Liberal Democrats. Or liberal un-democrats.
What a fucking cunt of a party.
Sat outside all smug outside the polling station like nothing has happened.
After I voted I gave her a very good piece of mind, to which she just replied ‘I have an entitlement to an opinion’.
Whilst ignoring the opinion of 17.4 million voters.
The venom I feel for this party makes my blood boil. After telling her in no uncertain terms she should fuck off and if I had my way she would be off to the tower for treason, her heavy mob came outside.
What a nasty undemocratic party they are. Ignore any opinion other than their own.
For anybody who voted in the European Elections and saw any of these parties who have subverted the course of democracy canvassing outside your polling station, I hope you made sure you gave them a piece of your mind, but after you have voted Brexit.
Nominated by Speakyourmind
(At least that cunt Cable resigned as well as May. Maybe he thought if he did it the same day, nobody would notice. Nobody would have noticed anyway)
A bit like Deadpool, let’s decide who will be the next LibDem leader, doomed to spend his or her period of office shouting one more push. Trouble is I can’t think of one of the bleeders in Westminster as grandad Vince has hogged all the limelight. Is Jo Grimmond still around?
Jeremy Thorpe? Clement Freud? Lord Rennard? Chris Huhne,,,ach that’s another argument.
These cunts should have died a death after that twat Clegg allowed his party (and the country) to be dry bummed by the pigfucker and his mob…. And their ‘Bollocks To Brexit’ was pathetic… Like an old cunt trying to get down with ‘ver kidz’… Think Anthony Sharpe in The Young Ones…
It looks like we might have the dubious pleasure of the return of the pig fucker. What a self entitled motherfucker he is:
What a devious cunning stunt!
He fucks off when he realises his referendum didn’t go according to plan; and now that May is fucking off next week he thinks he has a chance to not only be an MP but also a return as PM if Brexit falls on its arse!
what an absolute cunt!
Please someone kill this duplicitous cunt
What nonentity are the Limp Dumbs going to dig up once old Skeletor has given his carers the slip on the flight over to Dignitas and fucked off back to his crypt? Jo Swinson is most likely, probably another softheaded feminazi gimmigrant loving cunt in the mould of Nicky Morgan, Jess Philips or Balls-Deep Cooper.
It will be Jo Swinson ‘The Baby of the House’. She’s just had a baby. I expect to see her breastfeeding during PMQs. Its only a matter of time.
I still can’t believe that useless cunt Nick Clegg is now a “Sir”. For what exactly? Apart from being deputy prime minister (involving fuck all), he’s achieved fuck all to warrant a fucking knighthood!
As for the lib dems (can’t be bothered to use capitals for these cunts); they will suck on the tit on any party if its means sharing power; and then fucking over students by going back on their promise not to raise student fees!
I wouldn’t trust them to put the kettle on!
You ask what Clegg has achieved to warrant a fucking knighthood?
Well for starters he wrote a book about how to stop Brexit which Parliament voted as their Book Of The Year 2017:
As it happens apparently. Nick Clegg was Louis Theroux’s Fag at University.
I would love to see a crowd fund set up with the intention of a court case being brought against these absolute cunts for misrepresentation or something similar..
Get that doddery old buffoon cable up in front of a judge to explain how his party can justify calling themselves Democrats?
And how the fuck did The undeserving useless cunt get knighted? ,What the fuck has cable ever done?
I struggle to think what sort of cunt would look at the Lib Dem’s and put their X in the box……
What about semtX?
And their orange badge emblem reminds me of stale piss you would find in a public toilet. Which just about sums up these piss-taking cunts to a tee
They’re that toxic that even Chuckup Yerbhuna and his mates wouldn’t give them a second look.
“Vote for us so we can cancel the votes we don’t like!”
Who said turkeys don’t vote for Christmas? Even Dr Goebbels wouldn’t have had the balls to come up with that one!
I hear Chucky wants an election pact with this scum and Heidi (suspiciously Kraut name) is talking about a merger with the cunts.
We’ve been here before haven’t we? A bunch of cunts who can’t get their own way throw a hissy fit.
Gang of Four
Social Democratic Party
Liberal/SDP pact
The “two Davids”
Liberal Democratic Party
I’m sure Chucky would be up for it if he could be leader.
I’ve seen more honesty and integrity in the Chinese Communist Party.
Bunch of fascist fucking cunts.
These cunts have no policies of their own. They just slag off every other party’s politics. It doesn’t stop them jumping into bed with either party to form an alliance when the time comes though. Get your snout into the trough while the goings good.
This useless bunch of undemocratic parasites are lower than the Titanic’s keel.
Every time there is a protest vote cast, it’s normally these twats who get it, as most dull cunts have no flair or imagination to correctly spoil their paper, as to register it as a real protest, or vote for some local chancer. And, every time, the limp cunts tell anyone who will listen that the party is on the up, and soon they will break the deadlock on two party politics, blah fucking blah. Toothless in opposition, spineless the only time they shared power, a useless bunch of clueless cunts. The only attraction for these twats is their stance on Brexit, so all those disgusted with democracy can vote for them to frustrate or overturn the referendum result. And with the word democrat in their title. Cunts.
I seem to remember that Clegg was a right cunt in Last of the Bummer Whine .
These cunts along with change fuck all UK, were the quickest to completely ignore democracy and start blatantly claiming they were going to block brexit. Well look what good it did them both, now looking to merge because no fucker wants to vote for either of them. I hope they get hung out to dry in the results tonight.
Well cunted, Sir! I hate the Labour Party, have only contempt for the Tories, but I actively despise the Lib-Dems. Bunch of shabby opportunists; they’d sell their grandmothers for cats’ meat for an extra vote. All things to all men, and nothing to anybody. Cunts, the lot of ’em.
Not quite all things to all men /women /trannies /gender neutrals, etc. Their appeal to Leave voters is somewhat non existent to say the least. ?
I had no leaflets from Con/Lab or Libfascists but I had one from all the other cunts, including the Wimminz Equality Party, 90% of whose membership consists of Polly Toynbee’s domestic staff.
“So Maja, what’s your take on the struggle for female equality and the sexist oppression of this patriarchal society?”
“My English good. I have papers. Please don’t send me back to Warsaw Miss Polly……. I have vote??”
The Liberal Democrat’s are like one of those African shitholes that calls itself ‘The Democratic Republic of……’
They are always with out question the most undemocratic of all shit holes.
Umbongo Umbongo they drink in the Congo.
No idea why I just wrote that?
Is you bleck?
The Liberal Democrats are neither….
If the Liberal Fascists need a new leader they could always turn to that decomposing old crone, Shirley Williams.
One of the “gang of four” and the original “we know best” champagne socialist.
Admittedly, up until recently, I thought the old bag was dead, but she has that patronising tone and self confidence that could convince the millennials that she knows everything.
What ever happened to Little Timmy Farron?
Bloody hell, I’d forgotten he ever existed.
I’ve got Shirl in the Dead Pool. She’s not looking that good.
Little Timmy is still an MP.
I think the constituency is West Moorland which is basically Kendal and the Lake District.
Funny thing is they seem to really like him up there but then so did the voters of Rochdale with Cyril Smith.
Indeed. Timmy is still a liberal fascist MP but completely sidelined because of his refusal to cosy up to the poofs and trannies.
He’s like the mong kid in a posh family, hidden away in the attic because they are so ashamed of him. To think, not long ago Little Timmy was a front runner in ISAC’s prestigious Cunt of The Year competition. Sadly, he was overtaken by much, much bigger cunts.
How the mighty have fallen. ?
What do ex-leaders of the Limp Dumbs do? They run off to Silicon Valley and suck the cock of multinational corporations they built a career criticizing.
……..or they manage, thanks to a bent judge, to get away with conspiracy to murder……..or they become pissheads and drink themselves to death.
And politicians wonder why we don’t believe a fucking word they say.
It really pisses me off how two-faced and hypocritical these so called “honorable members” are! And yet they have the afront to have a pop at the Brexit party for dodgy payments.
They’re all a bunch of scheming lying cunts, and yet the media don’t even bother to call them out for what they really are!
There’s no fucking honour in politics anymore.
It’s just very cushy career for slimy cunts that if they weren’t in politics would work for the council or a Charidee.
By and large the cunts in the
MSM are sucking their cocks or licking their Fanny’s in return for access for interviews and ‘favours’.
Every now and then I go on Al-Beeb news website, just to check how biased their reporting is on anything that’s got anything to do with Mud Slime.
I could be wrong on this but I suspect the parents arrested over the murders of 2 of their children in Sheffield are Mud Slime, either that or Chav’s, my rationale being only Mud Slime and Chav’s can afford to have 6 kids in today’s Britain.
Anyway there’s a report on their about Jews being attacked in Germany.
It was filmed by the victim. The attackers face has been pixalated, how very Al-Beeb but there’s English subtitles.
Fuck me the attacker uses the Arabic word for Jew.
I then read the rest of the report and can you fucking believe it they put the rise in anti-Semitic attacks in Germany down to the rise of the AfD.
No mention of 1.5m mud slime arriving in the last 3 years.
It’s only a few hours until the results of the EU election, you know, the one we weren’t meant to be eligible for, as we were supposed to have left the fucking thing. Farage is optimistic of success, though there have been three days since the vote, so plenty of time for corrections to be made. It will be interesting to see how the rest of Europe votes, because it is always avoided by our press, and forgotten by the remainiacs, that not everyone on the continent of Europe is a fan of the EU. Let’s see how their eurosceptic parties fare, and see how their respective media shuts them down. Of course, the limp cocks here are set to do well, being the only party upfront about it’s anti Brexit stance, change.whoever are just a fucking bunch of posturing chancers who have collectively fucked their political careers by forming this joke party. Ukip fucked themselves by taking on too many poison chalices, and being, if I’m honest, shit, which is a shame, as a half decent party that would put U.K. interests first would surely do well, even against the hate campaign that the media would run against it.
Sorry, I nearly forgot the last Liberal Prime Minister, David Lloyd-George. Famous for selling honours to rich cunts (shock horror, as if that would happen these days!) and shagging posh blokes’ wives at every opportunity.
You’ve heard the expression “Lloyd-George knew my father”?
I believe Prince Harry has a similar expression concerning a certain ginger haired army officer.
Still, at least his wonderful wife is standing up to the White Supremacist Devil from Washington. The courage of that woman brings tears to my eyes i’m fucking telling you. ???
Waugh: ‘We can trace almost all the disasters of English history to the influence of Wales. Think of Edward of Carnarvon, the first Prince of Wales, a perverse life, and an unseemly death, then the Tudors and the dissolution of the Church, then Lloyd George, the temperance movement, Nonconformity and lust stalking hand in hand through the country, wasting and ravaging. But perhaps you think I exaggerate? I have a certain rhetorical tendency.
Fuck it. Fucking women. They should never have been given the vote. I wouldn’t be so hopeful tonight from the women in my life. Mrs Plastic determind to vote. ‘To stop the facists’ (She hasn’t voted in 30 years). And my sister hobbling out in her pyjamas…a sacred duty. Accompanied by her fucking Radio 4 listening teacher lodger- who drew a little tash on the on Nigel leaflet. And my best mate with his teacher wife who bought a Romanian dog and sent me a picture. (Influenced by his wife I mean there). And even though Mrs P will have the threads up on mumsnet supporting Remain I believe the vast majority on that site are Remain. Lib dem they will have voted. They love to stick it to men. I am sure if the demographic if truthfully broken down would find the majority for Remain are fuckng women.
Shagging immo birds is one thing but shacking up with them is allowing your cock to override your brain. You are giving them a foothold in this country.
Put them up the duff and you have given up your life and your country. They always target decent blokes who they know will stand by them.
They don’t go near cunts like Mr Fiddler or Black and White Cunt who ,let’s face it, are just fucking animals.
According to Black and White Cunt he has to fight the fuckers off. And maybe Mr Fiddler is a secret Don Juan you never know.
Mrs Plastic now-‘ I wish I hadn’t voted’. She got up that day in a bad mood. Just to stick it to me.
It’s all these women in public life. Its fucking ridiculous. On the political panels right now its a majority of women. And I’ve got to say I can’t take them really seriously. Even the ones I agree with. I mean of course there are radiant luminous exceptions Margaret Thatcher, Andrea Jenkyns, Nurse Cunty. But they are exceptions. As Mr F said today women have great ‘organisational skills’ but they are FUSSY. They bring into the political arena all that micro fussiness. There is no broad bold vision as with a man.They have no ‘ideas’ its feeling with them. Lastly it’s not right order. It’s an affront to have all these women in charge of men. It looks WRONG. And if it looks wrong like the pooves Labour MPs Mr Boggs often refers to it probably is. If fact I know it is.
Paddy Ashdown- dead hard cunt
Charles Kennedy- dead drunk cunt
Menzies “Ming” Campbell- ancient cunt
Nick Clegg- dangerous fantasy completely ridiculous cunt
Tim Farron- annoying little tit cunt
Vince Cable- deluded un-democrat-ic cunt.
What do they all have in common?
Yep, all cunts. And another to follow shortly.
I’d almost forgotten – another Campbell-cunt. His nickname makes me think of a bit in A Dance to the Music of Time when Pamela Widmerpool pukes into an old Chinese vase. I wonder if Ming appreciates a Roman Shower ?
I saw Rory Stewart on the magic rectangle. He resembles the love-child of Robert Peston and Andy Pandy Cumberbatch.
I’m going into the cutlery business… “No Deal”…Your Party’s table is not complete without it.
I would actively encourage Charles Kennedy to return to be leader of the Lib Dems. Unfortunately though, he’s dead. Every other Lib Dumb is a cunt.
The contenders vying for the Tory Leadership, and how they voted on May’s withdrawal deal (Against of For):
Jeremy Hunt F F F
Amber Rudd F F F
Boris Johnson A A F
Jacob Rees-Mogg A A F
Rory Stewart F F F
Esther MvVey A A F
Michael Gove F F F
Sajid Javid F F F
Andrew Leadsom F F F
Dominic Raab A A F
That equates to only 8 Against’s and 22 For’s.
Interestingly ALL potential Tory Leader candidates voted for Mays deal on the 3rd vote (ALTHOUGH THE SAME FUCKING SHITE DEAL EACH TIME)!!
Other interesting votes
David Davis (ex Brexit secretary) A F F
Iain Duncan-Smith A A F
Steve Baker A A A
Priti Patel A A A
Owen Paterson A A A
Peter Bone A A A
Justine Greening A A A
Bernard Jenkin A A A
Andrew Jenkyns A A A
John Redwood A A A
I would suggest that anyone who has voted for May’s deal once or more should not be considered for the position of Prime Minister. And that includes Boris Johnson.
The last thing this country and Leavers expect is more of the fucking same.
Emily Thornberry on the Beebs election results show, doing her usual loudmouth, let no fucker speak gum bumping bollocks. What a complete cunt.
Yeh, the fuckin twat – telling the other two panellists to ‘shhh’. I’d have lumped her one.’
I think Ed Davy should be a candidate for COTY.
Spectacular interview straight from cloud cuckoo land.
I don’t really watch election result programs but this is hilarious.
Apparently if you add up all the Remain party votes it clearly shows ‘the people’ wish to remain.
Funnily enough the EU elections work on the principal Proportional Representation which all the shitty little loser parties hanker for.
So the votes have been cast and it looks like ‘the people’ have indeed voted and can you believe it the Brexit Party is cleaning up.
Too fucking right Gutstick……I wish some fucker would throw an acid milkshake in her fucking champagne socialist face……fucking slag
Come on Brexit party and fuck off Campbell you fucking bellend cunty cunt cunt cunt
Campbell is a smug, know it al fucking cunt, his analysis of the results are typical of the remaining twat. Let your supposed depression take over, and throw yourself under a train you cunt. It will be the first time in history that people will be happy a train is late.
Fuck Off you EU loving cunts……
Lady Nugee is such an arrogant, kiss my arse, loud mouth bitch she makes Sourberries look like a shy, retiring , nothing to say little virgin.
Pair of cunts.
Just out of interest, what does a ‘lib dem heavy mob’ look like?!?!
I agree with the cunting but allowing yourself to be intimidated by a crew of shouty lib dems is UNACCEPTABLE.
We’re men here – Not soyboys .