concrete cock as well as been broken down half the fucking year.

Those visiting will only be able to bask in the sunshine for about 4 months of the year, but the air is thick with liberal smugness year-round, and local bars serve an unending stream of sour remainer tears.

It’s worth remembering that the more ‘challenged’ residents wanted Brighton to cut itself off from the rest of the UK and remain in the EU. Needing a passport to visit Lewes or Worthing to ask their relatives for another loan to pay rent while pretending to run a microbrewery/vegan cafe or break into the art scene as a filmmaker/singer-songwriter/the new Banksy didn’t seem to phase them.

There may well be cities and towns full of idiotic cunts, but few so afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger effect as Brighton.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

69 thoughts on “Brighton

  1. That’s quite an impressive list of degenerates there. I went for a day back in the 80’s but I was pissed and don’t remember a thing about it. Probably for the best.

    • You say you don’t remember a thing about it Moggie. Did you perchance wake up with a sore arsehole the following morning?

      • Are you sure they were girls? Some of them there ladyboys can be quite beguiling I’m told.

      • Definitely girls, one a long time friend and the other an Aussie tourist I nailed that night.

      • On the subject though I was once in a pub when a stag night group rocked up and the groom got a blowjob from this stunning blonde who turned out to be a ladyboy, he was fucking furious and his reaction was funny as hell.

      • Good trick!

        Mind you, if it was a choice between Emily Thornpiggery and a stunning ladyboy sucking on my ding-dong, I know which one I’d rather.

    • How very dare you RTC!
      Emily is a sex goddess. How could you possibly think otherwise? I spank her in my dreams.

  2. I last went there about 30 years ago. I’d like to go back and see the Pavilion, but the place always seemed to be cuntsville, and Cuntamus has just confirmed this. Zoe Ball lives there – enough said.

    • Brighton sounds like cunt central, Rich. Although I do have a soft spot for Eubank.

  3. I was going to do one of those solo ‘book, beer and beach’ days out this month, and had earmarked Brighton beach. I think I’ll go to Broadstairs instead.

    Much smaller shirtlifter-to-remainer ratio. Sand beaches, too.

    • Broadstairs is alright, as is Whitstable. Get in while you can as all the coastal towns are becoming ruined. Fact.

  4. Brighton used to be a great town before it got it’s city status. That’s when it became packed with immigrants and the arrogance of the ‘DFLs’ (Down From London) descended here.
    Brighton (the town where I was born – not many of us left!) quickly became an arrogant toilet bowl full of London ‘Hooray Henrys’, who fucked up London and are now almost finished doing it to Brighton.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if the arrogant Hoorays and Middle Class Yummie
    Mummys buggered off back to where they came from?! Then Brighton can get
    back to how it used to be – a nice place! A place which used to be value for
    money and where the jobs weren’t all ‘minimum wage’ because of a mass
    oversupply of ‘invader’ labour both foreign and otherwise with NO
    connection to the local area. Give us the real Brighton back and go and
    fuck up someone else’s town!

    • Spot on CMI ,
      I moved to Brighton 20 years ago to get away from cunty pretentious Essex/ London types! , the sorts of twats that constantly talk about what they earn, drive and wear!
      Back end of 90,s and early 2000,s Brighton was fucking brilliant! , sure like most coastal towns it had some alcohol and drug issues but generally it was a cracking place to live and the nightlife was good too…
      oh but how’s it’s changed, we’ve always had a abundance of airy fairy / artsy cunts but I could look past that , but Brighton’s suffered two invasions in the last 10/15 years! , lots of Eastern European filth and insufferable cunts from the big smoke!! Both equally unwanted and both bringing absolutely nothing positive, although the police like to massage the figures there’s definitely more crime , from car theft to burglary, whilst the London cunts with deep pockets have driven prices sky high! And listening to them giving it large in the pub is something I thought I had left behind 20 years ago… “ oh yar I said give me another 20k a year and I’m ya man “ “ oh yar it’s the M4 with paddle shift”. CUNTS !!!
      Like many of my old Essex mates I will definitely move down to the south west in the next few years leaving cunt city in my rear view mirror!! And no it’s not an M4 !

      • I used to live in Brighton and totally recognise what you say. There was always a section dissapeared up it’s own arse but that was compensated for by having some of the most varied and active cultural activities, always something going on everywhere you went from big to small. I left some time ago now and missed the invasions thankfully, preferring a quiter life in Edinburgh.

  5. Mods Can you please stop showing us photos of krav and his boyfriends? We get it Ok, he’s gay

    • It’s Jimmy Saville peering over Krav’s shoulder that worries me….still,nice to see that Krav has lost some weight.

      • Morning Fiddler, a George Michael Rab C Nesbitt love child on the right.

      • It looks as though the Village People have finally gone to seed then. Right after me: –
        1,2,3. Young man, there’s no need to feel down

      • The first thing that came to mind on seeing that photo was
        ‘ Jingle Jangle Jewellery ‘
        The Cunt is reincarnated !
        How’s about that then ?
        Uhahuhahuhah ….
        Get To Fuck.

  6. Never been to Brighton and probably never will. What a pile of cunt although I doubt there is much cunt that needs a pounding. I bet there is suspicious slimy whitish bodily fluids floating about in the sea and you may accidentally gulp some of it or get a used needle stuck in you whilst relaxing on the beach.
    I want a load of refugees to turn up on the beach in their dinghy and see the freak show I imagine is on show and the assortment of weirdos shouting out ‘refugees welcome’… that would be enough for the cunts to jump back in the dinghy and fuck off.
    They can all go fuck themselves.
    The cunts.

  7. It’s always been stuffed with oiks and noveau-riche from London but now they’re able to commute up at 5am to earn their 150K per year working as a bank slave. Spot on cunting, CP. Horribly smug cunts who blither about liberal policies and look earnest during their pro-EU rants though shield the eyes of their ankle-biters Jemima and Xavier when passing a tramp, who live “in Hove, actually, not Brighton”, who support Man United whilst drinking Swedish cider and waffle on soshul meedya about Killing Eve and plastic straws while the Eastern bloc filth ferry in weekend drugs from Crawley.

    B-Right on. Get fucked.

  8. Brighton elected that bell-end Caroline Lucas ( AKA Spock’s sister). Nuff said – cunts.

  9. What the fuck. Is that picture about? Imagine that was a family member. Why do they have to dress like that… Where is Alan O’snackbar takeaway van parked on the top of a high building when you need it.

  10. Any place that’s known as a gay capital holds no interest to me. I spose it’s nice for the gays to have their own Mecca (fuck me when I typed that I got an icon for the fucking thing, which was originally a Pagan temple by the way) but there’s nothing there I can’t live without.

  11. Off topic but Jeremy cunt looks like a grinning male doll or something…what a cunt.

  12. Superb cunting. I used to really enjoy visiting Brighton years ago. When the SJW, feminazi, soy boy etc shit went haywire that’s when I stopped going. I feel sorry for the cool gays who have had their city hijacked by the cunts listed. But to the gays who are all for the movement because they lump themselves into the “minority” category, along with the camel botherers and jungle dwellers (guess what, they hate everything and want to destroy everything gays stand for) they can go fuck themselves.

  13. I feel sorry for the sewage workers in Brighton… Imagine wading through semen soaked shit, cocaine and other drug laden blood and piss, HIV blood, and shit stained dead gerbils and God knows what else.
    We need to donate to a charity representing these poor cunts who gave this as their job.
    I can’t be fucked to find out if there is one though.
    Go fuck yourself.

    • Reminds me of the two Japanese guys who meet on holiday in Hawaii. Turns out they’re both sewage workers from Yokohama but they don’t know each other. “How come we have never met before?” says one guy. “Aah” said the other, philosophically, “We’re just two Nips that pass in the shite”.

  14. There are times when I wish the whole south eastern corner of England would just detach itself from the rest of the country and continue sucking on the tit/cock that is the EU.

    The SE as a whole seems to embrace the EU, as well as having a large majority of remainers. So I don’t see why the rest of the country have to play to their deranged tune.

    Lonidonistan is one big melting pot of liberal shite; Dover is full of immigrants, most of them illegal, with more and more boatloads coming in every week; and now Brighton, infested by all the SJW freaks & VS twats under the sun!

    • I see that just up the road in Londonistan, yet another stabbing has occurred; a heavily pregnant woman has lost her life. On the case as ever, Suckdick Khan tweeted ‘violence against women has no place in our city’. He’s ok with violence against men, one can assume…
      Stick to attacking The Donald you cunt; you KNOW he’s right where you’re concerned.

      • Another nig-nog stabbing another nig-nog…

        ”Chandra Mutucumarana, who has lived in the street since 1976, said he was “utterly shocked”

        ”One resident, who lives two doors down, said she heard the animal barking when she got up at about 03.30 for prayers and added she was “shocked and surprised”

        Maybe these cunts should try turning on the fucking news occasionally.

  15. Only ever went to Brighton once, when I was a young man. Don’t remember seeing any gays. Got off with a Dutch girl who had an English name, Robinson or something similar, she was staying with a family as an au pair. We were refused entry to one pub by a coloured bouncer because her jeans weren’t trendy enough. And no I didn’t, she went to catch her train/bus and left me sat there.

    • I fucked a German student in a car park near the King and Queen pub in 1973. Had gravel burns on my knees. I hope shes reading this.

  16. I’ve never been to Brighton but thanks to this excellent cunting, I feel as though I’ve lived there for years, and thank the fuck I’ve just got out.

  17. I went to Brighton for a 3 day break with My lovely Mrs. Mrs Bamboo and I won’t be going again i360 was enjoyable but rather expensive

  18. I was at university in nearby Chichester and a lot of the other students went to the Democratic People’s Republic of Brighton for nights out. Hearing that it is worse than even I thought makes me all the more glad that, being an antisocial and introverted bellend, I never set foot there.

  19. It says a lot about the mindset of the far left that they would consider a statue of a ‘concrete cock’ as Cuntamus Prime puts it, to be entirely appropriate. Never mind that young children might see it. Never mind that decent people, especially the elderly, might be offended by such a thing. They don’t matter as long as the lefties can show us how ‘edgy’ they are.

    Most Gay Pride parades these days are no longer a celebration of their sexuality, (not that there’s much to celebrate), they are becoming increasingly pornographic in nature. I’ve seen photos of such parades with freaks wearing outfits covered in dildos, other freaks wearing nothing but thongs or, worse still, NOTHING at all. And just to add that little extra depravity to their already depraved actions, they do so under the gaze of young children. And what plod doing while these perverts, and that’s what they are, are committing acts of gross public indecency? Cheering them on, rather than doing their fucking jobs and arresting them. I can only imagine what decent gay men and women think of these antics, because those who take part in Gay Pride events these days, are doing immense harm to the issue of Gay rights.

    What really boils my piss though, is that these perverts and deviants are shrieking and shouting at a group of heterosexuals, who are currently trying to organise a Straight Pride parade in Boston, Mass. People who consider it acceptable to march down the street with their genitals on show to young children, are OFFENDED that a group of straight people want to exercise the same right to parade that the deviants have been exercising, and are fighting tooth and nail to get it stopped. Yet somehow, it’s the straight group who are the fascists. Should the Straight Pride parade go ahead, I’m pretty sure that young children will not be subjected to the sight of cocks being waved in their faces. I’m also pretty sure that the fascist left ANTIFA will turn up and start getting violent.

    • We’ve had a gay couple living next door for nearly two decades. Couldn’t wish for better neighbours.

      If you passed them in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual orientation. Damn sure they despise the attention seeking LGBTQXYZ behaviour described above as much as most Cunters on ISAC do. Well, almost as much…

      • My neighbour is Gay, lovely bloke. He wants nothing to do with Pride, says it’s just a debauched fuck fest full of attention seeking losers.
        Afternoon RTC

      • Is the Gayness spreading? Are more people becoming gay? I half jokingly quoted Aminjinedad a while back ‘There are no gays in Iran’. But maybe there is truth to his claim. I am beginning to believe that the Western permissiveness is allowing it to flourish. I mean when I was growing up it was considered a rarity. Now they’re everywhere. What is the percentage of the population that is gay I wonder…? I mean the way things are going there’ll be more gays than straight people soon. I don’t want to offend but I put it in the category of trannies to be honest. It’s a mental disorder of something.

      • Good evening Miles.

        Approx 6% of the population is afflicted with the Gayness. Which is about the average worldwide. Don’t worry, it’s not infectious, unless you happen to fancy women with beards.

        Obviously there are gays in Iran, but they’re ‘encouraged’ to undergo gender reassignment surgery. As a result many choose to flee the country instead. Which is probably why there are so many gay refugees in Israel.

        I’m sure you’d feel right at home in Iran. ?

      • Thanks for the info RT. 6% seems more. I just think it is somehow growing.

        Reading again the depraved detail from QDM there is something wrong at the heart of it.

        For example; the Lord Mayor’s Parade in my home town has floats showing off local industries, advertisments for the surrounding countryside, local theatres groups. What are they PROUD of on a PRIDE march? Bondage gear, pink hair, sticking their tongues out. It would seem.

      • I guess they feel PROUD of the progress they’ve made in the last half century, no longer having to hide who and what they are or feel guilty or ashamed of being gay, celebrating their general acceptance by Society or summat.

        Personally I am repelled by ALL parades, marches and mass demonstrations in this country, regardless of their reason.

  20. ‘Hale knew, before he had been in Brighton three hours, that they meant to murder him’.

    One of the best openings to a novel. ‘Brighton Rock’ by Graham Greene.

    • It’s good but it’s no ‘Our Man In Havana’ or ‘The Quiet American.’

      • One of my favourites Capt ‘The Power and the Glory’. About the spiritual trials of a fallen ‘whiskey’ priest. Not quite you’re thing.

      • ‘Brighton Cock’. A business opportunity? The tagline- ‘Bite it, its the same all the way through’. Phallic-shaped. Could sell well at Pride events.

  21. Brighton today, Hastings tomorrow. Our seaside towns are well and truly being fucked over.

    Full of DFL cunts and our friends from Europe. Contribute nothing except high house prices and crime.

  22. Brighton is right-on!

    And don’t you forget it because that would be sexist and Islamaphobic.

    Mo’ and his crew don’t half mind a pair of arseless leather chaps…

    P.S. Does Brighton’s plod still wear pink hi-viz gear and rainbow bands around their helmets?

  23. I’ve lived in Brighton my whole life, well Hove actually and I can see how it’s gone down the shitter . Scum bag beggars on every street shitting and pissing openly. High street shops closing to be replaced by endless coffee and dead mans charity shops. Hoards of Gemima’s and Tarquin’s have infested Hove especially around the Poets Corner area pushing up the price of a 2up 2down from £15,000 in the 80’s to £500,000 plus now. You see the same neck bearded hipster cunts giving out change to the growing army of beggars like it’s exonerating them of guilt.Nice local boozers have been re-named The Slug and lettuce or Biscuit factory where you can’t get a pint of Kronunberg for less than £7 a pint.
    Yes, what was once a great town has turned into a degenerative shit whole.

  24. Went there last year to see what all the fuss was about. The Lanes is OK for a wander and the i360 is OK on a clear day. Everything in between looked tired and was over-priced. Restaurants were the same old same old you can find anywhere and nice pubs were very thin on the ground. Typical British hotel with smart lobby and rooms upstairs dating decor-wise from the early 1960s… and sweet FA in the minibar. And then there’s the usual dog on a bit of string crowd to step over. Seafront is a four lane motorway so not a particularly nice place to perambulate. A one and a half day town including the train ride in and out.

  25. Nothing against the BumBandits so long as they don’t try and “convert” others to their way of life.Shit stabbing ain’t my cup of tea but then nor is scat or fisting and plenty of hetero perverts indulge in both.Nope Perv and let Perv is my motto. Putins got it just about right-be a Cunt in the privacy of your own home but don’t try and spread your shit around the neighbourhood coz the KGB will do a Peter Tatchell on your sorry arse

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