Cambridge University

The big knobs at Cambridge University have ordered an investigation into their archives to see if the University has benefitted from the slave trade during it’s illustrious history. They then intend to apologise for this terrible stain on their reputation.

Jesus fuck my old boots! There isn’t an institution or a rich family, which dates back to those times, in this country who weren’t up to their necks in the fucking slave trade. Everybody knows that. That’s how all the rich cunts got super rich and why their descendants are rolling in it today.

You can’t reverse history so what’s the fucking point in crying about it? Those cunts won’t be giving their money away that’s for sure. Fucking pathetic virtue signalling fucking wankers.

Nominated by Freddie the Frog

‘The University of Cambridge is to investigate its own historical links with slavery and will examine how it might have gained financially.

It has launched a two-year study that will examine its archives to see whether it gained from the slave trade.

Universities have faced questions about the legacy of links to slavery.

“It is only right that Cambridge should look into its own exposure to the profits of coerced labour,” said vice-chancellor Stephen Toope.’

There is an advisory board set up to study the links. Ultimately paid for by us, no doubt. This is totalitarian liberal year zero. History denied. Graven images before the rise of the prophet (piss be upon him)
I wonder if, while they are at it, they could see if they have benefitted from feudalism or the industrial revolution. I want my compensation from the cunts.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

55 thoughts on “Cambridge University

  1. Something stinks in academia, this time Leeds University kow-towing to hatred:

    Leeds University’s student union sent a Facebook post informing students the Jewish society would be marking Israel Independence Day.

    “We understand that some of our members will be unhappy that this event is taking place which is why we are letting our students know in advance,” the union wrote on Wednesday.

    “If any students are concerned by this event, as always we encourage you to speak to our LUU help and support team in the union foyer.”

    Yes, speak to our LUU support team who can advise you on the best way to express your anti semitic hatred.

  2. I’ve never understood why people are obsessed with this rubbish, inquiries into this, looking into that for historical reasons.

    Our once great country is fantastic at navel gazing and it makes me sick to my core when some idiot comes out and apologises for something that happened years ago under a different set of world rules.

    Blair was the cunt who started all this.

    The chances of me saying sorry to anyone for slavery, the Micks, Mongs, the Scots or any other whining group of tit swinging scroungers is zero point zero.

  3. Of course Cambridge would never dream of mentioning that William Wilberforce was a Cambridge graduate. That wouldn’t fit their racist narrative at all, would it?

      • He was. That’s my point, though admittedly I did not express it very well.

        The current crop of useful libtard idiots at Cambridge appear to be looking to find their predecessors guilty of racism and profiting from the slave trade, so that they can apologise and suck black cock.

        What they fail to point out is that one of their most illustrious students played a prominent role in ending the slave trade.

        Lammy would no doubt refer to Wilberforce as a “white saviour”.

      • Ended the slave trade here. It’s still flourishing in Africa and Asia of course but why let inconvenient facts counter an anti-white agenda.

  4. Fucking students, slavery is still alive and well in Africa, where’s the protests?

    • Slavery? Can someone point out to me why this is suddenly such a bad thing? Ungrateful in my opinion! Free cruise and job for life at the end of it? Free board & lodgings, free clothing! 1st time wearing trousers rather than grass skirt, still fuckin moaning!

  5. More daft apologists trying to appear righteous.
    For fucks sake they’ve got their own back. I have to slave away at work to pay taxes for the fucking immigrants housing and benefits.
    Try doing the work that you said you’d come here for you lying bastards, instead of scrounging off the state which we know is the real reason they pollute the UK.

    • Working conditions (for the proles) at home were far from magnificent during that transition, and long afterward. Child labour, long hours, subsistence wages only. Not a lot different from slavery, in fact.

  6. Typical Egghead Shite.

    Bunch of elderly homosexual Dons mincing around trying to seduce chinless-wonder,teddybear-carrying,effete Nancy Boys. They’re probably hoping to attract a bunch of Mandingo types that they can “educate” if they pretend that they give a shit about slavery.
    Shut the Den of Degeneracy down and chuck the old fossils and their limp-wristed students out on the streets.

    Fuck Off.

  7. I’m still waiting for an official apology from the Italian Government for the behaviour of their countrymen two thousand years ago. Fucking coming over here uninvited, living the life of Riley, making up their own fucking laws, building roads and bridges an stuff. Cunts.

      • No, but plenty of Tunisian, Algerian, and Egyptian soldiers, though. Interbreeding with the locals, at that.

    • Don’t get me started on the sauna loving, purveyors of reasonably priced furniture, the Scandinavians and their heathen ancestors, the Vikings. Raping and plundering with their beards and pointy helmets, maybe universities in Stockholm or Copenhagen should look into links with Gunnbjorn Thor-Hammer and the like.

      • In imagination I am transported back and see Greta Thunberg dressed in animal skins, sword in hand, golden helmet atop her head, railing maniacally at the poor captured English who cower in fear as they await her terrible judgement.

  8. Universities in general are a swizz. Pay masses for fees, shell out millions to share a filthy, noisy house owned by a Pak1 with fleas and cockroaches, get short-shifted on classes, hours, pay out your arse for books, and have to tolerate fanatical censorship. Plus the women now are the ugliest cluster of weird-haired, tattooed crones you can’t even fill your boots.

    Hoo-eee, cunts one and all.

  9. Fuck off, you vile cunts.

    Admin edit:
    Despite this post blatantly breaking site rules I’ve decided to let it ride for laughs.

  10. I went to Oxford University. We were each given a personal slave on the induction day. The darker the appointed slave, the more status it carried. Cambridge…pftt.

    • I personally think that everyone should be allocated TWO d4rkies- one for general weekday slavery tasks, and one that is nicely polished up for Sundays.

  11. I just wonder if ‘is a cunt’ might just be no platformed.
    They don’t know what they’re missing if it has.

  12. Universities have become hotspots for extreme left wing intolerance and radical Islam.

  13. When I was a student there, I established the now thriving Cambridge University National Trust Society.

    • I was, for a happy decade or so down in London, a member of that most august and select group

      City University Non Teaching Staff

      And were referred to as such in all official documentation, capitalisation as shown.

      Oh!, those wags in the Uni admin, eh?, what japery!, what shavian fucking wittery!…..

      toffee nosed cunts..

  14. What the fuck was wrong with slavery? They get free food, shelter and clothing and Sundays off. Look at the un-slaves in Africa. No food, no water, no jobs, no nothing (apart from ak47s). They would love to be slaves. The founding fathers were clever cunts and they all had slaves.

    • Too right. It’s like cunts who whine about the war. My grandad said he had a great time- he went in a plane, had a go in a tank AND got to shoot 15 Germans.

    • Or are trust fund snowflakes who buy high-end luxury goods to flaunt on Instagram made by ironically enough, poor cunts in Third World sweatshops living a semi slave-like existence.

  15. Cambridge is a nest of lefty commie fuck deviant cunts like Burgess and Co. Place should be neutron bombed, although to be honest I’m not that fucking bothered about leaving the buildings standing.

    • Totally agree SP with neutron bombing this nest of lefty traitors. Also that traitorous cunt Anthony Blunt went there.
      Him and God knows how many red quislings have got themselves embedded in the establishment.

  16. They deserve a massive xcunting for employing Dr. Victoria Bateman.

    Thank Christ that I didn’t have to endure any nudey lectures at Leeds University when I was a student.

    • I’d still like to bust a fat cum load on batemans face after her nude brexit is bad speech and her massive bush seered a lasting image in my mind, it corrupted me

  17. It’s not difficult to see where this pile of horse shit originated. The Chancellor of Cambridge is a ceremonial post. The Vice-chancellor is effectively the chief administrative officer. The current Vice-chancellor was appointed in October 2017. His name is Stephen Toope. He’s a Canadian and, therefore, automatically a cunt (like the one at the Bank of England). What’s wrong with this nation? Don’t we have enough home-grown cunts or are they like doctors and nurses and we have to import the fuckers?. He’s a legal scholar specialising in, yes you’ve guessed it, human rights. He’s especially interested in the mistreatment of Aborigines in Australia. This dickhead must be responsible for this crap otherwise it wouldn’t have seen the light of day. Why has he done it? I don’t know. Ask Toope. Is it a total fucking waste of time, effort and money? Absolutely. Has anybody objected to the University’s resources being squandered in this way? Not so far and it’s unlikely to happen because they are all fucking pinko arse bandits at that place. Nice cushy number for a few jobsworths for a couple of years. The finding will be guilty and reparations in the form of a one-off donation of rubber dinghies to deserving Africans will be made before the whole silly fucking exercise is buried and forgotten. World leading university my arsehole.

    • ‘He’s especially interested in the mistreatment of Aborigines in Australia.’

      Then why doesn’t he fuck off to a university there?

    • They are both elitist shit houses in my opinion I’m sure oxford is no different in pc pandering too read a article awhile back that they were considering getting rid of the great intellectuals and thinkers because they were too white and male. They are both drinking the leftist poison from all the moral grandstanding that they do serves them right fuck them

  18. Look at al the elitist losers acting like its some kind of naughty party. You want to wear a mask and jerk off like a chicken farmer be my guest. The exorbitant fees to attend these cuntfest you deserve to dance in the puke of these elitist communist scum you earned it

  19. The okukor was removed from Hall three years ago, as a result of this kind of political correctness. It was specifically a response to the furore at Oxford over the statue of Cecil Rhodes.

    The cockerel is a quasi-heraldic “mascot” for the College, which was founded by the Bishop of Ely, John Alcock in 1496. The okukor therefore has special significance (it’s a “play” on the name Alcock). Although it was “acquired” under dubious circumstances, there seems little to be gained by repatriating it, other than for Brownie points for the soft little twerps in the JCSU¹.

    On the other hand, as I understand it, the University is proposing to set up sizeable scholarships and bursaries for those mainly African nations “affected” by historic slavery: some kind of bizarre, ultra-elitist reparation for past “wrongs”. All well and good, but slightly off the beam.

    Purest cuntery with the cockerel though, and high time all this tripe was kicked into the long grass.

    ¹ The “Jesus College Student Union”, aka a hotbed of knobjockies and hand-wringung goody-two-shoes types, who should be rusticated to St Andrews

    • Plagiarise, plagiarise, let no one else’s work evade your eyes (Tom Lehrer). Your demoted to AB, Rear Admiral, for nicking Caughtspedding’s work.

      • Are you sure he didn’t nick mine last evening, Fimb?

  20. How about a fund for white Afrikaaner students whose families have been murdered on their farms?

  21. I went to Cambridge back in the days. There were always cunts in the university but now it’s the university that’s become a cunt. The cuntishness has spread and become terminal. But it’s just a reflection of a wider society that seems to be disappearing up it’s own ass. Pathetic.

  22. Studying at a college and the blatant left wing rhetoric in the syllabus is disgusting.

    Every English article is picked either from a left wing newspaper or speech given by a oppressed minority.

    Every 21st century text is about veganism or how hard life is growing up in Africa. There is no balanced opposing view.

    All around the college are posters reminding you to celebrate your “British” values, (bet they wouldn’t say that in Wales or Scotland), and how European membership has “enriched our culture”.

    Its disgusting how the education system has been meddled with to ensure that all future generations are brained wash into becoming good little socialist. Orwell just got the year wrong.

    We are doomed. Cunts.

  23. Another example of cuntishness on the Cam is the decision to remove a visiting fellowship from Jordan Peterson. Peterson is a brilliant psychologist and a formidable opponent of political correctness and trendy feminism. He was the one that made that ocean going cunt Cathy Newman look a total ass. Obviously those values don’t go down well in academia today.

  24. So they’re examining the role slavery played in their institution- then what? Like many have already mentioned, if you made any money back then, you benefitted from the fucking slave trade; and that goes well beyond the British Empire. It was the same throughout Europe and their respective empires, however shitty they may’ve been. What’s the fucking money shot? Collective moaning? Put up a stupid statue or 3 “ad memoriam”? Reparations?! (THAT would be shitshow of all times, making the Grenfell scammers pale in comparison to the cunts that would emerge to get their fraudulent share!) Anyway, stupid waste of time and resources, but that’s higher ed these days the world over.

  25. I think any benefit from the slave trade should be put into a community fund for victims of horrendous events such as fires or stabbings ….. and perhaps ask someone like David Lammy to administer it.

    Then again……fuck them all. The slave trade may have benefited Europe and the Americas but it was facilitated by Africans for tribal commercial gain.

    • Slavery happened with the help of African tribal cunts. Seen Amistad? It was African cunts that knocked them on the head for the slavers. Maybe some African tribes need to pay reparations as well? It will never happen cos they are black and white males, as we all know, are exclusively to blame for all the bad things that have ever happened.

      • My point exactly …. although I prefer not to use Hollywood as a source for my point. Instead try reading some of Kwasi Kwarteng’s stuff regarding cause amd effect of slavery.

  26. You should see the writ I’m having drawn up to reclaim reparations from Rome (Italy) after their occupation and slavery of my forebears 2,000yrs ago.

    I’ve suggested to my Old Testament Ally friends that they should do the same and put a claim in against Egypt for their enslavement 4,000yrs ago.

    Apparently “…has fuck all to do with ME!” doesn’t wash with the modern offended set for stuff that happened 200yrs ago (with Britain being instrumental in it’s abolishment), so I say there should be no time limit on claiming oppression against our respective peoples.

    Also, how many claims are going in against Northern African nations for enslaving sub-saharan Africans, and who continued to do so several decades after *WE* banned the practice? Hmmm? ?

    Get fucked!

    If Cambridge has fuck all better to with its time than wring its hands over something that no living person had ANYTHING do with, then maybe it’s time for Cambridge to call it a day education wise and just use their (not inconsiderable) properties as Kyle scum food banks.

    Stephen Hawking would be spinning in his grave – if his battery wasn’t flat!

    A complete and utter nonsense!

    Welcome to fucking clown world!


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