Abdullah Patel is a cunt. Who is this nobody you ask? Another member of the religion of piss, this camel botherer was given the opportunity to wade into the leadership candidate debate and ask what the candidates would do to address the issue of islamophobia within the party. Have you ever heard such shite? Imagine one of us in the middle east asking such a question for the way no mudslimes are treated. Anyway, the cunt has said that he was disappointed with the response.
Well funnily enough you stinking fuck, it is a non existent problem. Disagreeing with one religions “ideals” is not phobic, it is an opinion expressed by an individual after careful weighing up of all the information available. Even if it were this country has bigger problems that need addressing.
Finally, if you don’t like it here and like many of my fellow cunter’s have suggested to you and your brethren. FUCK OFF to some middle eastern shitehole.
Nominated by McCunterson
Islamophobia is a made up term used by easily offended Muslims, ultra PC sjws and neoliberal pseudofascists to try and prevent any and all criticism of Islam. These people seem to have forgotten that a healthy democracy is one where the people are free to criticise ALL beliefs and ideas.
You believe the lies of the left that they believe in democracy? They undermine the democratic process everytime somebody they don’t agree with wins a free and fair election.
Or referendum….
Oh, and whatever his faults Boris is bang on about the burka. They do make the people who wear them look like letterboxes. They’re not even a requirement in Islam but try saying that and you get branded a ‘waaaaaaaycist!’
I have a culturally appropriated shemagh that I wear when walking the hound over the wetland nature reserve, I may look like a terrorist but I don’t look as silly as Mrs B running round waving her arms and cursing the midges
Whenever I take my dog for a walk in the park or through town, I get people moving away from me and my dog pretty quickly, when ever I shout Alluah Akbar to heal people run away.
and the cunts are even allowed to wear them while driving. A fucking post-box being taught by another fucking post-box pulled out on me on the bike. After that, I wrote to the cunts at DVLA and got a load of fucking PC bollocks back. Basically, my right to safe roads is trumped by the goat fuckers right to wear a post-box. And where the fuck in the Koran does it say they have to. Fucking cunts.
Oh, and by the way, I did see this piece of filth on the TV last night while Lady C was watching it – Matis was just trying to goad Boris into saying something anti-mozzer. Like they would ever get Jezza to say something derogatory about the Jews.
Cunt on BBC’s house.
Banning the burka is meaningless, ban islamists and islam instead! banning a piece of of womens clothing the hooded veil is a stupid pissing contest and this burka ban thing is used by cuckservatives as a useless gesture to their base to stir the pot and to have a pointless shitshow and to achieve absolutely nothing
They should make burkhas compulsory. Have you seen the ugly, buck toothed, rat nosed islamic cunts? They’re an offence to the eye. They’re the ugliest bastards on the planet.
I’m Islampophobic, sexist, misogynist, quite possibly racist but the term is so wide now I can’t be sure, homophobic, piss artist, cuntist, fatist, classist, actually I hate everything and everyone
Just so there’s no misunderstanding.
No misunderstanding CMC. Its what i call ‘normal’. Fuck him and his ilk.
But I do hate everyone equally, Grumps, so you could say I believe in equality.
All cunts.
I just tell them I hate everyone equally CmC but they tend not to hear that funnily enough.?
We used to call those in the full Burka darleks or tents.
Islamophobia is just used to stop any criticism of the final world of god preached by these nut bags.
All religions should be mocked and ridiculed for the absurd beliefs they hold and never be allowed to dictate how society should be run or how the people should act towards each other.
Also it’s not a race , can t mention the times I have been labelled a racist for asking questions of Islam. Seeing as it’s an ideology not a geological set of people and they come in all shades of colour should make it pretty obvious.
As soon as the cunt came on you knew he was a wrong ‘un. You only have to read the Guido Fawkes website to find that even minimal research and vetting by the BBC would would have discovered that. Instead they probably wet themselves that they had someone concerned about Islamophobia. The problem with Islamophobia in the Conservative party is something that only exists in the minds of the Labour Party in order to divert attention from their Anti-Semitism.
I agree with all you say about religion. Do the House of Lords still have places reserved for the Bishops? I am not sure why people with imaginary friends should have any say in the running of the country.
I suspect the BBC are well in on the act. Here is another of the cunts who has got himself into the papers – and yet another slimy *Labour official* to boot ….. and boot him well – out of this country:
Fuck this rug-kissing cunt and his lice-ridden beard.
Even before this cunt came on, an image of him flashed briefly on the screen. I think Al Beeb we’re trying to send subliminal messages but just left the image on for too long. What was the message they were sending to our subconscious?
“This man is completely misunderstood. He means you no harm. He does not shag goats and he loves and respects his wife very dearly. His religion is one of peace and he would love you to join him in prayer at the North Finchley mosque this Friday. A collection will be taken and your donation will help provide services to the community.”
Good Afternoon BSC,
I too noticed that.
Can someone please explain why so many Islamics come to this Christian country and is overwhelmed in sovereign debt, when there are Islamic countries overwhelmed with sovereign wealth?
Because Wanky, their countries are desert shitholes where they live in diseased, undemocratic poverty (Allän be praised) while chewing on goats’ heads and drinking camels’ blood before genuflecting to a badly-codified, cobbled-together book of fairy stories dictated by an invisible, inaudible superpower to an illiterate shepherd on the side of a mountain n the late 6th century.
Whereas here there’s free money.
It’s all part of a concious plan, plain as day. Saudi accepted zero refugees from syria and soon as germany let them in started funding mosque building there.
Good afternoon Wanksock. I’ve only one thing to say to you – Vera Lynn. I’ll win her back! God, didn’t realise she’s 102, I’ll have to be quick!
Oh no you won’t. ? I am like Lewis Hamilton of the grid.
My old man was a POW for 5 years and they played her endlessly. He grew to hate it, hence the honorific VD applied to her name. Of course when he came home she had been beatified by the BBC.
They are trying to destroy the west from the inside – like a parasite. They are playing the long game and it’s much more effective than bombs and bullets. Only Orban can see this so far.
I understand that he has gathered so much attention that twitter has suspended his account (something to do with rape and generally being anti semitic) and has just been suspended as a deputy head.
What a cunt! talk about putting your head above the parapet.
This camel fucker is also an anti- Semite according to reports I have been reading. Why does that not surprise me!!!!
Why is the BBC giving time to these Medevial Camel Botherers, piss be upon them. Oh, I know why. Because the BBC is run by a bunch of Libtard, western hating, unpatriotic, freeloading pc obsessed cunts.
Fuck off.
This fucker hid his twitter account when he was ‘background checked’ by the piss poor BBC, desperate to get a fucking mussy on the box.
He reactivated it after the broadcast and big surprise this fucker is ‘waycist’
When will this country realise the Islamic faith isnt compatible with western society and never will be.
The media never quote/use the full article by Boris, he was actually defending the right to wear what the fuck they like even if they do look like cunts (he was a little more reserved …. letterboxes).
The Chinks have seen what has happened in the west when you indulge the muslim and are taking steps to sort it out….. fuck what the media are saying we could do with a little ‘Chinese Philosophy’ in the UK
Fuckin ‘A. Though I question whether mudslimes can be re-educted to the necassary degree. Just work em to death in forced labour I say. Only one in five of these cunts has a fucking job!
That’s a better ratio than the 1 in 10 that I reckon are driving WITH a licence.
I grow ever more tired of the relentless bleating of the shadow cults of Abraham, being botherfolk and slimeys. I’ve never heard a whimper from Jews, Hindus, Sihks, Buddhists, Daoists etcetera. They make the effort to fit in, not be a cunt to others that have different or no beliefs and get on with life. Fuck off to Saudi or Utah cunts.
Almost goes without saying he’s a Corbynista anti-Semite:
Thank you for the heads up on this one RTC, it wouldn’t be here without you.
Love Admin xxx
You’re welcome.
Once again RTC, you have done your homework! It’s a shame Al Beeb don’t apply the same diligence in order to avoid their monster cock ups. Fuck the BBC. It’s end can’t come soon enough.
Labour – For the many, not the Jew
Why have Burma and China got it so right and we have got it so wrong?
The BBC “ debate” yesterday evening was a joke. The BBC’s cross representation of the electorate looks like it was put together with an Islington student union bar in mind.
First of all there is the aforementioned Abdullah al- Camelshagger, a Labour supporting, racist anti-Semitic islamicist put there so Emily Matliss could raise Boris’s harmless burka comments in order to discredit him and express liberal outrage.
There was a Labour Party member who, unsurprisingly, hates Tories and who sat on Labours anti- Semitic whitewash enquiry.
And then, there was a 15 year old Greta Thunderbird groupie who frankly should be at school or mooning over boy bands rather than worrying over carbon emissions like some freak.
A fucking parody. No wonder Boris didn’t want to take part.
In addition to the camel botherer being suspended by his mosque and the school he worked at – no doubt to be reinstated once the hubbub dies down – the Labour plant has been suspended from his job as a solicitor following the uncovering iof some obnoxious tweet he made about Hitler. No doubt it was anti- Semitic. And this cunt was in Labias anti- Semitic enquiry and a representative of the average voter according to al-Beeb.
Jesus. You couldn’t make this stuff up.
as for Greta whatserface, I would rather the govt take advise from Harvey Price. You cuuunnnttts.
Aaaah – Greta Thunderbox ? Thunderbird ? Privileged whitey child of libtard Swede-head luvvie parents ?
The suffix ‘phobia’ is incorrect for a start. ‘Phobia’ means ‘fear’ of something. I would hasten a guess that most people do not fear them. They just despise them and the numerous atrocities they carry out and the insistence they impose on their communities and the wider world that everyone bend to their needs,wants and rules, even to the point of campaigning for Sharia law.
I mean, come on now. What is not to like and how dare ANYONE be Islamophobic??
I watched this debate online and frankly it made me want to reach for the sick bucket. The kowtowing and brown nosing about how Islamophobia is OF COURSE unacceptable and will not be tolerated, but what they so typically sideswiped was the reason WHY so many people in this country and others feel such animosity towards a group of people? What drives that? That is a subject they will NEVER address because they know damned well that it will lead to an automatic ‘racist’ red card being waved at them, so let us just bury our heads in the sand and say all of the right things to keep them happy.
I actually skipped through his ‘question’ once I heard the first few words out of his mouth. I then listened to the first two responses and skipped through again as frankly I could not stomach any more of the disgusting placation pouring from their mouths.
An equally gargantuan cunt was professional wankstain and hand-wringing cockscab Rory Stewart.
Turned to the screen where this carpet-sniffer was and said “salaam drinkmycum”.
Boris had it right- couldn’t remember the hairy cunt’s name, and no doubt had to restrain himself from calling him “some raghead from Bristolistan” (which would’ve won him millions of votes).
Then that fucking bellend Satnam Jamrag started getting animated about a witch-hunt to “root out the Islamophobes”, and trying to make everyone promise to take part.
I’d have told him to get fucked, the bald-headed turd.
Jamrag looks like a browned-up Nosferatu…
Oh God, yes I just caught Stewart when I restarted the iplayer, Cuntzilla, with his fucking ‘ As Salaam lick-a-bum’ comment. I nearly had to vom into that sick bucket of mine.
What an insincere, crawling, anus-tonguing little weasel is. It was like he was trying to prove how down with the Ragheads he is as he speaks their lingo.
What a cunt.
As has been said if you don’t like it here fuck off somewhere else preferably as far away from us as possible I personally think this twat was a plant last night via The Labour Party
They all were. Including the fat, greasy Scottish 15-year-old. Mind you, she’ll soon have the vote in Scotland if Krankie gets her way.
Here’s a long list of his comments against the terrorist bombs that have butchered everyday British folk in the last 20 years:
Exactly. Fuck all.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
Being of neither vocal minority group affected, will be completely neutral here. If one’s bad, both are. If not, not.
Well the simple answer would be “what Stalin would have done”
Uncle Joe never did shy away from sorting out minorities. He would’ve had them all mining uranium up in the polar circle, in their pants and using their bare hands, and all for 300 calories a day
Far too lenient if you ask me…….
Stalin must be the biggest slaver in history.
Good for him.
If I recall Solz correctly, dinner in the gulag was Greasy weak broth with fisheyes and wevilly bread warmed up to 3 degrees.
Lucky lucky bastards.
Okay, I live in toryland but everybody I know hates muslims, I mean really hate them, myself included. I don’t have those feelings for any other group. It’s not racist, it’s religionist.
It’s ideaologist in reality . The whole point of Islam is to spread and convert everyone to the one true way.
Be that through war, which at current time they are to busy killing each other. Or to migrate and and out breed the native population.
We see this already happening in areas of East London Luton Birmingham and Manchester. Which have now muslim areas and are run as Islam dictates.
There are sharia courts subverting British law, Muslim only schools where kids are getting beaten by teachers and young girls becoming sex slaves or brides.
Not to mention honour killings, acid attacks, FGM,and rape gangs.
The next stage I hear is arguing for blasphemy laws to be reinstated. That all Muslim owned land in European countries and elsewhere is actually now Islamic owned and should only be following Islamic law as stated by their holy book.
We gain nothing from the inclusion of another nutty religion , and the countries who have resisted like Japan, Hungary and Poland. All have vastly lower violent crime, rape and murder statistics then all the countries who allowed themselves to be invaded .
If any more proof were needed just look at swedens rape stats pre and post muslim influx. People who ignore these facts are in the middle of history as destroyers of the civilised West.
Guido managed to find out that the cunt from Bristol was less than honest then found out the other dark key was a Liebour staffer working for an ambulance chasing law firm. The 4 by from Southampton must have been a fucking plant – maybe a channel 4 researcher. The hideous copycat of Greta from Scandinavia – the ginger from Glasgow appeared untouched by irony.
To top that the BBC cunt from 5 live Nicky Campbell has cunt written through him like a stick of Blackpool rock had the imam on live this morning apparently unaware the cunt had been sniffed out last night / early this morning and in his usual smarmy clever cunt self bumbled through giving said imam air time. He has since “apologised” saying radio 5 live had no idea of his tweets. Thats like Hitler apologising for the inconvenience of WW2. Campbell is a cunt, the Beeb are cunts as are Channel 4 and sly. Maitland knew exactly which way that debate was being driven last night and editors / producers heads should roll. Will they? Will they fuck – another reason to cancel your BBC viewing tax and sign the petition to bin it. FFS – we plebs have no fair chance of sorting out the wheat from the chaff when virtually every form of media is shamelessly slanted towards Liebour, the left and the ruination of England.
if there’s one thing worse than a total cunt, it’s an absolute arsehole cunt with a jihadi’s beard.
It’s a wonder that Yasmin Brown wasn’t on the program She’s on every other fucking channel bleating on about racism She says if Boris Johnson becomes the new prime minister She’s leaving Britain Good news fuck off back to Kampala where you were born (that means you are Ugandan not British) you fucking hypocrite I will start the pool and chip in the first £20.00p towards Her air fare and don’t come back
Fucking hell that’s the best news I’ve heard in years. That whinging, gerbil faced cunt is one of the biggest racists in the country.
The inconvenient truth is that this bellends opinions are pretty much normal amongst his religion, it’s just some are better at hiding it. What a load of Cunt.
Pick two random muslims and the chances of them not being anti-semtetic are between slim and none.
See this – China is knocking down mosques, now there’s an authoritarian policy I could get behind!
China is doing this because it wants to survive and prosper, and it knows that the only way to do so is to subdue and suppress the purely deleterious cancer that is Islam. Any country that takes any less than this stance against it is doomed to their own foolish destruction. For goodness sake, there’s no hiding the agenda – muslim men are born and bred to be brainwashed from birth that they must contumaciously conquer all other peoples on the planet, and yet the rest of the globe languidly accepts the rising billions of that mentality being among us. There is no moral, theological or political debate or question to be had – that is the SOLE purpose of their existence and what they seek to perpetuate each and every time they impregnate one of their pillar-box bedecked female slaves aka wives. China, Japan, Burma have got it spot on. Heck there was even an African country, forget which one, that effectively outlawed it a few years back. When the West has fallen – which it will, not if – Islam will have what it thinks is its brief moment in the sun, but the might of the orient, who believe in themselves far too much to bend over and acquiesce to takeover by a malevolent alien culture – won’t be far behind it.
I loathe the Chinese but i admire them for their tenacity and bravery as a insect like people bent on world domination and making cheap stuff worldwide America wouldn’t survive without chinas cheap workforce and massive debt relief. They are not worried bout offending peacefuls because the state is the religion in china. To the democratic communist party of china All Hail Xi Jinping the great panda emperor
I’d tell him i’d make sure ‘Islamophobia’ no longer exists.