ISAC’s Loss of Humour

Sense Of Humour By-Pass

Firstly, I am not out to cunt fellow cunters here – That’s off limits and rightly so. Yet it seems that a number of commenters want to restrict our beloved IsAC site to Brexit or politics. Otherwise to piss, moan and whinge about any carefully crafted nomination that pops up – recently mine included, without actually nominating a subject themselves.

Some folk pepper their responses with loquacious faux-erudition, attempting to enforce their superior linguistic intellect upon us poor uneducated remedials. (Good luck with that – if us lesser beings can’t understand what you’re yammering on about – why the fuck make your point so indecipherably ?)

Now Admin do a brilliant job of whittling down subject matter and choosing to allow or disallow nominations through for public discussion. I’ve been criticised for cunting such trivialities as Imperial Leather – Yet those cunters who responded added layer upon layer of wit and wisdom to my original rant and I thank each and every one. My nominations (99% of which have made it through to posting – thanks to our wonderful Admin team) but most have been (I hope) a humorous take on things in life which piss me off to the point of writing up a cunting.

I don’t visit IsAC on a daily basis to flaunt an intellectual superiority. I don’t visit IsAC on a daily basis to read up on Theresa’s latest capitulation to the EU. I visit IsAC on a daily basis to have a fucking good laugh at my fellow cunters’ observations on a myriad of different matters, regardless of whether or not their opinions are aligned with my own.

If this site begins taking itself too seriously, I’m outta here!

Nominated by Cunt Reviled

79 thoughts on “ISAC’s Loss of Humour

  1. Cheers Fiddler….just taking a back seat these days but good to see the ranks have swollen so much. It tells me hundreds of others have typed ….”James o brien is a cunt or surgeon is a cunt or Blair is a cunt or lammy is a cunt or soubry is a cunt or grieve is a cunt or bercow is a cunt or Hammond is a cunt or Adonis is a cunt or Branson is a cunt or may is a cunt or cable is a cunt or Abbott is a cunt or Carney is a cunt or Campbell is a cunt………”into Google ?

    • Fucked if I know how I ended up here.

      I typed so and so (I forget who it was) ‘is a FUCKING cunt’.

      Google eh?

  2. I’m probably guilty as charged for taking things too seriously from time to time, but I sometimes can’t stop myself. Stating something as a fact, when you’ve actually pulled it straight out of your arse is a bit cuntish, and I try to base arguments on fact. I’ll try to stop being so much of a pedantic cunt.

    P.S. Long live ISAC and all those who found it by Googling “Tony Blair is a cunt”!

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