Tommy Robinson deniers

Leftists who continually point out that Tommy Robinson isn’t Tommy Robinson’s real name. I mean, wow, really? So this public figure has chosen to use a name that ISN’T the one he was born with. That’s so fucking weird. He’s the only famous person I’ve heard of who’s done that. Except for Reg Dwight (Elton John), Marion Morrison (John Wayne), Harry Webb (Cliff Richard), Maurice Micklewhite (Michael Caine), Paul Hewson (Bono) and a shitload of other famous people.

Andrew Marr did it on Sunday when interviewing Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP. “So, Steven Yaxley-Lennon” the smug little shit said, thereby implying that the use of another name was somehow sinister and deceitful. Ok, we get it. Tommy Robinson isn’t his real name. So the fuck what? Nobody outside the left wing bubble of fuckwittery cares. These are the same dickheads who continually feel the need to remind leavers that the British Empire no longer exists. What? We’re NOT a colonial power anymore? Shit! I didn’t know that. Next you’ll be telling me that the American colony rebelled against us, and is now an independent nation.

We all know that lefties are thick twats, but they seem to think those of us on the “far” right (i.e. those of us who don’t subscribe to the left wing view of the world) are thick twats too, and need to be constantly told that Tommy Robinson is not his real name. WE KNOW! If we had a problem with that, we’d have said something by now. But we haven’t, because we don’t care. ENOUGH of your fuckery.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

62 thoughts on “Tommy Robinson deniers

  1. Next you’ll be telling me Quick Draw McGraw isn’t your real name either!

    What’s the world coming to.

    • What fucks me off …almost… as much, are those who are introduced as ‘Far Right’ TR supporters and then try and deflect the vitriol they know they’re going to be faced with (usually by some champagne socialist BBC interviewer,) by slipping in to the interview at the earliest opportunity: “I don’t agree with everything he says …” WHAT DON’T YOU AGREE WITH, FOR FUCKS SAKE – His stance on paedophile gang rapists? His telling the truth about the Quran? His telling the truth about the dirty tricks pulled by the establishment? His exposing the lying, bloated BBC turd John Sweeney or the lying, devious SKY interviewer Jason Farel? Well just for the record, I DO agree with everything he says – on the subjects he talks about in public. There – I’ve said it. And it didn’t hurt one bit.

  2. Plenty of ‘household name’ journalists also write under a pseudonym. The media have never being bigger cunts as they are at this point in time.

    • The left despise Tommy Robinson, why? Hes popular, and tells some uncomfortable truths and that my dear chaps is a threat. They view us as a thick, uneducated, throwback. The only working class people they meet is maybe a cleaner or a plumber when boilers on blink! They sneer at us but then say ‘workers of the world unite’ wtf!! Only time these cunts have got a sweat on is if theyve caught flu, never grafted, never gone without, never worried about meeting the bills. Despise these socialist cunts.

  3. If only the likes of Flabbott, Suckdick, Linekunt, Lady Mandlebum, Wee Jimmy Krankie and Pig Fucker to name a few knew what ingenious pet names they go by in this outpost of cunting.

    • What makes you think they don’t know Liberal Liquidator?
      Your name is in bold and underlined in the Sonderfahndungsliste G.B.?‍♂️ ?‍♂️ We know you’re in there. Come out with hands in the air Liquidator?‍♂️?‍♂️

      • Flabbott probably wouldn’t get it.

        “A fat chiggun loving, mathematically challenged race baiting Corbyn castoff? I would hate to be them”.

      • That used to be known as The Gay Anthem but is banned in the gay world now.
        Reason? Tom went to the dark side and married…. … a fucking woman!
        You will often hear snowflakes use the phrase “you can’t help who you fall in love with” to justify the gayness. They don’t realise that originally comes from Tom Robinson to justify his conversion to pussy.

      • Not sure how to tell you this but that was his excuse after the hate and vitriol that came his way. Gay politics is no different to straight politics.
        They lie like cunts as well.

      • I don’t know how to tell you this Freddie… but I think his ‘wife’ is a transsexual ?

      • Glad to be gay was no anthem for gays. It was an ironic song about being despised and persecuted.

  4. How ironic is it that Emma Thompson flew in from Los Angeles on Thursday to join the protesters in London.
    Dim fucking left-wing talentless actress. As soon as she has got her ugly fucking mug on telly she will probably fuck off back to America.
    On a different note, watching M&S advert and they are playing Albatross in the background.
    Suddenly I feel soothed all over again.

  5. Apparently Abbottpotamus is not her real name and Mangledbum too!
    Must finally admit my real name:
    Erectile Spunker. There i’ve said it!

    • That’s good to know SH. I’d been worried you may be asking for another wink.?

      • I can think of nothing i’d like more right now and would be truly honoured to receive a lovely wink from you, Lostsheep!

  6. Imagine calling Muhammad Ali , Cassius Clay. Not only race hate but Islamophobia. Libtards would be horrified.
    What about all these rappers who call themselves 50p Piece or Shag a Doggy or whatever?

    • Closer to home there’s that Stormzy sort. Now, I might be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the cunt’s real name. Oddly enough, the BBC never mention that…

  7. Pisses me off too!
    Also fucks me off when they refer to him as “thug and convicted criminal”….
    What about all the fucking lying cheating theiving fraudsters in the commons and Lords fiddling their expenses?
    And the woman voting on brexit bills wearing a fucking tag.

  8. Eric Blair changed his name to George Orwell. Who could blame him?

    Imagine having to go through life saddled with a surname like that.

    • Indeed, old George is often given credit for his foresight but he saw Blair coming before the cunt was even born!

  9. Who is this guy…..

    Not on facebook, Instabollocks, you tube, he has be fucked by social media and then the went after EDL, Britain First, BNP……

    So much for free speech

    It Seems its fine to a racist bigot if you are far left but not if you are right (about grooming gangs)

  10. Tommy Robinson has more in common with me than any cunt sat in Parliament.

    They hate Tommy because he is a populist speaking for millions of people to a lesser or greater degree. They have to smear him and his message, he’s a major part of a potential populist movement in the UK.

    If they give credence to any part of his concerns they legitimise them and if they accept part of what he argues is true then everything else he says becomes worthy of consideration.

    Tommy Robinson is dangerous to the establishment and they hope to erase him from any mass media presence. A big concern for all of us.

    Express a non sanctioned opinion and you’re branded far right and once you have that label you’re fair game. They will take everything you have including you’re freedom to silence you.

    Tommy Robinson is not the ideal person to represent many of us but he does it and he puts himself on the line doing so.

    I have donated to Tommy in the past, he’s said many things I agree with to his own cost.

    • I think you’re bang on here Six. The establishment tries every trick to blacken the guy’s name for the simple reason that he scares the shit out of them.

  11. What’s in a name? I don’t care what a feller’s called, what’s important is what he says. And if he means it. Having said that, I’d like to know why he needs so many aliases. I can understand changing your name to enter a country, although I wouldn’t do it, sitting in a jail cell wouldn’t suit me.
    Maybe he wasn’t comfortable with a hyphenated surname, I know I’d feel a complete cunt if I had one and I’d choose one or the other and stick to it.

  12. Hilary Benn dropped his hyphenated name as did his father before him. If I were him I would have changed my first name……perhaps to Billand. That would have been a great name.
    Lady Nugee is not fond of her name either.

    • Tony Benn changed his name from viscount Stansgate so that he could become or stay an MP and teach the working classes about the proletariat struggle. Which is why he called his son Hilary.

  13. Sorry for the change of subject – fuck it, I’m not sorry at all. Just heard that these fuckin’ anarchists in London are pulling police in from other parts of the country. Now, I couldn’t give a monkeys about the shithole Lonstabistan and Suckdick but when it starts affecting the policing in my area, I’m very concerned. For fucks sake, get a grip London.

    • Sorry about that. Can we send you some of our peacefuls and architects in exchange? They’re no trouble……….honest!

      • We’ve got enough of those of our own. We’ve even got an MP who is a peaceful. London is not my capital city, Grrrrrr.

      • Problems at Oxford Circus apparently. They’re going to rename it Fred Karno’s Circus. Contacted my son who lives in London and told him to get it sorted.

      • Fred Karno? Fuck me, I haven’t heard that name in donkeys.
        I was in a street in Chelsea the other week……,”Dan Leno Way”. I wonder how many cunts know who Dan Leno was?

  14. Miranda, sorry Charles Lynton, has found name swapping very useful in the past.
    Cockgobbling Cunt.

  15. Whilst it’s Good Friday, let us give thanks that an open Irish border and the Good Friday agreement have banished terrorist violence, bloodshed and murder from NI.
    Oh hang on ……..
    Get to fuck.

    • It’s never gonna go away. It’s so segregated by community. Catholic / protestant / republicans / loyalists / IR fucking A / history. Christ, the cunts can’t even agree on a form of governance. I would love to know what England have to subsidise the cunts by.

      • The presenter on Today this morning tried to crowbar Brexit into the death of the unfortunate journalist. It took an Irish guest to explain that the border or lack of it is irrelevant to gangsters.

  16. My real name is Sandy Balls…..I thought Gingers Balsac would be less embarrassing.

    • I like the name Sandy Balls. There’s something old fashioned, reassuring, solid and resoundingly British about it. I think that you should go by your proper moniker from now on, Ginger.

  17. On Sky the Extinction Rebellion young ‘man’ at Heathrow airport. So funny. He couldn’t speak he was so full of emotion. Blub blub blub. Even the snowflake woman reporter turned away in disgust. What would he have said if he got any words out? ‘ ‘we couldn’t stop the pwanes fwing, I want my mommy’. This whole thing the most pathetic spectacle I have ever witnessed.

    • I saw that too, I would have more respect if he was chained to the gates of a Chinese coal mine just before he is ‘disappeared’ to a black site for twenty years hard labour.

      • Pathetic, cry baby, save the world fucking wankers. You only have to look at them to know they are the sort of cunts who would have grassed up Anne Frank for a pork pie and a couple of slices of Edam.
        Total arseholes.

      • Id have gave up Anne Frank for a pork pie no need for edam, fritz from the gestapo offered me a scotch egg id of held the ladders while they dragged her out of the loft. Alls far when its pork based snacks freddy.

      • Some years ago, I think it was in Scotland, there was a play on at some theatre … The Diary Of Anne Frank. When the Gestapo appeared on stage some wag in the audience shouted out ” She’s in the loft ! ” ( snigger )

      • Why should Britain tremble ? FFS. I hope he had a fresh pair of knickers in his pocket. The soppy Cunt.
        Get to fuck.

  18. Tommy Robinson and Sir Nigel Farage……… the two biggest insurance risks in the country.
    Accidents happen, even to people very close to The Throne.

  19. He should be Prime Minister. End of story. The only person in the public eye not afraid to say outright that ISLAM, not Islamic ‘extremism’, is the single most dangerous threat to the survival of Western Civilisation.

    And if he took me bareback, without consent, I wouldn’t go crying “#metoo”.

  20. I had the misfortune of hearing that failed SNP cunt John Nicholson on the wireless earlier.

    Sure who he was talking too but the discussion was about this snowflake cunt being taken apart by Adam Boulton on Sly the other day.

    I thought he’d gone easy on him but he did have a bit of sport, no question.

    Anyway the Nat cunt was berating Boulton because in his opinion he should have ‘gone easy on him’ as that’s what any decent journo would do, apparently that’s an unwritten rule when interviewing kids.

    What the fucking fuck.

    Just try to follow the logic in that???

    So kids can play in the adult world, cause mayhem and untold misery for those that need to get to work and pay the bills but shouldn’t be held to account for their actions, let alone expect to appear on Sky News and answer a few difficult questions.

    Genuinely the world has gone mad.

    On a lighter note a good mate of mine lad went to school with some cunt who’s mum was secretary to John fucking Nicholson.

    During the last GE when polling really wasn’t looking good for the cunt this young lad did a presentation at school about his mums job as a secretary to an MSP and what that involved.

    At the end of his presentation he asked the class if they had any questions, my mates son said ‘is your mum looking for a new job yet’

    Brilliant and only 15 at the time.

  21. Basking in my loquacity and faux-erudition, I mistook this nom for a piece about Mr Yaxley-Lennon’s hosiery. I usually (and intentionally wrongly) spell it “denyer” to avoid such ambiguity.

    Pretty smug to be sure (ouch, TİTS, that really did hurt!) but I’m still non the wiser as to the denier of Tommy’s stockings.

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