Nick Boles (2)

A real Hollywood style cunting, with lots of tears, applause and bouquets of pansies for Westminster’s biggest diva – artistic M.P. Nick Boles who resigned from the Conservative Party last night because parliament refused to accept his Brexit breaking compromise “ver 2.0”.

Apparently before he minced out of the chamber he was “close to tears” a d as he did so another tory MP was heard to say “Oh, no, don’t go Nick”

Isn’t that sweet – just like primary school.

On the contrary I say fuck off Nick, you mincing little creep:

Tory MP Nick Boles resigns saying party ‘cannot compromise’ on Brexit

There has been far too much indulgence from this bunch of self-important windbags. Two days of “indicative votes” with fuck all to show for it. Brexit should now be implemented. Also fuck Peter Kyle’s “affirmative public vote” – this is yet another “artistic” MP trying to thwart Brexit – like all his fellow travellers (I believe Ben Bradshaw co-signed Boles bill) they are terrified of Brexit. Why, for god’s sake?. They are a cowardly shower wobbling like a half set jelly.

Apparently Mr Boles, when he has blown his nose on his lace hankie is going to sit as an “Independent Conservative” – whatever that is.

Interesting though that yet another petulant MP who is Pro-Brexit has refused to join Chuka Umunna’s Vanity Project – which seems to be the Westminster equivalent of the Titanic. If I were Chuka, if he wants to stay in the palace of the pompous I’d start crawling up the capacious arsehole of Tom Watson – he seems to be the future of the Labour party – what a comforting thought for Labourites, a man who looks like a 1950s union leader. Just to be entirely authentic Slubberguts Watson should break the arm iof his glasses and repair them with Elastoplast – for that full 1950 flavour.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

Gaylord and Tory EU loving cunt resigned the whip because he couldn’t get his way. Like anybody cares what this self important prick thinks. He was already up for deselection so no doubt he is angling for another job sticking his tongue up yet another arse.
This is the cunt who had to pay back £679 of expenses he claimed for Hebrew lessons so he could communicate with his Israeli “wife.”
Yeah, fuck off Boles and don’t come back cunt.

Nominated by Freddie the Frog

92 thoughts on “Nick Boles (2)

  1. I am glad the Princess Boles has appeared here nice and quick. I have just seen this on the BBC website – I think Chuckaduckie forgets that in the land of the midgets he is a micro-midget:

    “The Independent Group’s Chuka Umunna says he would not stand in the way of the PM’s deal if it is put to a confirmatory referendum.”

    It is obvious if May is stupid enough to allow a “confirmatory” referendum, not only will the ponces and pansies turn up the heat of Project Fear, but would take so much time we would have to go through the pointless EU elections. Surely even she can’t be that stupid? Can she???

  2. Same old fucking story. Sorry to be repetitive but comfortable privileged family, Winchester, Oxford, Harvard. Never had a proper job. Elected as MP for Grantham and Stamford in 2010 and has been caught fiddling his expenses since then. What a total waste of fresh air this bloke is. And you muppets in Grantham and Stamford who elected him are cunts too. He wants to end winter fuel payments, free bus travel and free prescriptions for pensioners. A member of the Bilderberg mafia striving for world domination and enslavement by the rich and powerful He had a brain tumour in 2016 from which he recovered. Unfortunately. No I will not apologise for that last comment. He’s a piece of privileged filth out for himself so fuck him. Let him die. Soon.

  3. Ever notice these days how our politicians love the attention and the centre stage?

    This flouncing woofter, like so many of our fucking so-called elites, keep focussing on how THEY are affected by the process of the EU negotiations, and how THEY are compromised by contrary public opinion.

    But it isn’t THEM who have to deal with the consequences of being a slave state to the ever-increasingly totalitarian European parliament. It will be US that get the shitty end of the stick.

    • Yes TECB, a good few absolutely love the attention and drama of Mays Brexshit mess and are treating the whole thing like a Westminster Big Brother saga of bitching, backstabbing and betrayal. Is your nephew still in the thrall of Compo and co?

      • Still Labour to the core sadly.

        He’s been remarkably different though since the GCSEs
        last year. Still something of a cunt, but the exceptional flamboyance and attention-seeking has notably died down. I’ve no idea why the change. Always has and always will be a spoilt, entitled individual but that’s a lot more tolerable than the ‘in-your-face’ socialist of yore.

      • When “still something of a cunt” is seen as a (sort of) positive, shows the extent of cuntishness permeating society.

      • I suppose it is because of the theatrical nature of Parliament that many homos decide to go into politics – that and the fact they don’t have to get their hands dirty with ordinary work, and can feel a bit above their fellow citizens.

        I get as sick of the Boles shower going on about gay rights as I do for Lammy and Abbot and their black power bullshit, and of course the never ending dreary feminist crap of Bulldyke Cooper most of the Labour party and even bits of the Tories now.

      • Plenty of cheap booze and bumming opportunities attracts them like flies to shit.
        Many a young intern will have been introduced to deviancy in the cradle of democracy.
        Oh that it should be burnt to the ground ……..
        Get to fuck.

      • Corbyn May, but it is very unlikely.

        May is an old has-byn.

        My happiest news today was that Steptoe has been doing his bit for the Army – as a target for the Paras.
        And the silly old cunt was on the news bleating about how disgraceful violence against politicos is.
        Read your history books, Steptoe. I think your spiritual mentor/”facilitator” got an ice-pick in the head…

  4. It’s all action today. Completely random action. Think waters reddening as thousands of piranha feast on a drowning tapir. Another Tory’s jumped because May won’t do ‘no deal’, Yvette Cooper’s wrecking motion is to be rushed through in a day with the undisguised collaboration of Bercow, Last night’s proposal was apparently to have a transferable vote ballot* of MP’s with four choices: May deal, Corbyn deal, revoke or no deal. No separate re-referendum option, but that’s hidden in the Catweazel choice as the Blairites are pushing for it.

    I’ve run out of cunts to call the cunting cunts.

    *No precedent: making it up as they go along.

    • Violence against women, regardless of provocation, is usually never acceptable under any circumstances.

      But Yvette Cooper does desperately need a solid open-hander.

      • No she doesn’t. The devious cocksucking cunt needs the full on iron fist applied to her ugly, duplicitous face.

  5. He claimed for Hebrew lessons so he could talk to his gay Israeli lover. Is this a good use of public money? I would like some Hebrew lessons myself to more fully understand Biblical references. But I doubt it would be paid for by the government. I bet RT would like them to communicate more closely with Mossad. Mr Fiddler as well. I have noticed Hebrew script turnig up in some of his posts. Komodo could lip read Labour party meetings. I am sure there are many on here who wound like to learn the language. I’ll write a letter asking him specifically what Hebrew phrases are commonly used in Jewish gay pillow talk. Then Krav could verify their authenticity. See if our money has been well spent.

  6. Good he can now get a proper job just like the rest of us Now where’s my paintball gun and picture of the cunt

  7. I don’t understand. EU cunts have said there’s the deal and none of any of all of it is up for negotiation. So why is May talking to anyone? We have 2 options, EU deal or no deal.

    • Not if Yvette ‘Sugartits’ Cooper and Oliver ‘Poll Tax’ Letwin get their way CnR.

      They are currently tabling a bill to ensure the UK can no longer exit the EU without a deal, overriding BY LAW the Article 50 position that without a deal would leave with No Deal by default.

      If it passes, Parliament will be throwing away the one remaining card UK has left to play in the Brexit ‘negotiations’.

      Voting will take place tomorrow, I believe.

      • That shit motion has made it to stage two after being voted through by a majority of 1!! If they make no deal illegal I might run in to the commons and blow myself up………all in support of them obviously, because they clearly want open borders so any Alan Snackbar can just turn up with a ticking vest.

      • Bill Cash absolutely exasperated RT. He has just said that this ‘Bill’ they are debating now (which is essentially a private member’s bill) could possibly cost…wait for it…a ‘possible 90 billion pounds’. So a private members bill (which usually deals with dog fouling or some such trivial thing) could cost us 90 million pounds. Farce does not do justice the riduclousness of what is happening right now.

      • £90 billion you say Miles? If that’s the case let’s hope sense prevails (for once) and the bill is lost at the final stage.

      • They are ignoring the will of the people. And whether you like it dislike May’s deal they are ignoring the government. As Cash said this is ‘sheer hubris’. They have usurped the powers of the executive. The whole thing is being made up on the hoof. A Bill would usually take months to bring forward. They are doing it in hours.

      • Jolyon Maugham is about as Remoan as it gets. But even he thinks Cooper/Letwin’s bill is garbage:

        The bill is completely silent as to what happens if the EU imposes – as it has signalled it would – conditions for such an extension. Even if the EU came back to us without any conditions for an extension – highly unlikely because EU law seems to require that we hold elections – but just offering an extension to a different date to the one we’d asked for, the bill completely falls apart. All it says is that the PM has to move another motion in which the house again agrees to the prime minister seeking an extension of time – which makes no sense at all.

        At this stage we’re at next Thursday and we leave the EU without a deal on Friday. How on earth – in practice – do we resolve these unanswerables in two days? And what happens if the EU says a flat no to an extension – or the conditions are unacceptable to parliament? The bill maintains a lofty silence.

        It’s not uncommon for parliamentarians to put forward poorly drafted bills. Legislative drafting is a difficult exercise. But the real problem with this bill is not that it has some gaping holes in it. The real problem is that it’s a sideshow.

  8. Apparently it is ‘ not acceptable’ for squaddies to take shooting practice at a photograph of Jeremy Corbyn.
    I think its very very acceptable.
    Why not bazooka practice of a Flabbott image while there about it.

    • I think it shows a complete lack of professionalism and respect shooting at an image of Jeremy Corben. They should be shooting at the man himself.

    • If it had been a picture of Sir Nigel they were taking pot shots at it would just have been a jolly old ? ? laugh.
      As for Boles getting a “proper job” he would have been sacked on the spot for theft. Yes, that’s what it is, FUCKING THEFT. Being a Nancy and paying it back might have saved him from the coppers but they still would have kicked his thieving bent arse down the road.

    • Yea just as I thought I couldn’t love our armed forces any more than I do, I see a fantastic video of them paying their respects to a fully verified enemy of our country.
      What pisses me off is 2 things…
      1. Why the fuck are the army describing it as “unacceptable” and a “lack of judgement”. They should just say “yea. So? Fuck Jeremy Corbyn.”
      And 2. It was only a poster. Next time get the real thing lads.
      And shoot that mincing cunt Boles while you’re at it.
      And the rest of them for that matter.
      Especially labour though.
      And the snp.

    • It would have been preferrable had it been a live fire exercise with Steptoe actually on the range, the cunt

    • I think a bunker-buster bomb is needed to destroy a picture of the Flabbapotamus.

    • Also McDonnell, Berkoff, Sourberry et al….

      Often pics are used when it’s a dips issue.
      They can always claim that they’re defending the frail little Steptoe from a rampaging hippo…

  9. How desperate is Mavis, sucking the Steptoe cock to get Labour votes for her BRINO deal? Inviting the cunt to Downing Street will only stiffen his resolve to force a General Election and take up permanent residence himself, the crafty old bastard.
    I hope they check his pockets on the way out. I can see him riding away on his bike with a portrait of Ramsey McDonald under his arm.

    • Would love to be a fly on the wall when Steptoe presents Tango Man with a bust of Karl Marx to replace the one of Churchill in the Oval Office.

      Have a feeling the sanctimonious cunt would be leaving with a broken bloody snout and two black eyes.

      Come to think about it, Steptoe would refuse to sit down with Trump, he’d spend all his time huddled in Downing Street with Hamas and Hezbollah instead.

  10. I watched this dames pantomime performance on you tube….

    With his voice trembling and tear drops not far away he told the house
    “ he had given everything “ ? To do what precisely you weasel worded wanker?
    Oh yeh that’s right you have tried every which way to water down Brexit !
    That’s it! Bravo cunt!
    He then flounced out like the spineless deceitful man baby he is , one fucking fool called out “ oh come on nick don’t go” are you kidding me?
    Then the fuckers applauded this prick!
    Yeh applauded a man who defied the 60% of his constituents who voted leave……
    personally the only place I would like to see boles is under a bus!!
    If I saw him drowning i would go and put a hose pipe in his mouth…….


    • I thought the “Oh come on Nick don’t go” cunt was being sarcastic!


      • Not 100% RTCP
        But the clapping wasn’t
        Because 75% of them are complete cunts I’m going with the man was serious

      • Yes I know the cunt wasn’t being sarcastic Q, but that was my initial impression watching it live. My response was “fuck off”.

        Find myself shouting that an awful lot recently. We have radios and TVs dotted all around the house, even in the bathroom… I go from one room to another shouting “fuck off” at the radio /TV, cos they’re all talking non stop bollocks.

        Think I picked the habit up reading Dick Fiddler’s posts…

      • Evening RTC.

        Be careful when sending a letter not to replace the “yours sincerely” with ” Fuck Off”. I’ve caught myself a couple of times,Fuck knows how many times it’s slipped through unnoticed.

        🙂 .

      • Evening Dick – unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) am unable to hold my quill pen steady long enough to write letters these days due to a chronic shaking with rage.

      • It does sound sarcastic RTCP but although deemed to be the lowest form of wit it would be beyond most at the HOC …..

      • Sarcasm is the cheapest form of wit

        And still far too valuable to be wasted on a bunch of scrotes at Wetminster.

    • Q, Widow Twanky will be suing you for slander and insulting the proud reputation of Panto Dames by calling this pathetic, peanut-faced, powder-puff MP one.

      “Boles….it’s be-hind you!”

      “What is?”

      “Your career.”

      • Not once he’s under a bus captain!!
        I particularly hate MPs who represent leave areas ignoring their constituents decision!! Fucking disgraceful behaviour……..

  11. I heard his resignation speech on radio fucking four yesterday, complete with the ‘oh, don’t go’ remark. Why someone didn’t say ‘it’s the first constructive thing you’ve done, you cunt’, is beyond me.
    I am starting to warm to the idea of a general election, simply because cunts like him and Sourberries, and quite a few other pricks who have gone against their constituents wishes regarding Brexit. Not too enamoured with the alternatives, or the prospect of cockpuppet Corbyn getting anywhere near the levers of power. Then again, May has asked for his consent, so he’s practically there.
    Go eat a bag of junkie shit.

  12. So, at the next election, he hasn’t a party to stand on behalf of. The Tories in the local party will have selected another candidate who will hopefully, closely mirror the wishes of the constituency.

    Bye bye you public pot stealing, sad snowflake, ever whinging cunt.

    • Pretty boys for Boles to drool over – let’s just hope he don’t give them everything.

  13. I see Bercow has finally woken up and put an end to the “as-dickheads we vote” due to be held on Monday.

    9 days fellow cunters, 9 days and it can’t tick by quick enough.

    • This doesn’t prevent the Letwin rent boy/Cooper mangirl ‘no to no deal’ vote next week, so a real Brexit is far from being in the bag, old chap.

      • May could stop this tonight ( but only if she wanted to ) but she won’t. Johnson and his cohorts, could stop this tonight ( if he really wanted to ). The DUP could also stop this tragedy ( if they too wanted ) But they won’t.

        Im afraid the establishment will never allow us to leave, unless of course we decided to revolt. We too could stop all of this ( but we won;t )

        We are fucked .

      • I know, but I can’t give up hope just yet. And if all else fails, then 17.4m of us can get someone in power that will. It’s got to happen, I don’t know a single Leave voter that would now vote to remain.

  14. Yet another arse-fondling career politician who sees his position as a gateway to personal wealth and power. Serving their constituents and the country to the very best of their ability is the last thing on their mind.

    Voting fodder is something to fawn over and pursue when they need votes for seats. After that, their constituents can go and fuck themselves as far as the likes of Boles are concerned.

    Good fucking riddance to this anal-weevil with an overweening sense of his own importance. This prick would be better suited mingling with the likes of Elton John and David Furnish on their yacht and enjoying lubricated saveloy parties.

    The cunt.

  15. There’s a great article in the Spectator this week by Lionel Shriver, American author of many wonderful novels and short stories. She imagines a reversed scenario were Remain won but the Government pushed for Leave: Quite a fascinating read.

    She also tells of the frightening Somalian in Italy last week who kidnapped a bus load of children but wasn’t mentioned AT ALL in the British press despite being a petrifying story.

      • I’d be surprised if there were any Somalias left, Empire. They’re all over here. Haven’t you heard them on buses or trains?

        “Grrrg abowya rrrr dg dg brwa wa”

        Sounds like a 90s internet dialling up.

      • Thinking of buying a flat in Albania…you can get a massive apartment in Sarande which is half an hour by boat to Corfu for abaaaht 20 grand…the last place in the Med where you can get a bargain.
        Food is mostly organic and you can fuck to Corfu and hang abaaaaht wiv the Ex pat ‘Doing the Lambeth walk’ cunts.

      • Don’t do it, B&W. Outside of Tirana it’s full of goat-herders, and you wouldn’t want to actually live in Tirana. Don’t forget, Albania is a Möslem country.

        The Albanians here are all coke-dealers. They come here for a smash’n’grab lifestyle working as soldiers for the big bosses. Get caught, sentenced to three years, halved for admitting Guilt then the three months added: 21 months bang-up but they might’ve made half a million before then. Time worth doing. Plus after deportation they’re straight back.

        They were more furious than anyone back in late June 2016, raging about Brexit. They’ve got their application in to join the EU protectionist racket and now aren’t able to flood here legally when they’re given the Reich green light.

        Unless, of course, we’re still attempting to leave by then….

  16. The cunt Carney has this afternoon yet again lifted his coffin lid to restate the perils of a no-deal Brexit. Can’t someone send this moose-fucking Queeb back to the icy wastelands of Canada?


    • A pound-shop Jimmy Stewart tribute act who has been paid an utter fortune of a salary and board, all on the taxpayer, just to demonstrate every few months just what a clueless, incompetent Remainer shill he is.

      The fucking cunt deserves to be German suplexed repeatedly.

  17. As a Calypso Singer who came to the UK from Sugar Cane Island, on the Windrush in the ‘ 50’s , I am delighted to hear that the government has set up a compensation fund worth hundreds of millions of pounds.
    You White Honkeys are gonna pay !
    Up town, top rankin’ to fuck.
    Best wishes,

  18. Boles is a shithouse, hopefully the same electorate that voted this cunt in as their MP deselect him.

    Patronising cunts of MP’s who vote against the majority of their electorate’ wishes deserve to be flogged with barbed wire although this arse bandit might get off on that, fuck off with your histrionics you mincer

  19. All my life ive been slagged off by cunts coz I resolutely refuse to vote in any election,local,general or referendum.Ive always told the cunts voting is a con,a sham.Well after this Brexshit fiasco not too many cunts seem so surprised at my attitude.Its violence or the threat of violence that gets things done.Perfect example: The Royal Family.How the fuck do cunts think they got to be top dog? Through a voting process? Nope one of their ancestors murdered and butchered his way to the top of the heap.Nothing else works.

    • But my beloved authority figures always repeatedly told me that violence never solves anything ?

    • Is that you drowning Brexit worries or celebrating a Windrush windfall B&WC? David Lammy has just ‘discovered’ he had three uncles and six cousins effected by the heartless honky toff, Amber Dudd’s actions.

      • I’m after my part on the windrush pot and I’m also claiming for my distant Whitey ancestors who the Roman’s took the whole of London from…that means I am owed the whole of London as well…I told them I identify as King Afro Arthur and if they refuse they are racist and Arthurist. I am on to a winner.

  20. Anarchy in the UK is coming someday and MAYbe……..

    I never really thought that we would come anywhere near Anarchy but I was wrong, never a clue that Anarchy would not be on the street but in Parliament.

    Strange times we live in.

  21. It is outrageous that UK armed service personnel were shooting at targets with Jeremy Corbyn:s face on them with pistols. He was why not a GPMG? An RPG? An UZI of after all they come from Israel!

    • If I were a politician id be shitting me pants coz pretty soon it aint photos on targets that people will be shooting at its gonna be the real flesh and blood mccoy.

    • Never mind shooting at a cardboard cut out of the cunt, and don’t fuck about with UZIs.
      Stand the pernicious cunt against a wall, and shoot him with a Merkava.

  22. It would seem Mr. Fawkes was quite the visionary even though he was a cunt agent of the cunt pope.

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