John Boyne

A nomination for the author John Boyne. Just seen this twat on Sky news promoting his latest book for children, My Brother Jessica, which yes you guessed it, explores what families do when someone comes out as trans. Just leave kids alone and let them grow up naturally instead of instilling this nonsense in their young minds.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

41 thoughts on “John Boyne

  1. I saw that, his virtue signalling fell on stony ground as the trans community were mightily triggered by the title. They couldn’t comprehend Jessica’s fictional brother struggled to accept the transition.

    I look forward to the sequel , my late brother Fatima.

    • He looks like a typical Millwall fan. The fuckin slap headed Jessie. To quote Lycurgus “A lack of hair adds beauty to a good face and terror to an ugly one” (slightly modified)

      • Fuck off you silly cunt. What the fuck has this cunt got to do with Millwall? To quote Lycurgus fuck off you fucking clueless cunt get yerself off the computer and down the Den you wanker you might fucking learn something cunt

  2. I remember when I went to school in the 70’s/80’s..
    I don’t ever recall one case of “transgender bullshit”.. ADHD.. Autism or any of this shite that seems to be common place today…
    Must be something in the water…
    Oh… If your child isn’t vaccinated they will be excluded from everything ..
    Fuck off…

  3. It shouldn’t take a whole book to “explore what families do when someone comes out as trans”….Kick the Cunt out and disown it…..there you go, saved anyone having to read this Wanker’s deranged ramblings.

    Fuck Off.

    • There’s a theory that Madeleine McCann came out as trans and her parents couldn’t handle it.

      • Now don’t be too harsh on the Tapas brigade. They did hire a nanny, but then Louise Woodward went and cancelled on them.

      • Might be some truth in that RTC, because the same thing would have happened when i was young, my Dad would have killed me.
        And rightly so, the dirty perverted cunts !

      • I came out as heterosexual… fortunately my parents were very supportive and understanding.

  4. There’s always somebody with their magnus opus to sell. Future books:

    Sympathy for the drug-dealing stabber.
    Hug an Irish bomber.
    Men are from Mars, Women are World Leaders.
    Let me share your ISIL backpack, friend.
    Chicken soup for the paed0phile.

    • Also
      ‘Cookery Book’ by Heroff Thebox
      ‘I Dun it My Way’ by Bert Sleb (17)
      ‘ Learn Management Bollocks for Success ‘ by A. Suit

      and not forgetting the Creative Writing course template filled in with an eye to the Man Booker prize by just about everyone

      • I’m sending off my manuscript, The Bible (21st Century edition) by Wainwright Magnanimous:-

        ? Chapter One ?

        Don’t be a cunt.

        The End.

      • Surely the ‘Non Gender-Specific Booker Prize’…

      • Apologies. Slip of the PC there. Which reminds me it’s just about time for my annual compulsory online gender re-education course.

  5. I believe every Foetus should be carefully examined at 6 months by at least 100 medical experts and if for example a male foetus displays incipient signs of poofery and gayness a decision should be taken by the parents after extensive advice from the quacks,as to whether immediate hormone infusions should be administered in order to allow the baby to emerge in its preferred gender.Should save a lot of money and suffering in the long run.

  6. Do books like this really affect a child? I had read all of Sven Hassel’s books before I was 15.

    • Yes but Porta, Tiny & the Legionnaire never claimed to be gender misaligned. All this bollocks we’re seeing now comes from the minds of mentally ill cunts who think they’re special & have a right to tell other people how they should think & behave.

      • I do recall chief engineer wolfe whistling in his dogs to have a go on the prostitute he had just serviced in one of the russian novels…………
        Likewise you had the two gays who died on the armoured train in the Balkans (legion of the dammed 1957 I think).

    • Same here. But I am still looking for an 88 for the back garden. Fucking pigeons…(forthcoming cunting on pigeons, shooting, illegality of….I know.)

  7. More of the hopeless fucking politically correct shite that passes for literature these days. What sort of fuck head parent would give this to their kids to read? only Caroline Lucas and the Flabott.

    • Flabbot wouldn’t. It’s not about black trannies or buckets of KFC. Unless of course one of Lammy’s friends dies in it.

  8. Literature is fucked
    Film is fucked
    TV is fucked
    Popular music is fucked
    Football is fucked

    Political correctness… The modern equivalent of the Black Death…

    • On the plus side at least our democracy is not fucked?

      You are right Norman, difficult to think of something these days that isn’t well and truly fucked.

      Apart from Mrs Stroker obviously.

    • The PC brigade have succeeded in truly fucking modern culture. No proper books, or bands, or dissent. Narrow-minded mono q-ear has become not just the mainstream but the only publicly acceptable public expression.

  9. A cyncial cash-in at its finest, or rather its lowest.

    The cunt is just jumping on the whole ‘gender labels’ bandwagon hoping to make a fast and easy buck from all of the copious fucktard, PC, liberal twats who will buy this garbage for their children…..and make a buck he probably will, laughing all of the way to the bank.

    Nothing is sacred when it comes to children and childhood now, it seems. They cannot just live life without all of this utter shite being shoved in their faces at an age when firstly, they are far too young to really get to grips with it and secondly, when they should be allowed to enjoy some semblance of INNOCENCE without these cunts ‘preparing them’ for who they might turn out to be.

    Just fuck off, you do gooder cunts and in the words of ‘The Floyd’….


  10. I can see this pervert book being adopted by primary schools to compliment their poof and tranny teaching programme.
    (compulsory by law, except for peaceful schools)
    You have to hand it to the kiddy fiddlers……they’ve done a great job of sexualising children.
    Jimmy Savile was born too soon.

  11. My latest book is called “Buddha Is A Fat Cunt”….. well it worked for Rushdie.
    No such thing as bad publicity….

    • Good afternoon Mr. Cuntley. Buddhists aren’t renowned for ultra violence.
      I’d have a rethink if I were you. Something along the lines of ‘Muhammed was a Shit Stabbing Shi’ite ‘ should fire up the faithful.

  12. Splendidly off-topic (an apologia on request, MM, but I’m no connoisseur of this slap head’s œuvre, nor of any other of like kind): but after spending four years of my life in Ankara, I never realised that Turks had such a cutting sense of humour–

    One lives and learns.

    • Good god CS, I find this site extremely educational the more I go on it. I had to look up what oeuvre meant. There was I thinking it was to do with his “opening” and then relieved to find out it was his “body of work!”

      • I seem to recall a post anent* oeuvres Benedict , but I am probably mistaken.

        *seem to have slipped into Oxford don mode here, sorry.

      • That’ll be eggs Benedict not œufs Bénédictines, although the “œuvres” of J D Wetherspoon chefs expand apace.

        I recommend their Eggs Royale: admittedly no chef-d’œuvre, but a tidy bit of tucker all the same, washed down with a Guinness or two.

        This French business is becoming confusing, I fear.

  13. It would be a crying shame if this cunt gets recognised and knifed at the next Millwall match.

  14. That’ll be eggs Benedict not œufs Bénédictines, although the “œuvres” of J D Wetherspoon chefs expand apace.

    I recommend their Eggs Royale: admittedly no chef-d’œuvre, but a tidy bit of tucker all the same, washed down with a Guinness or two.

    This French business is becoming confusing, I fear.

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