Why is ‘Russia’ a Cunt?
We know that up until its demise in 1991, the USSR had been quite cunty.
We know that the country now known as Russia is governed by Putin, who is roughly the cup of tea of some and the anathema of others. Just like in every democratic country the whole world over.
We know that it’s won Eurovision when it shouldn’t have, but we’ll park that for now.
Is it me being thick, or do I genuinely not get why the American left-wing media just routinely goes “Russia Russia Russia Russia” and “Putin Putin Putin Putin” as a slur against that very Eastern-European country. I might be young and naive, born as a (very proud to be) Thatcher’s child in 1979, but my understanding is that the cold war has ended.
I’m genuinely baffled and nonplussed as to why the completely mainstream, ie reaching out to the most viewership, US media is perpetuating this myth of ‘Russia’ being the ‘arch-enemy’ of the US, on the basis of seemingly nothing at all other than just making them able to say ‘Russia’, ‘Russian’ and ‘Putin’ innumerable times in any given broadcast. Am I missing something? I might just be ignorant.
I would link to the ingenious video of Rachel MadCow saying ‘Russia’ and ‘Putin’ about 190 times in one broadcast… but of course, that edit has been elided from YT with all algorithms warned at pain of digital death not to resurrect it.
Nominated by WokeUpTodayAndRealisedWhatACuntIAm
I suppose the American left, unable to objectively self-reflect on its own faults, want a ‘proper’ explanation for Trump.
‘Russian Collusion’ is so much more palatable than ‘Disillusioned Working Classes Angry With Endless Identity Politics and No Jobs’.
Agree. Also putin has his own agenda, and popular with his own people, seen as a threat still? Hey admin, i know my first post on muslim council might have been a bit offensive but whats wrong with my second one ? Pretty mild or at least i thought so?
Create a dragon to frighten the people it’s easier to control and manipulate a population if they believe a malevolent force is waiting to consume them…….
Big Business needs a big bad bogeyman to scare the people.
I’m not saying that Russia is perfect,far from it, but I suspect that if Russia’s “threat-level” were to drop. Big Business would quickly find another “threat to our way of life”….
An interesting point Fiddler, it seems odd that much is made over Russian hackers stealing data or conducting cyber attacks on the NHS yet the government is allowing Chinese firm, Huawei to build the 5G network. Its seems in an increasingly digital age people are constantly being told the need for protection but at the cost of a creeping ‘Big Brother’ culture. Fuck Offski.
Morning LL.
( Tin foil hat time),,,,I genuinely believe that individual Governments no longer truly “run” their countries…yes,they deal with the minutiae,but I think that that there is something bigger going on that transcends individual Governments.
Spot on, Dick, and Good Morning to you.
Yes, it’s cuntitude as demonstrated by Blair and his ilk that lurks in the background, like a huge dog turd in the dark point between two streetlights.
Why hasn’t Moaning Owen written a “little tome” on “The Demonisation of Russia.” ??
As long as i’ve been around the ruling class have always needed a bogey man they can scare us with……….the USSR ( now the RUSSIANS ) the IRA, global warming/climate change……,they come and go but they all serve the same purpose. Keep us frightened, keep us in line, steal the money from our pockets.
One of the reasons why we should love the EU is because they protect us from the Ruskies, both economically and militarily. Yeah bollocks. They’re piss poor and it’s the Yanks who protect us. I know exactly what the EU is for, cunt.
Don’t watch RT they tell us, it’s all lies, all propaganda. Totally unlike the world renowned and respected BBC. Yeah right.
Yea funny how on yt they have a warning on all of rt’s videos “funded in part by the Russian government”, yet the BBC videos don’t have a warning “BBC is funded in full by theft and political corruption”…..
Funny that.
More likely the BBC is funded by Mangledbum, Blair, Campbellend and Heseltine, who sounded pissed as a fart on Wireless 4 PM show on Thursday – he sounds like an embittered old bugger.
As Empire mentioned above, the Russians seem to be convenient foil for the left explaining away Trumps surge in popularity. Over here the Electoral Commission probed Sir Nigel of Farage’s Brexit Party donations while the Peterborough by-election was a complete peaceful Labour stitch-up and as of yet, fuck all done about it.
Russia is undoubtably a cunt of a country. They want to resurrect the USSR, control information, murder dissenters, and create confilct between countries they can take advantage of – they released a chemical weapon in our country for christs sake. I agree with their middle east policies but that’s about it. Fuck em.
Putin is a very dangerous psychopathic CUNT, but so are many other political “leaders”. The nastiest shits always seem to float to the top. ‘
“CUNTS” an everyday synonym for all politicians
I don’t believe for one moment that Vlad will die peacefully (in the good old traditional sense, that is…). Personally, I am hugely more worried by the smell of hopeless farts emanating from the Berlaymont bunker, and I is absolutely no commie.
Nothing against Russian people, as I have nothing against Jewish people, but I deeply mistrust their leaders.
There is something about Putin, I don’t like the cut of his jib. Deceitful, wall-eyed looking cunt – wouldn’t trust him any further than I could spit at him – he looks as if he could be related to that horrible little shitstain “Lord” Adonis – just as fucking oily.
His eyes are too close together….
Putin is pro Israel and Pro Trump so gets my vote!
And a BIG fuck off to the mincing little faggoty trolley dolly moaning about having to buy water so he could take anti depressant s in a pub. He felt vulnerable? Oh do fuck off, love.
Why film it? Out with his “friend Shaun?” Read bum chum. Only had his Amex card on him? He is a fucking cart tart not a pilot.
He called the police because he felt scared by the barlady…
Do one, you silly little queen.
And I is a proper butch poof…
Jonathan is indeed a cunt, too many people these days determined to be victims
Soon you will be able to obtain a degree in victim studies just what your social media influencer needs to forward their career in the cuntiverse. Never has suicide seemed to be the right choice, but now!!!!!.
This cunting could have been so word-perfectly lifted from my own thoughts it’s scary. I genuinely have no idea why the American Left so quotidianly and blatantly cites Russia as a ‘boogeyman’. It seems crazy to me to be so openly vitriolic about a country that’s not that far behind as a potential super-power.
As for Rachel Madcow, don’t get me started. The ‘this is your life now’ announcement that Trump won, the fake crying over the fake pictures of ‘children in cages’, the ‘Russia Russia Russia Putin Putin Putin’… it would be emetic enough coming from any pundit, but the fact that she’s holier than though dyke somehow intensifies the disgust. Her and Ellen Degenerate, inviting little girls onto her show to twerk with Nicki Minaj, are two of the most pernicious personas in American media.
Maybe someone needs to tell them that the cold war is over… they seem to be 20 or 30 years behind everyone else.
Perhaps it’s the plunging viewing figures.
Quotidian… that’s not a word you hear every day.
“This cunting could have been so word-perfectly lifted from my own thoughts it’s scary.”
WTF? It’s your fucking Nom WUTARWACIA!
Wouldn’t trust ’em an inch, nothing unusual there, I’m not even keen on the next door neighbours.
Boris Johnson probably feels the same, one called Imran was being interviewed on SLY NEWS this morning. Giving his account of last night’s ‘ incident ‘
Hmmmm, I wonder who made the phone call ?
Read all about it in The Guardian, voice of the people.
Get To Fuck.
Yeah, Putin’s a smashing bloke, he gives his mother flowers and that.
But it’s hard to get round the fact he’s also a narcissistic, homicidal, kleptocratic, multi-billionaire CUNT.
And far from being a patriot his mafia state government is grinding the Russian economy (GDP smaller than Italy’s or South Korea’s ffs) ever further into the ground.
ISAC wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Russia.
We shouldn’t kid ourselves. Our enemy’s enemy is not always our friend.
…but I still trust him more than the labour party.
Morning rtc..
Another point of agreement, RTC. Cor.
And let us not forget that we are depicted as the bogeyman to the Russian public just as much as Russia is to us.
It’s not so much that the West’s Left hates the cunt Putin as that the Neanderthals round Trump deeply admire his support of oligarchy. (and the wrestling bears bit obviously appeals to the US frontiersman myth). Putin plays Trump like a Stradivarius.
Fuck him, to coin a phrase.
Nailed it Mr. Creampuff.
Good morning.
Good morning jack
Good morning Mr. Sausage.
Morning Jack, Deploy ??
Good Morning
RTC is spot on. To put it mildly it is not acceptable to leave radio active materials around English country towns just because you have a local disagreement with the that chap and his daughter he wanted to bump off.
Morning wanksock…
I agree but I just can’t believe that the Russian govenment would be that incompetent when whacking someone.
Maybe I’m just being stupid (not for the first time), or maybe I’m just a conspiricist, but surely they’d be better than that.
If not we don’t have anything to worry about. … They’re shite at assassinations.
They wanted everyone to know it was them as a message to anyone that’s an enemy of the regime.
Good that Russia is pro-Israel and that they are not infected with the Libtard disease that is slowly eating the West from within like a fat, bloated maggot.
However, in many respects the Russian state acts like a total fucking CUNT. Look at their interference in the Ukraine, their connection with the low life Russian/ Ukrainian rebel’s that shot down a Malaysian airliner and the shocking Novichok affair here in the UK, perpetrated by their Laurel and Hardy secret service.
I can’t agree with the original post. Paranoia about Russia is created by Russian cultishness and so, to a consider degree, it’s justified.
True ….. I forgot about that plane. Cunts.
Putin and Russia are complete and utter Cunts but then again so would I be if I walked around with 10,000 Nuclear Warheads stashed away in my back pocket
As far as Eastern europe is concerned the expression goes ” They changed their ties” and that is pretty much it, former Political elite suddenly found themselves owning former state industry, becoming very rich very quickly.
The security services remained the same (though less answerable).
I will give you an example UDBA has made more known kills outside its home land than any other organisation, when the state broke up, the head of UDBA took over as an “Adviser” to the security service of one of the breakaway republics.
They are very dangerous people, they are still out there, maybe worse is the fact that they are running unchecked now, the Novichok incident in salisbury is proof enough of that.
Trump could literally come out as a foreign agent acting in the interest of Israel today but the lying news media will still call him a Russian agent secretly working for putin. I don’t have a dog in this fight i hate all these cunts but i don’t want to see ww3 or a nuclear war with iran just because the warmongers wants it. Russian kremlin or putin never helped win trump the 2016 election but his globalist donors and the Vatican church did though
I can’t entirely agree.
I live in Poland some of the year and not one Pole has a good word for the Russians especially the older ones , that goes for the Czechs as well. They lived under a brutal occupation untill the wall came down. We’re very complacent about freedom in the West especially generations that have no concept of having to fight for it. Their are most certainly decent Russians but don’t trust Putin , He’s never got over the humiliation of the collapse of his beloved Soviet Union.
One thing I do agree with Putin over is the ban on teaching and indoctrination of bummery in schools to young kids.
There used to be a good joke about to border guards on the Jugoslav/Bulgarian border.
The Jugoslav is eating an orange and the Bulgarian wants a bit,
The Jugoslav tells him to fuck off because he has nothing, The Bulgarian gets the arse and says yes we have “We have great Russian friends”!
The Jugoslav looks at him and then says “That’s why you don’t have any oranges!”
The Polacks had a powerful Empire in the 16th-17th centuries,they saved Europe from complete takeover by the Ottoman Turks,they even took Moscow in 1610,but they then had a series of civil wars which fatally weakened them and those nasty Russkies saw their chance,stepped up their game and handed Poland its ass on a plate in 1795.Poland only only regained its independence from the Tsars in 1918 and they still cant forgive the beatings the Russkies gave em.If you poke the Bear youd better beware.
Not fond of russian cunts myself Fenton, tho being a quarter polish might contribute to that. But if a curious mind to wonder why look no futher then the past with russians stealing polish land, collectivations, gulag expulsions, their ‘heroic’ soliders raping women and even children during war. Not to mention the katyn massacre which was fucking brutal No fan of Russian government thats forsure i’ve met the odd decent russian but alot of them are brutes and thick headed cunts
Fuck Russia. They are basic cunts led by a megalomaniac, who have no concept of the freedoms we are currently being stripped of. Lamenting their evil bastards of planet earth status, sucking up to any cunt nation to help rebuild its empire.
There are some of the young cunts in work who think Russia is awesome, and Putin a great leader, which to me shows their knowledge of history is as poor as their current affairs. This is because Russia has been really good at fomenting anti western hate online, conspiracy theories eagerly lapped up by poorly educated bellends who will denounce two hundred years of documented history because of a five minute YouTube video. Western self loathing is a far bigger enemy than Russia will ever be.
Quite right. And Pukein is very adept and manipulating that Western self- loathing. He knows that the West is it’s own worse enemy.
Putin tells Trump that it would be a mistake to escalate any aggression against Iran and if he does, he won’t vote him in next time
Like or dislike Russia, but they’ve got the best national anthem.
Can’t stand their anthem personally the anthem has become a popular meme among the youth nowadays, and i’m not a big fan of the russian language to begin with. Alot of slavic language is similar but Russian is extra spitty when it comes to word vocalizations Will say tho its very patriotic sounding
I don’t remember any of this ‘Russia Russia Russia Putin Putin Putin’ nonsense for the 8 years that the black Messiah had his handle on systemically destroying the US. It’s as if someone in 2016 just flipped a switch and said to the mainstream media ‘say Russia a lot’.
Yes Russia’s a cunty country, but at least they haven’t got time for tolerating moo-slims. At the end of the day, no interplay between any countries on the planet matters until the VIRULENT CANCER that is Islam is completely eridcated and wiped out 100%.