An urgent re-cunting of IS bride Shamishitta and the UK government for allowing this travesty. This cunt Shamishitta is now claiming legal aid from the infidels she ran off to the sandblown shit hole to terrorise and kill….ie us. What the fuck is wrong with this country, we should be shipping her entire family and her fucking solicitor to fucking join her, this is why we wanted Brexit to stop these cunts coming in…..
Nominated by fuglyucker
The sooner this bitch dies in the desert the better.
I think that, on the whole, I’d rather have this bitch back and send all the fucking solicitors and the cunts who determine who is granted Legal Aid there instead.
Shamima Begum…
As Harold Steptoe would say, ‘Morally, spiritually and physically: a festering flyblown heap of accumulated filth’….
And a cunt…
Drown the cunt in a vat of pigs blood
I guarantee this fucking bitch will be back in Bethnal Green popping out mini bombers before fucking Christmas……er ….. the Winter Festival.
You know it’s going to happen, I know it’s going to happen, every fucker knows it’s going to happen. All we need is Mavis to say “ as Prime Minister I cannot allow this to happen” and we know it’s a racing certainty.
We should have a Shamina Began day Mavis
Another worthy cunting, but I think we should ready ourselves for her grand arrival, back in Blighty.
The home secretary ( he of funny tinge, and shallow roots ) was only doing his fake strong man act. We will have to let her back in, and that bald headed immigrant cunt will wring his hands, and say I tried but it’s out of my hands.
I am dreading the fanfare from BBjazeira, what’s the odds on appearances on QT, she will be the new darling of the left ( malala is getting a bit yesterday now )
It depresses me to say all this but it is my opinion it will come to pass. Hopefully bald headed immigrant cunt will blame ECJ for his abject failure, at least then he won’t be next leader of the sneaky party.
Fuck cunt shit bollocks bastard, utter despair what the fuck is this country now?
ECHR not ECJ but it’s understandable how you confuse these two bastions of cuntishness.
The Tory shite-hawks are now so desperate and pitiful, they’d probably sign her up as a future MP.
I stand corrected Sir, I didn’t realise they weren’t the same thing.
Somebody needs to blow the fucking head off that heap of islamic shite.
Perhaps she could be a new presenter of Blue Peter or have her own cookery programme? How about her own interview show where they only allow other bin liner-clad slaves or bearded cunts wearing pyjamas?
Better still what about her own sit-com. Young woman in modern Britain dealing with oppressive victimhood and the lack of opportunity for beheading murderers. It could be along the lines of Al BBC’s Fleabag but called ‘Rubbish Bag’.
I hope she’s back before the European Elections.
And is then involved in a ‘ tragic ‘ hit and run incident, the day after people have cast their votes.
I’m an optimist …… for today.
I really don’t understand why the word isn’t given for the SAS to pay a quick visit to Syria to quickly take this buck-toothed shitbagum out. Problem solved. The story is – she died after the publicity she so freely gave upset some of the remaining ISIS elders.
Job done, in time for tea and scones. No lawyers getting fat and the UK is a ever so slightly safer place to be.
Think how much the cunt will cost the country in dental fees. An overdose of laughing gas is called for.
We have had deadly Wiruses in the past, and Infidelism is the latest threat with the many Infidelists wishing to overthrow and impose their ways on Vestern society and eliminate all Infidels.
The Infidels seemingly can’t produce any medication as a vaccine against the filthy disease.
They can no longer simply treat the symptoms by developing greater tolerance.
Whatever the solution is for the Infidels, I’m sure they’d hope it to be a final one…
Somebody should inform her the cash allocated to scum was used up by Jack Sheperd.
If I were confident the Begum bitch would face proper justice, I wouldn’t have a problem with her coming back.
But knowing our joke of a judicial system she’ll get a slap on the wrist and £5million to blow on a new identities, just like that pâèdô scumbag Jon Venables.
At the very least she deserves a Whole Life Tariff and to share a cell with Rosemary West. When Rosemary carks her head should be severed and left in Begum’s bed. Not that I’d give her a bed.
Noted, RTC, and a good afternoon.
?Afternoon CS.
That’s a bit strong isn’t it Ruff Tuff ?
Just a bullet in the back of the head old boy.
No fuck it. Torch the bitch in a cage. Or behead her live on Ant and Dec prime time Saturday night viewing .
Bit stern there, Mister Fistula.
As many a lifer has told me¹ in the greatest confidence, the death penalty would be a welcome release. In my modest but authentic experience, most lifers (I mean those who know there is no parole, usually because they are not repentant) would take the rope.
A sad, sad world of tragic people, often quite nice chaps. I can readily produce examples.
Generally speaking, the prisoners who remain inside for life are the ones who would “do it again”. This is not normally because they are psychopaths, but usually because what drove them to murder was outrageous pre-existing offences by third parties (often fathers-in-law) and a failure of the judiciary to prosecute those offences of originality.
Parole in UK is more arcane and reactionary than China. A disgrace, and a worthy cunting. But a bit niche….
¹I’ve been inside myself, surprisingly perhaps to some.
See “Clockwork Orange” as an insertion point, and extrapolate freely from there.
Let’s not forget Corbyn who is supporting her return.
If this absolute cunt ever gets in power, we are truly fucked, more than we are now if that was possible.
The frightening thing is that the Tories are making that much of a disaster of themselves it is a possibility. Our only hope is Farrage I think
What fucks me off more than anything else where this little whore is concerned is that at 19 years of age she has been a member of the “Morality police” in her fiefdom. It just shows the hypocrisy of the religion of peace that this teenager, three times pregnant already, and having committed treason should be regarded as even knowing what morality is. Perhaps she will lose her head (courtesy ISIS) before she can crawl her way back to London
A well placed rifle shot upon exit from the inevitable jet back to Blighty would do the trick.
Fuck the thought police.
Afternoon all
She will come back and no doubt when she does, they’ll be cunts cheering at Heathrow and lauding her up as some poor victim and/or hero.
Get Phil the Greek to drive her home….
This country truly is a basket case….
Without a doubt she’ll win her case then claim compo for distress and having her human rights abused.Then she’ll cry that she’s in danger being back here so will be given new Identity and a house to live in.This CUNTry is well and truly fucked.
I think we should let her return to the UK….
…in a fucking coffin.
Send her newly approved UK passport to her, attached to an air to ground missile. Send whatever bits they find of her back to her family. Post video of the airstrike on live TV with the message “become an enemy of the UK, and this is how we reward you..not with an appeals process & legal aid paid for by us…but with finest high explosive munitions money can buy. Fuck with us & get fucked by us. Best wishes from the UK x”
I heard flabbot on the radio talking about her, I almost crashed the car
A message from dear Shamima…
Donald Tusk
“I’d like to say words of comfort and solidarity with the French nation, also as citizen of Gdańsk, 90% destroyed and burnt, later rebuilt. You will also rebuild your cathedral! From Strasbourg, French capital of the EU, I call on all 28 States to take part in this task”. FUCK OFF.
“I am minute by minute the fire of which Notre-Dame de Paris is the prey. Our Lady of Paris belongs to all humanity. What a sad spectacle. How awful. I share the emotion of the French nation, which is also ours”. (translated by Google). CHEESE AND BISCUITS MR PRESIDENT?
“Notre-Dame of Paris, of France, of Europe…”
Warm thanks to the President and all Members of the EP gathered this morning in Strasbourg for sharing their solidarity and emotion with the French people.
Together, we will rebuild Notre Dame”! YES, GET THE BUILDERS IN. AGAIN.
Theresa May
“My thoughts are with the people of France tonight and with the emergency services who are fighting the terrible blaze at Notre-Dame cathedral”. GIVE THEM SOME OF OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY THERESA.
Sadiq Khan
Heartbreaking scenes of Notre Dame cathedral in flames. London stands in sorrow with Paris today, and in friendship always. FUCKING D^^4®ƒ
Firstly, would suggest most if not all of the above don’t give a fucking toss about France, the French people, or its Cathedral. After all, its only a building FFS, a Catholic church, and nobody died.
Secondly, why are Macron and Tusk asking for financial assistance from the rest of Europe? Since when did the rest of Europe have to club together for each others disasters (other than the disaster otherwise known as the EU obviously). Thought that was the whole point of taking out buildings or third party insurance, who’s fault is it if they didn’t bother?
Finally the Vatican are reported to have assets in excess of $8b. Let them fucking pay for it.
Too right Willie. The rest of Europe couldn’t be fucked to put their slimy hands in their pockets when Windsor Castle when up in smoke all those years ago.
Fuck them x 28
All the papers news and political leeches talking how dreadful the fire was in the cathedral and not one of them has given any news if the hunch back survived….what a bunch of cunts
Some cunt – think it was in the Mail – doing his thinkpiece among the rubble*, spotted the crucifix and described it as ‘a symbol of defiance’
Hands up those who agree that whatever your take on Christianity, that is just fucking ignorant. And anyway, defying what? Not a sparrow falls, etc, etc, so presumably torching Notre Dame was on God’s to-do list?
* or more likely an agreeable hotel not too far away
Fuck notre dame. Feel bit sorry quasimodos homeless now but thats it. Let the french pay for it, its theirs! This country pays for anything in other countries but its owns falling to fucking bits.
Fuck Quasimodo. He started the fire with a carelessly discarded Gauloises. He then fell off the top of the bell tower and landed with a thump in a heap on the floor. He looked up at the burning bell tower and shouted “Esmerelda – that’s not what I meant when I said ‘Toss me off’!”
I genuinely can’t understand all the fuss about Begum. Hundreds of other “Jihadis” have been allowed to quietly return and it’s a pretty fair bet that a lot of them will have been better trained than this Cunt.
‘We do not comment on specific operational matters in order to protect our national security so as not to reveal operational tactics.’
Does that mean something other than standing at the airport when the fucking plane lands and grabbing the cunt as they go through passport control?
Directing them to the nearest benefits office, I suspect.
I suspect the others kept their heads down and didn’t go all gooey eyed in front of the MSM when talking about severed heads in bins.
Surely even more reason to try and keep them out? It’ll be the unnoticed ones who can come back with impunity that’ll encourage others.
Sewing up suicide vests, comfortable with severed heads, OK with the Manchester Bombing it’s as if she has been ‘coached’ what NOT to say to get back into the country. You could never say about her that she has sneakily tried to ingratiate herself. Unlike most jihadis that have returned. In interviews with them it is all about they’re didn’t realise what they were getting into or ‘I didn’t realise the brutality’ or they were confused by the international situation or ‘brainwashed’ by some radical Imam. No, at least she is honest. She is literally (thinking of the severed heads revelation) BRUTALLY honest.
My point; because of her honesty I think there is more of a chance for her ‘deradicalisation’.
Why we have let ourselves become embroiled in all this insanity is much bigger subject.
Agree Dick, we should have tried to keep them all out. I was just commenting on your bemusement re why all the fuss about Begum? I guess she is symbolic of all the scum who went out to join Isis and are now returning, no doubt a fair number planning to do us harm once they’ve got their feet back under the benefits table. Unfortunately our government and security services do not appear to give a fuck.
@ Miles – Begum played the “I was brainwashed” card a couple of weeks ago.
She’s very strange. Her first language is English but she doesn’t seem to make any real effort to persuade interviewers that she really wants to come back. She seems to be wanting to get the interview over as soon as possible. Very short replies. No mention of family back here. A simple ‘Im ok mum’ or something you would have thought. But no. She seems resigned to whatever fate awaits her. ‘Resigned to fate’ before Allah I suppose it is. That belief she is trapped in. Can you deradicalise someone? Is it possible? Maybe I think you can.
When asked if she had any message for her family she just shrugs and says:
“You know… just keep trying to get me back. I really don’t want to stay here.”
All very cold and self centred. Her core personality appears sociopathic at best.
Check out the interview, it makes pretty chilling reading:
Suppose I’m surprised that there’s been a fuss kicked up about any of them coming “home. This Country has become so weak and pathetic when it comes to things like this, it just surprises me to see even a spark of dissent being allowed.
Maybe you should follow in the footsteps of your Great Uncle Mr Fiddler? You could explore where your ancestor went? You may even meet a distant relative? They might invite you into the bosom of the tribe. You would find a while new meaning to life; learning the language, the culture. You wouldn’t be homesick at all. From what I have seen the land in many parts of Africa looks strangely like rural Northumberland. It would be a home from home for you in your later years.
I knew it!. I always suspected you, Miles…trying to tempt Fiddler to venture to the Dark Continent.
I can see you now, giggling and laughing while endlessly rereading the story of ” Northumbrian Gentleman eaten by Savages after being boiled up in a giant cauldron”…Fuck me, you’d probably try and buy my shrunken head just so that you could abuse and mock me Face-to-Face.
You’re a wicked man, Miles.
He’s worse than that Dick, he’s a dirty rotter!
I had hoped we were dealing with a gentleman.
He’s certainly tipped his hand now, RTC…he’ll be suggesting that you open up a pork butcher/ Koran-burning shop in Mecca next.
The man is unconscionable.
It is a cunning plan but I have I have ISAC’S best interest at heart. You Mr Fiddler need to go over there so you can send detailed dispatches back from the ‘coal face’ as it were. We need a broader outlook here on ISAC and you could provide that. As for RT he could report from Palestinian Territories. All I have to do is subtly influence him in that direction. Not hard to do because he’s a simple soul. I’m surprised Admin has not given me the Vatican correspondent role yet.
I’m sick and tired of us in this country bending over backwards to prove how civilized we are. The whole world knows we’re civilized, we don’t have to prove it.
Get these psychotic murdering filthy bastards out of our country and keep them out. It took centuries to establish our civilization. Give these cunts any encouragement and It won’t take that long for it all to disappear down the toilet.
Give her a job babysitting ISIS babies. It would save alot of hassle and expense in the future.
Her track record so far of looking after ISIS kids appeals to me.
They should drop millions of leaflets on these peaceful shitholes with her photo and the caption “This is what your 72 virgins are gonna look like.”
That might stop them being so keen to die.
Bad news for the goats though.
She and her associates are a threat to our national security. She is and was and is an enemy combatant. The RAF would be justified in a well placed drone strike. They fucking know where she lives and so it seems do parasitic legal aid lawyers.
Holy cock sucking Mahamood. How fucking chicken shit are we to allow a cunt like her legal aid?
There are lots of uncertainties in our existence, but it’s nailed on that this scumbag will be allowed back in, and that Joe Taxpayer will end up forking out for the privilege. What a sack of fucking cack.
How has she managed to become pregnant with these (unverified) kids when just by looking at her it’s obvious that she only likes it up the shitter?