Fascinating Aida deserve a cunting, or a good kick in the cunt, for their “post-Brexit song So Sorry Scotland.”
Everybody’s entitled to their opinion, and we are sensible enough on this site to accept that, and have some good debates.
However, comments on their youtube page were disabled because…
“some of them were polite enough, but others were oxygen thieving trolls.”
I’m guessing that here “polite” equates to EU arselicking, and the rest is…oxygen thieving.
“Comments are disabled for this video” should be banned. Every time I see this, I immediately suspect blatant propaganda.
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
Utter shite. There’s four minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
I know this isn’t a popular opinion in these parts (ooer missus) but I don’t think that Brexit is the real issue. It’s merely a symptom…
I have always felt that Brexit is a smoke screen for something else.. I have always thought that it was a license for them to do whatever the fuck they wanted and their response to the situation would be ” Well.. We gave you the option, and this is what you chose” …. They’re a bunch of useless, no good, two bit, lying, cheating, worthless cunts…
Excellent post cunts mate. Far better than you’ll find in any newspaper or see on any “news” channel, but then journalism is dead, now replaced by political activism.
I’ve often wondered about the legal system. I don’t know how much taxpayers money is siphoned off to lawyers every year but I suspect that it’s unnecessarily high.
It’s not just the mps and lords that are in the legal profession. Their wives, husbands, siblings etc… all seem to be connected to this racket somehow.
Again, great post. The whole system is rotten to the core.
That piece u did CMC is spot on. Such a shame that Sly, Beeb and James o Shithead et-al dont ask questions on those lines. Several folk I know wont vote again until PR comes in (if ever) and i feel the same. Were fucked over by these so called ‘learned people’. They might know a load of shit that theyll never say or use again but in reality they have no common sense and probably struggle to wipe their own arse, let alone change a bulb, wire a plug or run the country. Well cunted HBH. Another bunch of useless tools that need bagging and pushing off the Dock or buried under a Motorway bridge piling.
Profligate waste and corruption aside, it’s the democratic deficit that has always troubled me most about EU membership.
Thanks to Brexit it’s now plain for all to see that our cunts are equally shite and up to their fat necks in it.
Great article Mike.
Excellent article, Cunt’s Mate Cunt. I’d vote for you.
Sandal wearing, tofu eating, Guardian reading late onset lesbianism shite.
They can just fucking well fuck the fuck off and take that boot Sturgeon with them.
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning or in rain? Sits like a tranny witch, dresses like a tranny witch, face like a tranny witch. Must be a fucking tranny witch. Get back to stirring your cauldron. Hubble bubble stroke my stubble, rub my little cock. Let’s all bend over dearest trolls and finger one anothers holes.
Nice cunting HBH and thanks for the link to mikesplace CMC. Very good summary of current state of the nation.
This labelling of any criticism,no matter how constructive, as “trolling”is wrong. I was banned from commenting on The Daily Mailicious website after several warnings. I wouldn’t care,but I thought that my points regarding The Gayness, Prince Harry,Fat People etc, were valid and all done in the best possible taste.
I suppose some people just can’t handle cold hard facts,which as anyone on here can testify,is my hallmark.
Fuck Off.
You are a modern day Oscar Wilde Mr Fiddler, destined to be looked down upon by inferior minds.
Fanny is still refusing to tell me where the Reichsbank gold is hidden.
I’m rather worried about the Reichsbank gold,tbh. Mike. I read a very disturbing piece about some artwork having to be handed back to it’s “rightful owners”.
We Fiddlers have a glorious history of snapping up bargains. Many a conquered people have rued the day that a Fiddler crept into their treasuries once he was sure that the fighting was safely over…religious artefacts,ancient treasure trove,funds for the orphans and widows etc. all were fair game. Of course slavery was where we made our real fortune,(William Wilberforce was a Cunt.) and I must admit that the sight of a drowning migrant still stirs a feeling of nostalgia for the good old days when Capt. “Clam’sBeard” Fiddler would chuck a few chained slaves into the briny while screaming “Brexit means Brexit” ( He was a visionary,way ahead of his times).
No, I’m afraid that the gold must remain hidden until I’ve got the Wehrmachct eagle stamp removed. I’ve noticed several suspicious looking types lurking about recently…..black homburg hats,grasping hands,humming ” You’ve got to pick a pocket or two”….I fear that their specially-designed beaks may have picked up the scent of bullion..they’re far more effective than any metal-detector. I can’t risk my hay barn being turned into some kind of Masada held by fanatics intent on relieving me of my modest nest-egg.
Anyhow, I’m off to my Amber Room to throw a few more “lost masterpieces” on the fire…load of decadent crap,most of it. I don’t know why these Old Masters bothered, most of their daubings look nowt like real life. I prefer a poster of a woman tennis player scratching her arse to a Botticelli any day.
Your generosity in making true masterpieces from your own hand, such as the above, freely available to all, is much appreciated. But if you would accept an equivalent weight of firewood, I would be glad to take a Jackson Pollock or two off your hands.
Moishe Chomodo
Never heard of the old trouts before, but they look like the unfortunate result of a torrid session between Jess Phillips strapon-on, Angela Eagle, and a weak wank from Dominic Grieve
The problem with the Scottish is that they are bunch of lazy freeloaders. A good quality of life is subsidised by the English taxpayer and EU money. The chances of this country making it as an independent state are zero.
I love Scotland for it’s countryside. The people are less desirable, but that’s Britain all over these days.
And you can fuck off as well, cunt.
I ain’t watching it, reading the cunting and the comments of others has saved me the pain.
Thanks HBH.
Everything on a public platform should be open to comment or it’s wank stain.
We don’t tend to cunt each other on here but the option is there and every opinion should be open to argument.
I can honestly say that, apart from reading the mikesplace articles(?), I avoid most links on here because I know I’m going to be fucking well annoyed, just by reading the comments here.
I am sure that they would be welcomed at the BBC….
Especially as the tranny helps tick their minority representation box.
Didn’t know these fuckers were still around. Should be included with the female ‘comediennes’. Probably go down well in Islington..
What an utter bag of shite that song is.
Typical and shameful snowflakes blaming themselves in the name of comedy, that’s not British! A true Brit would be saying the same to the Scots as he’d say to his unhappy Wife “Right we (the UK) have voted as a Union to Leave, if you don’t like it Scotland or NI or Wales, then vote yourselves out of the Union and fuck off back to the EU, but when you find the door closed because you’re not worth enough to them, then un-fucking lucky you cunts, you aint coming back in the UK either.
Slightly off topic, but a video came up on my youtube thingy, so a Nomination if I may:
James O’Brien is not only an utter Cunt, but is an absolute Arsehole.
I’ve just had the misfortune of listening to the utter shitstain in one of his interviews (JRM in this particular instance), barage after barage of questions that the guest has no chance of answering, as soon as the guest starts to answer one and in JRM’s case a brilliant answer that proves obrian to be an utter cunt, he fires another question and an accusation to cover up the guest’s response so his listeners don’t realise what an utter fucktard he is.
Jim the Cunt obrian and I spell it wrong because you are a CUNT, you are exactly what’s wrong in Brittain. You think that you know best, you won’t listen and you aggressively shout down those that don’t agree with your warped view of the world. jim obrian, you are a wretched weasel and an utter cunt.
O’brien is a bigger cunt than every politician in the House of Parliament combined. I listen to Nick Ferrari before him and as soon as O’cunt comes on I turn off. The cunts obsessed with Brexit.
Having never heard or these twats I couldn’t resist looking them up to get a measure of their cuntitude….
What fucking talentless dross….
Well worth an entry onto this prestigious website. Probably the only accolade that these cunts ever deservedly received.
Good call hbh.
The Home Office has started issuing passports with the words “European Union” removed. Fuck me, can’t these cunts get their stories straight? The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
If you get one, hold on to it. It could be a collectors item very soon.
I saw an advert last night, that was about questions that people were asking, regarding us leaving the Eu. Can’t remember the name of it, but the website ended in .gov. What is the point of that, as government seems to be clueless to either what they are doing, and the consequences of it. Cunts, go suck a dry dog turd.
Good man! I’ve been waiting nearly 12 months to renew mine.
Hopefully these civil serpants know something our press are hiding from us and our poli-shitstains are trying desperately to avoid.
Come on Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 6 days!!!
One plus point.
They did do a Christmas song – Try not to be a cunt this Christmas.
O’Brian is a later day Lord Haw Haw. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started his Propaganda show with the words LONDINISTAN CALLING.
More like “Brussels Calling”
Morning Fenton ?
A mess of mawkish, Middle-class Muppets. They’ll be embarrassed about this crap when they grow up.
Probably just their spokewhore/PR machine handling their YT. Either way, that Christmas song of theirs indefinitely remains my go-to carol.
I have to be very, very careful, and hope that they don’t read this, but a neighbour of mine is a member of a heavily derivative clone of F.A. I have established through Youtube that this is considerably less entertaining and even more stridently wimminist than the original. I have a nasty feeling that trios of middleclass female bores attempting to sing uncomic songs may be becoming a trend, along with everything else that is wrong with the world.