Farmers (3)

Farmers are cunts, aren’t they.

Most farmers are social misfits who can’t do a thinking job. You often hear these grumbling bumpkins spewing their cheap, hillbilly logic, “Oo-aah, yow townie folk don ooderstaand the ways of the coun’ree an should leave well alone.” The Yokel mentality. Alright if that’s the case you leave the ways of the town alone which includes trading: You don’t sell any of your overpriced produce and we won’t discuss murdering foxes.

Most of these backward, beetroot-heads are pro-EU; not for the good of the UK but for the benefit of their own bottomless pockets. Cheap EastEuro trash picking fruit’n’veg for cash whilst claiming benefits and there’s Farmer Cuntcarrot sitting astride his hill of money; the only loser is the tax-payer.

Many of these turnip-munchers attempt to prevent people walking on public bridleways knowing full well that their cunty farmer selfishness is illegal. Those are the fields where I accidentally leave the gates open.

It tickles my mind when I read about another of these sheep-worriers taking their own life because profits were low. Let’s hope 2019 is a bumper year for bumpkin suicides.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

88 thoughts on “Farmers (3)

  1. “pro EU;not for the good of the UK but for the benefit of their own bottomless pockets” precisely sums up why my piss boileth re. remainers’ motives for voting in 2016.
    Off-topic but is anyone taking bets as to what breed of scum is responsible for the Sri Lanka bombings?

  2. Haha, yeah like it when you leave gates open dont they? They also welcome you having bbq in grazing fields in high summer, and especially fond of off-lead dogs giving the sheep exercise! Best to get them onside when in the sticks, always speak slowly like to a toddler or a foreigner so they can understand you.

  3. Surprisingly enough I’ve got one or two thoughts on this…..

    The reason a lot of farmers want people to “stay offffff my lannnnddd” is precisely because so many “townies” have a jealous attitude…….

    You’re not forced to buy any “overpriced produce”.. buy cheap shite from some unregulated shithole if that is as far as your pocket will stretch.

    The only figures that I can find on Brexit voting seem to show that a slight majority of farmers voted ” leave”…pretty much in line with the national vote.

    Leaving gates open is madness. Animals are liable to be killed or cause an accident should they be running loose. A neighbour of mine had a brood=mare that was to shoot because some walkers had left the gate open,the horse got spooked and ended running itself into high-tensile barbed-wire.

    As for the “we should be able to walk wherever we want” attitude..well fine,if I can come and set up my picnic on your lawn,leave my rubbish and allow my hounds to “play with” your some people do when they fondly imagine that their yappy little rat-dog chasing a field of pregnant ewes is “playing”.

    Yes,farming does have a high suicide rate…The Foot and Mouth year was a bonanza. Farmers who saw generations of work,their livelihood and homes all going down the shitter can cause that.

    As for the Foxhunting bit….well,you know what I always say….” Tally Ho and Fuck Off,”

    Now I think I can see some dreadful common pleb in a “footy” shirt and trackie-bottoms walking across the hay field….the hounds’ll soon direct him back to his inner-city tower-block..

    🙂 .

    • One other point….employing “cheap Eurotrash”….

      You complain about “overpriced produce” and then complain about cheap labour. Increased labour costs would be passed on leading to even higher “overpricing”.

      The main beneficiaries of “cheap” labour are the supermarkets who squeeze every penny from their suppliers. It doesn’t go into the farmers’ pockets.

      Besides,most “British” trash are unwilling to do that kind of work,no matter how much money was offered.

      • Dick you are touching on a subject I feel strongly about, the UK has a large unemployed population, however if they accept seasonal work, when it ends they are then subjected to a waiting period for there benefits to be reinstated.
        I really think that this should not be the case, they should be allowed to do seasonal work (benefits stop) and have their benefits reinstated at the end of the season so we would not need to import casual labour, it would also give them a bit of a holiday/work experience

      • I understand your point Lord B., but would say that I’ve found most of our home-grown unemployed to be virtually unemployable.
        Twenty odd years ago I used to do a lot of contract tree-planting for the Forestry Commission. It is a hard,cold and labour-intensive job. Sometimes I’d get the odd dole person ringing up looking for work,and if I liked the sound of them,I’d give them a start and tell them that I’d pay cash-in-hand (rather than them sign-off straight away) until we saw how they came on. Most were never seen again after the first day,and others did a slovenly,unacceptable job or tried to bury bags of trees rather than plant them. Over the years I can only think of two “unemployed” lads who were any good,and they were older blokes who had been made redundant from long-term jobs.

        I look at some of our young “unemployed” and see lazy,spoiled soft wasters. I look at pictures of these Poles picking veg. and see both men and women who are prepared to work.

        I would say that not all of our unemployed are lazy,but I can see why these fruit and veg farmers choose to employ foreign labour for physically demanding jobs over our home-grown mobile-phone obsessed,soft unemployed.

    • I think you’re well prepared for this one Mr F. and could see it coming via noms. You have manned the barricades superbly. I look forward to reading your forthcoming white paper – “In Defence of Farmers”.

    • Could not agree more Dick. Farming is a hard job with more responsibility than most normal men could handle. Farmers are part of the true backbone of any country, yes some might be cunts and they have every right to be. They get screwed more and more on price etc.
      One thing I did see which is interesting is the removal of subsidies in New Zealand’s sheep farming. Regardless of this the farmers there have managed to work and still turn a profit, in fact they are exporting lamb to the EU and even after paying taxes they are still making a viable profit. Fairplay to Farmers I say.

  4. Never seen a fuckin farmer in a Nissan micra or similar, the cunts all have 4*4 the greedy cunts. Fuckin farm shops are more expensive than Sainsbury’s cut your costs mr giles and sell more you thick cunt

    • Farmers have 4 by 4s because they tend to use them to go where they are designed to go….Off-Road.
      Don’t go to farm shops if you find them too expensive..Lidls will probably be a better option.

      Morning Harry.

      • Yeah I live fairly rural (a small village in the sticks) and I’m currently looking out of the window at two old Land Rovers belonging to my landlord and his Dad.

        Neither of them are farmers but they do a lot of trade work out in the countryside so 4x4s are very useful, especially in the winter months.

        Surely even the most pig ignorant townie must realise that 4x4s are essential for those living in rural areas.

      • Two in the sink thanks for you most useless comment clearly a inbred of Mrs Miggens and Farmer Giles fuck off,

        Happy Easter Mr F loverly up here in rural Northumberland.

      • I’m a townie by birth and even I know that 4x4s are essential for farmers.

        The fact that you took umbrage with farmers all plodding around in off road vehicles makes you come across as fucking clown pal.

        As Mr Fiddler would say “fuck off”

      • Aye, a Nissan Micra wouldn’t really cut it if you were trying to drive across a stubble field,or had to get about in the winter months when there is no snow-ploughing or even gritting on so many rural roads.

      • Off to a local pub spot lunch a good number of local ales then probably light a fire with a few spare tyres I have , it’s always fun on such a day when the little brat kids are screaming and shouting in the adjacent property. Make sure to light the fire right next to the fence of course as not to inconvenience my enjoyment of the lovely day. Sit back can in hand and watch the ghost like plum fly over the hedge. Fuck me that gets me every time.

        Good day

      • People are ignorant as fuck and are bigger cunts these days… We have a piece of land behind our house and it’s full of horses and has been for years… It is privately owned land and people have always been told to keep off it, as the horses might get scared… But now every cunt walks their fucking dogs on it and doesn’t give a fuck… I say ‘walk’ but they have their creatures off their leads and they freak the horses out… Dog running riot, horses startled, knobhead cunt with phone in their hand… The same sort of wankstains who park their entire car on the entire pavement… Most people are thoughtless, selfish and entitled scum these days…

      • That’ll be the comprehensive school system, churning out moron after moron. As if it was planned!

      • We all have the right button that just needs pressing, BSC….as Capt. M knows, I suspect….. The wicked, footy-loving,council-maisonette dwelling townie.

        :} .

      • Your view on over production Mr Fiddler? I watched a programme about a beetroot famer. Rather one of his crops. Anyway he led us into the shed. A mountain of beetroot. Couldn’t believe the size of it. Are there still ‘food mountains? You don’t hear much about them anymore. Was there something done I wonder? If we do eventually leave the CAP will there be less over production? Funny phrase to use with you but maybe in this farming context you do actually welcome ‘Diversity’?

      • @ Miles…Over production is the fault of a political system which rewards it. If you are getting paid to make say,coathangers,and you have a contract encouraging you to produce as many as you can regardless of need,you’re not going to say “Right, I don’t know if all these coathangers will be needed, I’ll switch the machines off and deprive myself of income”
        During and after The War farmers were encouraged to be efficient. Now they are lambasted as “thick bumpkins” because they know how to be as efficient as possible.
        No farmer “overproduces” on a whim,they “overproduce” because they are paid to do so by a government that knows and cares little of market-demand.

      • I’ve got about as much idea about future Government policy regarding CAP matters as the Government has,,, Fuck All.

      • I’m not anti-diversity, Miles. I’m anti being overwhelmed by “diversity”.

      • ‘….encouraging you to produce as many as you can regardless of need…’
        There is the problem.
        No criticism of farmers from me. Just as you say the ‘system’.
        Too big a subject to go into.
        Diversification. Have you any examples from round your area Mr F? where it has worked? Me and Mrs Plastic have visited the ‘Maize Maze’ a few of times. Mind you once you’ve done it… The last visit it looked a bit tawdry. We go camping a lot. I can tell the farmer is relived to get the cash. But very poor facilities. Often just us a field. No advertising. Ought not more farmhouses be turned into bed and breakfasts?

  5. Went to a farm shop that was actively promoting its “cured ham”……but not one of the staff members present could advise me as to the disease or affliction that the ham had previously suffered….

  6. These cunts claim the virtue of living off the fat of the land when all they do is live of the fat of the EU. They would rather destroy crops in exchange for the EU’s filthy lucre than feed the world. Hypocritical cunts.

    • Where does the EU get its filthy lucre from? The British taxpayer, that’s who. In fact we pay £9 billion more into the EU than we get back in subsidies and grants etc.

  7. Farmers can be moaning fuckers but by and large I can appreciate it is a tough job.
    However, there is this:
    All the land around our village is owned by a chinless twat whose ancestor was shagged by Charles II, who gifted the family land the he shouldn’t have owned in the first place. The men working the land are decent lads who I often talk to when I am out walking. The landowner, who happens to be that cunt Cameron’s father in law, is an obnoxious cunt. Farmers like him are cunts as per cunting.

    • There are obnoxious Cunts in all walks of life.CC.

      I agree that it probably isn’t fair that land is passed down through the generations….but that’s just the way it is. Houses are passed down,shops are passed down etc., land is no different.

      • Dick, my objection isn’t that land is passed down, it is that the parasites of this country got to own it for no good reason, it certainly wasn’t the sweat of their brow, just outdated privilege and fucking snobbery.
        The chinless cunts.

      • My sympathies lie with tenant farmers. My sister and brother in law have just retired. They worked really hard as tenant farmers and have fuck all to show for it. Without land, you are fucked.

      • Yep. it’s not the feather-bed,wait for the subsidy cheque existence that some people like to imagine. Tenant farmers really do have to work fucking hard.

        It’s bad enough paying bills without having to find rent money too.

      • Most don’t get to gain vast amounts financially. Many even less. A love of the life keeps them going BSC. The union of the then ‘Young Farmers’ were another matter. I used to sail a small wooden boat. One evening, just mooring up on the coast I was having trouble folding the Spinnaker in the wind. The ‘Young Farmer’s summer ball was in full swing, as they gathered outside, hoo ha henrying it, pissed. Fits of raucous later drifted down, and I realised it was my sail folding entertaining them. And they had the gall to clap patronisingly as I finally managed it. Maybe it was just the drink talking.

      • Oh, I don’t like that type either,some of them are insufferable Cunts, but they can hardly be held responsible for the sins of their forefathers. I wouldn’t say “No,it’s not right” if someone wanted to leave me thousands of acres.
        Life is unfair. It’s fucking galling when you see the likes of the Royal family copping for a life of luxury on the back of an accident of birth,but I suppose some are lucky in the lottery of life and others less so.

        C’est la vie,

        🙂 .

      • I researched the Jacobite Rebellion after reading a historical novel ‘Devil Water’s by Anya Seton. James Radclyffe, 3rd earl of Derwentwater, who came to be via the Lady Mary Tudor, illegitimate daughter of Charles 11& Moll Flanders, real name Moll Davis. James was beheaded on Tower Hill 1716, amidst great sorrow and lamenting . Apparently despite his vast inherited wealth, he was known to be a gentle, kind popular Earl. It is said that on the day of his burial, the sky’s were lit up by the brilliant Aurora Borealis display. And this was an omen of heaven’s wrath at the death of the gentle, popular Earl. His land was confiscated by the government many years later I believe. And over the centuries fallen into the hands of the corrupt and greedy.

      • I suppose there have always been good and bad landowners, Lost Sheep. However, when government gets involved,apparently even back then,you can be sure that corruption and mismanagement will be close behind.
        I’d rather that land stayed in private hands than allow politicians to get their thieving claws into the job.

      • So True Mr Fiddler. I’ve met some gracious, bona fide landowners in the past. Their weather look complementing their own bonhomous nature. A politician, good or bad, I’m glad to say, I have never met.

      • A few years ago I had the misfortune to meet our freshly-elected M.P. He introduced me to his charming new wife before giving a speech on the need for hardline Tory values….imagine my surprise on reading the paper a few days later to see an article about our “traditional values” MP being caught in an area known as “Gobbler’s Gulch” on Hamstead Heath giving another man a blowjob.

        Nowadays he’d have probably got a medal.

      • Giving blowjobs on Hampstead Heath was the lesser of Amos’s sins: in 1994 he joined the Labour Party… ?

      • No. RTC…his worst sin was shaking my hand. Even now after being reminded, I had to get up and wash my hands. Fuck only knows what he’d been doing before greeting me. I could have caught The Gayness….at the very least there would have been traces of bodily fluids,hamster shit and make-up on his hand….the fucking filthy beast.

      • Don’t change your avatar/handle Lostsheep. It has become “ewe”. I am not a stalker but I think I love ewe.

      • Lostsheep – Cross reference “ Pathetic song lyrics” I think I love ewe- Partridge Family. 1970.

  8. Leaving gates open makes no sense. There is no upside whatsoever and plenty of downside regards livestock. It’s the equivalent of a farmer not liking your townie existence and unlocking your three year old Mondeo and leaving the keys in the ignition.

  9. All the farmers I’ve ever known or encountered have been cunts, proud of their lack of education and ad chippy as anything. The ones round were I live are savages. Filthy and disgusting. It’s like civilisation passed them by. Farmers remind me of those stories of profiteers during the Second World War.

    • “Cunts….lack of education…chippy…savages…filthy and disgusting,etc.”…Too fucking right ,and proud of it.

      • That’s also a description that fits a lot of people from round my way.
        Central Cardiff… Usual collection of beards, purple hair and uphill cottage-gardeners… And why do they ALL wear the same spectacles.
        I think I may go for lenses…

  10. Amir Khan beaten by Terence Crawford after low blow…
    Oh dear! How sad! Never fucking mind!

  11. High suicide rate,belligerent ministry twats, eu red tape,price cutting supermarkets,wanker animal rights twats , greedy developers and ignorant townies no wonder farmers are insular cunts though in my years as a farrier not met many who are out and out cunts.

    • And on top of everything else Cd, they are now up against even more theft of large, costly farm equipment. I expect the only farmers not falling fowl of this are too far away and too isolated. The bastard thieves can’t afford the petrol.

  12. To be fair it’s the most important job in society along with fishermen.
    I always judge importance of job based on whay woukd happen if they all disappeared overnight and how long would it take to get back to normal.
    For example, I’m an electrician. If we all disappeared nothing would happen for a couple of weeks. Rolling blackouts for a couple of months, maybe after a while no power for a couple of months. Back to normal within 5 years. Not particularly important but somewhat useful.
    If farmers and fishermen vanished, billions would starve within 6 months.
    That’s why I think acting and sports are the least important. Nothing would happen and no one would care.
    Journalists too, the cunts.
    Having said that, I’ve never actually met a farmer, I expect that they probably are a bunch of cunts.
    Important cunts though.

    • I doubt the blacks will ever rue the slaughtering of white farmers. Even as they themselves watch the land go to waste, and die of hunger.

      • The Sith Ifrican blicks are making the same mistake the Zimbabweans made in kicking out white farmers and redistributing the land to cunts who wouldn’t know the first thing about farming.

      • What really annoyed me about the Zimbabwean cunts was that when they had nothing to eat the badtards got the WHITE snowflakes to run an appeal for them. I’m glad to say the response was karmic.

    • If all the fishermen and farmers fucked off some other cunts would take their place.EU subsidies are a magnet.

  13. Agreed. The above picture looks idyllic. Fresh air, open fields. Just animals, no people. it would be a wonderful life if it wasn’t such bloody hard work.

  14. I love growing plants but my veggie garden would only feed us until Wednesday lunchtime, and that’s including the snails and slugs.

  15. What the fuck are Farmers who produce milk bothering for? Do they make any money? Doesn’t the government subsidise milk because if supermarket price wars. What a pole of cunt… I dunno who is to blame…don’t give a fuck kiss as I buy Organic milk but milk farmers are costing us twice, once in government subsidies and again in the shop. Another example of what is a farce of a situation.

  16. Any farmer who wants to make a few quid get in touch… We could put a rave on.
    I’ll supply the system, djs, people and the ‘Accessories’ all you have to do is supply the land for a weekend.
    Don’t worry abaaaaaht the old bill… One is on the square you see.
    Cmon it might even cheer you up you miserable cunts.

  17. I’m a bit late to this one but I’m surrounded by farmers here in North Wales – not one of whom drives a car older than mine….

    “Yes, farming does have a high suicide rate…The Foot and Mouth year was a bonanza”

    from DF’s above comment – F&M was seriously profitable here when farmers contrived to swap infected sheep between farms just so they could get (from memory) 15 x the market value of ewes and 3 x the market value of lambs to have them slaughtered. I vividly remember the cattle trucks turning up to collect the poor (F&M-Free) fuckers…. Local farmer laughing all the way to the bank.

    That said, it’s not a job I’d choose and virtually all of the local farmers redeem themselves by having voted Leave.

    • it wasn’t just the farmers who lost stock who were impacted. There was no compensation paid to farmers whose animals were not killed. Movement restrictions for all animals stopped cash-flow in it’s tracks,and the loss of confidence in British stock on top of the Mad Cow disease caused a huge drop in income for many farmers. Stock was still to feed and bills to pay and yet there was no,or greatly reduced income.
      I know that some did fucking well out of it,but ask some of the farmers who lost herds or flocks that had been generations in the breeding, a lot would say that the compensation could never replace that loss.

      • Fair point Mr F but there was no compensation paid to the local café / visitor centre when the road was closed to through traffic due to F&M (Less than 1/4 mile away from the farm). That poor sod just had to suck it up and get on with it.

      • That’s my point, Seymour. Foot and Mouth affected far more than just the farmers who lost stock. Tourism, suppliers, forestry was even stopped in my area, and yet people just think of the farmers who “”did well” out of it.
        I think the reason that it caused some farmers so much trouble is that a lot of farmers are so insular. Their jobs and their homes were lost,and the banks were certainly no help to some of them.
        I agree with you that others had to suck it up,but perhaps some farmers just couldn’t face the loss of something that may have been in their family for years.

  18. My mate’s dad is a farmer and he’s a top bloke.
    My uncle is a farmer and he’s a total cunt, but not because he’s a farmer…

  19. Edward, your post was highly emotional and rather rude, please check the forum rules.
    We know what you wrote, you know what you wrote lets leave it at that.

    Love Admin

  20. Where’s Sir Limply? I thought all this talk of of ‘Farmers’ would lure him out for more tales of trouser grape angst and supermarket kung fu expoits?

  21. Plenty of Farmers by me and one thing’s for sure, they might all claim to be poor and not turn a profit, but they have some mighty posh gas guzzling cars and monster tractors (as in £500k’s worth, which I’m led to believe is down to non-repayable loans from the EU???).

    I went to college with the son of a large dairy in Shropshire. Posh Cunt!
    I know another lad whose parents own a farm here in Cheshire and he’s a top bloke. Fucking loaded though, again!

    Next time you see the cunts protesting, drive past and check out the vehicles. Brand spanking Q8’s, Vogues and X6s = no sympathy from me.

    As a side note, the NFU published an article before the referrendum, urging Farmer’s to vote remain, so in my mind, that adds extra credability to those that voted Leave ? It’s also not a job I could do, so hats off to them.

    If you keep leaving their gates open then don’t be shocked if the laws on public rights of way change. If you can’t be trusted to respect the very simple Country Code, then you can’t be trusted to pass over the land of others.

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