May peace be among you for a cunting for this filthy, shit stained fly-blown bearded heap of *religious” shit Anjem Choudary, who is now safe at home in London after serving a spell in the slammer for his bloodythirsty views. Celebrating his return were 7 of his camel driving acolytes, no doubt getting a hard-on over all the bloodshed they can plan for us in the near future
Is there another cuntry in the world that would tolerate this gurning ape, who manages to produce shit from his mouth rather than his rectum, regrouping to cause yet more misery after a risible prison sentence?. No doubt he and the pansy Labourites will be planning a homecoming party for that Begun whore, who, poor little thing, if she gets sent to Bangladash will get hanged – so no chance of that happening. As Mangledbum would tell you, diversity is so wonderful duckies – just as long as he is well away from it in a for the many not the few mansion.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
May his arsehole be infested with the flies of one thousand camels, inshallah.
The times today,page 4.
Black students Won’t go to Cambridge because local hairdressers can not accommodate their Afro hair…..
I wish those fuckin camel drivers in the photo would piss of back to Mecca to get their beards trimmed at their local Sweeney Todds.
I hope they’re not thinking of culturally appropriating white man’s hair straighteners. Like the Flabbott does.
No doubt David Lammy will be casting spells on Cambridge when he hears this shocking news – dancing stark bollock naked in his warpaint , waving a spear on TV against this evil racist area of East Anglia.
Good. We don’t want to pollute the Cam.
Now is that any way to behave towards the future London mayor?
If I ran the prison service I would ensure Muslim prisoners are allowed to follow Islam.
1) no TV,radio or newspapers, just a Koran.
2) Enforced prayer times.
3) Switch off taps during daylight hours during ramadam.
4) Strictly enforced dress code
5) All female visitors to wear full burkah.
6) All purchases to be screened for pork products
7) All disputes to be dealt with by an Iman.Thus no recourse to complaints procedure,etc.
I don’t think many would last that long….
Excellent krav. Are you a politician by trade by any chance.
Home secretary is the job for you.
No,not a politician.
I would dissolve Parliament and have the country run by the monarchy advised by the privy council.
Rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
I’d do the complete opposite – no koran, no prayer mat, no halal food. Becuase as we all repeatedly told – terrorists are not muslims becuase terrorism is forbidden by the peaceful koran.
I would contribute to any fund which would allow this cunt to take a holiday in China, I beleive they have a version of Butlins especially for muslims.
He could associate with like minded people and attend classes designed to help muslims undersatand their religion better
“I’d stick my tongue up his arsehole” – Jeremy “I know everything abaaaht it” Corbyn.
To think that our relatives prevented the enemy even setting foot onto our island and now they walk amongst us, openly preaching death to our people, slithering about like unwashed, hate-filled zombies we are unable to eradicate.
Well said General.
Anyone in the UK found guilty of preaching hate should either be incarcerated or deported. And that in my opinion includes far right extremists. The proper ones, not including those like myself who voted for Brexit obviously.
No place for it in modern society if the government and authorities do their jobs properly.
And theirin lies the problem.
Far Right is anything that doesnt agree with the multicultural diversity left wing.
Hate speech is anything that doesnt agree with the brainwashed political elite and liberal media.
By criticising the likes of Ram Jam Fulll you are guilty of hate speech.
Please leave the country immediately.
Why do you say ‘including far-right’. Is islam not obviously far-right?
No doubt this cunt of cunts will be receiving benefits and a council house courtesy of our self loathing politically correct establishment.
May his penis turn gangrenous and drop of, inshallah.
Of course. We support 4 out of every 5 muslims in this country with out of work benefits – housing and feeding them while they plan to destroy our awful racist unfair country.
LBC just now. Suck Ma Dick Khunt making juvenile comments about The Donald.
Fuck off you son of a bus driver.
I wish he would die soon. Preferably slowly and painfully. A really nasty aggressive cancer would be good. Do I hate him? Yes I fucking do. Do I loathe these fucked up morons that follow Islam? Yes I do. Am I preaching hatred? No I’m not. I’m just expressing my dislike of people who want to impose their way of life on me against my wishes. Piss be upon all of them.
Shariah for the UK?
Fuck off, Anjem Pedigreechum, and take your medieval sky-fairy worshipping aspirations to some middle-eastern, camel-fucking country.
I am English and I don’t want this shit imposed on me or my family. Spineless, pseudo-Tory appeasing politicians such as the Malteser Headed One are allowing this shit to happen on their watch and have allowed this to proliferate from the days of good old Tone (a massive cunt).
Fuck them all. The one on Chum’s left has those mad, staring explosive vest-worshiping eyes.
I blame Maggie for closing down the loony bins.
Good morning RTC. Those old loony bins were harsh places. I remember going to visit my grandad in one in early 1976. He had dementia, not some psychosis but that is what they did with dementia patients back them.
Drugged them up to the eyeballs and watch them mooch about like something from Night of the Living Dead.
Chum-boy and all his cohorts should be in a loony bin – in downtown Damascus, not here.
Morning Paul. Loony bin certainly not the right place for your grandad.
But they were often a more humane option than leaving the schizos to fend for themselves on the streets.
I knew a girl in the ’70s who was bipolar and the loony bin was more akin to sanctuary for her, she would regularly run amok causing considerable distress to everyone she came into contact with, including herself.
Religious fundamentalism is a form of serious mental illness imho.
I trained at Napsbury. A proper but house.
She did it so that “Care in the Community” would make some of her cabinet look a bit more normal.
Remember Sir Sheath Joseph, the Mad Monk ?
Should never be let out out of prison the filthy cunt is nothing but a shit stirring hate filled bag of smelly flesh.
I hate all religions and do not for the life of me understand why they are protected under law. They are all clearly made up bollocks from the bronze age how can you protect something that’s made up.
They should all be mocked and treated like the crazies they are and not given a shield against criticism or basic inquiry.
Send them all back is my opinion. No Muslims no problems like Japan has done.
Our shitty government allows this evil snot bag to remain in this country, yet denies entry to a Christian Pakistan mother, Asia Bibi, sentenced to death in Pakistan “Because it might upset others.”
Christians are the most persecuted across 50 states, driven by the rise of Islam, and the Globalists. Any defence against Christians is now considered Politically incorrect, as opposed to the increasing support of Homophobia, Islamophobia, xyzophobia. 100 Christian churches in France were set alight and vandalised in 2018, & were unreported in the news. Three Government officials in Pakistan were murdered for supporting Asia Bibi Christian beliefs. And here in Britain, Azeem Wazir, who launched a “Stop killing Christians” campaign, is now locked up in detention, facing deportation. ‘Britains Political Democrats!!?.’ The name itself is a euphemism for ‘ ‘Britains Club of Mephistophelian Fiends.’ And the whole bloody lot of them should be shot at dawn.
The way our cuntish leaders act leads me to think they have converted already fuck knows why; as its hardly a step up from total useless self interested cunt.
@Black biscuit, as opposed to Shamima Begun’s history, I think I’d give them both the benefit of the doubt. Especially Asia Bibi.?
I’ll bet he doesn’t live in the leafy suburbs of Hampstead or Richmond, populated by BBC executives, thespian metropolitan jetsetters and chattering remoaner wine circles. Let them build a mosque or two there and flood their schools with Third World offspring reducing English to a second or third language, diversity innit.
Yeah, the cunt has lived in a council house and on benefits for years. Never done a days work in his life. He has one of those 21st century government jobs…..a professional motivator of terrorists. He was born here so is, by any definition, a traitor. But, as there are hundreds of them in Parliament one more, wearing bed sheets and a towel round his head, doesn’t make much difference. It’s only plebs like us who his mates are going to blow up and we count for fuck all.
I don’t wish death on anyone. But at least that white muslim convert attacked parliament and not innocent women and children at a concert etc.
Isn’t Manglebum up north near Fiddlers Mansion, somewhere near Hartlepool? I’m surprised nobody has run him over with a tractor.
For the few, not the many should be the liebour party’s motto.
FFS sake don’t mention Hartlepool to Mr Fiddler !!!! ( Or any Geordie )
I spent quite some time in a country where this would never happen, strangely enough these people pass through it and dont stop, the agreement seems to be “just pass through” those who make the mistake of stopping get a very hard time.
Now I am sure that you all think this is fabulous, but on the other hand if this forum were to be there, most of you would get a knock on the door late at night and probably turn up for work the next day a bit bruised and battered, the others, the admin, well their families would be visited by the police and given the sad news that their loved one was killed by a hit and run driver and it would be a closed casket affair.
funny old world we live in.
He’s a real barrel load of laughs. Turd.
A man has tried to throw a milkshake at UKIP Euro election candidate Carl Benjamin at a rally in Cornwall.
Mr Benjamin is holding a gathering on Lemon Quay in Truro with British activist Milo Yiannopoulos.
Supporters of Mr Benjamin pulled the man to the ground after he threw the milkshake.
It is understood police were called to the incident. A female protester was also prevented from throwing kippers at Mr Benjamin.
Milkshake remains could be seen on the ground after the incident
The man who threw the milkshake was later seen walking away.
Police are currently investigating remarks made by Mr Benjamin after Labour MP Jess Phillips accused him of malicious communications .
The incident comes after Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (WHY THE CONSTANT REMINDER OF HIS TEAL NAME FFS) had milkshakes thrown at him in Warrington, Cheshire, and Bury in Greater Manchester while campaigning as a European Parliament candidate for North-West England.
It would appear that it is ok to physically assault right of centre politicians but not ok to say nasty things (if saying you wouldn’t rape someone) about a left of centre politicians.
Seems rather unfair?
I don’t know why Jess Butch-Phillips gets so worried. I reckon even her husband (poor cunt) has to have several stiff drinks and an hour of Pornhub, before he gets the motivation to scrape the cobwebs away from her snatch once a year to give her a bit of dick. Imagine having to work the axle grease up her cunt to lubricate the dried up old bag
The cunt should be drowned in pigs blood the festering goat shagging heap of shit
What an admirable and eloquent statement !
Racist in extremis, despises white women. Encourages rape of white “infidel” women. Hates the Jews. Has openly stated that Israel needs to be wiped from the face of the earth, has promoted and encouraged ISIS fighters. Has openly supported just about everything our country used to stand for, and ids free to walk the streets having been released early.
Dont you just love these camel shagging towel headed vermin to bits. Wonder what would happen to whitey if he stood on street corners aping Chewinahurry ?
What a fucking monster. Every day is Halloween.
I saw this piece of shit in the flesh in Wood Green, London. He was with a group of dress-sporting cronies and armed with a loudspeaker spewing his poisonous rhetoric about the religion of pieces to the impressionable and very stupid, stabby cunts that populate the area – most likely for recruiting purposes.
Ugly, brown, bearded, smelly, scrounging CUNT.