A cunting please for what remains of the Fourth Estate. Whilst democracy is stolen from under our noses and the Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal slumber, oblivious to the constitutional rape and pillage conducted by that august body the Commons and its illegitimate Fuhrer Theresa May what say the Fourth Estate? “People of Britain take up arms against this tyranny!” “People of Britain awake! The barbarians are at the gate”. “People of Britain! Remember your proud history. Oppose this villainy!” No.
The Daily Mail proclaims “Kim Kardashian arrives for law exam”. The Daily Express screams “Shock weather chart. Britain engulfed in soaring temperatures”. The Sun? “Georgia Steel claims lover stole thousands”. What about the Times? “ENO’s artistic director quits after three years”. The Telegraph? “Extinction Rebellion activists glue themselves to Jeremy Corbyn’s fence”.
The overarching responsibility of the Fourth Estate is to keep government, legislators and big business in check by keeping the public fully informed, never more so than when the government acts against the express wishes of the electorate. Investigative journalism should play a big part in uncovering the concomitant deceit, lies, bribery and corruption. The Fourth Estate no longer exists or if it does it has deliberately and knowingly abrogated its responsibility. Owned by cunts. Staffed by cunts. Read by cunts. R.I.P the Fourth Estate
nominated by Fimbriations
“Those who own and control the material means of production also own and control the mental means of production.”
Karl Marx
Of all these remoaning politicians, I would love to see a broadsheet expose of how they personally benefit from EU membership.
I have more chance of reading about how Ken Clarke shot his load up Yvette Cooper’s arse on Love Island.
Who’s on the X Factor this week??.
Forget the national issues affecting the countries future, ginger pubes and his half-bake will be popping out the latest Royal scrounger to take our minds off it all soon.
In the absence of anything meaningful happening anywhere, R4 reported yesterday that the Duchess of Cambridge aka Ms Middleton-Windsor has just been promoted Grand High Pantomime Dame With Feathers of the Royal Victorian Order, for Supporting the Queen.
(A walking frame might be cheaper)
The country reels back in shock, as Katie Price returns from another facelift job in Turkey, looking ‘ in pain ‘.
The Sun.
Meanwhile in other news, Cambridge University has launched a two year investigation to find out if it profited from slavery.
Stand by for more Very Important Announcements.
Get to fuck.
Another feckin facelift ??!!!
Any pain in this case is likely to be caused by hammerheads up the snout…
As for Cambridge, maybe we should all stand by our paper hankies and baby oil for an announcement from the luscious Dr. Victoria Bateman…
Got nothing to say about the establishment apart from cunts. The fourth estate? The media yesterday was mainly concerned with “rape victims” privacy being invaded by police examining their mobile phones. The narrative was an accuser was already to be regarded as a victim and examining the contents of their mobile phone was wrong. So vital evidence may be withheld because we are to presume the guilt of the accused and innocence of the accuser, the accused is after all a man.
Fimbrations has produced a cunting of astandard I can only aspire to and envy, kudos for that.
The journos studied PPE alongside the politicians and the all drink in the same bars and clubs.
Those that haven’t or don’t work for media outlets run by chums of the politicians.
We get fed panem et circenses.
Personally I am shaking with excitement at the prospect of the Hewitt sprog popping out. I’m hoping they have one of those genetic, generation skips and it comes out as black as the ace of spades.
Who’s got Phil the Greek in the dead pool?
Phil finally dead? fuck i swore he was a vampire or something did he crash his car again?, just googled Phil hes still alive Freddie what gives
You dicksplash TS! I meant when Phil sees his latest great grandchild is a Virginia cotton picker he will have a heart attack and turn up his toes.
Keep up old boy!
Apologies freddie I was all caffeined up with my 2nd cup of coffee this morning
Apparently the ginger prince and miss megan markle want to have a non binary gender fluid baby. Either that or the old cunt will no doubt have a heart attack when they try to explain that to him that their son or daughter is a poof by pc marxist presdestination
Wanked 5 times yesterday now my chest is kinda of sore don’t know why i’m telling you cunters this also what about BREXxit? thats what i want to know does democracy even exist and does the EU support democracy? Also lol at sargon of akkad destroying ukip I knew that was a accident waiting to happen
In an unprecedented move a poster on the website ‘ISAC’ released a statement revealing he had five wanks yesterday. The details are are a bit sketchy as to where he was (in bed? the kitchen?) or what he was viewing (wank mag or mobile phone?). ‘Titslapper’ (an obvious pseudonym) says chest is now ‘sore’. Could it be connected? Heart palpitations? Awaiting further details.
A BBC spokesperson confirmed that the ISAC poster would not be considered for its prestigious “Wanker of the Year” award as it was believed he was a white male and was wanking over photos of conventional sexual activities between one man and one woman with no sign of gay, lesbian, transsexual, disabled, orgiastic or multicultural content.
Previous winners of the WOTY include Jimmy Saville, Frank Bough, Kenneth Clark, Boy George, Gary Linaker, John Snow, Jeremy Paxman, John Major and Diane Abbott. In her speech accepting the million pound prize Ms. Abbot called for a separate “Fat Black Wanker of the Year” award to be set up so she could be nominated again.
In other news a survey published today has revealed many older white men (often Brexit supporters) sit round all day pulling on their todgers. One poor soul said: ‘its affecting my mental health but there’s fuck all to read, fuck all to watch, what am I expected to do all day?’ There will be an appeal tonight after the news by Olivia Colman to address this urgent issue.
Wanked a additional 3 times today since my last post , have to admit the last one didn’t feel quite right almost feels like I broke something..
My left testicle feels fucked up. No worries tho having some plonk an a old fashioned doctors orders til I heal up
I used to enjoy see the Great and Good caught up in some sting operation by the likes of The News of The World. Now,the rich and powerful can hide behind ever increasing Privacy Laws. Again,Nanny knows best, It’s in the public interest not to hear about corrupt MPs,sexual peccadilloes of the rich and famous etc,apparently.
Handily.these Privacy Laws can be used to silence both The Press and the private individual from expressing any opinion which might not fit the Agenda. Better to fill peoples’ heads with Amanda Holden’s thoughts on tit-droop in middle age or Victoria Beckham’s latest insights into her perfect family than write about the racial make-up of grooming gangs or the business dealings of the Powerful. It’s all for the public good,y’know.
The Media is a part of a far bigger problem, a ruling class that is infantilising (is that even a word?) the public. We don’t need worry our heads about anything important or distasteful..Nanny’ll take care of all that. We can just sit back and let them feed us a diet of shit while they go about their business.
By the time that people wake up and realise that we are nothing more than vacuous underlings it’ll be too late…we already are.
Fuck them.
I believe you have again hit the nail on the head, Dick. Infantilisation is the name of the game (It is a word).
Even though I will miss isacunt, I want the Internet to fuck off and die. I want a revolution, similar to Hungary 1956. Only lasted a couple of days but the cunts who made life hell for the good cunts were dragged into the street and fucked over good and proper, then hung up for display. Done and cunted.
Sunday Times yesterday gave an example of fearless reporting.
Brexit responsible for IRA activity.
Yep, the neds, who know fuck all about anything, recruited by the ageing gangsters of the IRA are influenced by Brexit.
Trebles all round in the London wine bar where these investigative journalists do their vital work.
I always felt sorry for the investigative journalists who did all that work on the expenses scandal. Where did that get them? The same cunts in the same place with the same sticky fingers in the same bottomless purse.
Much easier to take the money and make up Brexit scare stories.
I used to read the Express, mainly for its stance on Brexit, but about 3 months ago it seemed to do a volte-face and started supporting May’s disastrous withdrawal agreement (i.e. remain) and I stopped buying a newspaper altogether (I stopped buying my local paper over a year ago), although I occasionally get to see the Metro if my wife gets to pick one up. I find I don’t miss the bloody things at all. What with not watching the news either I find that I’m happy enough not knowing what’s going on in the world.
Morning cunters.
You’re all brainwashed imbeciles.
Yes an your point being? I’m delusional brainwashed cunt but I love it tho
Ignorance is bliss… ?
Great cunting.
Journalism used to be a trade, which you learned on the job from your alcoholic, warped and embittered elders. You started at the bottom, covering interminable hours of local council meetings and court cases about dog fouling, and aspired to better things after maybe five years of this.
But Murdoch’s move to Canary Wharf from Fleet Street marked a sea-change. No more union problems, and the media could finally shed the pretence of being about anything but making money. In with management, out with sozzled – but embarrasingly savvy – hacks. In with graduates of schools of journalism who had never interviewed dim members of the public in the pissing rain following a minor car crash, but who knew all about spreadsheets.
And in with the opinion piece. So much easier to write than a factual report, and no need to delve any further than the contents of your own head. I know this because I’ve done it (I’m doing it now).
For opinion pieces at the top level, even a degree in media studies doesn’t cut it, and an Oxford PPE degree is the surest way to acceptance by the serious national outlets….as remarked above, today’s journalists are unhealthily close to today’s politicians. See Alastair Campbell, of course, but see also Danny Finkelstein, David Aaronovitch and other centrist arselickers.
Some residues of proper journalism remain. The ICIJ, even Private Eye ( which has recently besmirched itself with its wholehearted bias in favour of Remain, but is good on vested interests elsewhere) and the agencies which supply the mass media with solid news to be cut and pasted by the cut and paste editor… still do proper journalism. But it’s getting harder and harder to find, and most people prefer pictures of kittens. Which is actually the fundamental problem.
Apart from the free porn the best thing about the internet is that it has demolished entire industries which are full of cunts.Newspapers(back in the 90s I used to buy 3 dailies,aint bought a paper since about 2004),The music industry(only way to make money now is constant touring) and Porn Mags.Industries full of shysters like Branson,Murdoch and Maxwell.Fuck them all to hell.Now if you excuse me Im off to Xhamster for a bit of tiffin
The lead story on The Mail Online this morning……
“All New Full Monty Ladies’ Night FIRST LOOK: Megan Barton Hanson, Danielle Armstrong and Martina Navratilova amp up the glamour alongside a host of stars in dazzling promo shots”
Wrong on sooooo many levels.
This is why breakfast is important, dry heaving hurts.
Yeah, it seems to me the “quality press” is nothing more than Establishment propaganda bullshit while the tabloids are just extensions of trash tv.
I used to subscribe to Private Eye but gave up about two years ago……..couldn’t stand the constant Brexit sneering. I wrote them a letter, in the tradition of cancelling subcribers, but they didn’t publish it. The cunts.
I get my News (and read opinion pieces) from a wide range of sources. I also happen to have a very powerful inbuilt crap-detector that took several decades to develop, which is why 16 year olds should NEVER be given the vote.
In an ideal world I would raise the voting age to 40. But that would clash with my belief, “no taxation without representation”.
Newspapers are archaic. Let these billionaire’s projects become extinct ad soon ad possible.
It’s not just newspapers, though. The media which are taking over from print are no less billionaires’ projects, surely.
There won’t be such a monopoly of so few channels. You’re right though at least the internet provides a few independents who might be “funded by” wealthy cunts but not owned.
@RTC, David Attenborough has different ideas, having recently defended the climate Heidi’s demos. “The older generations should listen to these people. Older generations have committed some terrible things(!!!),but these youngsters have a much clearer insight.”
PS, David Attenborough, you’re a poxy octogenarian prick.
How dare you call the great David Attenborough a mere octogenarian .The man was born in 1926 which makes him a minimum of 92 years of age.Please get your facts right before making such aspersions.
Bloody right. Either sloppy use of language or nil fact-checking…exactly what’s wrong with journalism today.
So true @Komodo. What with all the quibbling nit- pickers fact checking , you would have thought they’d be more astute.
@ Lostsheep.
I didn’t mean to suggest that everyone over 40 knows where it’s at, they clearly don’t… it’s just that they should have lived enough to have some perspective and experience of the real world. As opposed to cunts under 18 parroting what their libtard teachers and media have programmed them to think, desperately wanting to fit in with their peer group, still to develop minds of their own.
@RTCP, yes I did know & comprehend what you were saying. ☺️ And agree completely. I just felt Mr Attenborough was just currying flavour with the young people, in his somewhat inept remarks about the older generation. Perhaps if he had elaborated, his words would have appeared less insinuating. Our children are our future, and should be listened to, but as the children & teen-agers they are. And not at the cost of their own forefathers great achievements that are slowly being forgotten or eroded. Youngsters have a difficult enough time making sense of their own lives & destinations in this present day, without heaping more responsibility upon them.
Too true LS, and he’s not the only old cunt cynically currying favour with the young and easily led… viz Corbyn.
Ditto @RTCp.
Oops, I stand corrected CuntsR-Us. Either way, octogenarian, nonagenarian he is still a prick in his choice of words in my opinion. Casting Aspersions is often inevitable. As is being pedantic & finical.
Bejesus Lostsheep can ye nae recognize sarcasm,I have nae problem with ye calling Shattenbugger a prick,tis the claim that hes a youngster in his 80s I dinna like,the sassenach kont is over 90,begorrah
Och nooooooo,@CuntsR-Us, aae ded Na seee. I’d beest bee on ma wey noo, tae tink agane. ?️
Only the Daily Telecunt is reasonably on message these days. Most other papers are a fucking disgrace. Particularly The Times, with that cunt Matthew Paris complaining about Brexit all the time and agitating for a second referendum. Bunch of shitweasels.
In France the gilet jaunes burn Paris …. whereas in england peoples only act of protest is to write in to is-a-cunt.com .
They expected riots when the referendum was overturned on march 29th …..we didnt even notice it was a leap year. Cunts
Fake news Cuntflap!
17.4 million cunts voted Leave.
16.4 million cunts voted Remain.
On March 29 I rioted and trashed my drawing room. Lady Creampuff was not amused.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Sorry, that should read 16.1 million cunts voted Remain. Silly bunt.
Evening Cuntflap – am all at sea if truth be known. A fucking washout.
I admire the cut of your statistics.
Hoping this finds you in fine fettle.
….. ?????……
One of the best cuntings ever. I salute you Sir. There is still hope.