Generation Snowflake

I’d like to cunt…my generation. Now i know the gentlemen in this great institution that is ISAC who are a tad older (i’m 29) would wholeheartedly agree with this cunting, we appear to be a lost cause but i’d like to throw the other side of the cunting coin at the older folk too.

We have been called the snowflake generation. That is true for many reasons, most folk my age or younger lack discipline, an attention span and are too fucking sensitive. Growing up, when i was going to primary school, it was the end of an era were teachers could assault you if you fucked up. I hated one teacher in particular but by fuck he made sure i did fucking well in all my subjects least i got the ruler. Those days are long gone,were even the teacher can’t command any respect from pupils. Why? Beacause some jumped up twat believes raising your voice to a pupil will cripple them emotionally. Fuck off.

A mate of mine took a teaching job in london (big mistake that, lot of nasty little cunts in london) and some little cunt was acting real ard. My friend is not one to be intimidated, especially by a little cunt but said cunt threatened to gut him in the street. My mate went right up to the little cunts face, looked him straight in the eyes and said he’ll by ready for him and he’ll let him take his best shot, he better pray to whatever deity ma and pa pray to cause he will smack ten shades of cunt out of him. Boy nearly pissed himself, mate nearly got the sack for standing up to a punk. He was told it’s forbidden to raise a voice or discipline his students because it could cause legal trouble to the school.

Even worse, some cunt in charge of mental health for pupils said teachers shouldn’t call female pupils “girls” or ladies” because it reminds them of their gender and may damage their mental health. Yes that’s right. She said or it said that teachers should always use gender-neutral language, and said the same advice applied for boys. That it’s not useful to be constantly reminded of your gender all the time and all the stereotypes that go with it. The word “girls” can evoke a sense that they have to do everything perfectly which can “create a lot of anxiety” in children and teenagers, while the word “boys” carries connotations of “being macho, not talking about your feelings, being told to man up”. She saved the best for last lads, fuck I’m sorry if that offended any of you, I didn’t mean to assume your gender,. She said some pupils may be transgender and find it offensive to be called a girl or boy if that’s not how they see themselves,

What monster are we breeding here? What way is humanity heading? We can’t keep going on like this bacause this is Indoctrination of the worst kind and its our kids/grandkids. I’m witnessing the effects of this cunterry first hand. I have two interns working for me and they have zero wrok ethic, zero commitment and they can’t do anything without consulting their fucking phones first. This generation don’t actually know anything. The answer are given to them on a plate for fear of frying their brains. What you get is a generation of no real skills.

Of course i made my feelings felt about their lack of initiative, for that i had a quint meeting with HR. I was called a bully. If anything, i was helping them.

Fuck the young cucks and fuck the repressed enabling old

Nominated by Cuntflappage

45 thoughts on “Generation Snowflake

  1. What will these Cunts do when their offspring look into their eyes and say “What did you do in the EuroRaceWar, parental unit ? ”
    Get to fuck.

  2. Hoorah for the Parachute Regiment.
    Can’t wait for the real thing.
    Fuck off.

  3. Great counting cf. I just couldn’t add anything to that. You’ve summed it all up and it plunges me in to despair. The best thing however, is that it shows that cunters are cross generational and not all curmudgeonly old men. This fills me with some hope for the future.

  4. You have to feel sorry for the young:
    1 No education, just supplied with the answers
    2 All the decent music is at least 40 years old
    3 ? no more heroes any more?
    4 can’t tell a joke in case somebody is offended
    5 can’t pull a bird in case you sexually assault them
    6 everything costs a fucking fortune
    7 first generation that can expect to have shorter lives than their parents
    8 don’t know if they’re Arthur or Martha
    9 can’t go anywhere without being stabbed, robbed or fucked over
    10 they have no country

    I don’t envy them. I’d rather be a cunt any day of the week

    • No more heroes Freddie?

      “Oh Jeremy Corbyn, oh Jeremy Corbyn…”

      Sorry about that, couldn’t resist. ?

      • Exactly my point. What kind of hero is that scruffy old cunt?
        Not exactly James Hunt is he?

      • You’re my hero Freddie, for your compassionate post above if nothing else.

  5. Superb cunting Cuntflappage.

    No worries though – ah feel a Civil War comin’ on – a grand cull will be guaranteed for all!

  6. Terrific cunting. It’s amazing that there are any decent young cunts left (but there are) and the view from nearer their age than mine is most welcome, thanks, Cuntflappage.

  7. Excellent cunting, Cuntflappage.

    The world we live in now is just PC out of control in extremis.

    My sister is a partner in a chartered accountancy firm. They really struggle to find new staff as they either lie on their CV’s about their experience or when they are take on juniors, the concepts of ‘work ethic’and ‘initiative’ are totally alien to them.

    They are usually from Generation X and purely looking to make good money in that field: they spend much of the day glancing very openly at their fucking mobile phones, they make mistakes in the accounts as their heads are on their next selfie and not their work, they don’t actually listen to instructions as to how to complete a given task or just blag it instead of asking for assistance, thus winding my sister right up (not advisable…..REALLY not advisable)

    When said staff go away with her and her fellow business partner ‘Oop North’ for a particular audit, they sit at the restaurant in the evening attached to their fucking mobile phones, devoid of conversation. Social skills = ZERO.

    The trouble nowadays is that late teens and early twenties types are so fucking pampered and cosetted. There are no kicks up the arse….no tough love to get them ready to be a productive and dilligent member of a work force and society. They have this ‘meh’ attitude about everything, bar going out on the piss with their mates or getting their eyebrows ‘on fleek’ for fucking Instagram.

    At 17, while studying for my A’ levels, I was cleaning rooms in a private hospital and being kicked up the arse by this Irish harridan manager when she found one tiny hair that I had missed (probably from my own head) on the bathroom floor following inspection. My thoughts at the time were ‘ Oh just fuck off, you neurotic cunt’, but nowadays, she would get served an official warning for bullying and mental distress.


    • At 17 I was looking after my older brother who was deaf and couldn’t speak and my little brother who was 11 playing for Palace taking the piss out of the local dads on the football pitch who chopped him down, so I had to fight them one on one!!!! Took a couple of right handers but never went down…… The dad was out in 2 and we smashed them big time! Do you think that will happen now?

  8. Just wait until they have to face the real world. They’re in for a VERY rude awakening. If teachers can’t control them and their parents can’t control them, then how the fuck is any employer supposed to control them?! They won’t last 5 minutes in ANY job….

  9. Off topic but I need the help of the Linux/Ubuntu cunters in this parish:
    I’m using a USB boot of Ubuntu 18.0 at the moment and for whatever reason every day or every other day the screen decides to freeze and stop working, to the point of having to reboot the system (in the process losing all my changes). What the fuck is happening and how do I fix it? Any help is much appreciated.

    • Don’t knock it. Before I reverted to Win7, my Win10 ‘upgrade’ often crashed several times a day. I’ve still to set up a dual boot with Linux, but the end of Win7 support will ensure that, or even a total migration.

    • This may be down to the video driver. Nvidia video is prone to this, and the default Linux driver can cause problems.
      This may send you in the right direction to install the closed-source driver –

      In my case, with Mint 14, the thing would freeze if I moved the mouse while Firefox was loading. Exorcised the gremlin by replacing the generic driver with the Nvidia one lurking on the hard drive as an unannounced option. Everything else is better too.

  10. On my return to this “World” I was called into a senior managers office because I had offended a member of staff by shouting at them…
    I asked what the persons job roll was, Manager explained, I pointed out they were not doing it hence the Verbal motivation.
    Meeting abandoned due to helplessness of situation.

  11. A warts and all cunting, and from the heart I trow, Cuntflappage.
    Things didn’t change quite so much as you describe, there is nothing new under the sun, apart from some predicate technology.

    The really big “modern” societal changes in the UK took place well in the past, by which I mean around the time of WW2. Even those changes were as nothing compared to the Industrial Revolution.

    Aa a 52 year old, what occurs to me is just how little has changed in our society since I was in short trousers. Nuanced changes, but even such things as the Internet are as nil (philosophically) compared with the advances of physics, chemistry and biology of the early twentieth century.

    The differences of all areas of human enterprise between 1800 and – 1900 is far greater than that of 1900 to the present. The infrastructure had been in place for centuries before those fin de siècle years of Edward VII.

    Great nom, though, and from the heart indeed, I notice.

    • Interesting observation CS.

      I agree the shift of the working class from an agricultural existence to an urban one during the industrial revolution was seismic.

      I’m curious as to which scientific discoveries and applications make the internet pale in significance. My immediate contenders are the discovery of the atomic nucleus, special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and the discovery of DNA.

      • With apologies: my comment was rather rushed, hence rather vague and wooly. That, together with hitting the Northern Lights early, does not aid intelligibility, Cuntamus… sorry!

        In addition to your suggestions, (and apart from such arcane scholarship as, eg, quantum chromodynamics) I would certainly include Maxwell’s and Heaviside’s more mundane (theoretical mathematical) contributions from the C19th, with their attendant impact on C20th practice in telephony and telegraphy as dwarfing the Internet in outright impact. Together with Shannon’s work, the implementation of a www was a predictable formality, with a heavy reliance on quantum mechanical developments to facilitate the necessary hardware.

        Conceptually, the Internet is currently little more than a telephone with the potential of a latter-day Library of Alexandria available at the other end. I admit this is quite a development, and bearing in mind it’s still in infancy, I agree the future ramifications will be interesting.

        My point was that since short trousers in the 1970s, I personally (rightly or wrongly) observe a significant slowing in the rate of change (very broad-brush) in our society from the preceding four decades.

  12. It’s what our system produces.. garbage in.. garbage out.

    I can’t resonate with the cunting though. The younger generations have been failed, utterly betrayed, by their elders.. whether it be parents, teachers, culture, government.

    None of them asked for this shitepie fake way of life we have to endure, and the idea they are any better or worse than the previous generation is just bollocks.

    Sorry, I get the cunting, it has valid criticisms and I know you mean well by it but as a young 30’s white well educated man I can’t endorse it. The finger needs to be squarely pointed back at the elders who have so monumentally fucked things up in just one generation.

    • I’m not so sure you and Cf are at odds here. He does attach blame to the “enabling old” which I think is very true. The seeds of much of this in education go back to the 1960’s “ child centred learning” – the idea that children discover things for themselves and that the teacher is seen as an enabler or facilitator to provide the appropriate environment. This led to open plan classrooms with no fuckin’ doors and kids milling round like Fred Karno’s circus. This was the point at which discipline in schools took a turn for the worse. Me – I was more of the sit down at your desk and fuckin’ listen school of thought.

    • It’s not entirely age-related: Common Purpose (brainwashed) people are behind most of the modern shit. And behind C.P. stands a man hopefully not much longer for this world – G Soros.

  13. What does it say on his left arm…P…A…N…E…E is it? S maybe…no E…X…U…what the fuck….PANNEXU

    AH! it’s just come up on my predictive text…. Pansexual.

  14. My 21 year old nephew was brought up to believe he is flawless – photographed every 3 seconds and patted on the head every 5. Thick as a workhouse butty, lectured my parents on which way to vote in the referendum (Remain, obviously). He’s a cunt.

    Yet two lads working in the local beer shop, same age – not cossetted by their parents, or schools and are staunch Leave supporters. Not cunts.

    There is hope….

    • Do I gather SG that your nephew didn’t get a 21st present from his favourite uncle?

      • Bizarrely, BSC, he did – a Quid for each year of his life. I’m with my Mother (his Nana) on this one – we love him but we don’t like him.

  15. I’m 30 and it strikes me as everything is has turned to shit. Music, schools, stabby architects, TV, police, sjw types. Cunts one and all!
    I remember still getting pulled by the ear at school for being out of line! Now those teachers would be in nick most likely.
    We only have to look at the betrayal in parliament, that’s the death nail on this county. May Britannia rest in peace!
    We all know it will get far worse, until an event corrects all this PC lovey bolocks.
    The worst thing regarding this decadent society we have in the west, is the inevitable downfall. It is a story repeated throughout history, just check the Romans. The weak always get replaced by the stronger society.
    Cue China,Russia and the Arab world. All of this stems from indifference and comfortable living.
    We used to make works of art, music, comedy and industry. Now we make phones to numb the sheep to slaughter.
    Such a shame.

  16. Vast changes in society in the last 50 years.We have an additional 16 million people, we have towns and cities changed beyond recognition. We have social media pushing agenda down kids throats 24/7.

    Maybe if you haven’t left the halls of academia since 1960 or you are one of those with their heads lodged up their own arse you’d not of noticed the changes.

    People remain basically the same but those with the will, the money and a big enough platform can now have an ongoing comprehensive social engineering program running all day every day. The more we interact with their developing A.I learning networks the more they learn about us as individuals, key though is the more they learn about us as a hive mind. With this knowledge the better they can manipulate us as individuals and as a society.

    In 1960 there were isolated individuals clearly struggling alone and isolated with their sexuality for instance, now we have kids who never would have considered their gender deciding they should be sis pan woteva fucking gender.

    Recently the poindexters discovered that 30 is the age when a person should be mature and the brain is hardwired, until that age it’s a lot easier to modify a persons world view and opinions, ta da main users of social media are?

    We now have areas where English is a second language and some consider it racist to fly a flag of St George.

    The song may remain the same but society certainly has not.

  17. Our millennial friends (with some exceptions).
    Taught values, rather than facts.
    No life skills.
    No common sense.
    Trouble communicating face-to-face.
    Poor reading comprehension (near the bottom of OECD nations for literacy).
    Less sex and socialising because they live through (anti) social media have barely work.
    Mentally ill.
    Offended by everything.

    Luckily i’m in limbo; neither Gen X or Millennial.

  18. They are my generation too as I’m 32. When I was in the military fighting for these tossers they were showing sympathy to the frigging enemy. Fuck help us if we have another world war these retards will have more sympathy for the enemy.

  19. Speaking of snowflakes, I see there is outrage at a viral video showing soldiers on a firing range using a photo of the prophet Corbyn as the target. This has been widely condemned, however our military have a job to do and preparation prevents piss poor performance, as they say.

  20. To the Nominator of this cunting, I have to ask, in what country did you get your schooling?

    • The reason I ask is because you say you are 29 and received corporal punishment in school but corporal punishment in state schools became illegal in England and Wales back in 1986.

  21. Maybe a good war and conscription would thin the “problem” out a bit.

  22. Remember the old “…if there’s anything better than sex, God kept it for himself!” addage?

    Well apparently their is something better now, it’s called Fortnight!

    The blue-haired, nose-ringed, mostly lesbian, wimmenz, feminazis have so eroded generation snowflake male self-worth, and have them believing that simply saying “Hello” to a member of the opposite sex is tape, that cuck snowflake males – especially campus ones – would now rather play a game on XBox than engage in relationships with their female counterparts.

    And yet, you see countless anti-social meejah posts where young women would just like to have a conversation struck up with them in a bookstore or coffeeshop (all very Friends/Sex in the City I know) by a member of the opposite sex that could lead to friendship and potentially a relationship.

    So why do a few unhappy cunts (i.e. bean-flicking, feminazi harridens) make the social rules for the rest of us?

    Unfortunately the spineless male snowflakes daren’t call them out on this for fear of being branded – shock horror – a sexist, or worse, chauvinist!

    But what happened to fairness?

    Most ordinary young men/women have no problem with one another, it’s these bile Laden, triggly-puff, land-whale types (who wouldn’t be getting much cock anyway) who are artificially driving division between the sexes because if they’re unhappy cunts, everyone else should be an unhappy cunt too.

    It’s pure selfishness by the few imposed on the many.

    Unfortunately in this unhealthy culture of identity politics, the few (no matter the demographic) rule the roost over the majority.

    It’s fucking madness, it really is!

  23. The saying ‘Control the media and you control the world’ is true,,,
    Because cunts like the Grauniad, Sky, the BB fucking C and Zuckerberg and other social media scum promote this deviancy and all these liberal weirdos, it is in peoples face and it won’t go away… They are to blame for this freak show disease spreading and if the BBC finally died a death (which it should have done after Savile’s antics were made public) and social media was outlawed, these sicko cunts who endorse child abuse (because that’s what it is) would eventually die with them… Some fucking hope though, eh?…

  24. I have a 34 year old Snowflake under my roof,my step-flake. He’s molly coddled by mummy,as a consequence has zero life skills. He needs to marry a mother type that will wipe the shit off the toilet apres dump,actually flush the karzi for him,wash his clothes,dishes,bath,room etc. I’m away all week driving a truck at 66 years old and can run rings around the twerp all day long. We are watching the decline of the western world,i need a detached off grid drum to plot up in. West Cork,Ireland without neighbours….luxury. (as for transgender bendery? Don’t get me started)Now get out of my fucking sight! Cunts.

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