Carbon Neutral Bollocks

Carbon Neutral Bollocks

Listening to one of the global warming, ban the whale save the shrimp tossers today raised my piss to magma temperatures, fuck it all, you would have needed an ice cube the size of the ice burg that sank the Titanic to restore order in the internal regions. Lets see now ban Diesel/Petrol vehicles, what do you replace them with? Electric vehicles? No cunts rolled an electric lorry out yet. Cut down on Beef and Lamb? Fuck off when you pay for it sunshine, then you can tell me where and when. Don’t fly? When you cunts don’t fly 5000 miles to join a bunch of soap dodging cunts to fuck London up even more than it is already, when politicians scientists stop jetting off for jollies anytime they feel like it, so will I. No new gas boilers? How do I earn a living? Turn the thermostat down? Fuck off when its cold up goes the dial cunt, I pay for it so do one on that score. All this shit and no one is saying stop popping out sprogs. Its overpopulation that is fucking it up.
In conclusion a mega cunting for these climate change cunts please.
Fuck them alll bar one and fuck the last one twice Cunts

Nominated by CuntyMort

30 thoughts on “Carbon Neutral Bollocks

  1. My bollocks are carbon neutral. One takes in CO2 and the other gives it out. Can’t say Mrs B is impressed with all these gaseous elements floating around.

  2. Spot on cunting.

    Why the fuck politicians can’t just admit that the globe has far too many people on it.

    If every couple sought to produce a maximum of two children (yes, nature can thwart this, admittedly), then the world might start to become a more sustainable place.

    The proposal for electric cars and heating/hot water for new homes by the end of this decade is utter political bollockspeak – the existing network simply won’t cope.

    • Spot on Paul.
      No cunt will talk about overpopulation. All the problems in the world are symptoms of it.

      • Chesterton: ”The answer to anyone who talks about the surplus population is to ask him, whether he is part of the surplus population; or if not, how he knows he is not”.

      • That’s because they would have to own up to their own hypocrisy. The breeders are quick to tell others to do this, that and the other, when they having committed the most heinous of crimes.

      • 36 and still not a snot-nosed brat produced by my loins I’m glad to say.

    • Exactly. Unfortunately we have an economic model which is dependent on endless growth in order to inflate debt away and provide sufficient bread and circuses to keep the masses quiet. The trouble is, the planet just won’t take the abuse we’re giving it, so the system will collapse in the end.

      Basically, we’re fucked.

  3. In a double sense that polar bear does look in a precarious position.

    • I think it looks quite contented, the fat idle cunt. I wish all I had to do was float about on my own iceberg, soaking up the sun.
      Then when I feel a bit peckish, dive into the sea, and kill a seal for my dinner. I don’t know why anybody is concerned about there plight.
      They live the life of riley .

  4. When everyone moves over to electric cars, don’t be surrprised if the government of the day slaps a tax on charging your car! It will have to do this due to the massive shortfall in tax revenues from petrol- so going green is all bollocks because you’re still going to get fucked twice over:-

    a) by the government
    b) by the energy suppliers, who will have a new market to monopolise and thus up their charges whenever they want.

    In both instances, big corporations won’t give two shits, and neither will the rich or powerful – just stick it on expenses and let the taxpayer/customer foot the fucking bill.

    But typically and unsurprisingly it will be the poor and those people working on min-wage or just above it, who will be fucked over the most. Not only will they have to dump their old petrol cars and move to electric, but get shafted with higher charging bills.

    I bet the climate change cunts haven’t taken that into account. And why don’t they fuck off and take their protests to heavily polluted countries like China, Russia, central America? Or is it because they’re too shit scared of getting their heads kicked in by the old bill?

  5. I’ve been let down by the promise of mass extinction events too many times in the past to get overly excited about global warming. Nuclear war and Aids promised much,but delivered little.
    I wants a fucking good clear-out,and I wants to be around to enjoy it,so
    fucking get a move on with it. I like to think that I do my bit…burn a few old tyres,silage wrap etc.,but fear that my efforts alone won’t be enough,so get out there Cunters and get those Lidl plastic bags burned,leave that car ticking-over,(and don’t forget to burn the black oil when you do a service), and,of course,assault anyone who you suspect may be push-biking to work in order to “do their bit” (Fuck it,just assault them anyhow).

    Fuck off.

    • Yes and a promise was made that said the meek shall inherit the earth, well I’ve not had so much as a sausage yet.
      I’d like to know when I get my piece of it?
      But I don’t like asking for it, so as not to cause offence.

    • Very true Dick. Just look at Ebola they say it’s a major epidemic in Africa but its only killed 1200 in 40 weeks well fuck me in a population of over a 1.2 billion that’s only 1 in a million whereas in the UK over 100 people have been stabbed to death in less the six months thats around 1 in 600,000 so come on god/s get your arse in gear and get biblical on the cunts

  6. as soon as anyone mentions population…. Africa firing out sprogs at an astronomical rate….. Waycist!!!
    If, as the ‘activists’ claim it is human activity that is causing global warming then the continuous increase in population isn’t going to help.
    I would be happy with a one flight per year rule, lets see if emma fucking thompson would agree …. and no fucking offsetting…. CUNT
    And why do the green party need two leaders, they only have one fucking MP….. good that they aren’t running the country they can’t even decide who is in charge.


  7. Good nom CuntyMort and I agree it is overpopulation that is causing climate change. It’s very simple really. Finite resources plus exponentially increasing population equals extinction of the human race. Can’t say I’m sorry about that. Have always preferred the company of animals which aren’t stupid like humans. And the meek shall inherit the Earth, what’s left of it.

  8. The trouble with these climate change cunts is that they don’t see the future realities of their short-term thinking. If the global population topped 10 billion (which it probably will in the next 50 odd years) and more people will need more space to live, more food to eat, more wood to burn etc. what will be the answer from the climate change cunts I wonder?

    But of course they won’t admit that overpopulation exists; instead they’ll just order the first world countries to reduce their carbon emissions further, penalising us more and more.

    They are cunts, and misguided cunts at that!

    • One of the problems is that as soon as you mention population growth, that inevitably brings up religion. As we all know, religion is not subject to normal levels of scrutiny, and has a free pass on talking bollocks and pedaling lies. A real positive step here would be for faith leaders, particularly the pope, to start encouraging birth control.

  9. Piss just gone to boiling point

    A fucking green party EU election leaflet came through the door, smug Caroline lewis on the back and a couple on the front, a woman and a spear chucker, the spear chucker has a T shirt with ‘Immigrants make Britain Great’ …..

    What a cunt, tell that to the victims families of the Manchester Arena bombing.

    I am a fairly diligent recycler, but this fucking leaflet went straight into the shit bin where it belongs

  10. A worthy cunting …..
    I’m glad I was born at the arse end of 64, our household does it bit, recycling everything we can , the wife and I drive low emission vehicles, changed all our lightbulbs to low emission, thermostat down, radiators turned down, even swallow my pride a use public transport when I can , but like that titanic sized hypocrite Emma Thompson we do like a little bit of long haul flying! So in the middle of winter if we find ourselves sitting on a warm beach with the sand between our toes sucking up a tidy drink do I think about the unfortunate polar bear? Or artic shrimp? Like fuck!! ??

  11. Green cunts can suck my cock, kiss my arse and fuck off while they’re doing it. Every single one of them is a smug, holier than thou, narcissistic, know it all , lecturing sack of dogshit.
    Being green is just one part of a distinctive mindset. Every green fucker i have ever known is also a neoliberal, Blairite, immo loving, peaceful loving, remoaner fucking cunt.
    If they want to make the world a better place they should crawl into a hole and die the wankers.

  12. Amazing, I was just sat in the chink takeaway reading the local rag and there was an article about shit loads of climate change protesters gathered outside the town hall while councillors were inside deliberating about climate change, one of the members of Extinction Rebellion was in the meeting and the councillors voted to declare a state of climate emergency and to become carbon neutral within 12 years (these climate nutters always quote 12 years but never cite any sources I notice).

    I think I’ve worked out why these dopey climateers never mention the overpopulated elephant in the room regarding climate change………in the accompanying photo of the crowd…….. Drum roll……… All fucking hippies and all wamen!

    Climate change activism is the new feminism it would seem but equally if not more extreme and culty.


  13. They can have my motorbike when they pry it from my Chuck Heston style “cold dead hands”
    Fucking hippies…

  14. I’m all in favour of the masses making huge sacrifices in order that the likes of Sting, Bono and Thompson can continue to enjoy the privileged, first class lifestyles to which they’ve become accustomed. I’d hate to spoil it for them.

  15. You’ll never hear any talk about overpopulation as the main driver to environmental destruction and climate change. I tried that on with an MP recently (female Labour clone). She rebutted any form of population controls as ‘restricting women’s rights.’ Yeah, luv. The women and children who are about to become billions can feel happy you respected their rights as they starve their way into oblivion.

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