ISAC’s Loss of Humour

Sense Of Humour By-Pass

Firstly, I am not out to cunt fellow cunters here – That’s off limits and rightly so. Yet it seems that a number of commenters want to restrict our beloved IsAC site to Brexit or politics. Otherwise to piss, moan and whinge about any carefully crafted nomination that pops up – recently mine included, without actually nominating a subject themselves.

Some folk pepper their responses with loquacious faux-erudition, attempting to enforce their superior linguistic intellect upon us poor uneducated remedials. (Good luck with that – if us lesser beings can’t understand what you’re yammering on about – why the fuck make your point so indecipherably ?)

Now Admin do a brilliant job of whittling down subject matter and choosing to allow or disallow nominations through for public discussion. I’ve been criticised for cunting such trivialities as Imperial Leather – Yet those cunters who responded added layer upon layer of wit and wisdom to my original rant and I thank each and every one. My nominations (99% of which have made it through to posting – thanks to our wonderful Admin team) but most have been (I hope) a humorous take on things in life which piss me off to the point of writing up a cunting.

I don’t visit IsAC on a daily basis to flaunt an intellectual superiority. I don’t visit IsAC on a daily basis to read up on Theresa’s latest capitulation to the EU. I visit IsAC on a daily basis to have a fucking good laugh at my fellow cunters’ observations on a myriad of different matters, regardless of whether or not their opinions are aligned with my own.

If this site begins taking itself too seriously, I’m outta here!

Nominated by Cunt Reviled

79 thoughts on “ISAC’s Loss of Humour

  1. Another cunt telling me what to do, what to say, what to think.

    It’s just like real life innit?

  2. Bloody hell CR “loquacious faux-erudition”. I had to get my dictionary out for that one. However, I do get your point to a degree. In defence of LF erudition, I do find that posters here employ a wide range of methods in trying to put over their humour. As one who struggles to compose my postings, I find it a challenge to figure out what is meant sometimes. For me, this is what makes the site so interesting! If all else fails and you can’t beat them – join them. With your LFE, you’ll be more than a match for them!

  3. I come on here sometimes for a laugh,and sometimes to make a serious point. I’d guess most others are the same. I think the trouble was that,although “Brexit” is and was probably the biggest subject on the go,it tended to pop up in each and every Nom. Perfectly understandable, but it was starting to dominate everything. Even if there’d been one Brexit themed nom. every single day where people could vent I’d have been happy, and it would have left the other noms free for those who had had enough of the whole affair.

    • Should add that I’ve no problem with the “loquacious faux-erudite”…mainly because I haven’t the foggiest idea what they’re on about some of the time,and am far too idle to bother trying to translate. Having said that, I certainly wouldn’t want to see the back of any Cunter,everyone contributes in their own way,and that,for me,is half the enjoyment of the site.

      Ignorance is bliss.

      • Indeed Mr Fiddler, I would otherwise be ignorant of the fact there is a northern gentleman, frequently refreshed, attired in top hat, cape and swordstick sending Jamie Oliver his ‘Guinness scuttle’.

    • I suppose the only way you could avoid this Mr F. is to prohibit people from going off topic inside a nomination but this would be difficult to do. A lot of people including myself, just like to go where the topic leads to.

  4. I think the good thing about ISAC is that contributors respect each other’s contributions, which is quite refreshing in today’s “I refuse to hear you” society. This is what good debate is about. Although we are broadly like-minded, there is very occasionally friction. Then, like the RSM in the Mess, Admin has to step in.
    Long live this fine institution!

      • Love ISAC! Glad i found it, thought i was a petty, cynical, miserable old twat set in my ways, cast adrift in a world of snowflakes, turns out im pretty upbeat and most of the contributers are right sour bastards! Keep up the good work!!

  5. Sometimes it would be quicker to type a thousand words than paint a picture.

    Goodbye for now.

      • As the great Tony Hancock once said in response to “I don’t take snaps, I paint with light”

        “Oh swipe me! He paints with light! Cunt!”

        OK I admit it. I added the last bit, but he would have said it if it was allowed in those days…

      • Make the most of today as all the other Fridays in the year are shite, apparently.

        Goodbye for now.

  6. If you don’t like somebody having a pop at Brexit, skip to the next post. Likewise with posts about religion, politics, gaylords, estate agents, GP receptionsts, bluebottles, or Tony bloody Blair. Just skip reading it. It’s impossible to cherry pick subjects that aren’t topical. Brexit is the biggest thing in our (four) nations since possibly the end of WW2 and consequently has provoked feelings. I hope it’ll continue as for me it’s partly a relief from the agonising procedure and partly an education.

    ‘Garrulous’ or ‘verbose’ are probably more accurate adjectives than Loquacious’ as loquacity, to me suggests eloquence. Merry Easter.,

    • There’s a Brexit page. Stuff gets moved there if it’s off topic but give admin a break and actually use it yourselves eh?
      As I know only too well, admin work can be time consuming especially as there are around 6,000 page views a day and fuck knows how many comments. You can’t expect them to read them all…

      • Fair point well made Dio (as usual – crawl, sniff;-)
        We cunters appear, vent our spleen, then get all uppity if stuff hasnt got through or bothered to read the rules and regs. I do admit – the cunters have become far more eloquent of late but wade through the word salad and we are all pretty much a happy band of brothers. A couple I havent seen post recently (and who’s alias’s escape me) had been having some family / health issues. I hope they are well and just having a brief respite. I hope to see them again soon.

  7. Brexit and the political posts send me to sleep whereas the “trivial” stuff which affects our daily lives is fascinating. Recent posts like “Ripped Trousers”, “Turkish Barbers”, “Netball” and “Games of Thrones” were great.

    Reading those posts and the replies and comments makes me feel I am sitting in a pub with a bunch of miserable old sods like myself who are baffled by the modern world and have no outlet to moan about it apart from ISAC.

    • Thank fuck for ISAC – probably the only little corner of the internet where you can moan about all the cunts in this world without being slammed for being a bigoted cunt!

      • I think it’d be accurate to say that I spend more time here than the rest of the internet combined.

  8. Whole heartedly agree without isac I would be a depressed cunt, instead of a bluecunt, thinking I was the odd one out in the UK, sorry I don’t post much, but the laugh I get out off isac on my travels around the UK in a hgv tramping, keeps my spirits up, and I can’t help looking out for cunts on the road,
    God bless and long live isac for without her where well and truly
    Afternoon Cunters

  9. Should? I have identified ISAC, as female or male or it or gender fucking free, who knows, help anybody

  10. Okay so Brexits off the agenda
    I would like to nominate the EU for a cunting ?
    Donald tusk blah blah
    Vehorfstadts a cunt
    Drunker too

  11. I admit I can be a windbag. That’s a word for loquacious. But I digress. I’ll keep it short. I’m going to fuck off home on my bicycle and have a piss and shower with Imperial Leather. It’s the only soap for me. I’m annoyed that I forced myself to read and reply to this nom. Seriously. I’ll have the Remington ready if that fucking dog shows up on my property. No not the electric razor you cunts.

    • Imperial Leather sounds a bit waysist to me. Surprised admin haven’t seen fit to step in.

      Any idea how Brexit is going?

      • “Imperial Leather”…
        Sjamboks made out of fried rhino penises, and well oiled.
        Flogging’s too good for them, as my Granny said when she started on the second litre bottle of Peter Dominic’s Military Gin (never mind the quality…)
        Now over to Berlaymont, for ritual flogging of cunts who “celebrate” the EU in music.

      • Oh feck…
        DRIED rhino…
        Maybe Flabbott eats the fried variety…

        Carry on cunting !!

    • Let’s be honest…..We wouldn’t be here unless we were opinionated Windbags. We’re the kind that have people saying “Oh Shite, here comes that fucking Gobshite,lets Fuck Off before he builds up a head of steam”…… or perhaps that just happens to me.

      🙂 .

  12. Ouch!

    If I am the Cunt hereby reviled who is being had a go at (as I assume it), then my apologies for piquing your invective getting your goat.

    Loquacity is always limited to speech (as is garrulousness, Captain Magnanimous [sic], although verbosity is unopprobrious usage OK), and faux-erudition it ain’t, CuntReviled.

    I think this ad hominem minor cunting may be due to a (entirely fallacious 100% wide of the mark) unwarrentable perception wrong idea that this “erudition”, faux or not, connotes means I am somehow being condescending, supercilious or even imperious a patronising twat.

    Errm, well if that’s what you think, then you’ve not been paying attention. A brief anatomization glance at the last sixty-eight comments over the last fifteen days reveals perhaps half a dozen remotely erudite ones, the rest being purely humorous. Curiously, those all drew favourable replies from the person who wrote the nom.

    I try to set a limit if 30 minutes per day, but will gladly reset that to zero, if my prolixity is pissing off even a sizable minority. Sorry to say, and though it’s good fun, I don’t give a fuck to be rigorously candid honest. We seem to have been here before.

    PS Easter bunnies and sincere thanks to Admin for your indulgences (choosing my words with care). I for one don’t come here to troll or be trolled, and will certainly piss off quicksticks in the event of the latter.

    PPS Thanks to those others who, perhaps, find my input amusing. It’s supposed to be just that, but is occasionally opinionated. I thought that was the point.

      • Of a darker brush, but without the ears, it would be mine also, Fimbriations! Nice, and I know that I would, Aspall’s or nay.

    • I certainly enjoy your posts, you….”Synonyms of windbag. babbler, blabber, blabbermouth, blowhard, cackler, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, gabbler, gasbag, jabberer, jay, magpie, motormouth, prattler, talker. Words Related to windbag. gossip, gossiper, talebearer, tattler, tattletale.”

      🙂 .

    • You know what I meant, CS. The difference betwixt loquacity and garrulousness is a class thing, as Charlie Dickens well knew. We all know words are always insufficient.

      Keep your revs up on your speeding, rev.

      Cap’n Magnanimous sic

      • I did know what you meant, Cap’nM, and I kind of agree with The Reviler’s dig at excessive Brit-exit shite, most notably in the light of Dioclese’s pithy comment passim. But I don’t actually or actively care, as long as there’s enough other content to entertain and stimulate (such as, indeed, random bollocks about Imperial Leather™). It is therefore with adjuvant and auxiliary apologies that my particular brand of wank is too often opaque to the point of wanton obscurantism, to all whom it may concern¹.

        It’s the Very Reverend to you Captain, btw, especially on this Holy Day.

        A very Happy Easter to all.

        ¹Literally and figuratively: just skim over it, like every other cunt.

    • Long may you continue to post here CS.

      This isn’t Cunts Corner® after all.

      • No, RT. That’s over in Brussels – all four corners of it.

        The EU, eh? Bloody bunch of unloquacious garrulous gangsters.


      • Fuck me Capt. For a second there I thought you were going to mention B****T ?

      • I wouldn’t mention Brexit like I wouldn’t mention Jehovah.

        Talking of Brexit, I see Nigel is gathering some pace.

      • His new party’s only been live for 10 minutes and it’s already got 12 MEPs…

  13. A little bit of sun and all the titties are hanging out.
    With Mrs B I have to tell her to put them back in.

      • Who says democracy is dead CS. We’ve demanded another vote and like it or lump it you’ve got to stay. Thanks.

      • Not from my side, I assure you, Strayewe. I’m not natively a commenter on blogsites.

        Other than a brief outing on TripAdvisor™ in 2016, and a toe in the piranha-infested quagmire that is last year, I’ve never before contributed to such fora.

        As such, and as you may have grokked from my ramblings over the last three months on IsAC, I couldn’t give monkey’s about democracy. It is, quite literally, a Greek Myth.

      • It sure is cs, all my troubles seem to disappear when confronted by a lovely firm pair of breasts

  14. I’ve had many laugh out loud moments on this site which happen less and less in life and fucking never when watching al beeb.

  15. The great thing about ISAC is anyone can cunt anything. Like the lack of kosher bacon at the local Halal butchers.

    How people frame their cuntings is up to them, variety and all that.

  16. I havent seen brexit for quite a while……

    I am gettig ‘withdrawl’ symptoms.

    If i dont have a particular interest in a post I skip past it and onto the next but I do think there is quite a variety of topics on here.

    great suck up marks for praising Admin

  17. As a long time cunter I love the fact that ISAC’s cunters and commentators reflects this great countries barmy, mad and eccentric people from up and down the country and from the posh to the poor. Most cunters go along thinking everyone is all friendly and then a cunting comes along that directly relates to you, or where you live etc and that’s what it’s all abaaaaaht. No one wants a load of boring cunts agreeing about everything…and when there is a disagreement it’s usually settled in a fair way… Although you get the odd off their rocker cunt (Double-day) who eventually fucks off anyways.
    Had a look at Cunts Corner a whole ago and what a pile of cunt. Stupid lame insults and general chaos. Although it can be funny, it ain’t got a patch on is a cunt.
    To any would be commentator/cunter I’d encourage you join in a don’t take it too seriously… I like most cunters… even the racist one’s as it’s all done mostly in good humour and sometimes funny as fuck.
    Anyways the best place to say it like it is and then act totally different in front of the Mrs, work colleague, Auntie etc is is a cunt… Got it now you cunt.

  18. Here’s a fucking laugh.
    The Appeaser is in her constituency today, wearing a yellow vest, (yes really) acting as a marshal for a 10k run.
    I’m sorry but whichever direction she pointed me in i’d be inclined to go the other way. As for taking a water bottle off her i’d rather lick my own piss off the road.

    • I’m surprised she hasn’t prevented them finishing 50 yards from the line like in her shitty day job or tried to add on more kilometres like when the hopeless cunt put an extension on an extension.

      Yellow vest. Somebody get this Hunchback back to Notre Dame before they put out the flames.

  19. ISAC. An island of sanity in a sea of shit. I’ve been following cunters on here for about 2 years. Discovered the site while looking for like minded people who found the Comic Refief from 2 years ago to be a fucking mess. Didn’t matter how shit my day was, I would come on here and realize I wasnt alone. Whether it be Black and White Cunt knowing nothing abaaaaat it or Dick Fiddler’s profile picture, ISAC always makes me laugh no matter how angry nominations can make us. It’s also the only thing on the internet I don’t wank over. God bless you all.

  20. I use this place like a toilet and just pop in when I can’t hold it in anymore to take a steaming great dump! Its always a great relief to have visited and often quite funny when I see what other cunts have written on the cubicle wall.

  21. I can’t see why anyone would moan about the content on here. There isn’t going to be a test at the end, so there is no need to read it all. For example, I detest sport. Always have. Football cunts, golf cunts, formula one cunts, all bore the piss out of me, but I’ll never moan about them being cunted on here, and as I know fuck all about it, I’ll leave it to those who are interested. As for Brexit, sometimes it’s good to be informed on some of the cuntery involved that you might have missed, as it’s on a platform that you don’t frequent.
    If you want to see repetition, try biased bbc website. I used to read it a lot, but never contributed because they are a bit religious, and seem to have a real problem with atheists. Lately it’s become a real bore, like a fucking sermon rather than bashing the beeb, which they did really well, so it’s a shame to see it go downhill.
    One final thought, I fear that one day soon, the laws governing the internet will soon be so strict, that they will shut us down. I try my utmost to keep my posts on the right side of the law, but that is becoming increasingly difficult, whilst still being topical, and more importantly, funny. So, let’s enjoy it all while we still can.
    Long live Is A Cunt!

  22. This is my go to site first thing.. I love it, I adore my fellow cunters. Sometimes I may disagree, eg the recent cuntings of golf were not for me but I still read them all and I agreed with some. I even started to cunt one of my fellow cunters about a post but I deleted it rather than posted it because that is not what this site is about. We are not keyboard warriors we are CUNTERS and long may this site reign as my number one site (after all the razzle sites that I visit of course).

    Some of the cuntings on here have all been justified no matter what your overall viewpoint. Long live ISAC.

  23. Found this site after googling Cheryl Cole is a cunt. It’s a breath of fresh air in today’s world where freedom of speech seems is being taken away. Don’t agree with every cunting, but read every one.

    Some great banter on here and characters that makes me feel i’m not the only grumpy bastard who hates the modern world.

    • I found this site after a Googling ‘Kate Winslet is a cunt’. What a gem of a site.

      Most of you are hilarious e,g Dick Fiddler’s evening in the house decorated like a tart’s boudoir. I can imagine that as part of a film! Who could be in it I wonder…

      • Fish Mitten and Cuntologist, I am disgusted at the two of you!

        Cheryl Tweedy/Cole/Fernandez-Versini and Kate Winslet would get absolutely fucking ruined.

      • I admire your bravery Two in the Stink but I imagine wor Cheryl’s hole has already been well and truly ruined.

  24. ISAC is indeed a wonderful oasis of sweary vitriol in a wasteland of brain dead offense taking snowflake bullshit. I love it. Like most I’m sure, I have my favourite posters who I’ll read regardless of topic. I’m usually amused and educated in equal measure. There are some very funny and very smart cunters on here. I’m indebted to you all for making my day, especially when I’m having a bit of a ‘mare over here in Yankland.

    Keep up the good work lads. Thanks always to the admins for their tireless endeavours.

  25. As a non-brit, non-conservative I can appreciate the sentiment, but why not just skip over whatever is perceived as shit? It’s not like it’s not immediately obvious. I do it all the time and therefore ignore a good chunk of the posts (including the usually TL;DR ‘orf’ & ‘oit’ bs), but the rest are fucking hilarious enough keep me coming back. Laughs conquer all, at least in my book.

    • We have similar tastes I think.

      I also tend to skip past anything written by Sir Limpley.

      • Sir Limpy is a highly esteemed old cunter here and can write up some funny noms from time to time but i agree he overuses oits and orfs like mad

        I also hate long noms too Cuntessa but I have adhd so anything longer then 4 paragraphs I usually can’t be bothered to fuck with unless I’m interested in the subject of course

  26. This post has a resonance with me as I stopped posting a few months ago as I had begun to lose my sense of humour over a certain “B” subject and could see I was ranting on here daily. I had enough but still stop by to see me old brothers in arms from time to time . I said before I missed the laughs I had at noms of years gone by and could see the humour evaporating as we all became more delusioned with our betters but the nom about netball restored my faith in this site. I laughed like fuck at the replys and actually screenshotted (Is that a new word?) Ron knee and Dick Fiddler and others replies as tears were running down my cheeks. …fuck me….. “clitty botherers” is a classic Dick and again apoligies due to type error calling you dick fiddled all that time ago

    Hello to deploy . .Ron….fiddled….bawc….rebel and all the old team I see so many more newcomers now which shows how fucked off even more people are getting

    Squint out. ……..

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