Richard Branson (12)

That bearded vagrant posing as an entrepeneur has been opening his fucking mouth again:

A hard Brexit would be bad for Britain the old wankstain avers “worse than the second world war” and “it will be bad for Virgin companies”.

Surely the old motherfucker has accumulated all the money he can use this side of the grave. I suppose though at least he is being honest in that he doesn’t give a fuck about “the people” only his bank balance, and his stinking companies. A pity the baldy cunt “Lord” Adonis can’t be honest as well, and then both of them should take a long walk off a short pier.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

49 thoughts on “Richard Branson (12)

  1. Tax avoider who lives offshore and makes his money from state subsidies. He is entitled to tell us what to do, the grinning, bearded, hippy cunt.

    • Yeah he is always grinning! Whats he grinning at? Our gullibility? Fact hes richer than god? Cant trust grinners, known fact that! Hope the cunts balloon deflates.

    • Did you miss out a “not”, Cunstable, or was that heavy irony?

      Recalling the good old days of DSMO (to which I never contributed), Mr Crosse & Blackwell¹ was a stalwart cuntee, with a rating of 10.61 (out of 11): higher than Blair, but lower than James Corden – the only perfect 11.

      Happy Easter!

      ¹the original manufacturer of Branston Pickle™

  2. Some call him a great businessman. Some call him the “smiling face of capitalism.” I call him a cunt.

    To be filed under the same ex-pat hypocrites bracket as Patrick fucking Stewart and Sean fucking Connery who loves Scotland so much he lives in California. The breath-taking arrogance of these warty old reptilian cunts.

  3. I got that pissed with his recent comments I’ve completly changed all finances to ensure I don’t give this hiddious looking twat a penny. Interesting how deep he is into lots of institutions, like another ugly cunt Mike Ashley but that cunt is on another level .

  4. I used to think this cunt was for the people. Now I realise it was just a front he probably hated until he’d got enough money that his descendants will never have to work.
    Given that’s the case, why doesn’t he just bask in his wealth and leave us plebs to deal with a place he no longer wants to live in.
    I don’t remember hearing about the Virgin brand until Tubular Bells was released. It’s nice to have some other cunt’s talent to help you on your way, and I’m cunting him with his own broadband.

    • Like your style Duke.

      Interested to know how much Virgin Media spend on marketing.

      I have been receiving leaflets from the cunts fortnightly for the past few years, without success I should add.

      Used to love flying Virgin Atlantic to Japan, but they withdrew the service.

    • “for the people”…

      Which makes him a sort of down-market Tony B. Liar.

  5. Well with Virgin Media he has already set up offshore offices in India and the Philippines years ago, getting rid of many hundreds of UK jobs in the process (that’s a cunts trick in itself, why pay UK wages when Mohammed will work for a third of that ) so I am not sure how Brexit will affect his offshore business?

    • Don’t forget all the hospitals in Kent that’s he buying up, Hugh. Britain leaving the EU tyrants might force him to pay his Eastern block cleaners//nurses/whores proper wages.

  6. A small balloon wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, so decides to go into his parents bedroom to climb in bed with them.
    When he gets there he realises there’s no room so he loosens his dad’s knot and let’s out a little air. Still not enough room, so he does the same to his mum.
    A gap appears in the middle but it’s still too small so he loosens his own knot and let’s out some air until he’s the right size.
    As soon as he climbs on the bed the father wakes up and says..”What are you doing in here? We’ve been through this many times, you’re old enough to stay in your own room. You promised us you would. I’m very disappointed, you’ve let me down, you’ve let your mum down and worst of all, you’ve let yourself down….

    • You should send that into the BBC. They are always looking for new material. I’m sure they will use this as log as you can shoehorn Tump and Brexit into the joke somewhere. Cunts.

  7. Big news! Rich cunt wants to stop Brexit! Read all about it!

    I hate this slimy, money grabbing, taxdodging, smirking cocksucker. This cunt loves money so much he climbs over the ticket barrier when he travels on his own railway. Of course it’s not his railway, it’s financed by the taxpayer……. beardy bollocks just hoovers up the profits.
    I bet this cunt dreams about HS2 every night, he can almost taste all that lovely money coming his way.
    Beardy, like Don Corleone, has “a lot of friends in politics.”
    One of the biggest cunts this country has ever produced.

    • He’ll be thirsty to get his snout into that money machine.
      Thirstier than a mojito-guzzling, racist law-breaker on public transport.

      • What I want to know is how did the pisshead Flabbot get her wide load arse through the ticket barrier? Did they open up that special gate at the side to let fat cunts through? If so , did they not notice that she was pissed and boozing it up?
        I wonder what Suckdick thinks of this appalling behaviour?

      • The buckets of Nando’s grease obtained from her fingernails by emergency engineers helped to lubricate her corpulence through the turnstiles and she slid through like a liberated hippo.

        Her beauty must all be on the inside. Along with half a dozen chickens.

    • He’s been banned cus he won’t pay the rail workers pensions.
      One gravy train he won’t be jumping on!

      (Gravy train geddit??!!) Titter… I’ll pick up my coat on the way out 😀

  8. Isn’t it about time this cunt died?

    Yet another rich cunt who lives far removed from the plebs, who is more concerned about his business empire regarding Brexit than having to put up with the hard realities us poor cunts have to tolerate day in day out!

    Branson, for fuck’s sake hurry up and die, you selfish cunt!

    • Just like Soros, I’m sure this cunt has access to an unlimited supply of replacement organs, cybernetic parts and horse teeth therefore he’ll be he long after we’re all dust.

  9. If Branson isn’t a lifelong sex pest my names Dick van Dyke.
    Gets away wigh it though.0

  10. The old mental hospitals were full of grinning and smiling fruitcakes, perhaps old beard is an escapee from one, he certainly makes me fecking nuts.

  11. More likely an escapee from the monkey house at the zoo. I believe monkeys grin like that when they are upset and want to show aggression.
    Obviously, in the photo, monkey boy is saying “gimme your money you cunts. I don’t care how poor you are, I want it all.”

  12. Branson looks like Julian Assange’s idiot bastard Uncle. Probably did some fiddling about… that’s why Julian turned out the way he did.

    ? I’m your wicked uncle Rickie… ?

    (Thank you, next diagnosis please – Ed)

  13. I have really learned to loathe this cunt. One of his ‘deep and meaningful’ (ahem) quotes shows up on LinkedIn from time to time which says something like, ‘If someone offers you a job you’re not sure you can do, say yes then learn how to do it later’. What an unbelievably thick, ignorant and stupid thing to say. I assume he wouldn’t apply the same ethos in the event he developed a brain tumour and his brain surgeon was a plumber the day before. What an utter cunt this man is.

    • Or his investment banker:
      “Why did you invest my fortune in Spanish and Greek property, you moron? I’ve lost billions.”

      “I dunno. Last week I was on the Till at Wilko.”

  14. Nice one WC. No matter how many times this cockwomble gets cunted, it’s still not enough. Fuck off Branson, you bearded twat!

  15. It’s not just the grinning it’s the not getting his words out accompanied by the grinning that is so annoying. When asked a question it takes him ages to get going. The Maybot the same. It takes both of them ages to start a sentence.That would be some meeting if he was brought over for ‘talks’ at number Ten they would never get started. What with the gurning and grinning and stuttering and starting again. Maybe that’s what happened to old Ollie Robbins he couldn’t be arsed waitiing for her to start to speak he so wrote the WA himself.

  16. A bloke who drinks in my local has a terrible stutter.
    Last night he was regaling us with a story about his nan.

    Two minutes in and the whole pub was singing “Hey Jude”….

  17. Have to say, spending Saturday mornings at Virgin Records by the clock tower were great times.

    • Great days CNR. It was OUR PRICE when I was young. Used to sneak around the back of the shop and take the album posters they threw out….. And Branson is a cunt.

  18. This cunt is so rich he doesn’t give a fuck, him like so many of these super rich don’t like spending money… That what we have to do… These kind of cunts only want to make money, it’s like a drug to them. I have no doubt he would haggle and try to get around having to spend 5p on a shopping bag whilst out shopping…not that he couldn’t afford it, it that they gave to win the deal. Branson would probably ask for money off a banger car he was buying. The cunt.

    • Too right BAWC . It’s hard enough trying to get a Virgin box upgrade off the tight cunt. That’s the first time I’ve used ‘virgin box’ and ‘tight cunt’ in that context.

    • He is like a pound shop Bond villain, using Necker Island as a playground for his rich mates like Obama, pissing around on jet skies and gorging on five star food.

      • The cuntishness has passed on to his son YCD and LL… Saw his Son after the hurricane in the Islands on video packing enough supplies for a small family asking for help… What a cunt. Why not. ask your Dad you kunt, he could afford to build every person who lost their home a Mansion. Like Daddies business ventures… You get investment, and use the minimum of your own.

      • Maybe its Thunderbirds his great influence LL. Tracy Island is hidden away like his. (I can imagine him making it when he was a kid as well). His spaceship resembles Thunderbird 3. He even looks like one of them. The one in space? Virgil is it? I always felt sorry for him up there alone.

      • Not so lonely with a stack of first edition Razzles; although he wore out the strings on his right arm.

      • Pound shop Bond villain. OMG – I laughed so hard. Brilliant, just brilliant. Thanks LL.

  19. Adele and husband Simon Konecki have separated….
    Someone needs to take one for the team and shag it, before there’s another album….

  20. Back in the early ’70s if you didn’t live in London ‘Virgin Mail Order’ was an essential service for cunts like me into music from the less commercial, innovative end of the rock spectrum.

    One time I ordered a copy of Uncle Meat, an expensive ‘Import Only’ double album by The Mothers of Invention. Two weeks later I was delighted to receive my order, along with a second copy in error!

    After playing them both in a single sitting I sold the one with the worst surface noise to my best mate, so thanks to Beardy I was quids in.

    Believe it or not Branson was not considered a bad egg in those days… he really only exploded into the cuntisphere during the 1990s and the coming of New Liebour.

  21. Flew economy Virgin Atlantic from London to Vegas once (awful place btw). The dire breakfast on the return leg consisted of a plate of carbs:

    a muffin, not an English muffin but an American style fairy cake affair
    a breakfast biscuit, like those Bel-vita things
    glass of something pretending to be orange juice

    Branson can sod off with his views and his rubbish airline food. I hope his island sinks.

  22. Is suicide squad still running? When brexit/UKIP romp the euro elections the cunt will have to do the honourable thing and eat his gun. (Hand engraved gold embellished Purdey, one of a pair of course) If I had his money I would employ a barber, then I would fuck a few movie starlets and buy a shitload of drugs. He has clearly approached it from the opposite direction and hasn’t got around to cutting the semen matted clumps from his facial hair yet, the cunt.

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