

Why give these a cunting you might ask? Well I’ve always taken an interest in medical matters, largely because of my advancing years and the decrepit state of my body. During my extensive research, I’ve found that tonsils and adenoids are about the only parts of the body that can grow back after being removed. This can happen if all the tissues are not removed during surgery. I’ve come to the conclusion what a shitty God we’ve got. Who the fuck needs another pair of tonsils? When you think of all the useful body parts he could have regenerated, most of which would have benefitted me. A new heart pulsing fresh blood through my body? New legs to help me walk better? A new bladder to stop me pissing so much at night? Most of all a new willie for an old one to help me regain the vigour of my youth? No, WTF do I get – a new set of fuckin tonsils? I might have more success praying to Allah. Tonsils are a cunt.

Nominated by Bluntspeakingcunt

33 thoughts on “Tonsils

  1. A little known medical fact……..Katie Price had her tonsils taken out and a clitoris grew back instead.

    • Good morning CMC
      Thanks for introducing me to Mike’s Place.
      This website has got a nice forum on The Army Rumours website (Arrsej in the Naffi Bar section.

  2. After seeing the pics first before the nom title I thought this was going to be all about Suckdiq Khan, willing and waiting for the next cock to suck on!

  3. What about fat? You can have it all sucked out or burn it off yourself but it comes back!

    Fat cunt.

  4. And your liver is a lazy cunt, it can regenerate until it’s too damaged to regenerate, why not the other way around?

    I don’t really need it to heal until it’s fucked.

    Stupid god.

  5. Westminster is collectively waiting for a new backbone, last seen leaving in November 1990.

    • Maybe one day we shall have a “Meaningful Prime Minister”…
      Despite my peccadilloes, I’m not holding my breath on this one (unless Penny Mordaunt’s thighs are to hand…).

  6. Good Morning Bloody Shifty Cunt. I had my spleen removed in Alicante after a fall in the street. Two years ago I had to have a scan and my consultant who is a bit of a comedian said don’t tell them and see if they notice. They didn’t notice so I asked if they could see it, oh yes was the reply so I tohim he had bloody good eyesight as it was in Spain where I had left it. The radiologist showed it to me on the screen and said he wondered why it was a bit small.

    • Good morning Wanksock. A ruptured spleen can be very nasty. I remember my father doing the same and falling in to his bicycle handlebars when out on his postman’s round. I tried to think of a song to go with it to cheer you up but I can only think of ‘I left my spleen in Alicante’ sung to the tune of ‘I left my heart in San Francisco’.Hasn’t quite got the same ring to it.

  7. Tonsils and adenoids shrink right back in adulthood so they should rarely be problematic for presumably most of the cunters on here. They trap germs and stop them entering the respiratory system, which is important for children, who have developing immune systems. This is courtesy of Dr (Mrs) Maskinback.

    They are sometimes a problem in children and young adults. My son had both removed when he was 4 as well as having grommets inserted in his eardrums.

    • So Tonsils are there for a reason and you remove them, but you insert a foreign object (grommets) into your kids ears?

      Do you think you are better than god?

  8. Tonsillitis is a disease suffered by sickly children who have been been badly reared. I.of course,never had my tonsils,appendix or anything else removed as a child. This is because my parents didn’t believe in raising weaklings. Too many parents are far too soft with their children and would discover that kids suffer far fewer health problems if the body is allowed to do what comes naturally and deal with illnesses without running to the Doctor at the first hint of a “Bo-Bo”.
    Of course,most Doctors are Quacks and Charlatans. They pander to these deluded parents and their badly- raised children to keep themselves in the feather-bed luxury that that they so enjoy. Ninety-five per cent of childrens’ illnesses could be cured by telling the bloody parents to pull themselves together and stop allowing their offspring to lead a sedentary life instead of using my tax pounds to fund unnecessary treatment for minor problems.

    Fuck Off.

    • Good Morning Dick.

      You won’t be surprised to learn that I’ve had both my tonsils and appendix out.

      Had I not had an emergency appendectomy I would not be alive today. Which of course makes your antipathy toward said operations entirely understandable… ?

      • Likewise. My pandering parents caused my appendicitis at four years old. And a quack diagnosed tummy ache. Which got worse when the appendix ruptured. The surgeons at Birmingham Children’s Hospital were surprised I lived. Obviously I was meant to contribute to ISAC the only website with life-saving properties.

      • Afternoon Fimbs. May I enquire, in what way did your parents cause your appendicitis?

      • Hello RTC. My parents followed the teachings of a child rearing guru of the early 1950’s who argued that early childhood appendicitis was the result of parents being far too soft in raising said children by doing things like feeding and clothing them. I think the guru’s name was Filder or Fillder or something like that

      • Gotcha, thanks. My father, a disciple of Dr Fiddler’s method of child rearing, put off calling the doctor till it was almost too late, for reasons not dissimilar I suspect.

    Vincent Kompany will be leaving Man City at the end of this season.

    Can’t fucking help myself but watch the BBC news and this fucking breaking news headline rolls across the bottom of the screen.

    Fuckety fuck.

    • Bloody hell ! I almost read “Vincent Kable will be leaving Man City…”

      I suppose because the latter talks balls, Man City kick one around.

    • Shall we call a national day of mourning; have a minute’s silence across the country, wear black arm bands and buy loads of candles and teddy bears for Manchester’s great loss?

    • Despite his wonder goal a couple of weeks ago, Kompany spent most of his time off the field injured. In fact, he had so much free time he studied and got an MBA. Overrated footballer but very clever guy. BTW another financially astute guy is Gerard Pique of Barcelona who has a degree in nuclear physics or something like that and lots of business interests.

      • Iain Dowie, the sky football pundit has a Masters degree in aeronautics from Southampton and so is often referred to as a ‘rocket scientist’. I think someone must have sat the papers for him as he can barely string two sentences together. He communicates by waving his arms around. Wasn’t a bad footballer though.

      • Kompany is extremely clever! He is quoted as saying “Sheikh Mansour changed my life.” He sure did, to the tune of 35 million!

  10. I would hazard a guess that years gone by our tonsils probably served a purpose, but as the years evolved we have no need for them.

    What do I know though, I’m just a cunt.

  11. At the age of nine I had my first operation which was the removal of my tonsils and adenoids. Four days later I had to have another operation because they’d left a bit in.
    Recently I had my aortic valve replaced, which was my fifteenth operation. Eight days later I found myself having my sixteenth, a ‘pericardial window’.
    If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.

  12. Tonsils are indeed cunts.

    I hate the fuckers as I spent years having to smell the rancid stench coming from the mouths of copious sprogs admitted to the ward for a Tonsillectomy, after a usually long history of chronic tonsillitis. You’d lean in to carry out their admission obs and nearly end up in the bed next to them, having been knocked out by the putrid honk. PUKE.

    Most of the tragic sods tonsils were so enormous, they appeared to have a pair of testicles in the back of their throats.

    Trust me when I say you really do not want to be within a foot of a kid with tonsil issues. If you have that misfortune, a gas mask is advisable.

    • And don’t “quinsies” sound rather cute ? Sort of floral, or poetic.

      Fuck me. As a little kid (in mid 60s), I was healthy, apart from almost annual bouts of tonsilitis, and boy, am I glad I didn’t get quinsies. Just regular prescriptions of M&B Ampicillin/Penicillin from a GP who said tonsilectomies were not a good idea, and potentially quite dangerous re post-op haemorrhages. He was a brilliant bloke, sadly retired and was placed by some curry-stained slum landlord, about which the only good thing was a legal obligation under Indian law that he had to spend quite a lot of time in his home cuntry, to avoid confiscation of his mud huts. Mind you, a GP can be judged by his locums, and they were shite too.

      Hats off to you for sticking at nursing. If I’d been remotely medically-minded, I’d have gone for veterinary.

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