Greta Thunberg

This Scandinavian teenager has recently been given a huge amount of air time and press coverage, to talk about climate change.

She seems happy for the world economy to crash by 2025, and to initiate a general strike because it’s good. Her (and the media’s) angle on this is that she is young, and that adults simply do not understand the problems we are all facing.

At 16, what are her qualifications again to lecture on the subject? Thought not.

What utter bollocks.

Nominated by willie stroker

Greta Thunberg touted as ‘The Swedish Joan of Arc’. (Can’t wait to see that porno when it comes oit)

When Yours Truly first heard the little Swedish filly speechifying was reasonably taken with her command orf our Mother Tongue so let her have her head was me thought. Only a kid ect ect. Irrespective orf the world wide schools boycot she was leading and the bolloxs she was spouting, not a bad show.

Then discovered the ‘little girl’ was sweet sixteen and well past the age orf consent in Stoke circles. Indeed more than well past being a fully functioning woman when judged against the other fillies in me stable. Me poor old bugger orf a butler was crestfallen to hear it, being a very moral sort he refuses to have conjugals with any filly above the age orf sixteen. Boat race like a Cabbage Patch doll in me book and it will be a relief to have the old cunt take down all those photos in his bed room. We’ll leave his sheets as they are.

Ms Thunberg. Already erected a fine old complex orf monitising vehicles aroinde herself to handle the profit and non-profit side orf things, fees from her book, TV activities ect ect and to garner the oitcomes from her Nobel Peace Prize nomination ect ect. Would expect no less from the wealthy upper middle class daughter of an opera singer and a successful artist. Guardianista Heaven.

She has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and Selective Mutism, conditions generally shared by sages, savants and other manipulative pains in the arse (Rasputin, Charles Manson ect) which allows her to talk conspiracy crapola compellingly and with overwhelming conviction. Needless the leaders orf the free world, Macron, Merkel, Trump, our own Hunchback and even Corbyn ect ect all fall over themselves to be pictured with the Swedish Joannie. Enjoy your time limited fame me dear. Me butler will wait for you.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

What flying fuck is going on in the world???? Have we all gone stark staring fucking mad?!?

Some stupid little Swedish schoolgirl organises a school strike to get off school on Fridays citing fears over climate change as a nice convenient excuse and the next thing you know the cunt has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize (not quite the same gravitas since they gave one to the EU tho’) , met the sodding Pope and sat down in London with the heads of all the major political parties.

Now I’ve no truck for Treeza the Traitor, but at least she had the sense not to turn up.

There’s only one thing worse than a teenager and that’s a pumped up precocious know it all teenager. Why the fuck is anyone listening? Why would you want to? You havin’ a larf or what?

Beats me…

Nominated by Dioclese

80 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg

  1. For fucks sake! Can someone give her an I-phone and introduce her to the Kardashians and Love Island for fucking out loud?
    This bitch has been watching re runs of Little House on the Prairie and it’s seeped into her little girl brain.
    Not too much of a little girl for the peacefuls in her native Sweden though. She ought to think about that before she tries to save the fucking world.

    • The sanctimonious little cunt (who sounds even worse than she looks) reminds you of Yvette Cooper and Heidi. A 1920s throwback.

    • Is that wednesday addams? Certainly creepy & kooky!..whys she always rolling her eyes? Listen get back to school, and behave kid, or its a early bath an back of my hand!

      • Hey Little House on the Prairie was a good show imo I can sympathise living on prairie country land I’m sure sweden has already banned it for not being diverse enough and being too white and christian

  2. Where have all the normal teenagers gone? You know, the ones in the middle ground between the vacuous ones constantly pulling stupid pouty faces and drawing their eyebrows on with a marker pen and cabbage patch faced ones talking about existential threats. The ones that give me some hope that the next generation might turn out alright.
    I wish this kid would shut her trap and just enjoy going to all her friends’ parties. I’m sure she would be the first name on the invite list. She seems such a laugh.
    Next thing you know, we’ll be paying attention to the wit and wisdom of Justin bleedin’ Bieber.

  3. I loved the photo of old Steptoe sitting next to her, listening intently, trying to pretend like he gave a fuck.
    Two fucking idiots together. She must have been thinking, “who is this cunt, the fucking garbage man?”

    • I bet Compo was thinking. “Its cunts like you who are currently glued to my garden fence, bastards”.

      • I bet I know what Compo was really thinking while sitting next to her.
        You dirty old man ?

  4. She is just the beginning.

    Other teenagers will follow suit via social media, expecting to get a shitload of “likes” while they’re at it.

    That and the newly found sleb status of course, and with it loads of cash so that they can go jetting and driving round the world (spot the irony) to tell all the old cunts to hurry up and die so that the right on yoof can make “the world a better place!”

    And let’s face it – schools and universities are no longer places where kids learn anything really important. It’s just a culture club of angst ridden, wannabe, entitled first-world cunts thinking the world owes them a living, and that they shouldn’t have to study hard at all because such endeavors are old fashioned and deeply sexist/racist/homophobic etc etc.

    So let’s see if Miss Goody Two Shoes really is climate friendly over the next year or so! Obviously she will shun expensive top brand smartphones because they’re manufactured by capitalist bastards exploiting the poor and the planet; and she won’t want to use social media because that is owned by rich bastards etc; and she will obviously become a vegan, and will never ever step on any form of transport that dares leave a skid mark on Mother (surely, “non-gender” now?) Earth etc

    Expect mass protests in London again – this time by fickle schoolkids giving it large over the next 2 or 3 months.

    In fact let’s all go on strike and protest about something or other; that way no one, and i mean no one will be working at all for one whole day. Which means all forms of transport will come to a standstill; no electric, no gas, no running water; shops will be closed, no telecommunications, no petrol stations – all the conveniences these climate change cunts take for granted will be taken away from them during this General Strike.

    If they want to know what REAL disruption means, wait until that day comes, and then the wake up call will hit them right in the cunt – especially hers!

    Fuck ’em!

  5. I couldn’t really give a Fuck if the miserable,boot-faced brat is right or wrong. If the choice is between living in a world run by an Elite who enjoy a “Do as I say,Not as I do” mantra while the rest of us live in caves,or a Muslim caliphate where belly-pork is banned…well, to Fuck with it. I don’t much fancy either,and my total lack of empathy means that I will see out my days totally untroubled by the impending cleansing of The Earth. In fact, I welcome it.

    Fuck Off.

  6. He’s a braver man than me,if you’re correct .She looks drier than the desert that she thinks is the world’s future.

    • Is she really sixteen? fuck I thought she was at least eleven or something. She apparently has aspergers too which kinda makes sense from the stunned look on her face

  7. All a bit of a freak show in my view. Before I read Sir Limply’s post above, I suspected some form of high functioning autism or Aspergers. Daft adults are confusing this with some child prophet. No sooner had she’d uttered her first sentence were the audience clapping wildly like seals on coke.

    I half expected Gove to pat her on the head and coochy coo her after her little oration.

    I note she didn’t have the answers to the world’s thirst for fossil fuel. Go lecture Beijing or Moscow about this, show you can get their ear with your answers and then I might take you seriously. Until then stick with Bieber and Little Mix.

    • ‘Prophet’ is an apt term for this cult. It’s just the sort of boost the Climate bores need to tufn their movement into a secular religion. As much eschatological numpties as any God-bothering sect.

  8. She’s being used, no doubt she will grow up to be a total cunt but for now she fits the narrative as the voice of the young who will inherit the “mess we made”. The same argument used by remain cunts.

    Transparent much?

  9. Why do we need to import Greta when we have our own teenage girl willing to demonstrate at the drop of a hat namely Owen Jones, who will be absolutely creaming herself at the prospect of the evil Trump coming over to see her maj.

    • Saw that cunt Owen Jones on TV last night, bleating about Trump’s visit. The mute button was hastily selected.

  10. She reminds me of that other sainted wee cunt Malala Yousafzai. Why do these self-obsessed young arseholes think they are the only ones with a stake in the future? “We should be allowed to vote at 16 because it’s OUR FUTURE. WE should decide on Brexit because it’s OUR FUTURE. Stop feeding plastic bags to whales you’re killing OUR PLANET.” I’m 36, not ancient, but these wee cunts would put me out to pasture. I think back to when I was 16 and thought I knew everything and now cringe in retrospect. I’m grateful my parents told me to move out, get a job and join the real world and didn’t indulge any bullshit. The idiots are running the asylum.

  11. Would I be an utter cunt if I stated in public that I would take more notice of my lawnmowers opinion on matters of climate change/global warming/extinction and so on. Someone has dropped a 30 megaton cunt bomb with this load of pathetic shite.

  12. A thoroughly deserved cunting. As my fellow counters have already pointed out this obnoxious twat is just the latest product of left wing, ideology driven education. Things will only get worse. Imagine in 10 years or so when fuckers like this have platforms in various governments throughout the western world. Forcing through massive changes in respect of climate change irrespective of the economic consequences (whilst India and China fill the void and pump out ever increasing amounts of pollution) and operating an open door policy for immigration (which she will no doubt also believe in).
    Nauseating to see Millipede and Lucas fawning all over this cunt whilst she orated her childlike ‘science’. And of course being a child nobody can criticise her or tell her she’s fucking wrong. My vote is we ship her off to Iran to lecture them on climate change and wait for her to be stoned to death for looking at some geezer the wrong way.

    • I’m a Man U fan today Norman, cmon do us a favour and beat Citeh… A draw will do as well. Quatari oil, buy anyone they want cunts.

    • Christ, I’d like to see and hear the pair of inbreds that gave rise to this social misfit. Probably a pair of dykes enabled through sperm donation.

      • This sanctimonious little cunt might live in Sweden with a very low pollution rate . However, it has a suicide rate ranking 51st. in the world compared with 109th for the UK. I know where I would rather live. Looking at her po face, if I were her, I’d worry more about her happiness than the gases she inhales.

  13. She looks fucking remedial?

    “ so Greta you’ve got 5 oranges and mr jones takes 2 how many are left?”

    “ you’ve stolen not only my planet but my oranges too” ?

  14. “Why the fuck is anyone listening? Why would you want to?”

    The nauseating spectacle of our feeble party leaders fawning over this humourless tyke is just another version of politicians kissing babies. They think it makes them look good to da yoof and the snowflakes. They know they’ve lost the votes of anyone remotely sensible over the age of 40, so they’re investing in a future voter demographic groomed by their lefty teachers and university professors.

    Next stop: votes for indoctrinated 16 year olds.

    This country is finished.

  15. She looks more evil than Palpatine.
    Didn’t realise she was old enough to shag legally though.
    Maybe that’s show her how the world really works.

  16. Fook me ! This child is Ikea made flesh.
    Cold, boring, unoriginal but well marketed. I’d like to know who’s pulling the strings. Lots of bunce to be made on this one.
    The parents will be 24 carat cunts, guaranteed.

  17. The little muppet comes from an acting, showbiz family so is well versed in drama and attention seeking. Also a family of fucking vegans, as if you couldn’t have guessed.

  18. Of course the BBC love this Thunberg cunt… She is now being revered in a way similar to that preaching little parasite (and cunt), Malala Yousafza…. I wonder if Thunberg willl also bring all her relatives over here to live off the state in a big house while scorning the British people and their way of life at the same time?….

  19. This little munchkin is perfect for the media narative on climate change, not pretty so no worries about her being exploited ‘cos she is cute’
    She has a ‘thing’ an ism which automatically qualifies her as a credible voice, she is from the utopia that is sweden and everyone knows the swedes are really really nice.
    She has everything, no wonder the media has pushed her to the top of world, travels everywhere by train, no environmentally bad flying for the wonder girl.

    Lets face it, no one is going to listen to the likes of Rupert Reed, he looks like a cunt, talks like a cunt but for sure this little angel is just perfect.


  20. @ Sir Limply

    I don’t know about Greta Thunberg and Rasputin, but Charles Manson did not suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome or Selective Mutism.


  21. Some of us are old enough to remember the three day week and the power cuts. Sitting around a paraffin heater playing Monopoly by candlelight. That’s the world Greta and her new friends want for us.
    Not for them obviously. They are far too important.

    • I remember…….

      All these youngsters should be careful what they wish for, cutting emissions is great, cutting the power isnt funny.

      Plant trees, make kids walk to school, kick all peacefuls out of the UK.

  22. The Swedes are a funny bunch for cunts, the women in my opinion are some of the finest specimens of whitey women and I think was fighting a semi when walking abaaaaaht on Sweden, they also seem to be a bit boring as well though, had a couple of couples as neighbours a while back… They were ok and the women were let’s say I’d stick my tongue up either ones asshole ….but a bit boring.
    What abaaaaaht Ikea as well… How many trees do those cunts chop down everyday to sell their chipboard shite?
    Looking at the overall balance the Swedes can go fuck themselves.

    • Excuse me its called “Managed Forestry” don’t ya know.
      But lets not talk about burning fuck knows how much oil, in a vast global scale operation, making, shipping and storing over priced pine
      chip board crap. Their stainless frying pans are good though and their meatballs and onions make me fart on the way home in the car, the missus gets all choked up by that, revenge is a dish served Greta style!

      • Sounds like you have great day when shopping in that massive blue box of cunt BIB, have to say I quite like the meatballs when in Ikea.
        Clever cunts make it like a maze so you get lost and end up staying all day so you have to have your dinner in the restaurant after buying a load of shite. The cunts.

    • Get the distinct impression you rather enjoy sticking your tongue up girls arseholes Black and White.

      Good man.

      • Not really WS, it’s my way of expressing my attraction to a Lady… In other words she is very fine.
        Saying that though, when I am on a bender, I can become extremely debauched when it comes to the sexy Lady keeping me company.

  23. And today the BBC proudly announces that the Peaceful Cunt who blew himself and others to bits in Sri Lanka, “studied in UK”. Do we suspect that our glorious Police Service will be falling over themselves to find out where and who taught him? They will, of course, inform the natives of their enquiries, as and when their political masters see fit.

    UK, Manufacturers of peaceful murderers, rapists and brain washed cultists since the year 2000.

    As for the little Greta cunt, we can all look forward to her growing up to be a much bigger cunt, over fertilised by a large dump of virtue signalling, neo liberal shit.

  24. It surely can’t be too long before the physics nobel prize goes to some insane and uppity kuhn for “decolonialising” science.

    Or should Nobel prizes themselves be “decolonialised”? After all Nobel was an evil white Male universe raper.

    Maybe somebody should point this out to stig of the dump’s spawn.

  25. No doubt a few grubby aspiring architects and catholic bishops would love to change her climate!

  26. Power from fussion will be the answer, as soon as the boffs can sort out the engineering…..
    When…… I reckon in the next 10 to 20 years.

  27. I am more than happy to drive my big diesel guzzling SUV to hurry along the demise of the planet.

    • The thought of a world inundated with electric and clockwork cars filled me with such fear and dread that I had to take the motor out and waste a couple of litres of 98 octane just to clear the visions of hell from my mind. No cats anti social exhaust and 430 wheel horsepower (not as much as your super cars but a lot cheaper to run and fix) I felt much better when I got back home. I should ring the Swedish embassy and ask them to tell Greta that I’ve raised sea level by at least a billionth of a micron and hastened the end of all. Bollocks

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