Hand Gesticulations. The people who do this are cunts aren’t they.
So desperately trying to get their normally left wing political rhetoric across to anyone who dares question them or have an opposing view, they start gesticulating wildly like a demented sign language for the deaf person, doing them a disservice in their chosen good cause/profession.
The point they are trying to get across usually gets lost in this frantic handwaving activity. When they really get flustered they point their “hand” at you which is no different to finger pointing which they heavily despise because they feel “threatened”.
Nominated by Speakyourmind
I never trusted a word Abu Hamza said because of his hook gesticulation!
This is the only hand gesticulation I need.
Morning Rebel
It’s that Cunt who sometimes pops up in the bottom corner of the telly screen waving his hands about that gets me. Ignorant Wanker is most distracting and sometimes obscures a titty glance.
I’d ban it.
Fuck Off.
I can’t watch any programme that has some wanker in the corner doing this. More often than not it happens between midnight and 3am. It’s so distracting. There should be a button on the remote control which makes them disappear.
I have sometimes spent an hour watching a 30 minute programme because I keep having to rewind what I’ve missed while I was drawn to watching that little epileptic bastard in the corner of the screen.
As the great Doug Stanhope once said :-
“watching tv at 4.00am because I can’t sleep, with the signing guy flapping his arms around ; I have literally stuck a wet knapkin on the corner of the screen, just to get through a repeat of some shit tv show, I didn’t want to watch the first time around”
Absolutely Dick,
and what about that amputee weather girl that waves her obscene stump around while I’m trying to eat my Jam rolly polly.
There really is no need for this gruesome display.
What amputee weather girl? What channel is this spectacle on?
One of them is the spitting image of Nick Griffin
Set the hounds on him Dick
Morning DF
Cunts who do the inverted comma sign wind me up. And there is the classic mad mullah finger loved by lunatics, piss be upon them.
Anyone who has to resort to the hand is a wanker
The overly twitchy head movements adds another layer of cuntish to the spaz hands routine. Hoping the recipient will be dazzled and hypnotized into submitting to whatever verbal shitstream is gushing from their waste hole.
News reporters and politicians are the worst.
Politicians are always waving their hands around, trying to accentuate their points , they’ve all been coached to do this shit, watch slippery cunts like Blair and Cameron with their open hand gestures!!
Generally the more they speak with their hands the less I trust the cunts unless of course they are drowning or are simply deaf ……
Politicunts actually attend training sessions, where they are taught to “communicate” by making absurd, irrelevant hand gestures. As mentioned both Blair and Cameron have been schooled in this cuntitude, setting the bar low for those who follow their slime trail. The Cunts who train them are almost on the same scale on the Cuntometer as the politicians.
Blair ‘The Great Communicator’ was an expert at this. He would hold his thumb and forefinger together and prod as he made successive points. Very effective. You could could say we got into a war in Iraq with that gesture.
If you have to watch Blair, and I do not recommend this, watch him on fast forward with the sound off if you can. And tell me he isn’t completely insane and should be sectioned for his own good.
Still with the sound off, for your own sanity, check out the gestures designed to indicate that he is a wise and authoritative elder statesman, at normal speed – they’re particularly infuriating. The cunt’s entire life is a carefully rehearsed act.
A fucking gesticulating cunt called professor David Wilson was on the telly a few nights ago, yapping total bollocks about Jack the Ripper. I wanted to switch him off after 5 minutes, but the wife insisted we stick it out for the full hour.
It wasn’t just his hand gesticulations that boiled my piss but also the ridiculous facial contortions that went with them.
Below, a brief example of this cunt’s cuntishness… to add insult to injury he’s on Matthew Wright’s cuntfest of a show:
He is like Lucy Worsley for me. Although interested in the subject matter I cant watch the cunts.
The Ripper programme we watched was gratuitously facile and Prof. Wilson veered irritatingly between the bleedin’ obvious and unadulterated bullshit throughout. I’ve taken a keen interest in the Ripper mystery for decades now and much important evidence was barely touched on in this shallow excuse for a programme. As so often is the case the presenter’s egos was the real subject of the show.
A Jill Dando programme on earlier in the week was just about worth watching.
Can’t stand that fella either RT.
How does he talk? ‘We see in from his MO that he had a need, which came from a feeling of powerlessness in his childhood, to control, and take possession of an individual, and….’
Nothing about the victims.
Criminologists are the real criminals.
Afternoon Miles… no wonder the justice system is a basket case, with cunts like Wilson spouting their half baked bollocks in our universities.
Fuckin hell Ruf Tuff, if that bloke had his hands chopped off he wouldn’t be able to communicate with anyone.
As for Matthew Wright, he has this constant look on his face that someone’s just farted next to him.
Afternoon Ruff Tuff.
Have I missed something? I thought he’d finished with The Wright Stuff some months ago.
The video clip was an old one Moggie, posted to illustrate Prof. Wilson’s cuntish hand gesticulations.
Right, ta much.
How many remoaners does it take to change a lightbulb?
Well, are we sure it needs changing in the first place? Has anyone checked the connection between the bulb and power source for any obstruction? Have you checked the power source itself and the integrity of the wiring throughout the building? No, it’s unlikely a foreign owned, tax dodging energy company would be at fault. Have you considered that the filthy, lazy white occupants may have failed to pay the bill?
I’ll tell you what, why don’t you sit in the dark for a few years until the people responsible own up and change their minds.
After all, it’s not as if I have to live here.
This, I think, started with BBC news presenters then spread like the malignant disease that it is to other news channels and across the pond to the USA and beyond. I am convinced the BBC had a special school to train presenters and reporters in the art of irritating hand waving. And now every last cunt on tv who opens their mouth starts waving. When I was being taught how to deliver factual information to an audience I was told don’t fidget and keep your hands in your pockets if you have to but whatever you do do not wave them around. This is because your audience is intelligent and capable of understanding spoken English.They are not deaf. You do not speak with your hands but with your mouth. Waving your hands around is insulting to your audience and distracting from your message. It says “look at me” and states that you are more important than the message. Well, that fits the bill nicely doesn’t it. What we have nowadays are self-obsessed little cunts who think they are more important than the audience and the message. Fucking BBC and hand wavers. Cunts, every last one.
Silence a politician ? Cut their fucking hands off !
Alan Wicker made all the waving your hands about whilst presenting popular and the walking as well bit.
It was ok when he did it, probably because it was his way, then every cunt was at it.
Apart from Stephen Hawking…….
Alan Whicker was a fucking hero in anyone’s books. He liberated Rome (was the first Allied soldier to enter Rome but was unapposed) in 1944 and took into custody, the traitor scum Amory from the partisans who caught him.
And, like Cliff Michelmore, also on the Tonight programme, was a broadcaster to his fingertips. Informative and entertaining.
I catch myself doing this hand waving shite loads. It’s a bad habit.
Probably done by a lefty prick, but there’s a good video of Mr Trump with an accordian
A couple of horses have died at Aintree, for no other reason than to give a load of white trash an excuse to dress up as pretend toffs for the day, and do a bit of low level gambling whilst getting pissed. Why do these twats need to shoot a couple of nags for this? Surely there can be less cruel reasons to blow your hard earned/scrounged cash? How about guess the weight of that fat cunt in a Lycra minidress? Or how many fake tan slags are going to appear looking worse for wear in the daily rags the next day? How many fights are going to break out by chavvy fucks dressed as minor royalty? They can all suck diaorreah through a tramps’ sock.
Hey, hey – go easy on the white trash or I shall be reporting this outburst as a hate crime.
A brilliant bit of cunting, Speak. What drives me insane is the ridiculous, pretentious, fast ‘stabbing’ gesturing done by young, white, female Estuary chavs as they ape black ‘gangsta’ mannerisms and spout stuff like ‘I’ve blocked ya on facebook, innit’.
(See ‘The Jeremy Kyle Show’ for copious examples). The sad thing is that they can’t recognise how utterly ridiculous they look and sound.
Hand gestures… Anyone remember Magnus Pike?
What a mad fucker he was…
Not only do I remember him, Norman, but also his phone number. It was 01 748 9920, London Riverside. I’d got it from Who’s Who in the school library, and phoned him up a few times late in the evening when I was about 14.
A remember one question was “how long is a piece of string?” to which he answered “well, that’s a stupid question isn’t it?”
Innocent times, at least as far as Who’s Who was concerned.
Somebody asked me that once and I told him it was twice the distance from the middle to either end, that shut the cunt up.
What about that Lammy cunt on QT on Thursday ? Not only waving hands like a demented Lammy but very shouty as well.