I am nominating a cunt from Radio London (BBC of course) is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, however…
Jo Good is the most whiny self centred leftard I have ever had the misfortune to have defecate down my aural passages in many years and truly deserves a full and proper cunting. She constantly bangs on about how she was once an “arctress” the only trace of which appears to her being the dopey bint that Rocket Rod gets to chat up in Only Fools where her acting ability appears to be limited to giggling inanely at nothing in particular.
Unfortunately I used to listen to this shit in the car occasionally as background noise until I actually started listening to the bollocks being broadcast. Her other pet loves are living in Marylebone or Marleybone as the cunts insist on pronouncing it and bizarrely Dogs but then I suppose every species to itself.
A lover also of Diversity, multi culti shit, communiteez, “Londoners “(euphemism for peacefuls) and generally all the shit that is wrong with this cuntry today but particularly the caliphate of Londonistan. Fellow cunters, tune in at your peril but feel free to cunt me if I’m wrong. I’m not.
PS. This is my first cunting and I don’t see a way of getting a picture of my Cunt on the cunting. I’ll leave it to the cunts at ISAC to sort that as I’m clearly a cunt.
Nominated by CuntKickerIn
Never heard if the hint.
However, the mere mention of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation explains everything.
Well done in your 1st nomination.
Morning all.
PS: Mad dogga was totally out of tune last night.
I’ve not been to London in the past 17 years, it was a bit shit then, I can’t imagine what it must be like now.. You who live there have a bad enough time already surrounded by so much ‘peace’ and ‘urban community’ without some lefty white drip tormenting you. I’ve never heard of her either.
Just reading gingers ballsac’s post about kompany leaving shitty, by chance I was reading the M. E. N. this morning about what happened in Oldham yesterday and an artical caught my eye about the Belgian cunt and his opinion on brexit!!!!! Apparently we made a selfish decision! And yes this bird is a cunt. Looks like something out of dungeons and dragons cartoon in the 80s, the dungeon master
Congratulations on an excellent first cunting, sir.
I had no idea who she was. Googled her and found what I can only describe as her being at the bottom of the intellect barrel. Her last “acting” role was as an extra!
Thank you for the warning about listening to her, I shall comply.
Yeh welcome CK ,
Always good to get a good cunting off of your chest , I’ve never heard of this cunt but then I generally stay the fuck away from Londonistan radio unless it’s LBC where I will listen to Ian dale or nick Ferrari….
unfortunately London’s full of cunts lke her , I’ve seen plenty talking bollocks on bias TV platforms like the bbc and sky!!
Listen CK, if you were expecting to get a picture of your cunt posted on the site (as mentioned in your PS) then you’ve come to the wrong place. You need the website ‘cunts at home.’
Thank you kindly sir. It’s a pleasure to be part of the cunting “Comooniteeee”
Don’t know about this one,but do know that Radio 5 seems to have become an offshoot of Loose Women. Nothing but whinging old bags banging on about “wimminz” problems. They should take their crusty old cunts and Fuck Off.
Don’t they also hog most of Radio 4 as well?
Yet again the BBC chip-chip-chipping away at our traditional culture for the sake of happy-clappy diversification that more than 50% of the country don’t give two wanks about anyway.
Radio four is full of them. Women’s hour now seems to take up most of the day, and it’s not cookery or needlework these bints yap on, it’s all subjects close to the Beebs’ heart. The pay gap, not enough women doing this or that, some cunt dragging their kids half way around the world to drown in the med. On and fucking on, like some pointless harpies, I couldn’t give a rats arse.
There was an interesting article in The Spectator a couple of months ago by Ron Liddell (I think) in which he said he took a long trip by car one day from Newcastle down to somewhere in the South West of England and during the whole drive he only heard women´s voices on BBC4. All whingeing and griping about how they are hard done by, of course.
Had to watch the new King and I with Jodie Foster last night. Mrs Plastic insisted. Two unendurable hours I thought. Confirmed. Mrs Plastic smiling away contentedly as plucky little Anna ‘educates’ the King the whole court almost the whole Kingdom of Siam. See it was all down to her-the abolition of slavery, the turning away from conflict. It said so at the end with a caption. No charm, no lightness as in the original. The message women have had a bearing on history. Women are the progressive thinkers. Men don’t know how to love. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Hi Miles
Don’t know this woman but I can well imagine the type! There are huge numbers of people in this Country who are very disturbed by the fact that they are living quite well ( in relative civilisation) and many in the world are not. Now nothing wrong in my book ( indeed we should all make some effort) by trying to lift others who are less fortunate – and this activity can take a myriad of forms. However why these people feel that the best way to go about improving the problem is to run all things British and Western down, – run down white people just becasue they happen to be white etc etc so on and so forth baffles me! What these utter Idiots do not understand is that by attacking the foundations of our Society with their right on , virtue signaling ….. for example — a Jew gets knifed or bombed big deal – but a Palestinian in a retaliation strike Oh no that’s not on!! Or Christians get murdered in the East, why is that such a problem —- but a Muslim in a rare terror attack – jeepers that truly means something!!Also Slavery from many years ago must be compensated big style today and for hundreds of years to come no doubt….. Bla Bla —— only serves to make the chances of ever improving the lot for the others on this planet far less likely. Like the Roman Empire – we will go soft and get murdered in our beds and then we are all fucked.
Agh that’s better ……..
The real point is that there is no talking to these people – they will only wake up when the hounds are at the gate and by then it will be too late – they open Pandora’s box because it makes them feel ‘good’ and ‘right on’ and they completely fuck over our and their own future generations……..
Hope you are a well Miles—. CW
As far as I can tell, every woman on woman’s hour now has to be ap eaceful, a dark a lesb or irish.
So she lives in leafy Marylebone – I doubt many of her favourite peacefuls and diversicunts and stabbycunts live in that neck of the Smoke!
I guess if she was the only white bint living in some shithole part of londonistan she’d be calling a different tune. But then that’s the problem with sleb lefties – they rarely see the realities of their fantasies.
Fuck ’em
Blair has a couple of houses there, I believe. Probably pronounces it ‘marleybone’ too. Still, it’s handy for the Zoo should you require pleasanter company. The wolverines are nice.
It’s unlikely that too many “Londoners” tune in to Radio London as for many of them English is not their mother tongue. Of the 47% of us who are officially “White British” if you were to tune in to a BBC station you would be shocked if you found anything except a constant tsunami of libtard, pro EU, pro immo, pro peaceful, climate change. vegan, hippy dippy fucking bullshit.
Never heard of this plastic faced old trout but untrammelled snowflakery is an essential qualification to get a job at Jimmy Savile House.
Welcome aboard, and thank you for bringing this cunt to my attention.
I’m guessing you are stuck in London for the moment… Leaving it, to go anywhere, is the best thing I ever did. Nothing would induce me to go back; my favourite shop has closed its doors (but the business continues to thrive on the net), my other favourite shop also does tons of internet stuff too. So I can get everything I want without the hassle of cup-final-crowd numbers in Oxford St., queueing ages to top up shellfish card for the tube (and having the machine double-debit, the cunt), or being blown up/stabbed by peacefuls. And the Belgian cunt referred to elsewhere has evidently lost it, although I don’t think he ever had it in the first instance.
Carry on Cunting !
I can imagine the next national census questionnaire in 2021 will probably include a whole raft of new questions more or less laid out like this:-
Are you a lezzer?
Are you a poofter?
Are you a bit of both?
Do you hate your knob?
Are you a veggie?
Are you a climate change cunt?
Did you vote leave?
Have you been stabbed yet?
Do you speak English?
Are you guilty about being white and privileged?
A slight side note, but apparently May 28th is “National Masturbation Day”
So all you wankers can toss off in a great coming togetherness; and no doubt all the usual slebs will be out there doing their bit
the BBC will be off air on that day, as we know the are all Wankers!
No doubt Dame Keir and Lady Hilary Benn will be taking themselves more in hand than is usual even for them on that day. Cunts.
Jo Good BAD – but these airy fairy arseholes are ten a penny in London, simply because they live in the *right* part of London. I’d like to see her if she lived in a multi-story shithouse in Brixton or Whitechapel.
In my opinion there shouldn’t be a masturbation day or a masturbation month for that matter. Every day should be masturbation day. Total freedom for wankers, this is what we should strive for. Whoever inaugurates the UK Masturbation Party will get my vote.
There’ll be no more wanking once the Government enacts its internet porn ban on July 5th…
That ban is as gay as it is pointless.
It’s all part and parcel of the current Tory Party death wish. The porn ban is another sure fire way of further antagonising their already exasperated electorate.
Despite Mrs May’s best efforts they failed to lose the last election. They’re clearly not going to risk making the same mistake again.
Spot On RTC.
The Cuntservatives decided under Cameron to become a slightly right wing ( very slightly) version of B Liars New Labour and are as stupid as they were.
Any Conservative with half a brain cell should realise that even if they personally want to remain in the EU – if the Tory’s are to survive they need to deliver on a promise to the people .. deal or no deal …… so what are over half of those cunts now doing?? Stating that ‘no-deal’ should be off the table and setting up their own opposite version of the ERG – ‘one virtue signalling nation fuck wit Tory group’ or ONVSFWTG for short.
The Brexit party candidates seem to ‘by and large’ be real people not polititions …… I do hope they do even better than the polls predict on Thursday and create a massive earthquake.
Afternoon CW…?
Afternoon CW. I think I am more positive about what is going to happen with the EU. I think you are of the same mind? Which is right at the back of it all we (Britain) simply don’t want to play anymore. We want go home. We’ve had enough. To be in the EU you had in a sense to be in the jargon ‘communitaire’. That has completely gone. Whether there is some conspiratorial endeavour to keeps us in it simply won’t work. It won’t work for us. It won’t work for the other 27 members. I don’t believe now that any pro Brexit party or alliance of parties can change that fundamental feeling. I am going to vote for Nigel to ram home the point. But the thing is a busted flush. And the start of the whole ‘project’ collapsing.
I think what has put this in my mind is the face of Mrs May at the launch of the EU Elections. We all knew it was a lie. We all know that this shouldn’t be happening.
Got it. My point is that some good has come from the protracted wrangle of negotiations of the last three years. Fundamentally it has destroyed that communitaire spirit on all sides. And has fundamentally undermined Britain’s participation forever.
Hi Miles
I agree with your conclusion in that it will no longer work with the EU and UK – however I am less positive ( I was positive when many ISACS where as it turned out correctly positive) than you about the nature of the exit. Unless the Brexit Party get a mind boggling say 50% of the vote on Thurs and in effect force the issue of a no deal — I cannot see how with this Parliament and a split down the middle Tory Government we can exit other than ‘not at all’ or ‘Brino’. I will be voting Brexit Party and entirely independent of my influence Mrs Walker also! Let’s hope the polls have it all wrong and a ton of remainers sick to death of democracy getting trashed apparently in their name — come over to the light and vote Brexit P as a protest. Sorry for not being more positive.
Cheers Miles!
Oops I mean ISAC’s were correctly ‘negative’.
With all the hassle of Brexit and the likely porn ban, I was feeling a bit depressed yesterday but also surprisingly horny. There was only one thing to do – I went to the nearest mountain and tossed myself off. BBC? – bunch of cunts.
Like a rotten tooth I wish we could extract London and it’s swarming hoards of cunts that infest it and drop it a few hundred miles off our coastline
Or better still in shark infested waters!!
Sorry if any cunters live there …….. ?
Just build a wall around the M25 and let Citizen Khan have his own little caliphate of multicultural Third World degenerates. It will be like Kurt Russell in Escape From New York within a week.
From what I have read in certain parts of Londonistan it is like that already.
“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”
Samuel Johnson is dead. ?
I’m sure if alive he may have had a rethink? ……..
it’s actually a brilliant city Unfortunately it’s stuffed top to bottom, side to side with absolute CUNTS!
And with a camel jockey mayor it’s only gonna get worse ………
The 2019 version:
When a man is tired of the thought of being stabbed or mugged or ripped off or discriminated against by Peacefuls he is tired of Londonistan.
Welcome CK; a nice bit of cunting to start with.
Never actually heard of this cunt, and from what you say, I’m more than happy to remain in blissful ignorance about her from here on in.
Morning all.
One of the first tasks for the new Brexit Party government. Abolition of the BBC. Not before time. Good nom CuntKickerin. Never heard of the old slapper but nicely written rant. Thanks and welcome.
There i was driving along the M6 the other day where miles of roadworks are going on and suddenly it became crystal clear to me that women are hideously unrepresented in the roadworks industry.
Its enough to turn me into a commited feminist and only hope Pixie Cooper Flabbott Thornberry etc take up the cause pronto. Come to think of it very few from the peaceful communi’ee either.
In Orstraya the road works industry is principally about putting up dozens of neon flashing billboards and cones 6km before the possible work starts and making five lanes of 110 mph traffic merge into 1 lane at 40 fucking kph, all for the possibility that one arborist may show up to trim a bush by the roadside sometime tofuckingday. It takes a fleet of utes and 500KWH of lecky and half THOSE workers ARE scrubbers, just skanky bored uninterested ones only there because JobStart said so.
Oh yair and the bitch pictured for this cunting looks like the improper spawn of Voldemoort and Mrs Smegol
I turned on the tv last night and caught my yearly three minutes of fucking Eurovision. Not going to degrade music by calling it a song contest, but it’s always worth a giggle, with the ridiculous crap that passes for entertainment. However, I was subjected to what looked like a filth rate drag act murdering a Madonna song. Turns out it was the silly old bag herself, as it seems she has made another album in between collecting children of different ethnicities, like some demented Pokemon game. Fucking dreadful.
Also, it was held in that well known European country that is Israel. And, there was someone from Australia singing, so geography has absolutely no bearing on this tedious shitshow. I thought a building full of front wheel skids and fudgepackers would have been a perfect target for the peacfuls, but they were probably laughing to hard to do anything.
Israel and Australia are members of the European Broadcasting Union.
Hamas would not have dared to do anything as Bibi would have blown them to kingdom come.
I’ve absolutely no idea why the UK entertains the Eurovision ( non) song contest ……
it was always a bag of complete shite even before all the political voting, but seriously what’s the point? And if we do continue let’s start taking the fucking piss!! Personally I would send the cunt from monty python with his mouse organ ( old cunters May remember) …
Even better send dancing queen Mavis!!
Eurovision Cunt Contest
Here are the UK’s four qualifiers (five if you include Andrew Marr):
As with regards to those “jostling to be Prime Minister”, the fucking usual tired old untrustworthy, lying cuntish suspects, including several Remoaners.
Fed up with the sodding lot of them.
Fuck off.
I suggest reading this article https://medium.com/@harrysilvers62/how-to-block-porn-sites-e7c3ffdf2a7 for parents who want to block porn sites on their computers