We have seen this unelected (except by fellow cunts) twat do his best to overturn Brexit. Now the diminutive goblin lookalike wants to forbid Trump to address parliament.
A pointless tosser who has puffed himself up to deny the elected president of our greatest ally the courtesy of parliament. What the fuck is the point of parliament when insignificant cunts like Bercow are allowed so much say?
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Obnoxious cint he is, just becasue his wife fucked everyone he’s trying to fuck everyone from another direction.
This would be significant if it wasn’t for the fact that Trump is supposed to have said he has no intention of addressing Parliament. These puffed up twats still don’t get it do they? Who in their right mind would believe anything could be achieved by speaking to this disgusting shower of vacuous, self serving wankers? Lock them in the chamber with Heidi as they both deserve each other.
That should have been Greta (I want to be alone) Thunberg.
Has she taken a peaceful dick or a aspiring architect mmmm I think so
The worst cunt in the House of Cunts by far. Apparently he’s only hanging onto the Speakers Chair because his braindead wife has said she’ll divorce him as soon as he’s turfed out and can no longer keep her in style in the Speakers Apartments. What a bunch of freeloaders. Bollocks to Bercow.
Did you know that Berkowitz’s Dad was a Taxi driver?
Anyhow,why shouldnt Trump address Parliament?Cunts like Khrushchev and Benedict XVI were welcomed with open arms.Sure,Trumps a Cunt but then again every US President since Washingtons been some kind of cunt.
Pint sized heap of fecael matter. I would however pork his wife.
I believe there is a gap some two places behind me. Que quietly, and no pushing .
Uuuuurghh!! There’s not enough beer in the world ???
At my time in life Mr Bastard, I have to be somewhat less choosey. However, said lady has one of the cutest pussies I ( and the desk Sergeant at Embankment ) have ever seen. I will of course save you a place in the Que should you wish to reconsider !
Thanks but no thanks. She always makes me think of that skinny alien from the end of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” in a wig.
Except the alien was probably less “well travelled” ?
Well I would just too Jizz on her face
I’ve planked her a few times.
Who hasn’t?
A 5/10 if I’m being generous.
Bercow is a cunt: end of.
His wife is a dirty whore.
Total little Hitler cunt with a Napoleon complex the size of London itself.
Just like Sucdic Khan both are vindictive arrogant spiteful little shits who cannot control themselves and stay impartial.
HOPEFULLY he will be replaced soon as I’m fucking sick of him trying to shout order like a church mouse with asthma.
Both deserve a damn good thrashing .
They’re an absolute shower, old boy.
It seems that Parliament ( when it invented its own rules ) neglected to put in place any effective instrument to rid us of rogue members ( of which Bercow is ) They want rid of May , but cannot, and they want rid of Bercow, and they cannot. It also transpires that the eloquent lady wearing a tag following a serious criminal conviction cannot easily be forced out of her seat also.
I ask this. Is Parliament really fit to govern in any capacity ?
Most Workingmen’s Clubs have rules which would cover any of these little matters quite readily, and they too have rules that would take off the nuts of any committee member who transgressed.
I do believe that in the States, both President and other Appointees can be impeached for a myriad of reasons, and that additionally, each President has to pass an annual medical examination, one that explores mental capacity no less. ! Pity May was not seen by a shrink before appointment, the dear old cow really is in need of sectioning.
But Bercow lives! Simply because of the “Code of Honour ” attached to his post, which means that he is elected unopposed and that no one can stand against him. ???? “Code” ?? ” Honour ” Two bulshit words clearly least understood in the piss pot that is now our Government !
Bercow? A cunt !
Popmpous windbag abusing his power.
Pork Mrs beercow ? I couldn’t think of anything more repulsive, probably had more dickends than fecking weekends.
The noxious little prick has the sort of face I wouldn’t tire of whacking with my catshead hammer, overblown little windbag is an insult to the Mother of Parliaments.
Just another arrogant, vain.pompous,egotistical blowhard who believes that he knows better than “the Plebs”. No different to most of them in Parliament.
Lock the doors and Notre Dame the whole stinking rat’s nest of lying Cunts.
Fuck them.
Right on the money,Herr Fiddler.
Evening, Krav.
We get it, you fucking cunts. You all hate Trump. We know this because every hour of every day some cunt, aided and abetted by the media, screams about every conceivable aspect. I hope that these cunts will go and hide away for a couple of days, so the rest of us can commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings. This anniversary will without doubt the last major one that actual veterans can attend, as the youngest will be mid nineties, so probably won’t be many for the 80th. This is about remembering what these men, yes I went there, and the courage and sacrifice that was required to assault fortress Europe, and ultimately defeat the Nazis and liberate a whole continent.
Somehow though, I don’t think the cunts will leave it, as already the pricks with that pathetic ballon are mouthing off, and I bet twatter is alive with the activist scum, and their plans to wreck Trumps visit, overshadowing the occasion. Scum.
Now, I could go on about how we should be liberated from the Eu, and what did these men die for, to see democracy wither on the vine. But I’m not, as that would almost be as bad as those cunts. It’s about honouring the people who made D Day a success, not fucking politics. So, for once, and forever if you can manage it, shut the fuck up.
We here will say a sombre and sincere thanks to the veterans of WW2, as will most people.
Was watching the local news Gutstick, when they mentioned Trump was going to spend time in Portsmouth/Southsea. Of course there were those for and against him coming.
What really pissed me off was some young snowflake cunt saying his friends had already been in touch saying they want to disrupt the visit.
What obnoxious cunts, not a thought for those that fought, died and paid the ultimate sacrifice for these selfish cunts, no, they only wanted to come and jeer the President of the USA.
Fuck them and their like, I couldn’t honestly give a fucketty fuck about their future.
They are a stain on their generation, taught fuck all of consequence at school, and for a lot, at home. They will get the world they deserve.
? Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I’ve got another message for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
You’re a wanker who’s five foot 3…
When this portentous little turd finally retires, he’ll probably sit alone in his squalid conservatory on a deckchair shouting, “Or-der, or-der” surrounded by garden gnomes, in an attempt to relive the only time anybody listened to him.
? Oompa Loompa doompadee runt….
He has definitely got some form of Napoleon Syndrome. Interestingly I was reading a piece on him a few weeks ago and in his university days was very right-wing, racist, anti feminism and homophobic.
Probably had it forced out of him by Willy Wonker in a bizarre, chocolate-related embarrassment to “cure” him. He definitely seems like he’s continually saying, Look at me, look how liberal I am.” Weird little fucker.
Evening LL.
Evening Cap’t M, yes overcompensating for his wicked past.
I don’t think he has ever believed in any position he has taken. Politics just a vehicle for him to achieve some status.
A man looking across the bar room, see’s Sally give him a wink. But then he thinks of the credit cards, and his dick begins to shrink.
There you go with that much longed for wink again LS!
Mind you i’d run a mile from a Sally Bercow wink.
Just for you ?Steaming Helmet.??
Ooops,!.. Helmit ?
I’m deeply honoured Lostsheep!
Mrs Bercow has seen more helmets than Barry Sheene.
Mr Bercow is a sneering, hubristic, sneering arrogant little piece of dog shit.
He does sneer a lot…
That’s probably why Bercow is such a fan of the EU? Because like our parliament it allows jumped up little nonentities far too much power!! Insignificant little cunts get to play god!!
It’s completely embarrassing, bercows ego is out of control…….
Bercow you are indeed a 24 carat cunt!!
And your missus is a fucking slapper too ……….
Evening Q
If only there were somebody we could set him up with, we could be rid of the annoying prick. Somebody equally irritating but also of low stature. A Brexit-hating, smallish bitch who loves the EU.
Wait a moment. Up there…in Scotland…
…the Dwârf-in-the-North!
Hi captain!!
He’s such a self important little prick!
He really thinks he’s the big star turn in the commons….
And I hope the bloke has his throat slit, head hacked off, and his limbs decapitated by the Peacefuls!
(But even in his final dying breath he’d still blame Trump or Brexit. Cunt!)
Always sounds as though he’s talking whilst he tries to have a shit that won’t come out.Another Cunt to add to my list thats going to have the frozen leg of lamb in their face treatment.
He’s an obnoxious arsehole desperately trying to compensate for his lack of stature. And his wife is an ink-stained dog.
I don’t know if the press are just playing the dirty with her reputation. But maybe some kind soul should gift her with a Wilson Pickett’s ‘Mustang Sally’cd, as a gentle hint.
Seems like the Donald is going to visit my home city of Portsmouth during his UK trip.
He’s here to pay his respects to all the allied troops who were involved in the d day landings specifically and of course all allied troops in general. But the local knobheads have been squinnying*about this Inc the local pompey Council leader lib dumb Gerald vernon-Jackson the pretentious sounding cunt,saying it’ll detract from the d day memorial celebrations. Well Mr GVJ without the yanks we wouldn’t be having a d day celebration cos the nazis would be running the show ya soft cunt.
Think I’m going to ask my boss if we can all go down to cheer on the Donald and maybe crack a few Antifa heads I have a nice pickup and drop service planned.
Oh and for those not familiar with the pompey dialect * squinnying is local for moaning like a little kid.
Oh and I think the journo being capped by the “real” or “new” or “cunt” ira has certainly helped the agenda of ALBBC cos they are running the story like she was the virgin Mary resurrected but in fact she is a useful pr tool in the hard border narrative showing the terrorists are still there just waiting to pounce.
And on a final note the ALBBC and it’s total capitulation regarding the Sri Lanka bombings is disgraceful. No mention of Christian worshippers but Easter Worshippers, and as soon a couple of brits were found to be dead well that was in then. Fuck the Muslim terrorist SCUM who did it and Fuck the poor murdered Christians just John and Jane Smith of ENGLAND were murdered so it can’t have been a religious attack. Just another case of ” Well something happened somewhere™”. Angry doesn’t cut it anymore.!!!!!
She’s a knock kneed, scrawny old fuck jar with a flappy burger.
He’s a pumped up, cuckolded ‘ little big shot ‘ who should be tied up in a sack and thrown in the cut.
Get to fuck.
Don’t pollute the Waterways, especially with that toxic cunt.
How insignificant is this stumpy little cunt, anyone can see this putrid maggot is in politics for his own end, what the fuck is his duty anyway? Can’t a room full of supposedly educated adults work together without some puffed up mincer pitching his tut when ever he feels like, you are in the top 5 cunts in this world which is quite an achievement, also your bitch loves foreign cock.!
What a cunt.
Sounds like a constipated cunt when speaking in Parliament.
Apparently he struts around the House of Parliament telling people to get out his processions way.
Like the rest of the cunts in Parliament who we voted in he’s an arrogant cunt.
Go fuck yourself.
Useless Man United cunts.
Considering we have a Parliament packed to the rafters with lying, two faced, totally dishonest, corrupt traitorous fucking cunts I couldn’t think of a more appropriate Speaker than Mr Berkowitz.
In another time he would have made an excellent Kapo in the Nazi camps.
PS I don’t know if Mrs B has fucked any peacefuls yet but she has certainly opened her capacious fanny for a pikey so it wouldn’t surprise me.
PPS what happened to those #metoo bitches who were after this cunt? Another big lump in the Westminster carpet?
They saw he was an arch Remoaner so they backed off.
Nothing to do with anything but a sign of the contemp tv makers hold us in, us thick fuckers, that beautiful old tabby jò brand in her narration about model t ford informed me that “the pedal was for reverse which makes the car go backwards”, really reverse means backwards thank you for that you superior brained celebrity I grovel at the feet of your brilliance.
Whenever I watch the scene in the French film “Irreversible” where in a gay nightclub called “Club Rectum” someone gets their face and entire head beaten to a pulp with a fire extinguisher I wish that the victim was the Berk o cunt.
John Bercow PLC
Pompous Little Cunt
Bercow ranks close to Trump, far up the scale of cunt, and for very similar reasons, IMO. But they are far from well matched as Bercow hasn’t got the hang of lying on social media to control the narrative yet. And neither would risk a confrontation with the other for fear of getting undeniably trashed on public record…
No, ffs, we should not be massaging Trump’s ego, but we’ve fawned on too many headchopping bigots on state visits to have much choice in the matter.