Meaningful votes

Last night the 600 odd cunts in Parliament against failed to agree on bugger all. Quel surprise!

So now the news is that the Cunt of the Year is going to bring her shit deal back for another go. How many fucking times does a meaningful vote have to be declared meaningless??? How long will it be before she gets the fucking message that nobody likes it on either side of the divide???

Some good news tonight though – a recent poll puts Labour on 26% and the Tories on 6% with UKIP on 18% and the Brexit Party on 28%. So if UKIP and Nigel make a pact not to contest the same seats, that’s a thumping great landslide majority.

And no. This is not an April fool joke.

I suspect however that our leader is not listening. Like the last European dictator in his bunker, May is busy moving her non existent armies around the map of Europe…

Nominated by Dioclese

75 thoughts on “Meaningful votes

  1. Treasoner May is like a drug-dealer selling shit, watered-down junk and addicted to her own woeful product. Nobody wants this compromised crap except the salivating cunts placed into power in the EU Rats club. Not even the bilious Chicken-Littles of Project Fear really want it.

    A fourth vote for the Fourth Reich’s deal. Cunts. Procrastination is the thief of time.

    • The Remainers are always using that phrase; ‘running down the clock’. But in a way that’s what this whole business has been about; running down the clock. We old fuckers need to pop our cloggs and fuck off. Then our young voters can get the right decision in another referendum.

      • Let the Remoaners have another referendum in 41 years. That’s how long the country had to wait between the one in 1975 and 2016.

        Brief aside: in March 1975, criticising the In/Out referendum proposed by Labour PM Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher called referendums “a device of dictators and demagogues”

        The question on the 1975 ballot paper read:

        “Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?”


        Leader of the Opposition Margaret Thatcher argued vigorously in favour of staying…

      • Every time it is the same motherfuckers names behind the delaying tactics – Yvette Cooper, and her fellow wimmin Dominic Grieve and Hilary-Nancy Benn.

        I just wish Ed Balls would give Cooper a really good seeing to and fuck her so hard she would have to stay in bed for a week.

        If the EU elections take place at a cost of at least £110 million we will have this bunch of old cunts to thank for it.

    • Yep, my money is on a huge sway towards UKIP / Brexit Party after this debacle.
      I’m more drawn towards Gerrard Batten than Farage now.

  2. May is a stubborn old hag. Daily Fail reports that most of her cabinet now backs No Deal. So let’s see!

    Can no longer watch the shenanigans in Parliament, it is disgusting.

    Why can’t Francois or Mogg put down Free Trade Deal as an option?

    Suspect that if the best possible deal with all the picked cherries were offered by the EU that the bloody Labour party, SNP etc would vote against it anyway.

    Can’t take it anymore.

  3. Everyone is sick of the sight of this whining bitch. She needs to resign, fuck off and don’t come back.

  4. Sorry to go off-Roading…

    A quick takeaway cunting for James Corden who’s criticised the exclusion of “chubby” people in films and on TV, saying they “never really fall in love… never have sex”. The corpulent tv turd added that “certainly no-one ever finds you attractive” on screen if you are a larger size.

    Could I suggest a salad? Perhaps if this wobbler resisted the Diane Flabbot diet and told proper jokes he’d be more alluring, though I doubt it. He’s so fat his belly button has an echo.

    • I knew he was a cunt but not a ‘Fat Acceptance’ bore.

      What a tubby little bitch.

    • What the fuck is this unctious, celebrity arse licking buffoon on about? Doesnt he realise one of the most popular forms of pornography is the BBW(Big Beautiful Women) genre? Fat babes dripping excess flesh with X-Large bums and tits.I personally love em with a bit of meat on the bone.Fucking Fat Ugly Corden the obnoxious cunt.

  5. Sugartits bill to stop No Deal Brexit to be debated tomorrow, supported by the usual shower of shite:

    Sir Oliver Letwin, Hilary Benn, Dame Caroline Spelman, Jack Dromey, Alison McGovern, Dominic Grieve, Clive Efford, Stephen Doughty, Norman Lamb, Ben Lake and Stewart Hosie…

    Voting on Thursday.

    • Bunch of remoaner fucking cunts. They can all fuck off the whining bitches.

    • Gobshites the lot of em! The lot of them are treacherous duplicitous cunts of the highest order that are living on borrowed time

  6. Pleonasm boils my piss until I spasm. Would some kind soul please explain to me the necessity of using the adjective ‘meaningful’ to describe a vote. Are not all votes ‘meaningful’ and, therefore, the use of the adjective is redundant. Or do I need to be disabused? Is there another universe whose inhabitants engage in meaningless votes? Oh crikey! The penny’s just dropped. Meaningless vote = decision of the people. Meaningful vote = decision of powerful privileged cunts without reference to the people. Or: Referendum = meaningless; Commons Vote = meaningful.

    • It’s a bit like the phrase “peoples vote” for a second referendum. Who voted in the first one – a nation of fuckin’ chimps? I suppose it might as well have been considering how much they’ve been listened to.

  7. UKIP and Brexit party make a pact?

    Completely logical and utmost common sense, but when did logic and common sense last apply to anything to do with politics? Look at the farce going on at the moment with MP’s changing their vote from one way to the other FOR THE SAME FUCKING DEAL!!

    The cunts at the EU and traitor cunt May have had their fair share of chances and between them have totally fucked it along with democracy. Neither the now deserves a deal and we should just leave without one.

    Can you see Nigel having anything to do with a party that he only recently left because of its association with Tommy Robinson? Even if it meant Brexit may not happen? Thought it a really bad move by UKIP at the time. Sure egos will get in the way. Look what has happened to the UKIP leadership in recent years. But what the fuck do I know.

    Our local Labour MP (Sandy “LGBT” Martin against the EU’s/May’s supposed hard (but diarrhoea in content), but for the four options yesterday, the supposed soft deal (but nothing more than brown shitty water) which is NOT what the 58% of Ipswich who voted to Leave voted for.

    Fucked of like millions of others with the process being adopted. Cannot even be bothered to watch anymore- lost confidence with EVERYTHING in this country.

    Watched for about 15 minutes a police documentary last night about a well known drugs dealer who was trying to flee the country to Spain for being involved with a LARGE quantity of drugs. Involving two police forces. No one seemed to know what the fuck was going on and lots of confusion. One police force was waiting for an experienced senior officer from a neighbouring police force familiar with the case to turn up whilst the culprit was in the cells and with his solicitor waiting, when she did eventually turn up over an hour late with her handbag, said she was there to assist but knew very little about the case. Staggered that either force agreed to this being televised as both shown to be incompetent arseholes. Switched off after 15 minutes angry about how fucking useless this country has become. One of the police forces had stuffed teddies in it! FFS.

    Look at the difference in attitude in the immigration and customs officials between the USA, Australia and the UK? The UK is an embarrassment with the standards it sets from the minute you fucking arrive into the country. Filthy airports, scruffy officials and lax authority.

    Regardless of what happens with Brexit this country is well and truly FINISHED.

    • If Nigel and Gerard Batten can’t come together on this, the Leave vote will be split. I believe Nigel has been fingered by the globalists, as I said a while back, so the Leave campaigns / parties need to consolidate right now

      • Nigel is 200% behind a No Deal WTO Brexit. Is that part of the globalist plot?

      • In recent months Ruff Tuff I’ve gone off Farage, he seems to blow hot air then stand back and let the shit flow.
        Much prefer Gerard Batten, not much experience I know. But he comes across more statesman like and if he supports Tommy Robinson then that’s fine by me what ever the outcome.

      • Good evening Fenton – unfortunately Batten is unlikely to receive broader electoral support with Tommy on board…

        Looks like the right-wing vote will be split 3 ways… not good for anyone fearing a Catweasel administration.

  8. Can’t wait, Dio…

    AAAGH! Far Right Populist RACIST Nazis STORM to POWER in RIGGED Election!!!
    In Other News:
    Four Horsemen Sighted in Wigan
    Tony Blair Signed for 24-hour Daily Slot on Radio 4
    Dog Bites Immigrant Who Is Awarded Pedigree Chum for Life

  9. Dear Maj,
    Every wanker in the Westminster shithouse has sworn an oath of loyalty to you.
    So could you please dissolve Parliament and take over yourself, you must be able to do better than this shower of cunts. I don’t mind if Phil sticks his oar in but keep Charlie boy out if you don’t mind.
    Yours Sincerely,

    Freddie (a loyal subject)

    • PS You might care to put Anne in charge of running things if it’s a bit much for you. She’s great wid controlling horses, so MP’s would be a doddle for her.
      K. O’Modo, Newmarket

    • She no longer has the power to dissolve Parliament Freddie. Taken away by the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011. All she can do is prorogue Parliament but that’s just delaying things. She can’t get rid of the cunts. When she goes this country goes with her. RIP UK.

      • Power grows out of the barrel of a gun (Mao Zhedong)

        and HM Forces swear allegiance to the Crown, not Parliament.

        Thus –

        I (Komodo), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.

        Nothing about Dominic Grieve there that I can see.

  10. A cross-party group of MPs has put forward a bill to prevent a no-deal Brexit in law.

    Brexit: MPs push to prevent no-deal in law

    The bill would require the PM to ask for an extension of Article 50 – which allows the UK to leave the EU – beyond the current exit date of 12 April.

    Labour MP Yvette Cooper has presented the bill in the Commons, for debate on Wednesday.

    Just let us fucking leave you stupid undemocratic bitch.

      • The EU has been giving us one for the last 40 years, and their treasonous numbers are increasing daily.

      • And we’ve given the EU over half a trillion in the past 46 years.

        They’ll keep extending the deadline till our £39 billion is securely deposited in the Bundesbank.

    • I would love for us to leave without a fuckin deal just so I can see sugar tits face and the rest of those odious traitors.

  11. They had the best part of fucking 3 years to sort Brexit out.

    3 years of handwringing, political posturing and fear of committing to anything which might upset anyone.

    And to fellow leave voters – do not be fooled for ine minute into thinking that May is the only cunt in all this. Gove, Johnson, Rees-Mogg etc have all been cunts in this debacle.

    • Note how Boris immediately switched to back May’s “vassal state” Deal the moment she promised to step down after it got voted it through, mme…

      Fat lazy cunt.

      • They are all a bunch of useless fucking turds RTCP.

        Not an ounce of decency or social responsibility between them.


  12. I’m so fucking ready for this disorderly exit over the cliff edge into chaos.

    It sounds way more appetizing than the consistent political ‘orderly/orrdaaahhh!!’ diarrhoea being pressure washed across my eardrums every day.

  13. YouTube restricts Tommy Robinson channel.

    YouTube has placed more restrictions around the video channel of English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.

    Clips uploaded by Mr Robinson have been removed from search results and he is blocked from streaming live events via the site.

    Whatever happened to free speech. Gone but not forgotten. Wonder whether the same will apply to Jon Snow and Diane Abbott?

    • Yet I can find hours of speech from the lips of no less a person than Adolf Hitler on you tube !

      • It’s the final nail in the coffin for free speech. I notice posters in bus stops getting big babies to report hate crime if someone calls them a nasty name. It’s nothing more than the suppression of free speech. You can have an opinion as long as it’s the right opinion or to be more precise the Left opinion.

      • Think it is just videos posted directly by him. Third party clips about him permissible. Could be mistaken but think that’s right.

      • Last one posted by him, one day ago . You’re probably correct WS. Bastards aren’t they. Not happy till we are all brain dead, thumbs up arses, three bags full, sheep. Easier to herd that way by Politicians and EU, with a dislike and fear of anyone who rattles their cages. Chin up Willie, fear the worst, hope for the best, though we may not see it in our life span.

  14. Meaningful vote and People’s vote belong in Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
    The MPs pushing this crap are a disgrace.
    Whichever way the majority of their constituents voted should be the way these weasel faced cunts should vote on Brexit.

  15. Sugartits is becoming a right pain in the Brexicles.
    Who will rid us of this flat chested democracy denier ?
    Afternoon gentlemen.

  16. So MP’s have taken back control.
    You wouldn’t have thunk it, fucking useless and embarrassing cunts,waffling on.
    They couldn’t control their own bladders.
    Get to fuck.

  17. Superbly put, Dio. I’m sick of the sight of all those cunts in Parliament. Even seemingly rock solid types against Maybot’s deal (step forward Boris and a former hero Rees-Mugg) now seem to be backing her ‘suicide vest’ plan.
    I’ve just sent off my subs to The Brexit Party, and can only urge all like-minded individuals to do the same.

    • BBC are going to go into overdrive to discredit the Brexit party. With SLY doing the same.

    • I’d say that, considering what has happened since, that vote was probably the most meaningless vote in history.

  18. It will matter not once Yvette ‘the fucking traitor’ Cooper gets her motion to make No Deal illegal later this evening. No matter what option is chosen after that, it will be a form of remain. A shame too, I enjoyed watching Ann Widdecombe, who I’m not a fan of normally, shut down Gina Miller recently regarding her ridiculous comments about no deal being a disaster. In a sort of spiteful way, I hope we remain and another recession hits as the EU implodes under it’s own bullshit. That way at least I can walk the streets in my bread bags for shoes shouting “I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO, YOU THICK CUNTS”!!!!!!

  19. I think BoatyMcBoatface was the test pilot for this one, we didn’t riot then so surely not now

  20. Simple question.

    Why are MP’s seemingly intent on the continued and prolonged ruination of this once great country?

    Or do they see continued open borders and unlimited unskilled immigration,the negative effects this has on local communities, the inevitable breakdown of society, the increase in crime and the pressure this puts on essential services as a good thing?

    Perhaps they really don’t they really give a fuck about this country any more. If this is the case they should resign.

    In our local news today from our local Pro EU arse wipe

    “74% of Suffolk natives responding to a survey said migration had a positive impact on their area”. I’ve yet to meet ANYONE who agrees with this statement. Most if not all will tell you IPSWICH is turning into a fucking unsafe crime ridden SHITHOLE.

    Perhaps our local Labour MP can come to the rescue of the 58% of the people who voted to leave the EU. Oh no, that cant be right, although the Labour manifesto at the time was to leave the EU and single market/customs union the fucking cunt has voted to Remain.

    Sorry for the rant again about our local cunt MP, I really do need to get away.

    • What they don’t say is that the sample of people they sent the survey to should have 100% responded positively but only 74% did. Cunts.

    • I think if you could find out Willie. Most these remainer cunts in Parliament have vested interest staying on the Eu gravy train. Hessletine for instance , he’s very vocal about staying in it , then you find out his land is heavily subsidised by the Eu.

      • Where does EU money come from? The UK taxpayer, that’s who. It’s a racket, and Heseltine knows his nice little earner will dry up if we get out on WTO.

  21. “Why are MP’s seemingly intent on the continued and prolonged ruination of this once great country?”

    Because Mr Stroker they are ALL pledged to implement the 90 year old plan of one of the “revered” Fathers of the EU Count Kalergi.This half breed with a giant Block on his shoulder met a certain Lord Rothschild in 1923,who promised to fund the Counts dream of a United Europe.In 1925 the good Count published his book Praktischer Idealismus in German(His father was a kraut,mother a Jap).This tome has still not been fully translated into English despite being one of the Ur texts advocating a United States of Europe.A few snippets that have been translated:
    “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice.”
    And this particular gem:
    ““Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe has educated this people into a future leader-nation through an artificial selection process.”
    Basically the indigenous races of Europe must be bred out of existence via unrestricted immigration of non whites into Europa.Get the picture?

    • This is in full swing in Bradford and surrounding West Yorkshire towns and cities. The white English race is closing in on being a minority and other races are taking over, in some cases literally by force with masses of breeding and crime, forcing schools and restaurants to include halal food and Urdu text. Making neighbourhoods unwelcoming and unliveable. If this is the future dream of an inclusive Europe, it can get fucked. There is no positive to this way of living. Muslims and Christians will never peacefully cohabit. Their dogmatic, backwards religion wouldn’t allow it and I wouldn’t want to be associated with it. Fuck this broken country.

    • I certainly do CR- Us, we are a threat. And we’ve got to go, one way or t’other.

      • I’m not getting into a fight. Just saying there is no conspiracy theory but ‘they’ have certainly had an effect on this process.

        Just rattiling round my brain these last couple of days. John Bercow Jewish. Has made unfavourable decisions towards Leave. Oliver Letwin Jewish our new unofficial PM subverting Leave you could say. Then it occurred to me (because I believe this needn’t have ever gone to the floor of the house) the Supreme Court (many of whom are Jewish) ruled that Parliament had to have a say. Maybe I’ll throw in the manufactured Antisemitic Crisis in the Labour Party desabalising the situation further. But then the conspiracy theory breaks down. Because Berger and Ryan are Remainers.

        What I said above there is no conspiracy theory but they are very much involved in steering the political direction of the country.

      • Don’t see the point of your post Miles, unless you’re trying to blame the Jews for the Brexit mess we find ourselves in, yawn. Most of the lead players in this process are Christians, you probably think they’re just puppets of the Israeli Government? Double yawn.

        Regards to Mrs Plastic ?

      • …and there is sod all we can do about it, is there CuntsR-Us. Our only chance of happiness, or normality now, is to sink into armchair & let Alzheimer’s take over.

      • Or if you prefer, Sam Lowry’s final escape to freedom in the 1985 film Brazil.

  22. Fuck!
    seven hours in a cabinet meeting…..

    The plan is to talk to Steptoe.

    Good luck with that one!


    • Only couple of things left for dedicated Leavers,Civil Disobedience and/or violent insurrection.

    • Well… she failed to throw the last election and pass the poison chalice to Steptoe… now she’s asking him to share in the blame with her treasonous EU dictated vassal state ‘deal’.

      Let’s hope Steptoe changes the habit of a lifetime and refuses to help her sell our country down the river.

      • Steptoe is so confused now with the dame dancing around him he will probably go for no deal ?

        But in reality this can only mean a customs union, she has probably sent the cabinet brexiteers to the tower!

      • Maybe the hunchback is counting on Steptoe refusing to meet her, so she can pretend whatever happens next is all his fault.

        Ha ha – good luck with that!

  23. There are far more eloquent cunters who will express this better than me but….

    I’ve fucking had enough.

    Democracy is fucked up the arse (“and not in a good way”, as a dear departed friend of mine used to say).

    The weasely, spineless, self-serving cunts we call “politicians” will kick our EU exit down the road and – eventually – into the long grass. And no one will do a goddamn fucking thing about it.

  24. You really couldnt make it up,Maybot is basically telling the Nation Ive given up,its time for Labour to help me secure some form,any form,of Brexit.Ive never voted in my life coz I always knew that all British politicians piss in the same pot.I repeat: Only the threat or actual use of violence and the ensuing mayhem have ever enabled the plebs to get a piece of the pie.

    • She’s a cunt sucking cannibal and her breath smells of the rotting decay of democracy.
      We gave the world so much and now they pity us !!. On this bastards performance as PM, we should have told Emily Pankhurst and that crew, to keep doing what you’re doing, as they tried to trip horses up.
      Because it was a mistake giving them the vote.

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