Credit score apps and consolidated loans.
Do not understand the point of credit score apps or the people who feel the need to continually check their credit rating. If they have a poor credit rating (I imagine because they did not pay the due amount on money owed) their situation is unlikely to improve until such monies have been repaid.
Also understand that your credit score can worsen if you apply for credit but are refused? I am not an expert in this area as always pay bills and money owed immediately.
Consolidated loans. How the fuck does it benefit anyone to amalgamate all their small loans into one big loan? The net result is exactly the same.
Nominated by Willie stroker
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” That’s how I was brung up.
Mind you, I’ve lent £££ thousands to the Building Society over the years.
Good cunting Willie ?
Good choice of cunting WS. I believe a refusal of credit will, in most cases, result in a further deterioration of one’s credit rating but then the whole thing is set up so the money lenders can let each other know if you’re a good bet to screw even more money out of – Greedy bastards.
Don’t know my credit rating (nor could I give a tinker’s toss) but I’ll bet a pound to a pinch of shit – it’s fucking dire.
Credit scores and the parasite wankers involved in that industry can go fuck themselves with a rusty sharpening steel for all I care. It’s a game I never opted to play but apparently I’m judged anyway on how good a little consumer drone I am?
All the ratings should be degrees of cunt from 99 too 100%.
Don’t have a clue as to my credit rating.
As a general rule follow the same advice as given to Ruff Tuff by my late father about borrowing/lending.
Virtually no mortgage and no debts but was advised to use a credit card regularly and pay the full balance each month to demonstrate ability to pay, and on time.
All I know that when several years ago I agreed to be a guarantor for my eldest daughters rent (on which she stiffed me for £500) my credit rating at that time was acceptable.
Led to understand that much of this credit rating and pay day loans shit (like many other negative aspects of every day life) is imported from the US, and in most cases the ultimate financial backing behind it can be traced back to there.
Great cunting Willie, I hate that bloody Experian with a passion.
I have been with my bank for over 50 years and asked for a loan to cover a tax liability. The girls on the counter said no problem but then checked with Experian who told them I had a poor rating. They then charged me to join and it was 3 months before I realised they were taking £14 every month from my account. Utter parasites.
It’s an utter disgrace that people with less are then charged more for any money they wish to borrow…
Consolidating any debt only works in the banks and money lenders in the long run.. ” Put all your debts in one basket, reduce your monthly payments (by increasing your term by several years) then continue spending & borrowing..
It’s a never ending spiral, and the banks & lenders are complete cunts..
But the biggest cunts in all of this are those fuckin pay day loan companies with their eye watering interest rates…
I have on many occasion argued the toss with banks & credit companies alike, partly because I’m a cantankerous Yorkshire cunt.. But mostly because they’re a bunch of parasitical cunts…
The lot of ’em
Worth pointing out that a Payday loan can be substantially cheaper than an unauthorised overdraft.
I use a credit score app and I have some debt (a manageable amount, credit card mortgage and overdraft, with non of that payday shite).
It’s not for everyone, but I’ll tell you why it helps me.
1) If I can see the effect it has on my credit score, then I never miss repayments. I used to and ignorance was bliss, until I wanted to take advantage of and interest free offer (why not, the finance cost is in the price anyway).
2) You can spot fraud easier. My wife had some cunt set up a Paypal Credit account in her name a few years ago and she didn’t have a clue until they were chasing her for the cash. With a credit score app, she would have spotted it straight away and been able to alert the authorities quicker (the quicker they can spot it, the quicker they can stop the cunts and the less people get fleeced).
The fact they’re no free is ace, as Experian were utter robbing cunts.
The credit rating for this country needs looking at!
Currently stands at just over £2tn and rising by £5,000 per second. And yet no one give a shiny shit
I should have added that we are in debt to the world by £2tn – give or take a few quid!
Ah, but we’ve stopped paying the interest on the interest on the debt, so it’s all wonderful. We can afford aid to corrupt Africans and (£39Bn) corrupt Europeans too. Everyone being in debt is an exponentially-increasing source of profit to the banks, which is better known as economic growth…
War is peace.
Debt is profit.
Miserable beancounting crooked cunts.
I’ve never had a credit card but according to the 100mph gobshite Martin Lewis, your credit rating increases if you have a credit card and pay it off regularly. So technically I have to have debt to prove I’m good with money. Jesus Tapdancing Christ what logic is that? My credit rating is good just out of interest.
I’ve never had a credit card either, I have a debit card. I’ve never had a mortgage, I bought my house outright. Whenever I’ve wanted something I’ve saved up till I could afford it. So my credit rating is probably nil. And it doesn’t bother me.
Exactly why I suggested it by a cuntometer of 99-100%, as all it really indicates is what a good little debt incurring pleb prick one is. Has fuck all to do with how good you are at managing money.
Dreamt up by cunts, promoted by cunts, obsessed over by cunts. Get to fuck. Immediately.
Once applied for a HP agreement, found I had no credit rating. This was because I had never asked for credit before. Sorted it out, with some irritation, and ever since then have not borrowed a penny. Save and pay on the nail if you want something – amazing how much useless shit proves not to be worth the effort when you delay its purchase.
Instant gratification is a cunt.
Unfortunately K, 4 years ago I had to borrow a lot of money ( divorce )
But what got me about it was how easy, and how willing they were to give me money.
I was in the local bank ( branch now closed ) just paying money in. I enquired if they had any info on loans, and was asked if I had 10 mins.
After 10 mins with an advisor, I came out of the bank with agreement in principle to being given £30000.
And they were happy to give me more
I’m by no means rich, and earn only slightly above average wage. No wonder people with little money sense end up in the shit.
In the past if I ever wanted something non essential and relatively expensive, I would think about it pretty much every day, as I suspect men would. My wife has in the past described me as obsessive.
Ninety per cent of the time after several weeks the feeling eventually disappeared and I didn’t waste my money.
And as the wise Mr Spock (or his scriptwriters) once said ” After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true”.
Could not agree more K – I’ve never even had a mortgage, let alone a credit card!
But then I’m “a bit of an oddball”, as my mother once described me to her prospective daughter-in-law…
Funny, dat. Father of woman I was once in some danger of marrying described me to her as ‘that bloody misfit’. Given the community with which I didn’t fit, that should have been a commendation…
I have a funny feeling we’re not the only oddballs and bloody misfits posting here on ISAC…
Rather than an oddball prefer to think of myself more as unconventional and with independent thinking.
I have a credit card and have done so for 30 odd years.
Very handy, but I have never maxed out, purely using it for convenience more than anything.
Back in the pre 2008 days, Nat West always ramped up my credit limit because I always paid on time. At one stage I had a limit of just under £25,000. I think they were baiting me to go out and buy a car or something so they could suck me off with their 30% APR interest.
But I never bothered, and now I have asked for my limit to be cut down to about £9k, and even that is way more than I would consider going into debt for.
But of course I’m a rare breed – a responsible cunt who won’t give the bank what they want.
Fuck ’em
Each time they sent me a limit rise ‘approval’ I’d send this back:
Dear Cunts..
Thank you for advising me of my approval for a credit increase. Kindly REDUCE my credit limit by 1000.
Fuck off etc
It seems to me these days that many people do not or cannot live within their means or save money these days, and if come across a windfall are happy to blow it on shit they don’t need. Usually cars and holidays. Almost as though burning a hole in their pockets.
My grandmother used to say to me when younger “that a fool and their money are soon parted”.
Have always lived well beyond my tight budget as want to be in control of my finances, the thought of owing money to anyone and the bully boy tactics and ridiculous charges they are allowed to apply to recover their money would give me sleepless nights.
“Have always lived well beyond my tight budget…”
Think you mean “well within” don’t you Willie? Unless I’m missing something somewhere. (wouldn’t be the first time – Ed.)
Thanks Ruff Tuff
Having a very bad day today. May not survive it.
Off topic
In todays local arse wipe. A flavour of what life is life in Ipswich and what the local authorities are doing to help local tax payers.
Walk along Ipswich’s Norwich Road and it may seem like you’ve left Suffolk for a far away land. Russian supermarkets, Portuguese cafes and Turkish restaurants sit side by side, touting exotic wares to an international clientele.
For some Ipswich natives, the transformation has been unsettling. New faces and unfamiliar languages have left some people uneasy about their new surroundings. They say the road has become a no-go area, referred to in disparaging terms on social media and a focal point for fears about immigration.
According to those working with the diverse communities within Norwich Road, however, this is a narrative based on fear and a lack of understanding.
The reality, they say, is that Norwich Road is one of the most exciting and vibrant spaces that Ipswich has to offer, a cultural melting pot frothing with colour, sounds and flavours.
Their task – through the Destination Norwich Road project – is to spread that message across the wider community, breaking down barriers and dispelling misinformation.
“What has motivated us to do this work, is because we believe, overall, the view of the street is negative, but unjustifiably so,” said Phanuel Mutumburi, of the Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality.
“The view of the man on the street, be they prejudiced or not, unfortunately, is that this is a bad place. However, when I visit Norwich Road, there’s vibrancy and an energy that you don’t see in other parts of the town.This is something that’s quite palpable, it’s beautiful, but how do we share this with the rest of the community and the town?”
Mark Straw, of Community Praxis, another driver behind the project, said: “Norwich Road is unfortunately tarnished with a range of reputations of people’s pathologies. “That’s what we’re trying to address.”
The project began around five years ago to support the members of the minority business community, but soon transformed into a bolder scheme to change people’s perception of the road.
A key part of this has been encouraging people to get beyond their fears and visit the businesses, meet the communities and break down barriers.
Tours of Norwich Road were held during a recent SPILL Festival, introducing members of the more established Ipswich community to some of the shops and restaurants their town had to offer, but which they had avoided.
“Many of these Ipswich people told us they would never come here in the evening, would never walk along the street on their own, because they had these negative perceptions about crime and that dangerous things would happen,” Mr Mutumburi said.
“A lot of the work that we are doing is shining the reality of what is really happening on the street.
“When you look at police statistics and what’s actually happening, what we’ve noticed so far, is that it’s more about fear of crime than crime itself.”
Mr Mutumburi said he wanted not only to dispel the negativity but to shine a light on the positives.
“Touting exotic wares”? NO THEY’RE NOT
“A narrative based on fear and a lack of understanding”? UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY
“One of the most exciting and vibrant spaces that Ipswich has to offer, a cultural melting pot frothing with colour, sounds and flavours!? NO IT ISN’T- A NO GO AREA AT NIGHT
“There’s vibrancy and an energy that you don’t see in other parts of the town. PERHAPS BUT NOT FOR THE LOCALS.
This is something that’s quite palpable, it’s beautiful”? BEAUTIFUL FFS? WHATS BEAUTIFUL ABOUT IT?
“A lot of the work that we are doing is shining the reality of what is really happening on the street”? SMASHED SHOP WINDOWS, CIGARETTE ENDS EVERYWHERE, RUBBISH ON THE FLOOR, PEOPLE FIGHTING, PISSING ON THE FLOOR?
“When you look at police statistics and what’s actually happening, what we’ve noticed so far, is that it’s more about fear of crime than crime itself.” POLICE RELUCTANT TO GO THERE UNLESS STREET FIGHTING. CIGARETTE ENDS EVERYWHERE, CARS PARKED ON DOUBLE YELLOW LINES CAUSING TRAFFIC JAMS FOR BUSES, LORRIES AND CARS. There are CCTV cameras to penalise those breaking the law however those that are there continue to do so.
Mr Blair and Mr Campbell would be impressed with this positive spin. And we do have a Labour council. Mr Mutumburi said he “wanted not only to dispel the negativity but to shine a light on the positives”.
All I can say is that one mans trash is another mans treasure.
Another article in todays arse wipe
Ipswich house could be converted into 14 flats
Planning officers have recommended that councillors agree to outline planning permission, despite concerns being raised about how alterations – particularly for the car parking – could affect the area’s historic character.
Local peoples comments
Captain Fantastic: I grew up in this area. Its an area of professional, well educated and proud families. It’s a conservation area; with beautiful architecture. Yet its suitable for housing Roma gypsies?! Totally inappropriate site. IBC planning need a slap. They’re clueless, allowing this and the mulberry tree to turn into a mosque is a clear indication of where their priorities lay. Certainly not with the local hardworking families of Ipswich. When people vote just remember this is Labour IBC destroying this town!
Martin Goblieb: They are just cramming Roma wherever they will fit these days.
I live around Duke Street (Ipswich) and my wife is scared to cross the road to Tesco these days, between the tramps at the cashpoint and the groups of 10+ leering and shouting Roma teenagers.
Ipswich Borough Council cannot destroy the local peoples lives quickly enough. Cunted them not long ago for the new Cornhill, and the death of a pensioner. Strangely remedial work has been done, and now a secondary amount of remedial work is being carried out.
Fed up.
I bet some of these “right on” cunts don’t even live anywhere near these dens of inequity!
Just like the slebs banging on about diversity and integration etc. They talk about it but they don’t have to live with it.
Fuck them all
The “NIMBY” syndrome, NoCFOMen. It’s a vaccination used by the elites, against the common cold.
Romas are everywhere fella, I walk through loads most days when I go out and get dinner.
Their main hobbies include street drinking Vodka straight from the bottle, admiring each others elderly VWs and Audisand hassling the native women when they walk past.
Thanks for that politicians you cunts.
I had PPI on a loan, I paid most of it and the premium, then was made redundant.
I was required to pay the monthly dividends and was then reimbursed the following week for the same amount providing I returned a piece of paper stamped by the job center that confirmed I was unemployed.
Guess what…LLoyds phoned me up and offered me a payment holiday, defacto we could freeze the loan payments until I got another job, what a bunch of wankers.
Well I never took them up on that offer, my PPI managed to pay off the loan and retrospectively it worked out that they had lent me X I had returned X and the PPI payed the interest and PPI cost.
The credit scoring companies. I’ll name the bastards: Equifax and Experian.
Should be fucking banned or their use heavily restricted. They have 28 grades for people, maybe more these days depending on where you live and what you do for a living. Should prevent the work-shy living out with their means, but it doesn’t.
It ls no longer a three tier class system. The disgrace is it is encouraging people into debt. They say it assists banks and credit brokers and prevents fraud. Bollocks. Its massively profitable for them. You may be a millionaire but if you’ve never bought anything on credit you won’t be allowed to get a contract for an iPhone X if your credit score is too low.
Not so. You can have a low credit score if you have not been in debt for a period of time. In other words if you arrange your financial affairs so that you do not spend more than you earn or don’t use a credit card then you are seen as ‘high fucking risk’. This is the state these fuckers have brought us to. Time to hang the bastards.