The Scrounger’s Charter otherwise known as the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 deserves a cunting. No don’t blame Labour. It was a Conservative government under John Major (we shall keep Britain at the heart of Europe) that introduced this legislation that relieved individuals of responsibility for their own welfare and generously passed it on to you and me, the taxpayer, thus encouraging irresponsible attitudes and behaviour and promoting a culture of welfare dependency, often criminal in the form of benefit fraud (cost to taxpayer 2016 £2.8 billion – that’s detected cases) . It provides a magnet for the culturally diverse and enriching immigrant masses that now infest the land.
To give you an idea of the scale UK GDP 2014-2015 was £1.89 trillion. The welfare bill was £213.9 billion. OK State pensions accounted for £86.5 billion of this but that leaves £127.4 billion or about 15% of our wealth spent on the scroungers and idlers.
Some of the ‘entitlements’ are staggering. The non-contributory Child Benefit payable even if you are not a British Citizen. This latter should be the first provision of the law. Not British – fuck off (including access to the NHS and schools) If you decide to have kids then you provide for them. It’s not a state responsibility. Maternity Allowance. Up the duff? Should have kept your legs together. Not a state responsibility. Sickness Benefit. Did the state make you sick? No? Then fuck off, to hospital. Unemployment Benefit. Did the state make you redundant? No? Then fuck off and seek severance pay from your ex-employer. Housing Benefit. Can’t afford to rent? Then stay with family or live in a shack by the side of the motorway like in Brazil. Community Charge Benefit. Can’t pay your Council Tax because you’ve pissed it up against a wall whilst destroying your lungs? Fuck off. Evict the cunts. And on and on it goes.
I know there are genuine cases of need but this piece of legislation should be on a nail in the outside shithouse. Until it is both indigenous and immigrant scum will be floating in their swimming pools having a good laugh at us right fucking mugs.
Nominated by Fimbriations
I have rarely had to read a more selfish, ignorant,heartless,uncharitable diatribe of invective on this or any other forum. It’s sheer callousness brought a tear to my eye.
Keep up the good work, F.
Morning Mr Fiddler, it must have been reminiscent of your short but eventful stint as a Housing Benefits officer Dick.
Matched only by my well intentioned but catastrophic venture into “Fat Farms”. I don’t know if you’ve ever been besieged by hordes of rash-covered,smelly,bright purple coloured Human Hogs,but I can assure you that it was no picnic. The hounds and I had to lock ourselves in the wine-cellar while the Porkers ran wild in our extensive Larders.
High on the Epicurean delights afforded by my stockpile of Fray Bentos tinned pies. they even turned my well-manicured croquet lawn onto a race track for their spaccy-chariots while the hounds and I,to our eternal shame ,cowered in the cellar with only 14 crates of Port, a transit van sized load of Gunness and 22 gallons of Frosty Jack to sustain us. We soon worked out that this modest supply would only last us a couple of days and we had to take swift action. Luckily,there is a Priest’s tunnel that connects the Towers to the local church and after finishing our supply of drink,we made a bolt for it…pausing only to piss in the Font (there was a Christening going on at the time) we emerged and were able to drive the Ham Beasts back to their stys with the use of a combine piloted by an admittedly
slightly over the legal limit Old Cunt.
Never again, LL.,will I make the mistake of trying to help the obese. Cunts,the lot of them.
Striking resemblance!
Brilliant! as always DF.
Mr F – your treatise on fat farms was hilarious. You just couldnt make it up! But you do, over and over again! Brought tears to my eyes on an otherwise dull, boring Sunday morning. I’d really love to see you in standup. Have you had any more thoughts about this since that last effort of yours brought the house down at the Luton Alhambra?
I reckon you can find this charter on shithouse doors in every fly blown village/ town from here to the tip of SA…..
With a nice big red arrow……
Croydon ( immigration and asylum assistance). 3121kms ……..
Personally I’ve got no idea why we need to import cunts? It’s not like we haven’t got enough home grown…….
It keeps pressure on the housing market, and in particular provides a satisfactory income for the rental market. Its all about money.
Spot on cunting Fim.
I’m sure we all know of some of these bastards who see benefits as a way of life.
“They ‘ave ter look afta yer don’t they”.
And you are right about this welfare system attracting unwelcome visitors. “They want to come here to work and benefit the country”. What a joke, if that were the case they’d emigrate to Russia.
You really didm’t think this through, did you?
“Sickness benefit. Fuck off to hospital”. I can just about guarantee that hospital treatment would cost a damn sight more than sickness benefit. And it would be just adding to the bodies lining the corridors waiting for treatment.
“Housing benefit. Stay with family or live in a shack by the side of the motorway like in Brazil”. Some people don’t have any family to live with, and, I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I don’t want to live somewhere where lots of people live in shacks by the side of the road. It is unsanitary and looks horrible. If keeping scrounging, lazy scum in houses makes the place look better it is a price worth paying. Do you really want to turn Britain into a shithole like Brazil?
“Unemployment benefit. Fuck off and seek severance pay from your ex-employer”. What if the ex-employer has gone out of business and there is no severance pay to seek? What if the bastards just don’t pay up? The legal process is not a quick one.
Some of your ideas and irritations have merit. Certainly any cunt who has satellite tv, a mobile phone and a computer should not have benefits to pay for them. Perhaps give them food vouchers, to be spent ONLY on food instead?
Interesting rant, just needs to be more thought through.
Another one who cannot get the gist.I am perfectly capable and willing to sit down and “think things through” and offer alternatives to the present welfare system which, and this is the point of my nomination ( not as you would have it a ” rant”), is not fit for purpose and open to widespread, uncontrollable abuse. But this is not the forum on which to put forward my well- thought through proposals. For one thing they would fill the ISAC pages for the next few months making admin very unhappy. For another, if you want to pick my brains you can fucking pay me for my trouble. I don’t come cheap. “Do you really want to turn Britain into a shithole?” I don’t know which fucking planet you live on friend, but open your eyes, ears and use your nose. It’s already a shithole. Don’t want to detain you longer. Don’t want to miss your signing on time do you. Just noticed how many ISAC readers appreciated your comment . sad.
When some ‘asylum seeker’ cunt in France was asked why he was trying to get to the UK he said – ‘ In France I have to sleep on the street. In England I get house’
Just an addition to my previous:
I wholeheartedly agree about foreigners. Anybody who is not British should be made to fuck off back to whatever shithole they came from if they are no longer working, paying taxes and obeying the law.
On that last point, we have enough home grown scum and vermin without having to import it. If you are foreign, and you commit a crime, ANY crime, you should be deported and never allowed to return. End of.
And therein lies the problem. I cannot say too much on this forum.I know people who have been repeatedly arrested and deported from the UK. They come from around the world. Deportation is nothing to these people.They return again and again using forged documents. The UK is their meeting ground.Name any country, their criminals are here. And I mean serious criminals. I am not making this up. Splendid examples of the cultural enrichment and diversity of this wonderful country.
The self-appointed arbiters of all that is good and moral are getting into a right old state about the ‘new’ laws introduced by the Sultan of Brunei. But some followers of the religion of which the Sultan is a devotee are well up for it…
Iain Dale did well there. That bigoted raghead scum who called him should be put on the next plane to whatever antiquated, still in the dark ages shithole he originates from.
The corollary of this statement may result in an avalanche of new claimants in the very near future.
The state makes ME sick.
I diagnose Brexit Anxiety Creampuff, a phone-in to O’Shitehead on LBC to hear his smug patronising hubris will either result in a loud soul cleansing ‘CUNT’ down the line or the destruction of your radio.
Quite my meaning, RTC, and top of the morning to you.
I’m still enjoying some time out from swmbo, & vainly attempting to conquer my IsAC addiction.
Trust you’re well. Anything planned for the Easter Holidays?
Morning CS.
As you ask, I’m close to the edge, down by the river. Hasn’t Easter been and gone? We bin scoffing hot cross buns for the last month – fuck Good Friday for a laugh!
Be seeing you.
?”Seasons will pass you by… I get up… I get down…”?
I get high! Great stuff, very much in the affirmative.
Good Easter? Good riddance to the buns, they’re nauseating.
Easter will certainly pass me by.
You wouldn’t pass me by, would you CS?
? I was walking in New York City and I brushed up against the man in front of me. I felt a cardboard placard on his back. And when we passed a streetlight,
I could read it, it said:
“Please don’t pass me by – I am blind, but you can see – I’ve been blinded totally – Please don’t pass me by.”
I was walking along 7th Avenue, when I came to 14th Street I saw on the corner curious mutilations of the human form; it was a school for handicapped people. And
there were cripples, and people in wheelchairs and crutches and it was snowing, and I got this sense that the whole city was singing this:
Oh please don’t pass me by,
oh please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, but you can see,
yes, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh please don’t pass me by.
And you know as I was walking I thought it was them who were singing it, I thought it was they who were singing it, I thought it was the other who was singing it, I thought it was someone else. But as I moved along I knew it was me, and that I was singing it to myself. It went:
Please don’t pass me by,
oh please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, but you can see,
well, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh please don’t pass me by.
Oh please don’t pass me by.
Now I know that you’re sitting there deep in your velvet seats and you’re
thinking “Uh, he’s up there saying something that he thinks about, but I’ll
never have to sing that song.” But I promise you friends, that you’re going
to be singing this song: it may not be tonight, it may not be tomorrow, but
one day you’ll be on your knees and I want you to know the words when the
time comes. Because you’re going to have to sing it to yourself, or to another,
or to your brother. You’re going to have to learn to sing this song, it goes:
Please don’t pass me by,
ah you don’t have to sing this .. not for you.
Please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, but you can see,
yes, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh please don’t pass me by.
Well I sing this for the Jews and the Gypsies and the smoke that they made.
And I sing this for the children of England, their faces so grave. And I sing
this for a saviour with no one to save. Hey, won’t you be naked for me? Hey,
won’t you be naked for me? It goes:
Please don’t pass me by,
oh please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, but you can see,
yes, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh now, please don’t pass me by.
Now there’s nothing that I tell you that will help you connect the blood
tortured night with the day that comes next. But I want it to hurt you, I
want it to end. Oh, won’t you be naked for me? Oh now:
Please don’t pass me by,
oh please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, but you can see,
but I’ve been blinded totally,
oh, please don’t pass me by.
Well I sing this song for you Blonde Beasts, I sing this song for you Venuses
upon your shells on the foam of the sea. And I sing this for the freaks and
the cripples, and the hunchback, and the burned, and the burning, and the
maimed, and the broken, and the torn, and all of those that you talk about at
the coffee tables, at the meetings, and the demonstrations, on the streets,
in your music, in my songs. I mean the real ones that are burning, I mean the
real ones that are burning
I say, please don’t pass me by,
oh now, please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, yeah but you can see,
ah now, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh no, please don’t pass me by.
I know that you still think that its me. I know that you think that there’s
somebody else. I know that these words aren’t yours. But I tell you friends
that one day
You’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down on your knees,
you’re going to get down ..
Oh, please don’t pass me by,
oh, please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, yeah but you can see,
yes, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh, please don’t pass me by.
Well you know I have my songs and I have my poems. I have my book and I have
the army, and sometimes I have your applause. I make some money, but you know
what my friends, I’m still out there on the corner. I’m with the freaks, I’m
with the hunted, I’m with the maimed, yes I’m with the torn, I’m with the down,
I’m with the poor. Come on now …
Ah, please don’t pass me by,
well I’ve got to go now friends,
but, please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, yeah but you can see,
oh, I’ve been blinded, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh now, please don’t pass me by.
Now I want to take away my dignity, yes take my dignity. My friends, take my
dignity, take my form, take my style, take my honour, take my courage, take
my time, take my time, .. time .. ‘Cause you know I’m with you singing this
song. And I wish you would, I wish you would, I wish you would go home with
someone else. Wish you’d go home with someone else. I wish you’d go home with
someone else. Don’t be the person that you came with. Oh, don’t be the person
that you came with, Oh don’t be the person that you came with. Ah, I’m not
going to be. I can’t stand him. I can’t stand who I am. That’s why I’ve got to
get down on my knees. Because I can’t make it by myself. I’m not by myself
anymore because the man I was before he was a tyrant, he was a slave, he was
in chains, he was broken and then he sang:
Oh, please don’t pass me by,
oh, please don’t pass me by,
for I am blind, yes I am blind, Oh but you can see,
yes, I’ve been blinded totally,
oh, please don’t pass me by.
Well I hope I see you out there on the corner. Yeah I hope as I go by that I
hear you whisper with the breeze. Because I’m going to leave you now, I’m
going to find me someone new. Find someone new.
And please don’t pass me by. ?
Long one there RTC! Leonard Cohen?
How did you guess? ?
No guesswork needed with this newfangled facility, RTC, although a Google search of a random segment of the above threw up an unknown African American rapper, who I felt not was your style.
I also just noticed (for the first time) that Cohen looked remarkably like Dustin Hoffman, and also that he’s. I must have had a busy 2016, no idea.
I always found him far too morose and depressing for any extended enjoyment, and though undeniably a true giant, de gustibus and all that. Perhaps there is a obscure correlation betwixt hot cross bun consumption and a delectation of Cohen’s oeuvre?
“… was not your style.”
“…remarkably like Dustin Hoffman, and also that he’s brown bread.
Cohen not really my cup of tea either CS, though I fully recognise and respect his accomplishment.
Don’t think I’ve listened to him for 30 years, though I do have his Greatest Hits CD somewhere…
Some people are incapable of getting the gist. How about “The state is not responsible for people being sick. Sickness benefit does not exist. People won’t be able to claim a benefit that does not exist whether they turn up in an avalanche or a Toyota Corolla. The state has hospitals for sick people. That is where they should go when they are sick. Unless they are not British in which case they can pay up before being treated or fuck off. Is that clear enough? Or am I being obtuse?
I think we all get the gist, Fimbriations.
Some even actually read your whole nomination, and made a feeble attempt at humour.
Michael Winner might have had something to say on the matter, but I’ll not go there.
Have a peaceful Sunday, one and all!
(and a welcome reduction in new admissions to hospitals)
UK under pressure to return children of Isis mothers.
Pressure mounts on government as France and Germany repatriate minors from Syria and Iraq.
Lawyers for Shamima Begum, the teenager who left the UK to join Islamic State, are attempting to bring at least three British children born to fighters for the group to the UK, a move that will intensify scrutiny of the British government’s apparent reluctance to repatriate minors from Syria.
The children, all of whom have British mothers, and one of whom was born in the UK, have been identified in a Syrian refugee camp.
Agree 100%. Where’s the SAS when you need them?
Dangerous move bring these little kids back.
First question when they grow up and miss their Dads, “who killed Daddy?”, next question “how can I make a bomb to avenge him?”
Have these muppets never seen a decent film before? This tried and tested story line has been played out to death. Utter cunts!
Just pay some cunt in these camps fifty quid to knock off the “British” refugees. Slaughtering women and children means nothing to these animals.
That’s how Tony would have handled the problem.
Either that or his fucking wife would have buried her enormous snout into the trough of human rights…
like a pig looking for truffles! She certainly knows her way around a fat pay cheque…..,
The benefits system definitely promotes fecklessness. When I moved to the Highlands, I was surprised at the number of Eastern Europeans now living and working in the area. Of course, it’s because the locals can’t be arsed to work in the service sector. That’s why the benefits system needs to be changed back to the old system – you earn your stamp in order to qualify for these benefits and a future pension. Otherwise, fuck off and starve.
It is political ideology that has brought this country to ruin. The Party system has an ideological basis. Casting the net wide for the vote, has led to the patchwork of competing sections of the community. End the Party system, and we may just have a chance. Continue, and we will be posting on this platform on the same subject in 20 years. ( well I won’t, i’ll be gone by then thank fuck ! )
Another way to tackle it would be to restrict the votes to Tax Payers or State Pensioners only.
Why should Joe Bloggs around the corner get a say in what colour I paint my bedroom, or what car I buy next, when he aint contributing to it?
Good idea that ! I shall write to my local MP and …. Nah…he’s a cunt !
The Remainers are clamouring for !everyone!!! living in Britain, regardless of citizenship and immigration status to be allowed to vote in next general election.@Rt yesterday.
Good nomination, Fim.
We’re possibly the softest country in the World with scattering the free dosh. It’s the equivalent to having flashing, neon signs all along the southern coast saying, “Welcome to Britain. Free housing, free money.”
Instead of attracting the assiduous, the creative, or the skilled, we attract the dodgiest, profligate cunts who already know how to work the system before they arrive. It seems that in the UK, if you play by the rules, you’re punished.
Great nomination and polemic Fimbs, agree entirely.
Sadly common sense has been illegal in this country for the last 25 years.
Work harder those sponging cuntts on benefits depend on you, that’s how it feels these days we just fund the tarts who get pregnant to get a house,the Somalian long necks with ten kids who where on a rubber dingy last week and now have a ten bed house and mini bus, and the doley waster who has no intention of ever getting a job cuz it’s easier to scrounge his income and countless other cuntts that I resent the fuck out of, and all this is while the police, hospitals, fire service are having their funds cut right ,left and centre so now the whole country is fucked, and don’t even start me off about the useless fucking government, it make me want to become a benefit scrounger myself, if you can beat these cuntts join them and then all you cuntts out there can fund my life………..hand on that sounds like a fucking good idea, it wouldn’t be too difficult to become a total cunt who is a drain on society…
The system requires a flexible workforce to meet the requirements of a rising and falling economy. Certain benefits are actually beneficial to the economy.
The problems always been that the people in work are forced to pay for those out of work. The corporations that require a flexible workforce don’t want to pay for it so we we do.
I’m far from being a socialist, I’m all for personal responsibility, many of the points made are valid. The ‘but’ is that the corporations and their puppet political class are perfectly happy with the status quo.
It’s not people on benefits who make the rules and they don’t have the money to buy influence with the legislature.
Follow the money.
In Port Talbot town centre, some sandal wearing, yoghurt knitting, giraffe-neck hippy has taken the time to daub ‘Austerity isn’t working’ on a disused commercial building wall (clearly it’s working enough for the feckless to afford spray-paint for graffiti purposes). I keep meaning to go and add “Yes, because it’s not gone far enough”.
Bet no one is queuing up to buy that one, unlike the shite banksy round the corner. I used to work for the local council there, and it was mainly cleaning up after the unemployable cunts that blight the place. Aberavon would be a nice little spot if it wasn’t for those cunts. And, how much time does Kinnock junior spend in his registered address there? Doesn’t the Cunt commute from a castle in Switzerland or somewhere? A safe seat, because labour keep the bennies scroungers happy.
It’s probably the same hippy-indoctrinated cuntstain that keeps going round affixing bright yellow ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ stickers to lamposts and telephone boxes (not that any of them work) in said town centre. And like you say, doubtless a council employee.
Edit, had to get round the ‘WordPress’ site limitation thing to do a post. Doubtless as the red siren went off in George Sauron, sorry Soros HQ that someone was dissing his policies.
A fine cunting. Good job.
The only thing I would say is that the £2.8 billion fraud figure is actually five times that.
That is the “official” figure issued by HM Govt but that’s because of their favourite tool – “reclassification” – to massage the figures in their favour (this is also why nasty tweets are given the same ranking as GBH). Madness!
I know this first hand. I’m not at liberty to say how or why but let’s just say…there are 65 million folk in the UK – give or take – now not all of the cunts are “citizens” and therefore not all will have a National Insurance Number.
Let’s be generous here and let’s say there are 60 million “citizens”. Even new-borns are allocated a NINO at birth so no “citizen” is without a NINO.
So if there are 60 million National Insurance Numbers to reflect the population, how come 70 million NINOs are in active circulation (I.e. have been claimed against in the last 12 months – it used to be 24 months but “reclassification” helped there too).
The waste across all Govt departments is disgraceful (like £14 for paracetamol from big pharma contracts when you can buy them for 20p in the Supermarket).
They also don’t go near claims where the surname sounds a bit “peaceful”.
Nett result is that us hated folk get taxed to death to pay for the underserving!
Human rights are one thing, but given without responsibilities is meaningless. The main difference between those that deserve benefits and those that don’t is how they respond to it. Those that deserve it are usually a bit ashamed by claiming them, even if they are in that position through no fault of their own, payed into the system and are exactly what the system is meant for. Those that don’t predominantly think the world owes them a living, they moan that nobody cares, even though they are living a life working people couldn’t achieve twenty five years ago. They don’t care for other people, or their surroundings, as, for cunts that supposedly have nothing, they make an enormous amount of mess. I know, because I had to clean up after the cunts. It was incredible, after Christmas, the amount of rubbish we had to take away from the council owned properties, all the packaging from their new stuff, and the old stuff they had just replaced, TVs and pushbikes and the like. Made me sick. The only people who can afford to be in a pub all day. Every day.
We live on greenbelt land and have done for two decades now… But that piece of scum, Andy Burnham wants to build ‘affordable housing’ all over it… That means our nice area infested with Parking Stanleys, Bogo Bogos and Eurofilth… We can only hope it doesn’t go through and that cunt Burnham meets an unfortunate end very soon…
I agree with this cunting except on 1 point.
Sickness pay.
I hadn’t had a day off sick in nearly a year until recently when I was taken out for a few days by a very nasty bug. Only after returning to work did I realise that I’m entitled to NO sick pay for 4 days then £90 per week ssp.
In the last year I’ve paid an eye-watering amount in ni and also employers ni paid on top.
Now I can’t afford my bills this month. Just coz I was off for 4 days, genuinely ill.
Yet the fucking freeloaders get everything laid on for free while paying nothing in.
Makes me fuckin sick. Again.
Take your point Deploy. Like I said there are genuine cases of need. But as you intimate the present law and system is not fit for purpose and wide open to abuse. I personally like the Singapore system. If you work you pay into a central provident fund managed by the government (which they they do very capably). The money paid in is yours. It covers pension and sick benefit for you and your family. In an emergency you can “borrow” against the fund at very low interest. The Singapore government will usually wriite off a loan in real cases of hardship but only after investigating each case individually. You can withdraw your funds early if you wish but cannot start contributions again after that. If you die your family get your contributions plus accumulated interest. Unlike the UK where your NI contributions go into the General Revenue to be spent on anything from MP’s salaries to housing for recently arrived rubber dinghy types.The UK is a fucking disgraceful.
Straight into moderation. Wtf. Was it ” Singapore” or ” rubber dinghy”?
Sorry Deploy Wordcunt Nazis have stolen my perfectly innocuous reply. I said I agree and sympathise with you. I recognise there are genuine cases where benefits should be paid but the UK system is not fit for purpose and is widely and regularly abused.I recommended the Singapore system of central provident investment fund managed by government and where your contributions are yours and not part of the General Revenue like NI contributions in UK which get squandered on anything from MP salaries to rubber dinghy hand out cunts. Wordcunt are cunts.
One of my ex-associates should be working but isnt, because he’s ‘mentally ill’. This mental illness doesnt stop him missing out on other things like shopping, attending parties and barbecues, going for curries and pub dinners.
This illness does become more apparent every 6 months when the Work Capability Assessment comes around. He makes sure he’s got his ‘spazzy’ act rehearsed. Then there’s histrionic panic attacks with accompanying stupid whimpering and relentless self pity.
Weird that those in genuine chronic health problems often put a brave face on it and hate fuss being made.
Sadly he didnt score enough spaz points during one assessment and his whole lifestyle was threatened. He wasn’t having his benefit dosh taken away completely, but was judged able to work and would be put on JSA rather than ESA, down from a pittance of £105 to £70-£80 week.
He completely lost the plot and wrote on Facebook he was going to kill himself, got a lift from his mummy (he was 37 at the time) to A & E because he wasnt eating or washing and spent a fortnight fishing for pity (and ‘loans’ from friends) to see him through Christmas. One sap gave him £200 and he blew it on junk food and his hobby; plastic soldiers.
He also appealed the decision yet couldnt be fucked to turn up to a hearing, because they never sent him a letter. After some gentle questioning he admitted he had received it but not read it properly, because he was ‘so confused’.
After a fresh appeal he eventually got back on ESA, including back-payments.
He is just one of four men in their 40s I know via friends who are off work because of dubious claims of ‘depression’ or ‘stress’.
If Downs people can work in garden centres these dosser cunts can, and lying is second nature to these lazy pathetic wasters.