I’m sorry I know many of you don’t like to be reminded of B——, but whether you are a leaver or remainer I think you must agree that this steaming heap of shit has no right to refer to Brexiteers as “Nazis” as the idiot has done on the BBC again, moreover just Tories, apparently Labour leavers are —- well, you tell us hammy Lammy:
During that interview the cunt has to drag in the fact he is an ethnic minority. Playing the race card on TV seems a bit stupid – does Lammy not know people could see as well as hear him making an arsehole of himself?.
It just proves with MPs down to his standard how far politics has fallen into the gutter into this country
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
David Lammy appeared on the Andrew Marr show this weekend. He is a racist bigot…who now thinks he’s a tv celebrity…Even LBC radio gave him a show not so long ago…
He is yet another champagne socialist who likes to preach equality, yet lives the millionaire high life…
He, like Diane Abbott, is only interested in the black community, and made himself look a right fraggle when he had a pop at Stacy Dooley, who has done far more good highlighting worldly problems than this black Hitler has ever done in parliament…
Lammy, you really are a Cunt
Nominated by Munchy Waller
Lammy is a total gobshite with a chip on his shoulder the size of the QE2. He’s the male equivalent of Flabbott the Hutt, and Labour’s welcome to the cunt.
Who changed my avatar? I look like a right nerd in that one.
I’m going to cry like a libtard now you Nazis.
There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Homer saves Marge’s sisters from the sack by smoking both their cigarettes at once. The twins’ supervisor slaps Homer’s face and calls him “worse than Hitler.”
Comparing people to the Nazis makes you look ridiculous. And fat racist Lammy actually said he didn’t go far enough! But what can you expect from the towering intellect that thought Henry VIII was succeeded by Henry VII?
Oh the cunts have changed it back.
Have these admin cunts no idea how such things challenge my self identity?
I’m going to cry like a tranny now.
This shows the utter hypocrisy of politicians and the MSM. Soubrey gets a called a Nazi, and that’s ‘hate speech’ and there’s an outcry from politicians, who demand more police protection. Lammy calls Boris and JRM Nazis, and there’s no fucking outcry. Who made the cunts the arbiters of language?
It’s all a Giggle until you consider he has Tottenham as a safe seat. The flabapottamus has Haringey as a safe seat. We have a ROPer home Secretary and a a ROPer mayor odour capital city.
As I get older and look around I realise that Enoch Powell was actually right, just not how he thought it would be.
…’of our’, ffs….
Notice how this Odious piece of shit Lammy is constantly on SLY and BBC and Nigel doesn’t get a look in.
Cunts Lives Matter.
James O’Shithead considers Lammy to be…
….drum roll….
Says it all really.
He probably just fancies a right good Mandingoing, RTC. Hopes to flatter the beast into his boudoir.
I had to look that word up! ?
There’s nothing you can tell me about O’Shithead that will ever surprise me. There are no boundaries to his cuntishness. I have been O’Shithead free for about 14 months now. Yes, i’m clean, as druggies say.
However, I think I will have to go back to the cunt before the EU fascists win. I couldn’t cope with the endless crowing of that scumbag piece of shit.
David Lammy is a total fucking wankstain. He represents everything I find despicable in a politician. As to calling people who voted out nazis, well your time is coming you ridiculous cunt. May you fade away faster than J Corbyns credibility
The unbelievable fact that his uppity shitrag is actually an MP is fucking national embarrassment.
A white bloke gets arrested and charged with calling Soubry a nazi, but if Idi Amin Jr. here does it, it’s acceptable.
And what’s with the cultural appropriation, sambo? He should be naked (a fucking appalling image, I know) and living in a mud hut, trekking 4 miles every morning to get a plastic container full of cows piss to wash the bananas down with.
Get fucked.
A plastic container? Which western country would he get that from then? Cunt can use coconut shells.
What, you think that fat cunt could climb a tree?
If i get called a Nazi I simply reply ‘two generations too late, old bean’.
Seems it’s ok to call him a cunt but god forbid call him a “Darkie” on here