Ireland is a massive cunt.
It only has a small population of 4 million but since one half-wit is one too many must be the most overpopulated place on earth.
Ireland will vote for absolutely anything:
Do you want to fuck your main economic partner Britain off ? Yes
Do you want the gays? Yes
Do you want a gaylord Indian prime minister? Yes
Do you want closer ties with the EU? No.
No? Ill ask again you stupid cunt.
Do you want closer ties with the EU ? Yes
Ireland is a cunt .
Nominated by A Cunt For All Seasons
These fuckers are really getting on my nerves. They’ve become supercilious cunts determined to crawl as far as they can up the EU’s ass. The Paddy’s keep going on about how they fought for their independence from us only to give it up again to a bunch of creeps in Brussels’s. They are totally unaware of the irony of this, so deep is their hatred of the U.K. Total fucktards. Every time I see that queer tosser Varadkar on TV, trying to insinuate his way into Barnier’s crusty silk underpants, I feel sick.
If they had a fraction of the spirit of their independence minded forefathers they would tell the EU to take a running jump.
I don’t mean to offend anyone here who’s Irish, but fuck off.
Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Bunch of cunts. Struggled for centuries to be independent of the English only to jump into bed with the Frogs and Krauts. What kind of independence and freedom is that?
A libtard might describe it as Anglophobia, or even racism, but, as we all know, only the English commit those crimes.
(See SNP, Plaid Cymru and the libtard traitor globalists in the Palace of Westminster.)
The Irish know which side their bread’s buttered on. Explains why they remained neutral during WWII.
They’re a bit like Switzerland – never cause any rocking of boats; instead they just shut the fuck up, agree with whatever they’re told and wait for the money to pour in.
The teashop is Sri Lankan,not Indian: Point of order.
On question time last night was a pink haired piece of fenian scum. He said the government of the UK were defending the Unionists who murdered people during the tragedy that is known as Bloody Sunday.
How does this little poof know the political and religious belief of the service personnel involved?
Anna Sourface came across as demented. Nigel of the Garage was on full throttle. Amber Dudd was OK. The Labour twat wants a hardcore socialist government led by Comrade Corbinski.
I want to Justin Bieber; neither will happen.
“According to European Commission figures, Ireland’s net gain from EU budgets has been €44.6 billion since 1976. … Ireland has a small, open economy that’s heavily reliant on exports. Being part of the EU’s Single Market makes it easier for Irish businesses to trade on both European and international markets.”
I’m certainly no expert on Anglo/Irish affairs,but would have thought that Ireland probably is better off as a part of the EU. I would also think that anyone who expects Ireland to do us any favours is naive. We have an inglorious shared history,certainly not one that would encourage them to piss off the EU to help us.
People go on about the Irish being “thick”,perhaps in this case they’re just being realistic and know which side their bread is buttered?
I don’t know about the native Irish being thick but almost every Irish ex-pat from south of the border who I’ve ever encountered was a smug, lefty cunt. #not all.
Then again, maybe the ones I have met were so insufferable they were driven out of the country thus making them exiles rather than ex-pats. Fuckers give asylum seekers a bad name.
Should of nuked the cunts back in 70s.
When the wind was blowing from the south- west to carry the fallout to the north of the British Isles where it would irradiate miserable cunts.
Ireland were once part of PIGS, along with Portugal, Greece and Spain – all of them with shit national debt problems that the EU really didn’t like at all.
I don’t know if they still are but their debt per person, is still fantastically high. But I rather think they would rather stick with the EU and keep its trade links than try to fend for itself with next to fuck all to offer!
What do you mean nothing to offer? What about their fine exports of Guinness and shillelaghs?
…and Bushmills, TITS.
What about their useless comedians like Ed Byrne and Dara Nobrain?
I don’t believe that the Irish are thick. Quite the contrary. It’s their smug superciliousness for which they deserve to be cunted.
They are also hypocrites, crying about how we deprived them of their freedom only to hand their own freedom over to Brussels on a plate for a few groats and then criticise us for daring to vote for own freedom from Brussels.
I believe deep down they know they are cunts that have sold out on their revolutionary heritage. Smugness is usually a cover for deep self loathing.
A very sensible and accurate comment Mr Fiddler. Much appreciated. The Irish are not thick cunts as some would have it. Nor do they have a deep hatred of the UK. From their point of view they are acting rationally. Read Mr Fiddler’s comment. Gay Taiseoch of Indian heritage. OK. But Muhammad is the most popular boy’s name in Ireland right now. The country is not a 19th century feudal colonial possession dependent on the Lumper potato to support its population. Some things have changed since 1840.
And they can take that cunt Graham Norton back an’ all.
…..and Brendan O’Carroll.
Geldof, Freddie…never forget Sir Bob.
and James O’cuntBrien and as many pikies as you can fit in a fleet of caravans
And let’s not forget that stupid Irish bitch that wrote to Drunker thanking the EU for sticking up for Ireland against the Evil British and their master plan to return Northern Ireland to a state of violence. What a fucking ignorant cunt. If she’s a typical Irish Woman then I take back what I said above about the Irish not being thick.
I’d jizz between her tits (far right), but would be worried about catching The Pikeyness.
I’m sure the Berlaymont Bum-masters will reward them for any anti-English aggro by cutting them a special deal on plastic.
That Varadferret is an insufferable, mincing great teashop.
I bet he would be a willing sucker in a bukkake party with Juncker, Verhofstadt and Tusk all crouching over him as he eagerly awaits their thick, creamy, European consignments.
The cunt.
What the fuck was Prince Edward doing on Question Time last night? I thought the Royal Family were supposed to be politically neutral?
Sir Nigel fought his corner well.
Did anyone have Freddie Star on Deadpool?
My pet hamster did!
Remember being at White Hart Lane back in the early to mid 1970’s. After the match the late, great Brian Moore from the Big Match appeared on the pitch immediately in front of us, and proceeded to interview a couple of players.
Freddie Starr appeared behind him and proceeded unbeknown to Brian Moore and fanny around for several minutes. A very funny man, probably slightly bonkers but a great showman nonetheless.
I remember Freddie doing Hitler at the football and Ray Charles taking a penalty… The snowflake mushroom cloud if that was done now… He was a mad fucker…
Totally off topic, Just been asked if sprats should be topped and tailed before cooking, I am tempted to say they need gutting too!
No, guts, tail and head all in!
The paddies are fully signed up euro creatures. They did so for what they likely thought were solid political and economic reasons. If they also thought they were putting two fingers up to us, that would have been seen as a bonus.
They’ve made their bed and they are finding it’s not as comfortable as they think. I don’t wish them any ill, but I don’t see that we owe them any favours either.
They are cunts though. That goes without saying. “Irish pubs” oh do fuck off! Atrocities that not even bishop Brennan and father Jack can make up for.
The Republik of Ireland should remember for what it’s known:- rain, car bombs, Guinness, nail bombs, and hômosexual giants of literature.
The Irish are either truculent pugilists or ugly banshees whose accents induce instant headaches.
Accents? I’m not having ‘annie’ of that.
Saying Annie in place of any is one annoying habit Tommy Robinson picked up from his Ma…… Although not from his Da.
Or they’re Mairead McGuinness (Vice President of the European Parliament), an even bigger interfering cunt than the Teashop, if such a thing were possible.
Fenian bitch gets to appear on Q-Time almost every other week spreading 4th Reich lies and propaganda.
You gotta feel sorry for Charles Moore.
Good morning Captain.
Guiness – most popular and produced in greatest quantity in Nigeria….nuff said
Really Sixdog? The black lager is made in Nigeria? I smell a scam involving Nigerian Princesses needing £10,000 to help maintain the supply.
Morning RTC
That EU-apologising banshee’s ghastly voice gives me toothache. If I were a Paddy, she’d make me want an Irexit more than a lifetime’s supply of colcannon.
Guinness is a shadow of its former self. I remember the days when it was smooth, ruby black and velvety.
The stuff made back in Blighty tasted shite but they thankfully closed that factory.
These days it tastes insipid, harsh and shite wherever it comes from now, and poorly served, even in Dublin.
Understand from my late mother that I am approximately 1/8 Irish.
Went to Southern Ireland (Ring of Kerry) for the first (and only) time back in about 2000 with my two daughters and late mother.
Remember that the scenery was lovely but not being particularly keen the people and that it took a fucking age to drive anywhere.
A replacement for how Britain’s emergency services communicate is set to go over budget by at least £3.1bn, a spending watchdog has warned .
The Home Office has already delayed switching off the existing system by three years to 2022.
But the National Audit Office (NAO) has raised doubts about whether the project will be ready by then.
Ministers say the new service would result in faster response times and better treatment.
£3.1b (YES, BILLION) over budget, and not ready in time?
Fuck it, it’s only tax payers money after all, and who cares if it’s late, certainly not MP’s, who are already well catered for.
I’m sure Huawei will switch off the old system much earlier than that!
Is it just me, or does the Oirish flag resemble a decomposing orange ?
I come from an Irish family on my Dad’s side, but regardless of that, these Riverdance fuckers really get me riled up.
They are very Irish when they want to be.
85% of the nursing students I went to Uni with were Irish. When I lived in halls with them, it was like bloody St. Paddy’s every poxy day of the week, and most of them attended early morning lectures still half-pissed, but I digress. They opt to study here because (apparently) it is notoriously difficult to get into nursing in their wonderful, tranquil, fragrant country. Becoming a nurse there is apparently much like becoming a bloody nun with ‘a calling’, and everyone wants to do it (fuck knows why)
Hence, England is their best friend when they want to study, but other than that, we are a bunch of oppressive, dictatorial bastards.
I had an argument with an Irish friend of mine at the time, as she was bleating on about the ‘feckin’ UK’ and how the IRA are fighting for freedom, and other such shite. I point blank told her that if she has such a problem with us, what the fuck is she doing here, as that alone makes her a hypocrite, plus UK taxpayers are paying for her fucking education and bursary, so she should have more respect.
We didn’t speak for days after that and the friendship was never the same, not that I gave a fuck, silly cunt.
The Irish will use the UK when they feel like it, but at the same time they have this underlying resentment of us. In my book, you cannot have it both ways.
I might add that due to my Irish genealogy, I was only ever labelled a ‘Plastic Paddy’ by them…..
… opposed to a fuckwit, alcoholic, Kerrygold butter-munching, going to mass every single Sunday whilst hypocritically shagging around and using contraception, GENUINE cunt Paddy that is.
Shagging on a Saturday night but ‘confess’ on a Sunday Nurse. That excuses everything.
Did I ever tell you about the day I was arrested in Ireland? True story, not jesting. The trauma is still with me to this day. I’ll keep it short. As a youth, I went on holiday with 5 mates, staying in Cork. We were all arrested and taken to a police station in the middle of nowhere. It took ages before we were all told why. Apparently some youths had broken in to a house in the area. The owner who could identify them was on his way for an identity parade. By this time, the whole fuckin area was flooded with Garda in the middle of nowhere. Must have been the fuckin crime of the century. As 17 year olds, we were pissing ourselves with fright. It would have only taken this old, short sighted geezer to have nodded his head and there you go, banged up for 20 years with no hope of returning to Blighty. God, we were relieved when this guy turns up, laughs and says “no, it wasn’t these lads! At least they had the decency to give us lifts to the Blarney Stone which we’d been our way to visiting. I’ve never been back to this day as they’ve probably unearthed new evidence with a warrant out for my arrest.
You burglar pikey.
You shouldn’t kiss the Blarney Stone. They piss on it every morning before the tourists arrive.
Oim disgusted with you Captain. Still, it’s only to be expected from you colonial, repressive Brits.
I Can vouch for the pissing – I know someone who grew up around there and told me that, as a kid, he was one of the pissers.
P.s I’ll bet Nurse Cunty believes this story.
Explains Eurovision
The one thing that I could never, ever forgive the Irish for is the way they treated the 12,000 or so brave Irish men who fought on the side of the allies in WW2, defying their government’s stance of neutrality. When they returned home, they were ostracised and treated disgracefully by the Irish. It was only relatively recently – 2013, that they were given a ‘pardon’ by the Irish government for their so called act of ‘desertion’ Shame, shame and more shame on you, you Irish bastards.
Not forgetting
Letting U-Boats dock
Helping the Nazis
That ‘anyone but Irish’ football team they had in the 90s
The cunts that crawled out of the woodwork to ‘support’ that team
The Corrs (shIte)
The Cranberries (even shite-er)
Alan Green (the fat cunt)
Eamonn Holmes ( the fat cunt)
Jimmy Nesbitt (the errr cunt)
Sinead O’ Cuntor (the doolally bald cunt)
Plus Bonio, Geldof and loads of other spudfucking cunts…
I am another of part Irish extraction (2 great grandparents, I am also half German, which combined gives me almost superhuman powers when it comes to consuming alcohol, yay!)
Until the EU , Ireland was a dirt poor country, the only real “industries” being agriculture and horse racing & the principle exports being Guinness and people (there were no jobs). Many people now don’t know that Ireland applied many times to join the EEC as it was then, but were refused because it was obviously a financial black hole ready for Deutschmarks to be sucked in. However when Britain eventually joined in 1973, Irelands application was magically approved too because Europe could then see where the financial subsidies for the republic would be sourced….
Later in the 90’s came the “Celtic tiger” economy. This came about due to a lot of political horsetrading between those with globalist moneymaking interests and “the liberal left”. The trade off was a big cut in corporation taxes and a lax environment for “corporate development” & in return there would be a programme of “social reforms” instigated.
One benefit was that the church of kiddy fiddling priests and sadistic nuns had its powers well and truly crucified. However about 15 years ago with the economy booming, those lovely kind multinational companies that made Ireland their home were not able to source enough cheap compliant labour. The wages bill was skyrocketing and this of course was eating into those billions of profit. So, this is where our friends from the East came into the frame, flocking to Ireland like moths to a flame. So you can see now how it’s all happened.
I can’t think of anything funny to say now. sorry…..
I think the fact that you are half German is funny enough!
I withdraw that. It wasn’t very kind. All in the interests of detente!
As long as I am funnier than Henning Wein, thats all I care & thats not difficult. He is an annoying cunt.
Having a corkscrew pulled out of one’s urethra is funnier than this bug-eyed monstrosity.
That ‘cuntry’ spewed out Bono.
That is enough to categorically state that they are a bunch of utter cunts.
Don’t forget the constant wining about the potato famine load of bollocks they just forgot where the planted them …..CUNTS
Only good band from ‘Oirlund’ ever?
Thin Lizzy…
Norman – I’ll see your Thin Lizzy and raise you an Undertones.
Come on Norman. What about ‘Them’ with Van Morrison?
If the cunts pronounce the word “sinn” as “shin” what the fuck do they say if someone kicked them in the shin?