David Lammy (4)

I’m sorry I know many of you don’t like to be reminded of B——, but whether you are a leaver or remainer I think you must agree that this steaming heap of shit has no right to refer to Brexiteers as “Nazis” as the idiot has done on the BBC again, moreover just Tories, apparently Labour leavers are —- well, you tell us hammy Lammy:


During that interview the cunt has to drag in the fact he is an ethnic minority. Playing the race card on TV seems a bit stupid – does Lammy not know people could see as well as hear him making an arsehole of himself?.

It just proves with MPs down to his standard how far politics has fallen into the gutter into this country

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

David Lammy appeared on the Andrew Marr show this weekend. He is a racist bigot…who now thinks he’s a tv celebrity…Even LBC radio gave him a show not so long ago…

He is yet another champagne socialist who likes to preach equality, yet lives the millionaire high life…

He, like Diane Abbott, is only interested in the black community, and made himself look a right fraggle when he had a pop at Stacy Dooley, who has done far more good highlighting worldly problems than this black Hitler has ever done in parliament…

Lammy, you really are a Cunt

Nominated by Munchy Waller

82 thoughts on “David Lammy (4)

  1. I always get annoyed with the miss use of the word Nazi, Historically their mistake was to document everything they did (and loose the war)
    In reality the communist regimes around the world have knocked off more people and done nastier things than them.
    So when a socialist calls you a Nazi what they are saying is “I am a smug bastard who gets away with the shit I am accusing you of”

      • My thoughts exactly when I heard about the Notre Dame fire yesterday. Didn’t think I’d be alone in saying that on ISAC.

    • Do you think Lammy is an egotistical twat who really believes all the crap he spouts ?
      or is he a closet reefer smoker, who’s stoned off his tits ?
      Maybe I’m being unfair.. maybe he’s had a head injury or has an un-diagnosed brain tumor, and that’s making him act like an utter Cunt.

      • Some are born cunts, some achieve cuntness, and some have cuntness thrust upon ’em……I feel he’s a natural.

  2. ♫♫ ,Lammy he justa loves to sing da Mammy ♫♫

    In the picture above he demonstrates his technique for knocking on the door of his local KFC at 5 mins to opening time for early chiggun helpings.

  3. He looks like a big dwarf, “watchu talking ’bout willis” after he’d had chemotherapy.

  4. The ‘Nazi’ tag is very rich, considering it’s a fascist like Lammy spouting it…
    All hail ze Chocolate Fuhrer….

  5. A racist himself, calling out others perceived racism. With toady double standards like that, it’s little wonder that he pursued a career in politics.

  6. I’m a Nazi eh? Die Lammy und Unser ungluck.
    Someone should tell David that:

    (a) he’s a racist
    (b) he belongs to a party that doesn’t believe in democracy
    (c) he belongs to a party known for its hatred of Jews

    On an. admittedly basic level, that sounds more like a Nazi to me than some bloke who voted the “wrong” way in a referendum. I take it David will soon be appearing in court like the bloke who said the same thing to Sourberries?
    No, probably not.

  7. Well, at least when Hitler held a referendum he always respected and implemented the result.
    1933 -Referendum on withdrawing from the League of Nations ,approved by 95.1%.
    1934- Referendum on merging the posts of Chancellor and President,approved by 88.1%.
    1935-Referendum on Saar Basins reunification with Germany,approved by 91%.
    1938-Referendum on Union of Germany and Austria approved by 99% in both countries

    All results honoured with no backstops or 6 month extensions

    • To be fair, those referenda results were all rigged…….a lesson, i’m sure, not lost on our current dictators.

    • And he made the trains run on time…..
      ………so you would arrive in good time for the shower 🙁

  8. I think the Cunt came right out of Idi Amin’s arse. If he comes to power he will behave just like the Ugandan tyrant .

  9. Just cannot wait for cunts like Lammy Flabbott oh oh oh Jeremy Corbyn and all the rest of the substandard second rate commies to be in charge of Blighty. What an uplifting thought that is!

  10. Doesn’t calling a bunch of people you’ve never met, “Nazis” qualify as “hate speech?”
    No, of course not……. you have to be white, heterosexual and male before you are capable of “hate.”
    The new Establishment and the new minority. History in the making.

  11. We should be very worried about the Cunt Lammy. Because like minded thick fuckers in Momentum agree with him and theirs plenty of them.

      • Lets hope Lammy’s stupidity will be his undoing , he’s going to open his big opinionated gob just once to often.

        Evening Ruff Tuff.

      • If you were to look closely you’ll see that they’re not actually wearing any shirts!

  12. It must be more than two cuntings – I wrote one for the racist, tunnel-visioned, bigoted cretin only a few months ago.

    Look at his fat neck bursting out of his shirt. He’s not short of a bit of food up in the Tottenham shithole, is he.

    • ADMIN

      I make it about six cuntings for Lammy. I’d hate to see justice not done for this “cunt of the people.” We shouldn’t monkey around with cuntings.

      Who are we to rob him of previous nominations? Who are we to deny this shining light a future place on the Wall of Cunts?


  13. It really pisses me off when Lammy and peole like him are allowed to call people Nazi, on this occassion it was Rees-Mogg and BoJo.
    It is a fucking disgrace and on my scale of insults is as bad if not worse than referring to someones religion, race or colour.
    Calling someone Nazi infers that they are sympathetic with and hold the same views as a group of people who murdered 6 million people.
    Bojo and Rees-Mogg should now be allowed to call Lammy “a fucking ignorant b…k cunt”
    That is what he is, he gets away with all this shit because of his colour so by using his colour it is legitimate to use it against him.


    • Lammy IS an ignorant black cunt and he should be prosecuted for his racist bullshit. I doubt the fat self advertising cunt actually knows ANYTHING about the Nazi’s.

  14. Off piste…

    I’ve just seen news that Amber Rudd is thinking of running for leadership of the Tory unDemocratic party. Amber fucking Rudd! She makes Gove look competent! Holy fuckbags, they’re determined to relinquish power.

    Amber cunty Rudd. The Emperor from the Star Wars films.

  15. Lammy, never has one man made looking a total cunt look so totally effortless.

    Natural born solid gold cunt

  16. That pic looks like he is jacking off the invisible man. He looks so happy .?

    • Nice try sheriff but the invisible man is a white racist and colonist it will be him jerking off lammy for slavery reparations That pic was him happy because he grabbed the last bucket of chicken at nandos

  17. Hitler gets a bad rap because he tried to eliminate an entire section of society but Stalin killed far more individuals. I think it’s only estimates but it’s said that Stalin killed three times as many as Hitler.

      • “I think it’s only estimates but it’s said that Stalin killed three times as many as Hitler”

        Also if we counter in the controversial opinion that not as many jews died (6 million for example) as they say they did and they overexaggerate their numbers or the ways that they died its ironic how people call any form of authoritism or failed governance nowadays as fascism when Stalin was much more totalitarian then hitler

    • Good thing about Uncle Joe was he wasnt a wacist.Didnt care if you were a Jew,Muzzie,Russkie,Kraut,Ukrainian,Polak,Eskimo or Pygmy.He still killed you.Apparently his motto was “No man,no problem”.Which makes sense when you really think about it.

  18. Oh I almost forgot, this champion of all people black, how comes it’s black first in everything except Pussy?

    Black women not your cup of tea David or is it that then strong black women scare you shitless?

    Either way you hypocrite cunt.

  19. This big thick cunt is straight out of the Edi Amin mould ?. We are seriously going down the pipe with wankers like him and Flabbott chancing their arm in politics, they are so far out of their depth,in fact scrapping Diahorrea from around the rim of a crusty bog in some pisshead’s paradise is probably asking to much of this pair. So Lammy fuck off back to your nest and get high on Jenkum.!

    • To right Bosshog,
      Decades ago you had to be an upstanding individual to be a Politician. Ex diplomat or out of the Military, A Journalist that had been in the thick of it.
      Not now , no qualifications needed. A thick Cunt who has little or no understanding of an economy or diplomacy . Just sheer bloody minded stupidity. A big headed loud mouthed cunt like Lammy going out of his way to prove he aint no uncle Tom. God help us if he rules over us.

  20. He’s another unintelligent waste of perfectly good oxygen who has only got anywhere in life by the persistent playing of a certain card, the same one that got the Shadow Home Secretary where she is. Only a complete moron would take him seriously, and that’s why I’m ready to put £20 on him being the next Labour leader. If I told him to his face exactly what I think of him, I’d probably be arrested for racism.

  21. Dear Mr Lammy
    I voted to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum. That means, in colloquial English, that I am a Brexiteer.
    You have claimed on national television that Brexiteers are Nazis. I have never been a member of the Nazionalistiche Deutsche Arbeiterer Partei and so never a Nazi.
    I am afraid of you Mr Lammy. You appear regularly on television and always insult people who do not agree with your political views. I live in fear that one day you will become a member of Her Majesty’s government and l will be discriminated against, or worse, for having voted Leave.
    In short Mr Lammy you have defamed and harassed me in a way actionable in law. You behaviour has been criminal. Tomorrow I am going to ask my solicitor to accompany me to a police station where I shall make a complaint about your criminality. I shall then instruct my solicitor to file civil complaints about your behaviour with the High Court.
    Yes l will.

  22. If you have a Nazi membership card with a low number, it’s worth a lot. Also if you have a copy of Diamond Dogs showing the dogs balls, it’s worth thousands.

    • I bought a choccie bar but it was empty except for a useless golden ticket.

    • I’ve got a copy of the first run of ‘Unknown Pleasures’ by Joy Division.

      Unfortunately, Peter Hooks signed it, so it’s worth fuck all, now;)

  23. Someone tell Jon Snow that i’ve never seen so many white faces in one place as outside Notre dam tonight.

  24. If there was a god he wouldnt have let the church thing burn. So there isnt a god. So no need to rebuild it. Unless of course he was gonna save it then realised it was in France.

    Don’t churches have fucking insurance?

    • Yeah, it’s called the EU. We’re all paying for it. What happens to the €600 million already raised is anybody’s guess. No doubt there are snowflake cunts all over this country who have already chipped in and have that warm glow of smug, self satisfaction.
      Muggy cunts.

  25. You would struggle to find a more bigoted racist in the UK!!
    A truly despicable cunt…..

  26. Standards in this country have slipped so far that the nation’s collective Cunt is totally exposed.
    This Cunt should be in his shack, getting some Blues practice in.
    Fuck Off Lammy, you stinking pile of political putrescence.
    Get to fuck.

  27. His true destiny is Gorilla Glue , according to some bloke daaaahn the pub.
    Get to fuckity fucketry.

  28. A product surely of the Congolese Basin. A crashing sound as the beast breaks through the matted jungle, grazing its Knuckles as it bounds forth. Who would have thought , in less than two generations, it could possibly be seated in a debate of another country.

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