Dame Susan Jocelyn Bell Burnell DBE FRS FRSE FRAS FInstP

I must nominate Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell and the Institute of Physics. Saw this daft mare on Al Beebezeera recently, bemoaning the lack of diversity, specifically wimminz and bames in the field of physics.

The answer? To launch a scholarship aimed at these poor oppressed groups. Male caucasians need not apply.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

43 thoughts on “Dame Susan Jocelyn Bell Burnell DBE FRS FRSE FRAS FInstP

  1. Fuckin racist cunt.
    I wish I was in charge. I’d say … “diversity? Fine. You’re white. You’re fired. Fuck off.”

    • That photo gave me a shock. I thought it was Michael Barnier in drag. She looks a bit, er…….. lezzie……..

  2. Fucking hell, can you imagine the size of the name tag she needs ! It would be like all those nutters I used to see as a kid.
    The ones with a board on that said the end is nigh.

  3. Where the fuck will all this inclusivity end? Well when Cuntbyn is in power in a few months time the possibilities are endless… I’ll pretend to be a momentum activist and suggest that Knightsbridge and Belgravia don’t reflect Londons diverse ethnic make up and that we need to evict some of these evil Whities living it up and get me in one of these houses… A 6 bedroom house will suffice and I’ll have to insist on a bit of housing benefit to make ends meet.
    I cannot believe we are in this mess and God help us if Step toe and the real cunt running the show McDonnell get in… You think Flabbot is a dangerous cunt… McDonnell wrote the instruction book.
    If you’re white I’d convert to snackbar… It’s the only way to save yourselves.
    Convert now repent later.

    • Indeed, it won’t be us who are the first to go, we’ve got fuck all worth having anyway. It will be the posh cunts like Dame Bellend here, the very cunts who are driving this campaign for so called “equality.”
      Oh no, she’ll say , we didn’t mean you could have our mansions, our money and our privilege. Too late Mrs, they want what you’ve got not what we’ve got.
      Hoist by your own petard darling!

      • I don’t understand how people as fucking dim about potential consequences of their actions as this cunt appears to be manage to get into positions of power.

      • I was away at the time of the riots, but I remember hearing about a poncy Michelin starred restaurant down the road. A load of da youth dem stormed the restaurant and stole money and valuables from the assorted Farquars and Jemimas whilst they were eating their £40 main courses.
        Said Farquars and Jemimas probably excused the behaviour because the thieving cunts didn’t go to a private school.
        More money than sense most of these rich cunts.

      • No I was enjoying fine wine and food in a rather nice Cypriot hotel old chap. ?

      • Would that be the Central Jail in Nicosia B&W ? They do a rather nice kebab on Fridays so I hear. Did you have any “Midnight Express” moments during your stay?

      • The Police there said some big Black and White cunt was causing trouble and giving it large, and trying to pimp out the local bitches… I knew naffink abaaaaaht it of course.

  4. In other news Cuntbyn and the Flabbot have spoken out defending Assange…what a surprise.
    I cannot believe there are enough people in this country that would make these cunts getting into power a possible reality.
    I think after the Brexit farce the votes will be split between UKIP, Brexit party and the Tories paving the way for a coalition of Labour and the SNP and various other cunts.
    All of this because of that useless cunt May.

    • Yep. I fear you are correct about that.

      I’m looking forward to having a bit of fun at the Euro Elections in the meantime though

      • The only way to teach these traitor cunts is to vote them out… That’s all they understand. I worry that it’ll backfire in the General election though and we’ll end up with Cuntbyn and the Flabbot.

      • We need one choice chaps & chappesses.
        UKIP Nationally – They have the brand name.
        The Brexit Party in Europa – Let’s keep St Nigel Crusading for now.

        If we stick to our guns, use our votes, don’t split our votes and don’t take to the streets then we’ll get what we want in the end.
        If we take to the streets then the likes of antifa will provoke us into violence and although we’ll anahilate the fannies we’ll be villified by the press.
        Keep Calm and Use out Votes ?

  5. Something about women with short hair, it’s like some kind of guarantee of cuntitude.

    We need to stop racism!
    Ok, how?
    Single out and persecute people because of the colour of their skin!

    ….Fuckin geniuses.

  6. The only way to defeat racism… Is to use more racism.
    Get with the program.

  7. Jocelyn. That’s one of them names that can be for a man or a woman. Like Evelyn or Frances. I don’t think it really adds anything.

  8. I dont get it, if someone wants to go into Physics or any other science its their choice not a fucking race to get the same number of men and women in a particular job.

    I used to work for a pharmaceutical company, chemisrtry department was majority men, biology was majority female.

    Maybe there should be a drive to get more men into biology.

    Fuck off Dame Bell Cunt, just leave it alone you attention seeking twat.

  9. Not like wimminz have not managed to partake in these and other careers throughout history is it? Is the lack of women more related to them not being fucking interested in the jobs only a few of them do?

    As ethnic folk, if you go to a land where they predominate they are the majority of people working in the field, this highly educated should be able to work out that the majority of people working in a field in any given country are probably from the local race?

    If there are not enough sub Saharan physicists for her liking she may wish to acquaint herself with the facts of average IQ amongst the population in the region.

    Another virtue signalling cunt who place flowery idealism above facts, makes me wonder how much faith we can have in her work?

  10. Jocelyn bell? Surely it’s Joe bell?
    I’m sick of people like this man faced woman man woman thing endlessly bleating on and on about diversity and wimminz etc etc
    This insidious shite is everywhere nowadays, I particularly hate the expression “ positive discrimination “
    I tried to join the London fire brigade back in the 80,s and suffered this due to Ken Livingstone and the GLC, after passing all of the tests and interview, i received a letter of induction , handed my notice in at work and went off backpacking until I was due to start my training, after 5-6 weeks I received another letter saying there had been a mistake and I needed to apply again ? So no fucking brigade !! No fucking job!!
    I took legal advice and was told that I wouldn’t win! Apparently ken had decided the brigade needed more diversity!! My first brush with “ positive discrimination “
    The brigade got flagged again for this shit around 2007-2008…… fucking twats…….

    • Positive discrimination. The twisted fucking snowflakes euphemism for THEIR practise of racism. The fucking bastards should be prosecuted for it.

  11. Wandering slightly off piste again, apologies, perhaps I may be coming down with something.

    I had to check twice, but I have just found myself agreeing with something that the Flabbott said.

    Of course Assange has been lifted because of his denouncements of the US administration and security services (amongst many others); they are sneaky, vindictive bastards and probably have a nice little spot in Guantanemo lined up for him already.

    Quite strange to agree with someone (even if only one part in a million) yet still desperately want to see her fired, fucked off and forgotten.

    • The footage showing gung ho ‘murca cunts shooting up a group of innocent Iraqi civillians ( including some children) is the reason for his arrest. If this had been exposed by The Times or Washington Post it would have would have won them a Pullizer prize( not that they would)

  12. Brexit party launches!!!
    And Rees-Moggs sister standing as a candidate!!!
    Oh fucking YES!!

  13. They are standing in every region in the Euro elections.
    17.4 million cunts need to get out there and send a message to Mavis and her fuckwit Vichy government.

  14. The equality bods have been pushing for more girls in STEM fields for years. Had they looked into research on nordic nations making everything more gender-neutral, they might find boys tend to become firefighters and engineers and girls nurses and beauticians with as much, if not more, frequency.

  15. The Institute of Physics is big business. Registered charity of course so must keep the snowflakes and Guardian readers happy. Saddick Khunt has his nose in its trough. To give you an idea see the wages and salaries bill for 2017
    Wages and salaries 21,625,000
    Social security costs 1,908,000
    Pension costs 2,313,000
    Redundancy and severance costs 427,000
    So its not just this batty old cow behind the headlines. It’s part of the political conspiracy to eradicate males and specifically white males. This old cow has a fucking huge chip on her shoulder because she was never awarded a Nobel Prize when her male collaborator Anthony Hewish was (1974) She’s had it in for men ever since. Suspected rug muncher as well, but was married (now divorced) and has a son which probably pisses her off as well.I was going to write a letter to her asking her opinion on black holes but can’t find an envelope long enough. Cunt.

  16. My daughter did all 3 sciences at both O and A level and aced the lot.

    That said, I think she was inadvertently interested in the subjects because I still am (also a science triumvirate accolade holder) and she had an enquiring mind when shit like Horizon and The Sky at Night came on.

    However the reality was this: at A level she was the only split-arse in physics. One of two in chemistry and one of around 50% in biology.

    Strangely enough those stats were virtually identical to the numbers I encountered 30yrs ago. Yeah, must be sexism. Yawn, ???

    Here’s the rub: men and women are not interchangeable Lego blocks with no physical, mental or emotional differences. Get the fuck over it you cunts!

    Trying to falsely manufacture larger numbers in any discipline leads to one thing and one thing only: a dilution of that discipline, because in order to conflate those numbers (with the hateful goal of “Equality of Outcome”) you have to dilute the test until the numbers even out.

    Then it becomes meaningless.

    And then the gifted look elsewhere for notoriety because their beloved subject has become a clitoris qualification (even cunt’s got one).

    No one wins when an artificial equilibrium is the goal.

    It’s just more non-existent victimhood/oppression that dominates the neo-liberal fascist psyche.

    Well they’re all cunts! If they don’t like it then tough! I’m not going to be cowed by any cunt with the IQ of Owen “cunt” Jones’ phlegm!

    Got my science degree (free off Maggie – gawd bless her) so fuck off!

    • Lads prefer blowing things up
      Lasses prefer babies.
      Each to their own, why fuck with Nature?

      Yes, women can be as good as men in physics. Doesn’t mean they have to be, and I agree with others above that biological sciences attract many more women than physics or chemistry do.

  17. My ‘mentally left-wing rug-muncher alarm’ bombinated like a disturbed wasps’ nest immediately I set eyes upon the physiognomy. Time for Optrex.

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