The Medja

The BBC and the MSM

“Cardi B has defended herself after a video resurfaced of her saying she drugged and robbed men who wanted to have sex with her while she worked as a stripper before finding fame.”

No outrage in the media though. If this has been a man making that admission his career would be over and the legal cases would bury him.

But a black female rapper is fine to do that shit because she’s a woman and black, much as Smollett can fake a race crime and end up still the victim.

What sort of insanity pills are the cunts taking when we constantly see deviant or dishonest behaviour excused and therefore sanctioned by the establishment and its media mouthpieces? Exclusion from school leads to knife crime and drug dealing? No cunts, submerging kids into a highly toxic culture that promotes negative and deviant behaviour has far more impact.

Cardi fucking B, no matter how much money you make from your new found fame you’ll never be able to afford any class.

Fuck off with Smollett, you’re a pair of toxic cunts with no long term future, both destined to end forgotten and hopefully broke and fucking miserable.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

36 thoughts on “The Medja

  1. Bloody gorgeous though! I could just imagine what’s she’s able to do with that mouth. Just one of my many perversions.

    • Some blokes had the same thought about Aileen Wournos. It was their last thought.
      You can take the slag out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the slag.

      • Just read about Wuornos, Freddie. I’ve changed my mind. Many thanks for this timely warning.

    • I was about to comment that I’d need fucking drugging before I willingly had sex with it. What mind of a man would let that rat-trap of a mouth anywhere near his tackle unless he’d been roofied to the point of catatonia?….and lo and behold I had my answer……Bluntspeakingcunt.

      You’re a disgrace.

      🙂 .

      • Everyone’s allowed one mistake Mr F. Fortunately Freddie immediately pointed out the error of my ways. Oh well, I’ll just have to make do with my Fleshlight!

      • Mr F, you didn’t tell me to fuck off! I don’t feel suitably chastened without your usual signing off! No, in anticipation I’ll get my coat.

      • God I’ve just found out this tranny’s child is called “Kulture” – brings a whole new meaning to the term “a test tube baby”. Funny how you can go off people quickly.

  2. …. off-Roading but still related to the bloody meeeeja.

    Certain people are unhappy about somebody being voted in again in Israel.
    They could always seek advice with the fanatical losers in Britain – continually cry, accuse everybody else but your side of lying, call the result “advisory”, and demand another vote.

    • Maybe blame American involvement?
      Thus the liberal remoaners get two of their favourite subjects to whine and bellyache about!! Big bad tango man and a Democratic decision they don’t agree with…..
      Hopefully any marching remoaners would be met by a few merkava mk 4s ??

  3. Interesting to compare this with the hysterical over-reaction to Liam Neeson’s recent confession that he thought about (but didn’t actually get around to), provoking and killing a ‘person of colour’ in revenge for the rape of his friend.

    Different Strokes?

      • RIP to most of then, Gunner. Weren’t they all arrested several times for Armed Robbery, drug-dealing, or prostitution before dying of overdoses?

        The World does move to the beat of just one drum.

      • Not sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me; always had them figured as a bad lot.

        (Not upright and wholesome like that nice Mr Cosby! I wonder what happened to him….?)

  4. Jussie Smollet….what a thick cunt.
    Paying someone to give him a kicking when Liam Neeson would’ve done it for free….

    • Smollet isn’t black enough for neeson
      Also doubt that lumbering orish oaf could catch him…..

  5. Don’t know who or what this fucker is. Looks like a tranny.
    From the posting it seems this is another weary example of virtuous double standards. White man bad. Black person/tranny/gay good. Probably due to slavery.

    • B&W Cunt, as always you offer a water tight solution with great a selfless attitude.

      Rimmin the wimmin for the win

      • My account has been hacked and I know naffink abaaaaaht it. What kind of dirty cunt would write that.

      • In the photo is she saying, “and B&W tried to stick that squidgy little thing up my butt”.

        “Euuuuuurgh, the dirty cunt.”

  6. Cardi? Isn’t that a contraction of the word cardigan? If she placed a cardigan over her fucking ugly head and capacious gob it would be a massive improvement.

    Working as a stripper flashing her doner kebab before carving out a career as a purveyor of puerile, unsophisticated noise and being paid handsomely for it.

    What a cunt!

    • Well observed Paul – I had a cardi back in the 70s – Itchy scratchy woolly cunt of a thing, which, along with a pair of trews (with straps under the heel of your foot) and a pair of mittens with elastic sewn in across your back, may well have set me off on the path to becoming the vitriolic cunt I now am.

      Great cunting – if I knew who the fuck this thing is / was…

  7. The media are constantly bring up Tommy Robinson at every opportunity, its every time the ‘far right’ is mentioned it has to be linked to TR, i think he must be the anti-christ.
    In reality he is a pussy cat in comparison to some of the right wing activists in other parts of Europe and our fucking media are desperate to stay linked to the fucking EU!
    He will have to self identify as black and female then he get some respect lol!

    If you are black or indeed of some other minority then you can do no wrong, Smollet has been mentioned and the subject of the cunting, lets add a few more like Lammy (white saviours) Abbot (divide and rule) and not to forget the Hon Fiona Onasanya (perverting the course of justice).
    If the later were a white male the media would be all over it like a rash.

  8. I’ve never heard of her. She must feature in stories on the Mail Online, with everyone else from crap telly/music.

  9. I don’t know who she is and I don’t give a piss-encrusted toilet seat.

    In other news, one professor Roger Scruton (fnarr fnarr) has been sacked as a government advisor for saying Islam is shit, the Chinese are robotic, and Soros is a cunt.

    So there you go. Say what you think, be hoist by your own petard. It’s now official. This is ‘free speech’ in a ‘Western’ country.

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