More Green Bullshit
British Steel, Scunthorpe have requested a £100 million loan to meet emissions targets. Explanation below:
‘The EU’s emissions trading system’s rules allow industrial polluters to use carbon credits to pay for the previous year’s emissions, or trade them to raise money.
Each free permit gives a firm the right to emit a tonne (1,000kg) of carbon dioxide (CO2), and they can be traded for money.’
Apparently Brexit has caused a problem.
Leaving aside the fact that British Steel is an important employer and one of the few heavy industries we have left, can any fucker explain the logic behind this ’emissions trading’ horseshit? Does pollution magically disappear? Do the carbon trading fairies hoover it up?
This nonsense ranks alongside the wood burning power stations as utter shite. Utter green shite.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I do emission trading, guy behind me at work eats stinky food and I fart.
Forgive my ignorance but what’s the problem that Brexit, or rather the lack of it, has caused?
It is not clear to me but it seems the EU awards polluters to pay for last year’s emissions. (Me neither. I said it was bullshit)
The EU are presumably withholding this ‘award’ as we are supposed to be leaving even though it refers to last year’s pollution. I hope that clears it up, and if so you can explain it to me, as I haven’t a fucking clue.
Apparently the EU have suspended all UK firms access to free carbon permits until we’ve signed up to their vassal state Withdrawal Agreement.
Fucked if I know what it means in practice.
Apart from the EU getting more of our money obviously.
Carbon trading is just a tax. A tax on activity. You produce CO2; you buy a chit for it. Consider it a sort of green VAT. It is just taxation bollocks.
If the eco-loon-cunts are right in what they believe and say, the only logical way to stop the inevitable is World War 3 – everyone against China and India. Or we’re fucked. Playing silly beggars with windmills and golf buggies for all will not make a blind bit of difference. I blame Two Kitchens Milliband. The cunt.
And two jags Prescott. The fat cunt.
Throw another Caroline Lucarse on the fire !!
It’s green calvinist puritism (as espoused by that cabbage patch Swedish wench) and thatcherite market drivel being enforced by the EU politburo. Course its total wank as China and India do as they please.
From what I’ve read this is just a tax. We’re supposedly leaving the EU so they can fuck off. British Steel can just chuck a whole load of coal into the furnaces and blow the fucking smoke towards Brussels.
Just to add that if they’re refusing CO2 allowances for last year’s emission levels because, apparently, we’re leaving, what makes them think that they can try to fine us for it this year when, apparently, we’re leaving? The sheer incompetence and money-grabbing of these bunch of cunts is staggering, but totally in keeping with the piles of shit that run the EU.
Yeah, fuck ’em. Let’s build a plastic-fired plant that makes……plastic for itself to burn. It could run 24/7 and also power a fucking massive fan to blow all the smoke straight over the Channel. We could bung some depleted nuclear shit in there as well, just to really knob the french cunts off.
Oh but Cuntzilla, if we blow it over the Channel,what about all the poor illegal immigrant chancers, I mean “refugees” sailing in? They might be caught in the pollution and breathe in the toxic fumes and be chemically-affected and it might burn their skin and singe their hair and ruin their mobiles and stain their jet skis and blemish their new trainers and choke their murderous sensibilities.
We cant have that, can we.
And where does all that money go I wonder?
Probably not to provide environmental benefits; but more like another gravy-train of expenses for MEPs and other cunts that “work” in Brussels/Strasbourg!
The Krauts can pick up this bill now that their polluting cars have been found to cheat the emissions test.
Just tell the EU to fuck off and the Germans can fuck off twice as far.
Job done. No need to try and understand the duplicity.
It’s simple…… we have the power we make the fucking rules. The rule, in this case, is….. you’re making money, we want our slice.
I believe Messrs Capone, Kray and Kray ran similar schemes in the past, with the same regard to the fucking “environment.”
They were thieving cunts then and they are thieving cunts now.
When i was last in Poland the pollution was pretty bad in the town i was staying and the Polaks apologised to me about it. Funny thing was all i could smell was coal burning which gave me a strong nostalgic feeling when i was growing up in Blighty during the late 50’s / 60’s . Splendid time i had inhaling the coal fumes and getting memories of Mick McManus wrestling , Dr Who circa William Hartnell and Double your money with Michael Miles.
Those were the days.
No political correctness. Only one language instead of 468. No drug dealing and benefit scrounging immigrants. Terrorists were abroad. And any fucking weirdos who thought they were some other gender got treated with the derision they deserved. Best of all, hanging was still a punishment.
The Black Country was filthy though I admit, but I’d put up with sooty washing to have peace of mind back.
Here here my Duke. I second that ?
A golden age Fenton!
Btw, Double Your Money was Hughie Green. Michael Miles did Take Your Pick.
I was waiting for that Ruff Tuff. I suddenly realised after I posted it.
Thank you freinds, I mean that most sincerely.
I bet the Chinks and the Curry-Munchers don’t trouble themselves too much about any emission trading schemes.
Afternoon Mr Fiddler, indeed the curry wallah’s and noodle slurpers couldn’t give a shit. In fact the Chinese have built dozens if not more of brand new airports in the time successive governments over here have been fannying around on a new third runway for Heathrow. Not many eco-nutter laying down in front of bulldozers over there as they would become part of the runway.
If I’d been driving that tank in Tiananmen Square, I’d have driven right over the top of the Cunt. I’m only too willing to do the same to a few protesters here.
Afternoon, LL
You have a tank Dick?
Evening gentlemen.
Unfortunately not, RTC but I do have a large tractor and a “can do” attitude when it comes to mowing down hippies.
Afternoon RTC.
They’ve also built several power stations while it’s as much as we can do to change a fucking plug here.
Thanks to PFI it costs a million squid to change a lightbulb… three million to change a fucking plug.
Another load of bureaucratic bollocks to screw money out you and to keep tosspots in a job, and the rules always become more onerous and difficult so they can justify their jobs. Cunts of the first water ,twats to a man
I apologise for a change of subject but did anyone see that Andy Murray “bellend” look alike who was dressed as Big Ben for the London Marathon. Master Bate needed help to cross the finishing line because he was too tall. Then, to demonstrate what a wanker he is, his costume got stolen from outside a pub he stopped at.
did the bloke carrying a large fridge on his back finish? quite an achievement if he did.. pointless yes but fair play to him. if he did.
Yep, he’s ok. He chilled out afterwards.
We think the world runs on fossil fuels but in reality it runs on bullshit!
It’s been mentioned on this thread already what the Chinese have been building. If we had a but more efficiency and didn’t have the EU to tell us what to do we might build something or should I say sell the building rights to a foreign country… Who in turn pass the cost on to us and make massive profits.
Too much bureaucracy, messing about, and right on cunts getting in the way.
It’s simple our western way of life and the environment don’t get on well.
It’s all posturing because of the latest protests… Nothing will change much.
The human race is a disgrace. That being said… I like motors, and lots of pollution causing things.
Anyways the EU are cunts and we cannot build things like HS2 etc and still pretend to be green etc. It’s a pile of cunt.
Go fuck yourselves.
You’re all absolutely right. Until someone somewhere does something about the exponential growth of global population then civilisation and the ecosystem is eventually finished. 30, 50, 100, 200 years. I don’t know and neither does anyone else but it’s coming unless population levels are stabilised. People use energy and produce crap, literally & metaphorically. Tricky issue isn’t it? What politician or anyone else for that matter is going to tell people they can’t produce children like rabbits, or tell old people that at age 70 they must report to be euthanized, and some degree of both will be needed to preserve a demographic balance. Well, I follow the epicurian philosophy, humanity is ultimately fucked, with or without politicians & David Attenborough. No wonder we’ve not received any signals from outer space, advanced civilisation is a self destructive construct. Best thing to do is get stuck into the wine.
Fuckin’ hell, I haven’t got long before Dignitas comes calling! Now where did I put that bucket list?
”There are only 390 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere. This is less than miniscule. It is almost non-existent. What’s more 93% of this miniscule greenhouse gas is naturally-released from soil, water, volcanos, etc. The greenhouse effect of CO2 is also miniscule. Atom absorbic spectroscopy shows that CO2 can only absorb infra-red radiation in the 15-micron frequency range, which means it only has the most miniscule of miniscule greenhouse effect. Water vapor is by far the most prevalent greenhouse gas, absorbing the entire infra-red spectrum and is 30,000 ppm in our atmosphere. In addition, CO2’s greenhouse effect is logarithmic. Higher concentrations have a decreasing greenhouse effect. Once CO2 exceeds 540 ppm, any additional CO2 has almost no effect. Despite the virtually-nil role CO2 plays in climate change, yet alone the paltry 7% of CO2 which is man-made, the small amount of CO2 there is in the atmosphere rises and falls along with temperature not because it is a cause of the temperature, but because of out-gassing. It is an effect of rising and falling temperatures. Out-gassing is a chemical property of gasses whereby more gas is released the warmer it becomes. Accordingly, as temperatures rise, more natural CO2 is released from water and soil. The nutty hockey stick graph is as much of a fraud as Al Gore is. The graph was fabricated by Penn State scientist Dr. Michael Mann who all but discounted the Medievel Warming Period when temperatures were warmer than today, (according to 1,051 peer-reviewed studies representing 601 research institutes in 44 countries) and the Little Ice Age. If you remove these two huge climatic changes and smooth out the data from 1000 to 1930, it makes the graph look sinister. It’s not. The hockey stick is a bad joke even among AGW proponents. Ice core analysis proves rising and falling CO2 is the result of rising and falling temperatures, not the other way around. They conclusive show that when a new warming period starts, CO2 levels are still falling, and vice-versa. CO2 is not a poisonous gas. It is an essential plant food. It would be better for the earth if CO2 rose substantially from current levels. Higher CO2 creates higher crop yields. It saves millions from starvation. If CO2 falls below 180 ppm all life on earth would cease. CO2 would have to increase to 30,000 ppm (or about 10,000%) to reach dangerous levels. Water vapor, the sun and its solar cycles, galactic cosmic rays, ocean currents, jet streams, el Nino, tectonics, and cloud activity all affect climate. CO2 does not. It does not matter.
So why the hoax? Governments want trillions in CO2 taxes. Scientists want millions in AGW research grants, security companies want trillions in carbon trading commissions, and the UN wants trillions for global wealth redistribution. Governments also want to control CO2 emissions to wield power. It just amazes me that intelligent people believe this AGW stuff. It actually defies logic. It’s about money, corruption, and power. ”
CO2 + the little grren things in the Oceans = O2
Whatever happened to the hole in the Ozone layer, havent heard anything about this for years.
Good lad. And CO2 lags temperature by about 700 years too.
If I see that look at me cunt who crawled across the finish line at the London Cuntathon one more fucking time… Sweet mercy… What a cunt…
The only sort I’m interested in are nocturnal emissions, although I haven’t been brave enough to risk it for a while in case I put a strain on my newly-mended ticker. I’ll give it another week or so before visiting the porn sites.
Jesus Christ… The world really is fucked…
A Burkini?! The planet will be a caliphate in half a century…
The Frogs banned burkinis a few years ago:
Then they unbanned them, I think.
I see that Boots the chemist are now catering for Muslims and stocking the new Isis shampoo…
….”and Shoulders”….
Cillit bang had a sales boom in Bradford but then there was a rush of returns for some reason.
Its not just anyold wood chip that’s being used to fuel power stations but wood chip that has been shipped halfway around the world by massively polluting ships so we can burn it rather than burn our domestic coal reserves which we have loads of. It’s all utter bollocks. Fuck the lot of them , I wish they would stop breathing my air. Cunts!
Drax, which burns wood chips (subsidy about £1billon pa) is about 5 miles along a railway line from Kellingely pit which closed a couple of years ago. Coal doesn’t give off the particulates that wood does either.
Green horshit.