
Waitrose has apologised after it was suggested that one of their Easter confectionery products may be racist. Waitrose have a trio of chocolate ducklings on sale, a milk chocolate, white chocolate and dark chocolate duckling shaped treat. The dark chocolate duckling was labelled as the ‘ugly’ duckling, this caused a few shoppers (white snowflake cunts obviously) to complain on Twitter. Waitrose have apologised and changed the names.

We’re never going to get anywhere if this shit keeps happening. You literally can’t say a thing now without some cunt being offended. I chose Waitrose for the cunting and not the snowflake Twitter warriors because giving in to these arseholes is much worse in my book than actually being the dick who somehow is offended, even though they have no right to be, being that they have white skin. I actually think these snowflake cunts are racist and it’s some kind of reverse psychology, a bit like the old adage of when someone says, “I can’t be racist, I have loads of black friends”. Just fuck off and let us eat our chocolate ducks in peace.

Nominated by elboobio

81 thoughts on “Waitrose

  1. Had they “apologised” and then announced it would be renamed “fuck off and die moronic, infantilized snowflake cunts”, I suspect sales would have gone through the roof.

  2. some cunt flap has superglued my cup under my desk!
    I have stapled a plastic bag full of copper grease inside the sleeve of his jacket, should be interesting next time it rains.

  3. There were three chocolate ducks in a box. The Indian Duck said ‘namaste’ my name is being Crispee. The Chinese Duck said ‘Nei ho ma?’ My name Fruffy. The Black Duck with a bad case of leprosy said my name’s Leroy innit bro. Have you dudes seen that White bastard Duck who nicked my name tag and left me his? His name’s Ugly.

    What a load of PC shite and fuck you Waitrose for listening seriously to this shite.

    • I may be a bit slow on the uptake here, so forgive me. You know how many things in life all seem to boil down to money and/or the pursuit of it. It occurs to me that the limp wristed apology is intended to appease the Snows so they don’t organise a Twatter campaign to boycott Waitrose, thus impacting Waitrose’s bottom line. That being the case, who’s running these companies – the CEOs or the Snows through social meeja intimidation?

      • Good question Imitation Yank. Bit like if the British people vote to leave the EU and we don’t then is the government a democratic one? Or is some megalomaniac hunchback dried up cunt running the show single-handedly?

  4. I am waiting for the non Binary duck and the tranny one…what the fuck would that be? A goose… Piss off

    • Will we be allowed black pudding in the future B&WC? Or gingernut biscuits? Green tea? There is a whole world of potential offence out there, maybe its all a vegan conspiracy to get us to ditch dairy. Off-piste, how fucked did Julian Assange look? I thought they had nicked Old Father Time.

      • That’ll teach the cunt and anyone else thinking of exposing criminal wrongdoing by the American Government.

        Its arm is long and its vengeance is total!

      • I’ve been campaigning for black flour LL, white flour has had its day and is a sign of colonialism.
        Assange looked fucked and I guess being in one room for seven years will do that to you. I bet the cunt is hoping Trump doesn’t make an example of him… Which he will.

      • This is just a bizzare sexual fantasy playing out. Assange is Howard Hughes while Bradley Manning in his new persona Rita Hayworth. They’ll end up on some private island together mark my words.

      • I bet there is something going on with him like that though RT. All the talk of him not cleaning up after himself, not shaving, his ‘hygiene’ in question. It is like HH. Paranoia that people are out to contaminate him. So not touching anything.

        We all seem to respecting not talking about Brexit. Mmm…

      • Anyone would have gone nuts living under those conditions for 7 years, especially a narcissist with a head as big as Assange’s.

      • I thought he looked remarkably pink and shiny under the beard he had presumably grown to attract sympathy from his echo chamber. Look at the state I’ve been reduced to during my completely voluntary decision to scrounge off the Ecuadoran taxpayer for seven years! Behold the beardy internet guru! No more leather jacket and clenched fist salute!

        Looks like that much-hinted-at medical problem didn’t interrupt his progress to Marylebone, anyway. Wonder if he’s in Paddington Green nick?

        Hope the Yanks fry him.

      • You don’t like him Komodo. Somehow I thought you would. Exposing wrong-doing in high places? I have no real in depth knowledge but the résumé I saw on RT about what he had exposed was, forgive the word, arresting. I don’t know if he put people ‘in the field’ at risk. I am suspicious of that argument. Some reporter said he was like ‘Marmite’. I am more on his side than governments. Why do you dislike him so much?

      • Corbyn is a big Assange fan – that alone would be enough to boil a reptile’s piss!

      • At first, I thought, ok. There’s a lot wrong with the setup which could use exposure. Then I came to the conclusion that there was no focus to what he was releasing, let alone any conception that national and personal security could be endangered. This was random, undisciplined shitstirring (accompanied by unkept promises to release something really important) I was prepared to accept that he’d been set up by the Swedes – nobody’s story was coherent – but..
        a. He dropped his friends in it by getting them to stand bail and then running for the Ecuador embassy.
        b. His grandstanding and air of superiority are obnoxious. He is plainly untrustworthy, and a cunt.
        c. The UK charge against him is legitimate
        d. The US charge against him is legitimate
        e. If I did that shit I would expect to be run in, and would either accept the penalty (otherwise, where’s the courage of my convictions?) or be a damn sight smarter in covering my tracks, ie by not posturing as the great I Am whenever a camera pointed my way. So, a measure of scorn here.

        He claims to be a journalist. He is no such thing. THESE people are journalists: they research and verify their sources:
        And the Panama Papers continue to reverberate.

      • All he needed was some small round sunglasses and he’d have been a dead ringer for Charlie Bronson. Apart from being a massive cunt, that is.

      • What I liked about it was the fact it was so unfocused, both the left and the right were embarrassed. Like here they are make up your own mind. If the Swedish charge is a ‘set up’ then jumping bail could be seen as legitimate. I think I heard Bradley Manning wouldn’t release the documents if they weren’t ALL to be published. I kind of liked that too. Maybe wrong on that. Maybe wrong on how much jeopardy people were put in. I don’t what to think of him as a person. He has annoying voice, creepy manner certainly.

    • Wait until Poofduckie & Lesboduck appear then we’ll REALLY know we’re in trouble.

  5. Good cunting. I saw this news story (does this qualify as news?) a day or so ago and could barely believe my eyes. Just when you thought modern day life couldn’t get any more stupid, some cunt manages to take it down yet another notch.

  6. The world is full of cunts, the dark chocolate duck was named from the ugly duckling song (feathers mottled and brown bollocks), why would anyone associate a dark chocolate duck with a black person, now if they had named the duck s.a.m.b.o there may be a legitimate complaint.

    Waitrose should have stood firm and said Get to Fuck!!!!!

    • Exactly and if my dog has has black fur does that make him african or black of course it doesn’t or wait does it?… These kinds of important questions need answers cunters

      • It depends if your dog identifies as black, does he feel uncomfortable around other dogs with lighter coloured fur, init!

      • Now wait on, you’re assuming your dog identifies as actually being a dog, regardless of his/her/non binary fur colour. I do not think you are a suitable dog owner in our modern society.

      • It turns out my dog is black, fucker stole my chicken drumstick right out of my hand and ran off… no i’m just kidding he wouldn’t do that but he pulls the sad face begging routine when he wants something I’m eating

        @elboobio You’re probably right wouldn’t be surprised if my dog identifies as a female he’s been acting like such a grumpy bitch lately…

  7. I’m certainly not offended, nor is my “girlfriend” (who is as black as the Ace of Spades).

    This is either skillful, albeit risky, marketing by the JLP (and further evidence of becoming “over-grand” with their increasing market-share), or a total own-goal.

    Fuck Waitrise, either way. The majority who shop at this curiously indentured supermarket these days are hopeless losers, who actually believe where you shop affects your social standing. Long ago, it was a matter of “class” if you shopped there. Nowadays, you’re just demonstrating you’re a total Cocker Spaniel (unless, like me, it’s convenient for the cider, milk RizlaCroix et hoc genus omne and avoids a drive, a bike ride, or a taxi fare.)

    What a load of cocks there are in the UK, Good luck to Waitrose, they are sure to succeed!

  8. I believe the whole “ugly duckling” racist narrative originated in a story by a certain Hans Christian Andersen, a well known far right extremist, white supremacist and leave voter. I understand this racist, toxic, vile Nazi writes a lot of books designed to brainwash children with homophobic, racist, Islamophobic propaganda.
    I’m going to my local library tomorrow, pull his Zionist books out of the children’s section and burn them outside.
    I suggest you do the same. Right on comrades!

  9. I’m stopping off at Sainsbury’s on the way home. I’ve heard rumours they are selling gingerbread MEN. That better not be true or i’m going to throw my heels around their Nazi shop and scweam and scweam until i’m sick.

    • I’m not comfortable with ‘ginger’ either, they get enough shit with having no soul. A biscuity based treat of a genderqueer non-binary with no descriptive colour bias will appease my sensitivities.

  10. I simply don’t get it , maybe I’m a simple cunt. If your black your black you like a bit of street crime and stabbing init. If your a sand dwelling peaceful you tend to own a shop and marry young girls or rape white ones while preaching Islamic shite which the snowflakes adore . If your English white your fucked Savie

    If your a half bat tranny with a cock and a fanny fuck me you can rule the world.
    For fucks sake

  11. I’m more outraged what they sell these cavity creators for, then being offended at calling the black duck ugly what a bunch of easily offended cunts

  12. Staggeringly inept of Waitrose PR cunts not to have seen this coming. Would have been a VERY different story had it been made it out of white chocolate.

  13. A posh shop for posh twats.
    Never shopped there and never will.
    Local shops for local people. Edward.

  14. Good afternoon cunters I Think this afternoon calls for some drinking , tried to have a afternoon nap but can’t sleep so i’m going to slice up some oranges and make a few old fashioneds an get drunk as fuck should sober up just in time for dinner Cheers

    • Blimey TitS, it’s 6pm now, what time do you expect to have dinner, midnight?

      • I don’t live in england Creampuff…

        I’m canadian its 12 40 pm right now not 6 pm

      • You the same Titslapper from ages ago? I thought we’re English and lived here… That would explain your racist views. ? seriously you are Canadian?

      • What racist views black and white? Politically I’m part of the liberal fascist democratic communist party of canada we accept all peoples of different races and religions and our PM Justin trudeau is a mexican french muslim tranny how dare you call me racist you cunt

      • I never claimed to live in england b&w , I’m half english on my fathers side but I’m canadian and never claimed otherwise and if I ever did i’m sorry for leading you on but I don’t recall doing so

      • I thought you lived here Titslapper, good to see you back. On these parts. Have a drink for me.

  15. Saw something recently about some burger place, Burger King maybe, who apologised because of their ‘racist’ chopsticks advert. Arseholes.

    • Burger King should be apologising for the shite they have the front to call food. As fast food places go they are definitely bottom of the league.
      By a long fucking way.

  16. Since when did ducks have a fucking name ? All the rage on these wildlife documentaries. “Nimba” the Lioness is strolling through the long grass ” and “Zoe the Zebra is running ahead of “Tuffy” as they race to the water” WTF ! What fucking next “Hissing Sid” and “Toofy the Alligator”

    Get a grip Waitrose! It’s a fucking duck !

      • Of course I would make the exception for such an esteemed cunter such as yourself Komodo, after all though, I don’t think you would suit any other name!
        Regards, ( a Pheasant by any other name )

  17. We have reached a stage in human development where there are so many people, with so little to actually worry about, that empty cunts are just aching to find something to be outraged about. Deep down, they know they are ultimately worthless, that they have absolutely no fucking idea how to really do good, or make actual positive change, that any pointless reason to spout crap on the cunt echo that is the internet will suffice. Yay, I started a campaign on Twitter that made a supermarket change the name on some chocolate. Good for you, now do the world a bigger favour, and run a pipe from your car exhaust into the car car, and fucking gas yourself. At least ram a coat hanger up your reproductive organs, to make sure you won’t pollute the world with your fucktard offspring.
    Of course, there are people with real problems, but they have little time for this kind of shite, they are too busy trying to battle life, and trying to ring every ounce of joy out of it that they can.

    • What an utterly, entirely and undeniably superb comment.

      The most in-tune with my own point-of-view I’ve seen. 100% seriously.

    • It’d have to be a classic car because with all these echo-friendly cars with low emissions these days it probably wouldn’t work.

    • The least they could do is livestream their asphyxiation to ‘give back’ to tbe society they’ve been ruining.

  18. Fuck Waitrose anyways I am only shop there now and again… Get into Aldi and buy there posh stuff easily as good as Sainsbury’s etc but 30% cheaper, there cheap stuff is hit and miss. Get the rest of my shopping and organic stuff in the Coop. Gotta save the pennies these days.

    • It’s alright for you posh fuckers living in exclusive neighbourhoods. My nearest Waitrose is seventeen miles away. Spare a thought for the underprivileged.

  19. Brown Duck was named peaceful duck
    Black duck was named was called inclusion and diversity quota
    White duck was called white privileged filthy capitalist colonial slave owning shut the fuck up you racist cunt duck

  20. Fuckin June Sarpong and her cunt mate wants us to fling the doors open because Merkel has done such a good job and it’s such a great idea to have more “young people” in to take care of the old people.
    Young fighting age males, with no intention of integrating. …. ?
    She also thinks that white people should stop having kids to help sort the problem of more old people….
    So what happens when all the migrants that were let in get old? Guess we’ll just have to bring in even more to look after them.



    I really shouldn’t watch the pledge. Cunts cunts cunts….

    • I’ve recorded it Deploy… I now have 11 episodes waiting to be watched… ?

      • Don’t do it ruff….
        It’s just not worth it.
        The cuntitude is staggering. Though you do manage to listen to JOB without causing harm to yourself and others, so you must have a very strong disposition. Personally I need a couple of months between each viewing to recover. After listening to June Sarpong last night I’ll have to go through a de-cunt (like a detox but for cuntitude) diet for a while, not easy in these times.

      • We are of one accord DTS. I too require a couple of months between viewings, which is probably why I have so many episodes unwatched!

        As for JOB, I rarely have him on more than 10 minutes at a time these days, usually because the radio has been left on after Nick Ferrari at breakfast.

        I’ve been warned by my doctor to avoid JOB if I want to live beyond the present decade…

    • June Sarpong should stick to fluffing the likes of Justin Timberlake on E4. Her opinion is valid and as welcome as a mishapen McNugget.

  21. What’s all the fuss about a picture of a Black Hole?…
    I remember the first picture of a black hole I saw in the 80’s… Fiesta Readers wives, it was…

  22. Ah it’s the victimhood lottery…

    You can’t use chalk cos that’s waycist.

    You can’t use black marker pen cos that’s oppression.

    Talking about pregnancy is offensive to men who identify as women.

    If you have a “pro-choice” mindset but balk at the notion of “aborting” a child immediately AFTER birth then you’re a misogynist/sexist.

    If you don’t think a 7yr old boy – dressed as a racy drag queen – parading themselves in front of the leering, arseless leather chaps brigade – is a wise thing for his parents to allow then you’re a bigoted homophobe.

    If you voted Brexit then you’re a xenophobic luddite.

    If you voted remain then you’re a traitor and a coward.

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Keep it up society because the elites are loving watching us plebs consume and destroy one another over the most sublime bollocks and meaningless nonsense.

    They love it because while we fight amongst ourselves over nothing it leaves them free to fuck us over politically and financially.

    Well done you imbecilic cunts!

  23. With all the shit going down at present, I take heart from the fact that a concerned person has found the time to make a fuss about chocolate ducks. We are truely saved. Fucking halfwit cunty oxygen thief or thieves.

    • Maybe boiled eggs and butter toasted soldiers will trigger some snowflakes PTSD. We jest but the more outrageous the claim don’t be surprised to find yourself reading about it at some point.

  24. Heaven forbid that Easter should be about the resurrection of Christ and all that. No, it’s just a chocolate fest these days in our multi-faith (Islamic) cuntry.

  25. The most significant thing about this for me is that there was actually a moment of time where a marketing ‘exec’ didn’t twig about what a shitstorm it would cause. It kind of just proves the point that if you’re addicted to something, then stay constantly addicted to it so at least you don’t have to suffer the consequences of moments of sobriety.

    • Have you not considered that a marketing exec thought long and hard about a way of getting Waitrose’s Easter promotions onto every front page in the cuntry, and came up with the idea for that reason?

      I have never ever been in a Waitrose.

    • Can you imagine the furore if there hadn’t been a chocolate coloured one? Stick 3 Milky Bar ducks on there and watch the same “Waitrose is Waycist” meltdown!

      Now here’s the rub: I bet not one “person of colour” saw this as waycist nor even imagined it was. It will have been the do-gooding, offended on behalf of someone else, virtue-signalling, find offence in anything, humourless, joyless, white cunts who will have kicked off about this.

      And where did this world news story break? Why on that last bastion of sanity: (anti)social meejah of course. Next stop: top billing on lamestream media as the most important issue of the day.

      The thing is, if we don’t push back on these cunts and tell them not to be such idiotic and senseless cunts they will annexe more and more symbols, items and gestures as being some form of “IST” or “PHOBIC” just to get a tiny “like” dopamine hit from pointless posts on (anti)social meejah. Once it’s out there in those terms it becomes taboo.

      Well I say fuck off! And if those cunts are offended by my normal usage of said symbols, items and gestures then that’s their fucking problem not mine!

      The ugly duckling. A story of hope/redemption told for hundreds of years, now misappropriated as a symbol of hate by neo-liberal, fun-killing fascists!

      Hans Christian Andersen: teller of innocent children’s stories or an abject waycist? You decide on tonight’s episode of “Who’s Oppression is it Anyway?”

      Total cunts!

  26. The disease of social media in action. Before its inception there was no UK wide instant audio visual broadcast system for the select minority view.

    The media is now like one of those giant radar stations with 200ft dishes pointing out to space, but facing inwards listening to and constantly scanning social media for the latest minority view or pseudo moral outrage about the latest agenda appeasing triviality,

    You won’t read about the moral outrage of the 99.5% though as the radar doesn’t listen out for that, its just tuned in to the new agenda.

    • It’s too bad their 200ft dishes are all pointed at their own arseholes because that’s where all their shite ideas flow from. The fucking brainless, moronic cunts.

  27. Off topic I know but complaining about chocolate ducks made me wonder if social justice warriors are found in say Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Russian Federation, China etc if so would they see chocolate ducks as a reason to get upset if one of the ducks was classed as the ugly duck?

    • Yes you find them in all those countries but usually dead. And no they don’t HAVE chocolate in those shithole.

  28. All complainants must be force fed a ‘century egg’, or fermented duck egg.

    The white is actually green-black.

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