The phrase “please don’t take this personally but”
I would like to cunt this much used phrase, often the friend of many IsAC posters. Now, I must admit this is also a bit of an auto-cunting as I am guilty of using it myself on occasions but I regard myself as more sinned against than sinner.
Typically, you might hear it used as in :-
“Please don’t take this personally but your mother is a whore”. OR
“Please don’t take this personally but your wife is absolutely mingin'”. OR
“Please don’t take this personally but homosexuals should be put to the sword( when addressing an arse bandit)
You lying, dishonest, deceitful, dissembling, double-dealing cunters. Your intention is to be as personal as you can possibly be. That’s why you’re using it, to create the maximum chaos and effect as if rubbing shit in to someones face.
I propose that IsAC bans the use of this phrase immediately so as not to offend the sensitivities of the more nervous posters like myself. Please don’t take this personally but you’re all a damn disgrace.
Nominated by Bluntspeakingcunt
I never use it. I couldn’t give a shit if people take something personally.
Fuck Off.
The day you used it Mr F., I would worry for your rude health!
Used and overused to death by Yorkshiremen and Bradfordians in particular Mr Fiddler.
I have kinfolk from around those parts and a visit often entails a night at the local version of the wheeltappers and shunters social club.
They will sit round supping Tetley bitter – the Leeds one obviously and it goes a bit like this;
Aye, Northern (Bradford rugby league team now called the Bulls) were proper fucking shite Satday.
Yeh, know what you mean but look – and I dont mean owt wrong by this……………………followed by whatever the cunt thinks is wrong.
You out wi your lass toneight?
Aye, she’s in’t best end wi er mates havin a few shots o that fucking Jaegerbomb. She’s been reet bad lately so ave teken her out to cheer er up a bit.
Reet, now dont get me wrong but she looks like she is bout fucked lad – that fucking thing on her face is the size of a fucking football.
Aye – well – its stage 4 disco dancer but you ave to be cheerful dunt tha?
Aye – dont get mi wrong but she looks like she’ll not make it till last orders is rung.
Aye – well, shes happy enough.
With all due respect, Bluntspeakingcunt, I have never felt the need to use such mealy mouthed phrases.
Present company excepted, of course…
If you could use this phrase when speaking to a politician, who would it be and what would you say in a single sentence? Just interested.
Please don’t take this the wrong way Bsc, but thinking about your question has made me feel extremely nauseous.
Believe me, there is no-one I hold in higher esteem than your good self, but in the words of Bartleby the Scrivener, “I prefer not to answer.”
That’s ok RTC, let my nomination die on its feet! I was looking for your usual injection of wit but it never came.
Sorry Bsc, not been feeling myself much recently?.
If I could use your phrase when speaking to Mrs May (who has just been up on her cloven hooves again, lying through her rotten teeth) I would say:
“Please don’t take this personally but… into which of your three reeking orifices would you like me to insert and fire both barrels of this shotgun?”
And ‘What about’ ers are cunts….
The sort of cunt that can’t have a debate or a discussion without saying ‘Well, what about such a thing’ when they are losing the argument or can’t think of anything to say… Libtard fuckflakes do this regularly… Say, if they are told about the peaceful human filth and their murderous antics it’s usually ‘Well, what about the Crusades!’ ‘What about Britain’s colonial past!’ and ‘But, but… The English killled peacefuls in the 1100s’…
And the classic response to condemning peaceful grooming gangs and parking stanley joe ronces… ‘Well, what about Jimmy Savile!’
These collaborating liberal bastards condone and attempt to justify these human filth and their evil ways… Cunts…
Fuck off, and your mother is indeed a minging whore!
That said, I hate it when people say “To be honest with you….” or “If you ask me….”
Which suggests a) they bullshit most other times; and b) no one ever did!
Fuck ’em
I remember some Irish bird once saying to me ‘in Oireland we always say “fuck the English”. Nothing personal’. Course not, darlin’, course not.
She was a student training for a career in the ‘hospitality industry’. I’m sure she did really well.
It’s a rhetorical device called apophasis and is used by passive aggressive sly cunts.
In a similar but equally cuntish way the prefix “with the greatest respect…” is yet another phrase that really means “with little or no respect”.
And I say this with the greatest respect…
The best phrase to remove the credibility of a statement to me was Croatian ” By my god!”, so at the end of a statement to prove sincerity and truth they would utter “Bog a mi” which sounds remarkably like “Bugger me” and invariably destroys the credibility of the fore statement.
I didn’t know Tom Daley and his husband (the unacceptable face of poofism) were Croatian. I would say fuck ’em but don’t want to be considered homophobic or homosexual. The term homophobic is, of course, a misnomer. People generally don’t have an irrational fear of homosexuality. They tend to have a very reasonable aversion to having an erect knob shoved up their arse. Homodislikeic would be closer to the mark. Bunch of cunts.
Cunts, cunt and Fuck off are very personal and should only be used when addressing or referring to real cunts.
So Lammy, Phillips, Abbott, Starmer, Jones, Khan, Oliver….. I could go on.
Definitely a phrase used by cunts. Another example is “ with respect “ which is code for “ fuck off you’re talking out your ass”.
Often used in meetings “You are entitled to your opinion” really means fuck off I don’t give a shit.
I must be a cunt, as on Monday I told my boss I am leaving this Friday I have another job starting next week
, “its not personal” I said ,
its just a better paid job,
The truth is it is better paid and a well better company who look after their drivers, so you can shove your shitty job with shit pay were the sun don’t shine, you tight bastard,
I was only passing through,
Get to fuck
Next time someone says it interrupt them with…
“Don’t take THIS personally, but you’re a cunt. …. in fact DO take it personally, you cunt.”
Another one of those annoying phrases that I catch myself using from time to time like “at the end of the day”.
But then I am a cunt.
Ear-splitting scouse (apparently female) gobshite 2 doors away, excused many of it’s inexcusable white noise utterings with the phrase “I speak my mind” – which apparently allows it free rein to be as vitriolic as it pleases about the person it’s denigrating.
I look forward, with relish, to the day I can take a big steamy shit down the front of it’s gravestone.
I speak my mind. Oops.
Shit cunting, don’t take it personally like.
I once bought a card from “Clinton’s Cards.”
It had a load of old spunk inside it, and a business card for a dry cleaner’s in Washington DC.
Ive never used it, precisely for the reasons mentioned.
A cowardly pre-amble.