I would like to nominate Dominic Raab, for many reasons but his latest idiocy is that he is ‘feeling the pinch’ on his nearly £80K per annum (plus expenses) salary. Apparently he stated to his local newspaper the following ‘This is a lovely area in which to bring up a family … but it can be an expensive place to settle and, like everyone, I feel the pinch these days.’ Enough said? Obviously my heart bleeds.
Nominated by Grum
Fuck this prematurely-balding jelly-baby. Perhaps you could afford it with whatever you made selling your principles, you know, when you voted for the Barnier Treaty, excuse me…the Withdrawn Agreement, …sorry, the WAB, on its third failed attempt.
Poor Dominic, struggling to make ends meet, working all the hours of day an night to put food on table for his family, pay the mortgage, an whats that pain when you lifted that piano? Hernia? Probably…hold on! Thats me! Not rich posh slimy Dominic! Ill help you feel the pinch, when i pinch your fuckin windpipe off you mardarse treacherous cunt!?
Any politician is a fucking cunt. End of. I’d hang every Tory cunt, Labour cunt (especially Jeremy Chodbin) Greens and SNP. Did I mention they’re all cunts. Cunts.
Oh and the fucking change U.K. traitor cunts.
I once saw Raaab on television. He had unpleasant looking dark patches under his arms. He also voted for the EU’s Withdrawal Treaty, which makes him a traitorous cunt by default. Mark Francois for PM!
If not Mark Francois, then Andrew Bridgen. He’s never wavered once in his opposition to the treaty.
Evening RTCP ?
Evening Q, me old mucker.
How about Steve Baker or Priti Patel? I wouldn’t say no to cümming in Priti’s mouth. Mind you she’s a bit of a porker from the neck down.
Evening gentlemen.
Personally I think Mark Francois hasn’t got the makings of a leader but at least he didn’t vote for the Barnier model. Owen Paterson?
Pritti Patel would definitely receive a hard Brexit.
Evening Cap, Bsc.
Owen Paterson knows a thing or two about culling badgers… experience which could come in handy if he became Tory leader.
I quite like the cut of Andrea Jenkyns’ jib.
Boris would be a disaster.
Hi captain!!
There seems to be a Q forming for priti ,
Definitely one of the better looking politicians……
This is umloutish behaviour, plain and simple. You’re a disgrace!
Good evening RTC.
I see what you did there Bsc. ?
Good evening.
Nothing wrong with a bit of meat on the bone RTC. And Priti Patel gives me the right horn. I’m sure i saw her on German Goo Girls via XHamster.
The bigger the cushion Fenton, the better the pushin’ ?
The looser the waistband
the deeper the quicksand
Someone described Mark Francois as “Brexit Porn”.
Remember watching Raab on TV when Brexit Secretary. Sweating buckets.
Used to have some time for Raab but that changed as like many others gave in far too easily to the enemy.
I have always been impressed by Raab – given so many MPs are nothing more than the scum of the earth —he stood out as one of the good guys. I do know that he is not rich and could have made more money remaining in the Law. Also I accept £80k is a very good/comfortable salary for those with a young family and big mortgage— but to suggest he is not allowed/ qualified to say ‘ he is feeling the pinch’ for me at least does not make sense! Once you have paid all bills and everything that goes with a wife and young children, running The house, modest holiday, a smidge of prudent saving and paying a big mortgage you probably do ’feel the pinch’ even on 80k after the taxman has shagged you right up the arse for having the temerity of reaching the higher tax bracket!
Where I do agree with this cunting is that Raab buckled for the sake of the Cuntservative party – screw our future – and voted for TM’s surrender Brino treaty. For that he can get truly fucked in my book!
These cunts make me smile, they get married and start churning kids out at a rate of knots, and saddle themselves with a mortgage, and then they start complaining about how much it’s all costing them. If you can’t afford it then do without, you tosser.
You tell em Allan.
Cannot disagree.
Ps I agree with RTC ….. Mark F would make a great PM …… a straight talking common sense normal no silver spoon person — one in a minority of about .5% of MP’s.
PPS Moderation again … you guys do work hard on this …..
I appreciate it keeps the Site worthwhile so I am not moaning but I don’t believe I have ever transgressed so just wondering why my few posts over the past several months get a high proportion of moderation.
Wordfence does it randomly with some people. Dunno why.
Thanks ….. noted for the future.
I thought I hadn’t seen you strolling round these parts for a while Cuntry Walker. I used to like our salutations of an evening. These moderations seem to be impeding your journeyings. But you must get back on the beaten track. Think of all the different views you’re missing.
Good to hear from you Miles!
Well to be frank I had recently hit a very busy period with work , family and a sort of house move so have not been as active on ISAC . I have certainly kept in touch by visiting and reading posts! Also I have been one of the few who were optimistic that Brexit would happen despite the MP’s and that turned out to be a completely wrong prediction! Good to see you are still making your contributions!
All political folk are cunts , I don’t pick sides just cunt them all. Anyway what’s happened to the black whale mathematician theses days has steptoe hid the cunt in a warehouse, was going to say cupboard but can’t see that cunt I a cupboard the fat cunt
I think she is hiding in plain sight, like in WW2 when the government built dummy tanks in the build-up to D-Day to distract Hitler from what was really going on. Compo seems to have a new pet on a lead at the moment anyway, that weird looking cunt, Rebecca Long-Bailey.
She’s a shrew faced fucker!!
Not easy on either the Eye or ear…..
Another fucking lawyer and climate change hippy.
Needs to fuck off the soppy Corbyn loving bitch.
Received a degree from that esteemed Mickey Mouse seat of learning – Manchester Metropolitan University. Any fucker can get a law degree now, it’s like painting by numbers. Gone are the days when such a degree had a certain amount of gravitas attached to it, as evidenced by the number of muppets possessing one in Parliament. The law is fucked.
I don’t trust any of these so called Tory “brexiteers”, especially cunts like Leadsom and , king of the slimeballs, two face Micky the Gove Puppet.
If this fucker (a lawyer by the way) doesn’t like the pay then why does he think his government has been importing 300,000+ cunts every year for the last nine years? Fuck off cunt and we’ll get some goatshagger to do the job for half the price.
The epidemic of cuntitude in the Commons and Lords is truly concerning. Both sides, All sides, it’s hard to think of a good honest one.
as it is written:
“None is righteous, no, not one;
All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Although undoubtedly a cunt raab for me doesn’t make the A list , I’m sorry to hear he’s feeling the pinch on his £80,000 +benefits but I’m sure he will scrap thru, maybe shop in Aldi instead of Waitrose Cunt ?
With regards to who would make a good new PM the one for me must meet my 4 tests …..
1… WTO
2… Tell the EU to stick their fucking leather bound surrender monkey treaty up barniers arsehole….
3…. Tell the EU if they insist on a hard Irish border install it yourself cunts
4…. Make it abundantly clear to European manufacturers of cars, producers of wine and anything else that we are still some of their biggest customers and would love a proper trading agreement……
Anybody says that and fucking means it gets my support…….
……….and tells Tusk and co that they can go whistle for their money, they ain’t getting a fucking penny.
It’s not their money, it’s ours. We’ve pissed half a trillion down their shitter since 1973 – they fucking owe us!
Not quite true Mr Puff…… we owe them 3.7 million Eurotrash booshka booshka. They can have all those back, especially the ones in prison. We need to make room for Cablecunt, Sourberries, Grieve and untold other dirty traitors.
Cunts can have it back in Polish zlotys.
Ten quid would probably cover the bill, plus a quick blowie from Ewa in the back of a warsaw taxi.
Sorry FTF
5 tests!! ?
All politicians, regardless of party are greedy entitled ponces who have never lived in the real world, who expect us to smile at their expenses fiddling and not regard it as fraud or theft, who think that they have short term contracts when they know they are in place for 4/5 years (provided they don’t upset their constituents by being sent to prison), unlike the poor bastards they attitudenize over who might get a weeks work on minimum wage.
They all ought to be made to live with the consequences of their actions – in particular the old wimmin of Labour ought to be made to live in an East London or Northern hovel surrounded by aspiring architects – give them a week of that and they would piss in their pants.
This drab weakling should not even be in contention to be leader. Shifty cunt.
Don’t think he is in contention Johnny.
Raab turned out to be a useless sweaty cunt who strangely volunteered to be May’s puppet.
If he (or Boris Johnson) is in contention this country is finished.
To be honest, think it is regardless of whoever is Prime Minister, and that includes Sir Nigel.
The country is just too far gone.
Half time. Abu Dahbi City are walking this Cup Final.
Get the non alcoholic champagne ready and slaughter a few camels for the big party.
Fuckin hell, has anyone seen that trailer on BBC for the Women’s World Cup? It’s a ‘song’ sung by Ms. Banks, a London rapper. It’s a fuckin abomination, bringing together two of the most satanic things imaginable – women’s football and rap. Norman is going to burst a blood vessel when he sees it.
Jesus H Christ! What a pile of libtard millennial cunting shit. The BBC are going to milk the fuck out of this load of old bollocks. Fuck them all to hell.
More like a load of old ovaries…
There’s got to be some sort of seeding system introduced in to the F.A cup to prevent crap teams like Watford getting in to the final. Otherwise it’s going to die a death. Can anyone remember a final when it was competitive?
Anyone watching the Urination Song Contest?
As per, the music varies in inverse proportion to the extravagance of the staging but deary me you’d have to imagine how shite it would be if we actually won it and then had to stage it. The likes of Latvia and Azerbaijan seem happy to piss away their entire National Debt but we’d stage it for two bob. I can only imagine the fucking political correctness and divershitty that would be compulsory.
Fucking Ada. That dark-haired presenter is Olivia Hussey reborn. ?
Don’t think I’ve watched it since 1965. France Gall went on to make some half decent recordings.
I’m forced to watch the gayist night of the year, every year. Lots of screaming men in the audience again. Their wives must enjoy the quiet night in.
Come on, allow us gays one night a year!
The Gayness on TV is hardly one night a year Krav.
Clutch my pearls!
Dominic Raab, believes in Dominic Raab. Dominic Raab works for Dominic Raab.
Dominic Raab is a cunt, he pretends to be a leaver, but votes for Treason May’s Plan. Dominic Raab works for Dominic Raab !
Madonna is barking mad.
Fuck me, UK is last, currently with 16 points!
Must be due to Brexit…
Why the fuck do we still bother? Nobody watches and nobody cares.
Have we no pride, and do we enjoy being totally humiliated?
Over to you Theresa.
Indeed Willie. The UK entry was certainly better than much of the Euroturdage served up.
Let’s face it, Europe fucking well hates the UK.
We should just say fuck off as we will never get into the LH side of the scoreboard.
Anyone else catch the Icelandic edgelords flash those ‘free Palestine’ flags?
Didn’t some other Toy try this one about 20 years or so ago ? Have a feeling it might have been Oliver Letwind. Or some similar oily cuuuunt.
4 hours of torture, railroaded into this fucking hysterical shitshow…
…And every minute was worth it, just to see the look of sheer devastation on that Swedish dar-key’s face when the arrogant cunt crashed and burned into 5th place!
Fuck you all, you Eurocunt fucklords!
Sadiq Khan
Nigel Farage’s divisive politics are the opposite of London’s values of openness & inclusion.
Here in Camden with Keith Starmer
speaking to local residents & businesses about how Labour is the only party that can stop Farage & the far-right.
Suckdick, you fucking Peaceful cunt. Londonistan is a dangerous shithole because of dangerous individuals like you who place politics over people’s and personal power ahead of people’s lives.
And Nigel Farage and those people who voted for Brexit are not far right, we just want to take back control of our country.
You stupid fucking undemocratic racist Peaceful poison dwãrf cunt.
The cunt’s not even a proper leaver.
By the way I sometimes ask myself if it’s fucking normal for sixty-something-old men to be perusing, let alone posting comments, on a site like this.
Fuck yeah! of course it is!
Good night
Age is no barrier to cunting the world’s cunts.
Coming last is a result in that Euro shit fest.
Feeling very proud….
Would have loved the UK’s representative at the confirmation of jury points to have been Farage.
Eurovision hijacked by the left wing to voice their disgust at the UK attacking Iraq back in the day, hijacked by LBGT and Europeans plus self loathing apologists in the UK to signal their virtue of the awful UK whilst all wanting to live here.
It’s a show for Cunts across Europe (and Australia) and some gayers who want a camp night in/out.
It’s the Eurocunts Cunt Contest.
Its an utter Cuntfest Captain of huge proportions which most sane people avoid like the plague.
Why the UK have anything to do with it (or the EU) is down to the cunts you specifically refer to.
Good afternoon.
His surname makes him sound like ‘one of them’. Is he?
He is a hairline receding Alan B’Stard. Even sounds like him.
As Richard Littlecock would say – “YOU COULDN’T MAKE IT UP !!!”