It’s time to cunt those that don’t give a shit,
Leaving for work from a reasonable house in a reasonable car on a reasonable wage at 5am I drove through I few know estates. Not a fuckin light on no cunt at the bus stop. The useless lazy cunts are still in bed after a nite of drugs booze and sex. The kids will obviously be collected for school via taxi coz the munter parents can’t be arsed to take them, free meals free transportation to and from . Social services in daily attendance to ensure parents get the support they need . Sky , big TV phone a given .
Fuck off let the cunts die and fuck off so can pay less to them that pay nothing CUNTS
Nominated by Harry The Bastard
Funny enough HtB, I was going the opposite way, I’ve just finished a night shift. I called in at the garage to get a paper to read tonight.
At the cash machine outside was a bird, in her pyjamas fluffy slippers and a coat on. As I was in the queue, she came in, and picked a bottle of cheap cider up.
The woman stacking shelves saw her, and said get out you’re barred, she set off effing and blinding, saying I’ve had to leave my 3 kids in the house by themselves! Where else can I get a drink?
I bet she was only about 20, these cunts are everywhere, they should be given a lethal injection.
Boils yer piss doesnt it? Work my cock off to pay mortgage, taxman & local garage having my pants down, always doing something to house/garden, and some fuckin workshy cunt, gets up at dinnertime, goes to score weed in his mobility 4wheel drive, spends day watching his massive telly then in his dogshit strewn garden letting off fireworks till 2am. These cunts would starve if had to fend for themselves, get the dozy cunts working!
We have to pay private nursery fees for our 2 year old daughter. The lady who runs the nursery tells us that we are the only few paying parents!
One of the boys there has a pair of feckless parents. No job, maximum benefits including a brand new people carrier. Apparently mum is about to give birth to no.6. The father is a creepy cunt, reminds me of that nice Mr Wint in Diamonds are Forever.
Freeloading pair of cunts. Someone should remove his overactive knackers.
Why do the lazy useless cunts need childcare if they’re sat on their lazy fat useless arses all day???…
It beggars belief, the whole system is fucked.. Those that get up and work all day have to pay through the nose for everything..
While those who sit on their backsides all day and contribute nothing get it handed out to them on a plate..
It fuking stinks to high heaven..
And it’s no wonder the country is fucked…
And what is particularly annoying is that schools are expected to look after children’s welfare, as well as teaching them not just English & maths, but a shitload of other things that one would have expected parents to be doing!
Time and time again I read articles of schools being asked to take on board all sorts of shit, not least the latest LGBTQSDS gender-awareness bollocks. Why can’t parents do this?
Seems schools are nothing more than day centres to offload kids rather than places of learning.
If todays fuckin stupid teachers are prepared to take all this, they deserve everything they get. In most other countries teachers teach and are not a second arm of social sevices. It makes my fuckin’ pish( I’ve been watching too much “still game”) boil when I hear of headteachers cleaning school toilets. It’s not what we pay you for, you stupid cunt.
That story about the headteacher having to clean toilets was a hoax:
My bullshit detector kicked in on that stort, just as with most of these liberal-left sob stories about ‘cuts’ to schools/welfare/NHS.
This is not an isolated case RTC. I’ve worked with these people! Just imagine your GP saying”because of cuts, we’ve had to get rid of a cleaner. Dr. Bogdatis, your day is Tuesday. Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards” Teachers are their own worst enemies.
The point I’m trying to get over is not whether cuts are hitting the running of schools but that many teachers wittingly or unwittingly feed fecklessness.
These headteachers etc fail to take into account that not everyone is as stupid and gullible as the brainwashed kids they seek to churn out.
I don’t doubt your point about teachers wittingly or unwittingly feeding fecklessness Bsc. They are.
RTC@9.13. Too true. The left wing agenda is apparent in the article you mention, even with this school in leafy Surbiton. It seems a pre-requisite to gaining many headships these days is to have left wing sympathies.
There is a very good reason for it, it is an attempt to break the chain.
Nursery schools are pre educational establishments where social skills are taught and assessed, a degree of nutrition is given to the child.
All the above things are probably lacking in the homes of the parents/parent.
as for some of the other “Normal parents” sending your sprog to nursery in designer clothes and then complaining when they get muddy in play sessions, come on get a life.
Fee paying. Fucking autocorrect sneaked that in, the cuntox.
For some reason i’m feeling a bit libtard today, probably because the good weather has brought out the Alkies to their usual summer occupation of the benches on the green outside my local shops. To be fair, they don’t cause any bother, don’t make a noise and put their empties in the bins.
I have some sympathy with them, but they are all British.
Foreign cunts, on the other hand, need to fuck off back to where they come from.
Get rid of those freeloading cunts and we can deal with our own problems.
Fuck off!
It’ll be a shitload worse if Labour ever got back into power – they’ll raise income tax rates, VAT, national insurance and a shitload of other taxes decent people have to put up with in order to look after all the feckless lazy cunts who fuck the system because the system is geared towards looking after them while squeezing the taxpayer time and time again!
Typically, it’s always the basic taxpayer that gets fucked over the most; the rich can avoid paying their fair share of tax due to loopholes (look at Amazon for one!); and the lazy cunts know how to play the system, so they’re okay too!
Beware of Labour though – they will squeeze the decent folk even more should they get a sniff of No 10.
Not to worry NCFOM, McDonnell is going to borrow a further £500 billion to nationalise everything and it won’t cost the average taxpayer a penny cos it’s an investment that will pay for itself! ? Besides, what’s another £500 billion when the National Debt is over £2 trillion?
Then there’s the ‘Garden Tax’, what a wheeze…
In Scotland now, 2 years olds qualify for a free full-time nursery place. If their parents are unemployed. I cannot understand the logic behind that.
The logic is utterly retarded..
You work – you pay..
If your too lazy and feckless to be arsed getting a job, you can have it for nowt.. The fact that they don’t even need it seems to have a escaped the morons…
It beggars belief..
So all of the scrounging cuntwipes continue voting for the left is the logic.
Another reason why Scotland can get fucked….because they will be without the English shilling. Fuck ’em.
Corbyn will give even more to the ‘poor’ than they get now. I keep being told that Britain is the fifth biggest economy. Where does it all go then?
Quote…5am I drove through I few know estates. Not a fuckin light on no cunt at the bus stop.
You’d have to be a thick Cunt to expect to catch a bus at 5am.Privatisation means profit above service and so buses don’t run that early.
They probably all left for work at 4am… would also explain why the lights weren’t on.
A couple of years ago I was made redundant after 20 odd years. I got a decent redundancy package of around £20k; but then I had to register as unemployed and seek Job Seeker’s Benefit, or whatever the fuck its called these days.
Interviews, questions and more questions about my finances etc. And all for a poxy £60 a week! My application was turned down because I had sufficient funds (even though I’d been income tax and NIC for well over 30 years – that counts for shit!)
So despite working and paying my dues, I didn’t qualify for a benefit. The last time I received benefit was when I left school in 1981 when unemployment was around 2 or 3m. But I have worked ever since, paid my taxes, been a good little taxpayer, but when I want something back its “Sorry, you’ve got too much cash so fuck off!”
Warehouses full of exercise bikes…
Connected to generators…
Sell the power to national grid..
It’s a win /win…
Make em do shifts…
Yeah they can even put their fat arsed mcdonalds hoovering kids on the bikes after school and weekends,more energy and resolve obesity in kids, it’s a win win.
They’re already doing it in Brazil!
Brilliant……all the unemployed can pedal away their days in front of that Peloton bird, working for benefits will give them self esteem ???
Get all those weekend climate change warrior cunts on a warehouse full of those bikes and not only will it generate a small amount of renewable energy, but it will also shut those cunts up once and for all.
And if they say “Well this isn’t quite what we had in mind” or “This is too much like hard work!” we can say, well this is what you wanted, and you are saving the planet after all. So shut the fuck up and pedal!
These arseholes are looked after from the cradle to the grave. Their shitty lifestyle choices must cost the NHS billions.Finally if the cunts haven’t already died from emphysema, heart disease, complications of diabetes, stroke, alcoholism or hepatitis C they get put in a hotel,sorry residential care home for fuck-all.
My mother who was very frugal and clean living for over 90 years now has dementia and her care home fees are well over £2500 a month.
I really hate these waste of space oxygen-thieving CUNTS.
Very true Cuntflap, appealing to the lowest denominator of benefit scroungers with multiple rainbow brats and missing link feral cunts.
A worthy cunting, I notice on my days off how many cunts are around doing nothing… They can’t all have a day off the lazy cunts so they must be either unemployed or on the sick. Popped. Into Iceland the other day as I like a bargain and I saw this ‘Lady’ in there… She was in front of me at the checkout and she had the usual healthy supplies… Microwave burgers (what the fuck is that abaaaaaht), oven chips, crisps, don’t think I saw a vegetable in there. She was giving me the eye as well…she probably wanted me to pop over for a romantic meal of microwave burger and crisps.
Another cunt who will soon have diabetes, amongst other illnesses, clogging up the NHS.
Go fuck yourselves.
The Food of Gods to chavs nationwide B&WC, imagine a soiree of microwavable burgers, turkey twizlers and bowels of Wotsits with White Lightning and a selection of teeny bopper hits for the tunes.
No wonder the beds are full in NHS hospitals: full of feckless cunts who have never paid any NI, but expect 5 star treatment for their self-induced illness. Which translates as “It ain’t my fault I had a heart attack due to all the burgers, chips, crisps I’ve been stuffing down my gob. I have a condition, innit! Not my fault or nuffin. I think I should stay here for a couple of months: I deserve a break innit”
And then sue the NHS afterwards for a farewell cash payment. Cunts!
Y’know, perhaps the Nazi’s may have had a point with their “Selective Breeding Programmes “. Only the best, the fittest etc can have kids. Coz in this country, popping out sprogs left right and centre is a means to an end for some people. More drink money.! And as they always say “scum breeds scum “
If all these ‘useless lazy cunts are still in bed after a night of drugs, booze and sex’, you have to ask yourself, who are the thick cunts, them or us?
Anyone who doesn’t want to work just has to churn out a kid or two (or three) and they get showered with benefits like they’re doing us all a favour. We’re the daft bastards for giving it to them.
The sad part is the consetvatives have done very little to discourage this nonsense, while hitting those who actually need the help, such as shutting remploy centres and finding tbe wheelchair-bound and terminal cancer patients fit for work.
Contracts for the boys on the boards of crap companies. As much the parasitic, useless fucking scum as their epsilon cunt ‘clients’.
The same feckless, useless fat cunts that call an ambulance to take them to hospital when you can see the place from their front fucking door. And nearly every stretcher on our ambulance fleet has a Fat-Cunt-Stretcher costing £shit-loads. And the cunts are ALWAYS i-phone positive on the journey in..
Cockroaches will inherit the Earth.
Correction. Cockroaches will inherit the West.
Russia, China, Japan, and parts of South America will do just fine.