Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats. Or liberal un-democrats.

What a fucking cunt of a party.
Sat outside all smug outside the polling station like nothing has happened.

After I voted I gave her a very good piece of mind, to which she just replied ‘I have an entitlement to an opinion’.

Whilst ignoring the opinion of 17.4 million voters.

The venom I feel for this party makes my blood boil. After telling her in no uncertain terms she should fuck off and if I had my way she would be off to the tower for treason, her heavy mob came outside.

What a nasty undemocratic party they are. Ignore any opinion other than their own.

For anybody who voted in the European Elections and saw any of these parties who have subverted the course of democracy canvassing outside your polling station, I hope you made sure you gave them a piece of your mind, but after you have voted Brexit.


Nominated by Speakyourmind

(At least that cunt Cable resigned as well as May. Maybe he thought if he did it the same day, nobody would notice. Nobody would have noticed anyway)

88 thoughts on “Liberal Democrats

  1. Fuck me Adam Price the leader of the Welsh Cunt Party is convinced that Remain have won in Wales despite the Brexit Party actually winning.

    Tommy Cooper couldn’t have written his script.


    • As a born and bred Welsh cunt, I would eat a bucket of broken glass before voting for plaid. Another protest vote party claiming victory when they know perfectly well the will suck in a proper election. Toryboy Slaughter is the only cunt there to admit defeat for the real reasons. Jo Swinson delusional too. Poor dear, shovelling shit, and telling people it’s chocolate. Proper limp dum behaviour.

    • Caroline Lucas is also in denial, saying ‘Nigel Farage didnt win’, because the combined result of the pro-EU parasite parties is greater than the Brexit Party.

      Not a valid comparison, but that’s the innumerate Green women for you. It’s the sort of stupidity you’d expect from a flat-earth cunt.

      • She also seems to forget that most of England voted Brexit, and only a few pockets (London mostly) voted Green or LD.

        And it also amusing how she ropes in the other nationalist party the SNP as part of the Collective. The SNP is really no different from the BXP in that they both want independence. The Lib Dems and Labour don’t care about the SNP (other than to garner support); and yet get their knickers in a twist over the BXP

      • I actually tried to listen to what that dumb fucking bitch was trying to peddle. I turned the sound off after two minutes. Is the daft cunt mainlining LSD?

    • I saw that too and almost choked on my Aspalls cider. What a fucking haemorrhoid of an MP.

      Plaid Cymru – deluded, small-town, local-authority-esque, political wannabees.

      That clueless fucking cabbage Leanne Wood is a truly unique specimen that just goes to show the Peter Principle is a very sound theory.

  2. Anne Widdecombe is off her rocker, I’ll ave some of what she is on.
    Glad to see Brexit party doing well. Hopefully the MP’s will stop being cunts… The cunts.

    • Not a snowballs chance in hell B&W. Party first and foremost. Nothing else matters, especially the vote of the electorate.

      Nothing will change for the better with the current MP’s. We need to get rid.


    • B&W, MPs will stop being cunts the same day I grow wings out of my arse and fly off to the land of SpunkonmytitsFreddie.
      I’m looking forward to it.

  3. A great night for Brexit – swept the floor in the UK, other than fucking London of course.

    BBC are backtracking in their desperation to keep the “Remain” bandwagon relative by insisting that if you add up the votes of the Lib Dems, SNP, Greens and Plaid then its sends a message that the Remainer still want a 2nd referendum. How fucking desperate!

    Watch all the stats get twisted over the next few hours just to water down BPs significant victory!

    • Looking at the map of the UK and it a sea of whatever colour the BBC is using to represent the BP (am colourblind).

      Other than jockland (and the west coast of Wales), and the odd English council dotted here and there; the only other significant highlight is Londonistab where its all lib dem or labour – surprise surprise.

      So despite the country being awash with BP colours, the BBC in its desperation seem to think the Remain vote is still strong and that the UK as a whole want to stay in the EU.

      Expect Labour, Lib Dems and the Greens to come together to form an alliance in order to force either a 2nd Ref or a GE despite nearly every other council in the UK sending their own clear message – which is fuck off London, we want to leave!

      • Why should we give a shit what the inhabitants of some foreign capital want?

      • Because that’s where all the power, money and influence resides. The rest of the country is just an insignificant blip, as far as the likes of the BBC, Guardian, Labour and all the other libtards are concerned,.

      • Again, who cares what those piles of shit want, the answer’s the same. We’ve seen overnight where their influence got them, fucking nowhere. The BP wiped the floor with the cunts.

      • Spear Chuka also wants to get in bed with the Lib Dems and has admitted Change Party have made mistakes.

        Agreed. Firstly by forming a pointless political party made up of top notch cunts, and secondly by calling it the Change Party when that is the last thing they want,

        Bleeding obvious or what?

        Fucking knob heads.

      • That should be the moment you find out that you are not as smart, or as popular as you think you are Chucky. But, denial of any facts that fail to support their position, is standard politician bullshit. Off to the limp cocks with you, fuckwit.

      • Desperation tactics: suck up to the nearest “big” party and form a coalition!

        Why the fuck would the Lib Dems want to do that? “Change” have fuck all to offer, and now they’re wandering around like an old fart in a lift.

        give it a few more weeks and Small Change will disband and all the traitorous MPs will return to their original parties and pretend it never happened!

  4. Who the fuck is stupid enough to bother voting?Even as a weapons grade cunt Ive never stooped so low as to enter a polling booth and tick some cunts name,and im such an old cunt ive been eligible to vote in the last 9 general elections. Bob Dylan summed it up best:

    “Democracy don’t rule the world
    You better get that in your head
    This world is ruled by violence
    But I guess that’s better left unsaid”

  5. I’m in the dog house with Mrs Fistula this morning. She’s Polish and hates Farage. I’m English and have the utmost respect for Sir Nigel. Nothing has been said yet but I think my smug grin is going to cause a domestic incident at any moment. ????

    • Best of luck Fenton. A tricky predicament but your wife can hardly hold you personally responsible for the outcome.

    • I almost got into a fight with some Polish bloke the other week on almost the same thing. He was banging on about how great it was in Europe and we should stay blah, blah, blah but the cunt couldn’t answer the obvious question, “if it’s so good in Europe why the fuck are you cunts all over here?”.

      • The thing with the Poles Moggie is that all the infrastructure has been built from Eu tax payers money. So they have become Brussels bitch. The fact that they don’t want a single Peaceful in the country and quite rightly so gets them in trouble with their rulers in Brussels. When I’m in Poland I see anti Eu sentiment especially from the older generation who fought hard for their freedom. All over Europe the young are mainly pro eu because they have no concept of what it’s like trying to defend freedom.

      • The only thing the young are interested in defending is the right to charge their smartphones which, I should add, are much smarter than the cunts themselves.

    • Got Nowt against the Polacks,most are decent cunts and their birds are well fit.In fact ive got nowt against most Europeans except those arrogant Frogs,jealous that English not French is the lingua franca of the modern world.

  6. Tommy Robinson being laughed at for the low number of votes he polled but he still had almost 2/3 of the votes polled by Chuckup Yerbhuna’s party. We can see who the real clowns are here.

    English Democrats 358 votes
    Change UK. 1834
    Tommy Robinson 1162

  7. All I have to say is fuck you Smarmy Lineker, Tez Christian, Owen Jones, Lily Mong, Damon Albarn, Benderdick Cuntberdinck, Steptoe Corbyn, James O’ Bellend, Wee Burney, Cadaver Cable, Hairy Mulligan, that Thornberry bitch, Chukka Umbongo, and last (and least) Banana Gob….

    • For those who bothered to vote:

      Jeremy Corbyn can you hear me?Treason May can you hear me?Your boys took a hell of a beating,Gobby Lineker,Lord Heseltine,Chukka Umbongo,Fatty Thornberry can you hear me etc etc……….

  8. The Liberal undemocrats …..what an utter shower of ‘pleased with themselves’ virtue signaling waste of human lives. Apart from that I am very fond of them.

  9. Oh, and that overrated cokebag Coogan can fuck off and all…
    His recent Partridge series (again!) being a blatant anti-Brexit anti white and antii male propaganda vehicle…

    Ah Fucking Haaaa!

    • The crooked toothed cunt Jo Swinson was on QT this week, saying that Brexit must be “stopped” and Nigel Farage should not be “allowed in politics”. Who the hell does the cunt think she is? The Iliberal Antidemocrats are officially fascists.

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