A nomination for Theresa Mays gurning. There are dozens of photos on the internet of the Maybot contorting her fugly face into even more hideously ugly contortions. Fuck it, what an ugly cunt. Her facial oddities betray her inner clueless vacuity. I know she has had dozens of nominations but she’s the cunt that keeps on giving.
In fact, if I may expand on my previous post, I believe this phenomenon occurs whenever Oligarch Robbins, Oliver Wetwin, Amber Dudd or whichever anti- democratic cunt has control of the Maybot at the time, temporarily loses that control or there’s a short circuit or someone moves the joystick the wrong way, causing said Maybot to malfunction. These bot’s are only as good as their controllers, in other words, fucking useless.
Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Try to imagine what she would look like during orgasm! (assuming you could find anyone stupid/drunk enough to bone the old bat!)
Or maybe those gurning faces are due to having love ball inserted up her cavernous chuff?
I was considering an afternoon wank over Willa Holland but you’ve put me right off.
Didn’t know Theresa May’s maiden name was Brasier. No wonder she’s such a tit.
I think I might take one for the team, I have a tendency to look at odd porn and find the munters more convincing
She twitches and gurns as she speaks. Makes Gordon Brown look normal.
Be fair Cunststable. Everyone does.
Never mind her fucking face she should see my fucking face every time the lying bitch comes on the telly. A mixture of pure hatred, contempt and deadly intent.
I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling with this “poor me , i’m doing the best I can” load of bollocks. A bare faced fucking liar for every day of her life in politics.
Fuck off bitch!
And it seems that there are genuine medical reasons – I’ve forgotten the precise details – for her unfortunate posture.
I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, and to feel sorry for her (after all, regardless of her many hideous deformities and intellectual pygmyism, she is still, allegedly, a member of the human race), but I cannot, and my eyeballs puke every time I see her, and her every utterance makes me crave profound deafness.
May the frightful old baggage rot in purgaTory, which is more or less what she is turning her party into anyway.
The useless waste of space bitch looks uncannily like my sister-in-law in that picture.
The Hunchback of Doesn’t-give-a Damn had always resembled a victim of Bell’s palsy. Unfortunately it’s not fatal.
Weil’s Disease, however, IS fatal so I hope this wretched failure of a woman doesn’t go pissing in any rivers.
I don’t wish to be unkind( wtf am I saying, I do !) but it’s rather a blessing that her and Phil couldn’t have children. It would be that fuckin ugly even the fairies wouldn’t substitute it with a Changeling.
Blunt, any time Prison van Phil has the urge to drop some man yoghurt between the Hunchback’s dried-up, cobweb-strewn pissflaps, all she need do is do her Granny-at-a-wedding, halfwit dance and he’ll be softer than wet noodle.
Theresa May’s face is more effective than a vasectomy.
Captain, do you think in the past it’s her dancing that’s led to her failure to conceive, perhaps an over reliance on the rhythm method?
I could well believe it. She has the grace and elegance (and probably the maternal instincts) of a disabled gazelle balancing on a beach ball.
As Ultravox once put it, she “shuffles with a bovine grace.”
I apologise unreservedly to any cows who may be offended by the above.
Actually Rev, cattle do have an elegance. Their pendulous weight compels them to move with such a laconic grace that it’s little wonder the Hindus cherish the majestic beasts.
Treasona May would love to own that sense of movement. If only her abattoir days were near.
God, I’ve just had a vision of Theresa girating her hips in front of Phil. Pass me the sick bucket!
I wouldn’t give a shit if she was stunning or a blob of green slime if she was capable of doing the job, she’s fucking awful, leading a bucnh of even more awful incompetents, for fuck sake she’s so bad she could be on the Labour front bench.
Give her credit, that’s a great impression of Blakey from On the Buses.
Fuck me, the long lost sister of the Childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
“Ice cream, lollipops, all free today”
I made the mistake of trying to imagine Maybots cum face. I may need counseling now
could be worse, I tried wanking over Diana Abbot
What, a picture, or the real thing?
She looks like Davros with a wig…
In that photo Steptoe has just told her the price of BRINO……. a threesome with him and the Flabbott. ?
Flabbott could have a threesome on her own the fat fuck.
I have a new nickname for her, Theresa “two sheds” May you get it? because she only has 1 shed to shag in with her demented orgasm face she does. hahaha what a loser lol
Looks like B+W Cunt has just slipped his tongue up her arsehole.
Well, our political leaders love a bit of diversity Mr Fiddler.
I can just picture him….tongue lolling, drool slobbering,gasping for air,eyes rolling back in his head…like a St. Bernard dog locked in a car during a heatwave.
She certainly wouldn’t be the first he has done that to.
I suspect that she’d be the last….her crusty old hoop should be enough to cure even that inveterate turd-tonguer of his foul predilection.
That might explain his absence on this thread! Perhaps his tongue is so far up her a-hole that he can no longer eject!
Tonight’s classic horror film reference…
“Hello Aunt Alicia”
Ah… “Day of the Dead” (1985 version), with Bub, the braindead, gormless, slow speaking zombie trying to string a sentence together (probably deserving of a place on Maybot’s Front Bench!)
Dr Logan plays Beethoven’s “Ode To Joy” to Bub as well, to get a response from his decomposing brain.
I reckon old George Romero was on to something…
Fuck my boots!
If that’s her face I dread to think what her arsehole looks like. Probably like a pickled walnut that’s been flattened by a rolling pin.
I bet her cunt looks like a smashed-up orange.
I’m telling you it’s a sign of her mask slipping.
Her reptilian shape shifting ability is defective Total Recall style – “Two weeeeeeks!”
It must be true, David Icke told me.