Fiona Onasanya (4)

Is there anyone left in IsAC land who doesn’t think that ex jailbird and now former MP Onasanya is a complete waste of oxygen?

Found guilty of lying to the court regarding a driving offence, this twat was sentenced to three months’ porridge, of which she served just four weeks. The good voters of Peterborough have demanded that she be shown the door as an MP and she’s now been removed from office, prompting a by-election, but not before she participated in key Brexit votes in the House.

In spite of being caught bang to rights, this shameless chiseller is now doing the media round with an ‘I’m innocent, I did not pervert the course of justice, my side of the story’s not been heard’ routine. Oh really, Fiona dear? I’d say that your side has pretty much been heard by the police who nicked you, and by the court which convicted you; and by the way, didn’t you lose your appeal against said conviction?

Innocent my fucking backside. People might have a little respect left for you if you put your hand up, admitted what you did, and apologised. Instead you continue to dissemble and deny, and in doing so you make yourself look shifty as hell and as phoney as a nine bob note. We’re now just waiting for you to play the ‘it’s cos I is black’ card.

The House of Commons is full of cheats, hypocrites and liars, but at least for now there’s one less contemptible cunt shining the arse of her suit on the benches at taxpayers’ expense. Fuck off yesterday Onasanya, and don’t show your ugly face around here again.

Nominated by Ron Knee

80 thoughts on “Fiona Onasanya (4)

  1. Who is that cunt with Steptoe Corbyn? Fucking hell, I thought Ike Turner was dead…

    • She looks as though she’s suddenly going to whip out a shrunken head and plunge a spear through Steptoe’s neck.

    • Fucking hell LCD, that’s one ugly fucker. Almost as bad as Onasanya.

  2. The odious cunt looks like George Agdgdgwngo from Fonejacker wearing a fucking wig…..

  3. My thanks to whichever Admin friend it was who dug up the photo at the top. In the case of the cunt Onasanya, ‘dug up’ seems to be an appropriate turn of phrase. It looks like a leering skull with a dodgy syrup stuck on it.
    Corbyn looks like he’s doing his Old Man Steptoe pose again. Cunt.

  4. Nigerian parents. I rest my case. Unlike, say, Caribbeans, they are devious, lying, arrogant bastards, and you can bank on that. It’s part of their bloody culture. They all think they’re Spider Anansi (qv – google).

    Expert opinion on her lying, devious arrogance here:

    Up in front of Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal on three misconduct charges, currently, hearing date to be announced.

    Cunt and scum.

  5. Onasanya has indicated that she won’t be standing in the Peterborough by-election.
    Well thanks for fuck all, you arsehole.

  6. Her side of the story HAS been heard. It was heard in court, where a jury of her peers decided it was bollocks. The fact is, she’s as bent as a forty pound note. She was caught bang to rights but, being a politician and a lefty cunt, she is genetically incapable of accepting responsibility for actions. She’s a proven liar and a criminal, and she should have the fucking guts to admit it. We’ll just wait and see now if she’s struck off as a lawyer.

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