Civil Servants.
Not the fuckers at your Job Centre (if that hasn’t been farmed out to Capita or whoever) etc , but the senior ones who are based where else but London.
We now know from an anonymous whistle blower (Sunday Times) that they are 90% Remoaners that are actively sabotaging Brexit, however there is also the matter of their incompetence.
Shunted from brief to brief, fucking up but never fired, merely moved on like dodgy priests. Incompetence no bar to a knighthood and cushy job elsewhere under the old boys network.
The departments are nominally headed up by usually inadequate politicians but the true ineptitude lies with the ‘mandarins’.
Right school. Home Counties or up and coming London location. Right club. Right contacts. Fucking useless to a man, woman or whatever the political correct term for a tranny is.
MoD, Home Office, Foreign Office, Treasury and whatever else there is. All ‘not fit for purpose’, but they can be relied upon to sneer at the hopes and aspirations of us thick provincial fuckers.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Olly Robbins is a cunt.
I loathe that toad.
Shouldn’t that be Oily Robbins?
Oily Robbins is the Cunt of Cunts of Cunts. He is a total fucking cunt who has deliberately sabotaged and fucked up Brexit.
Cunt Cunt Cunt
Senior civil servant is the fast track to a knighthood and a tasty pension and these cunts have massive influence.
Ive always said that Rees-Mogg was a duplicitous Old Etonian Cunt and fellow cunters have relentlessly slagged me off for it.Well the Mogg has just released this on Twatter:
“If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.”
That dont sound like a committed Brexiteer to me,accepting a year long delay which will inevitably be extended ad infinitum.Mogg is a selfish,silver spoon up his arse CUNT
Which ignores the fact that when that useless chimp Brown stuck his crabbed signature on the Lisbon sellout, it gave up the vast majority of our vetoes. That rubber lipped cunt Major kicked it off with Maastricht, Brown with Lisbon and May signed the invaders charter that is the Marrakesh legalized jihad.
Don’t leave out poor little Tony B. Liar, who opened the floodgates to uncontrolled immigration and gave away a large chunk of our EU rebate for fuck all in return. Just like every other quisling PM since Thatcher bit the dust.
That utter despicable cunt Blair is only interested in two things, money and power. The odious shite’s entire raison d’etre is to become an unelected Commissioner or most likely EU El-Presidenté with his marital letterbox Cherie at his side.
Never forget that it was Blair who emasculated the Treason Act amongst others, using his then huge majority, knowing full well that it would otherwise have come back to bite him on the arse.
As with every other piece of tinkering, he gave not a flying fuck for the consequences and the fallout, which is why May, Bercow, Corbyn can do more or less as they wish to fuck the electorate right up the democratic fundament.
The wholesale politicisation of the police, charities, quangos, can also be laid at his door.
If I had my way, it would be lamppost time and screw the niceties of a trial presided by some leftist activist judge and the wholly corrupted CPS.
Cunt of the 20th & the 21st Century!
What makes Mogg think our Government would be difficult in the future? Never were in the past. Quite the opposite in fact.
Besides, last I heard Mogg was prepared to sign us up to May’s EU dictated “vassal state” Deal.
Fuck off you faux-posh brown-nosing CUNT.
Perhaps a Brexiteer should now corner the treacherous cunt on his doorstep this time.
Moggs first job was working for the Ratchild Banksters, along with the granny shagger Macron,another Ratchild protege.Mogg is a duplicitous,arty farty shyster of a CUNT
Like I said in a previous post never trust a cunt whos so posh he makes the queen sound like a scouser.
Suburban terrorist!!
Surbiton terrorist ?
Don’t forget the usually unemployable elsewhere, leftist ex-civil-disservice or political numpties who end up on or heading the multifarious corrupt quangos, supposed “charities” and health organizations which explains their paucity of performance, utter cuntritude and actual harm often done. Drinks, “K’s”, OBEs and Chairman/woman/nonbinaryships all round and all paid for by us cunts while the real stuff gets the leavings.
I lived with a civil servant several years ago.
I knew this fucker from University, and he was fine until he entered the civil service. First working at the treasury, then DEFRA, he started to boast about going to regional meetings via first class train travel ‘on the tax payer’, moaning that his final salary pension wasn’t as good as it was for the older staff, and just generally becoming a Westminster worshipping, bureacratic infused, lazy fucking cunt.
I got a good insight into the attitude at civil service, and whilst the above is not strictly under the category set out within this cunting by the OP, I maintain that the culture of departmental civil service at many levels is full of rotten, arse-covering, bitter fuckers who are very often paid for doing fuck all.
As for this fat cunt, he moved to a regional post up North in 2012. I said I’d go to his leaving do. Never bothered and never heard from the fucker again. Good fucking riddance.
Funny you should mention DEFRA Empire, I read they have spent £40,000 on counselling for the poor lambs to combat the stress of preparing for a no-deal Brexit.
What an absolute criminal waste of taxpayer’s money, LL. However it doesn’t fucking surprise me one bit.
How strange my neighbour steals his money under the guise of “consulting” to DEFRA as well.
1. He’s a staunch remoaning cunt
2 He’s a very enthusiastic jobby prodder.
3. He’s been a civil servant since Uni.
Maybe they are all arse bandit clones.
Certainly seems that way
Old school tie, jobs for the boys exclusive little club of posh fuckers running the country. You won’t find many black faces among their numbers but that’s not racism. Oh no , only the working class do the racism thingy, the scum.
These Establishment cunts need purging. Stick them up against the wall and shoot the bastards.
Nice one Cuntstable.
Along with our politicians over the last 20 – 30 years, the Civil Service are now little more than EU useful idiots, with Parliament being nothing more than a Fourth Reich regional authority.
This country is finished.
If we are to become a federal state what these thick as fuck cunts don’t realise is that we don’t need the House of thieves or the villains themselves anymore so we could in fact just bulldoze the fucking lot, fuck the cunts off and build a sanctuary for unwanted Gerbils. To create value for the tax payer we could actually farm the gerbils and sell em as fast food tasty snacks to all the tiddly wink spy’s that are here.
I’m willing to go halfers on the investment. Anyone interested?
I’d vote for that.
Civil Service is run by leftie, lazy, jobs worth Cunts.
Guardian reading scum Cunts.
They start them young. Friend of my son’s is a recent graduate; just started work in a job delivering FCO contracts and got sent to attend a 2 day seminar in US.
All the old hands in the department, instead of working out the most efficient, best value itinerary, were like flies round shit quick to explain how she should time her travel to qualify for business class travel, and so that it overran into the weekend/landed during ‘unsocial hours’ etc, and how she could claim rest days and time off in lieu.
She then made the mistake of bragging – openly and in front of a group of private sector, mainly self-employed old farts – about how triffic this sort of jolly was, and how clever her new friends were at maximising the perks.
Audience was far too polite to blame her for the historic ingrained cuntitude of the Civil Service and Public Officials in general, but she was left in no doubt that we did not approve of her self-serving, selfish, disingenuous thievery. Cunt.
The real kicker was that she only went because the project lead was on holiday and they need to send someone along so as ‘not to offend’. Total waste of time and money.
The sad thing is she’s the sort who will likely spend her whole career in the CS and will become more and more ‘entitled’, and ever further removed from the lives of the unwashed hordes that pay for her wages and her perks.
Just heard that Dianne Abbott has started a campaign to ban the Paralympics.
She doesn’t see why the Paras – especially those seen shooting at Corbyn’s fissog – should have their own Olympics.
Yes Minister was good; cleverly written, exposing a ‘world’, ‘Sir Humphrey’ becoming part of the culture like a Dicken’s character. It is impossible to imagine it being written today. They wouldn’t know where to start.
The civil service are utter cunts!!
Jobs for the boys!
Ramp expenses to the hilt
Cozy little club for cunts …..
Op …..
SLY news has been at it today?
Last nights by election in Newport was predictably won by labour , it’s a safe seat although they polled-12.7% ( low turnout)
Labour- 12.7%
Conservatives- 8.0%
Plaid + 2.5%
Lib Dem + 2.4%
Other? + 15.9% ? Hmm
What the slippery cunts at SLY didn’t show us UKIP came 3rd!! That’s right
And doubled their vote on 2017 general election!
So happy to show fucking losers like plaid and Lib Dem’s marginal gains but deliberately didn’t show UKIP figures on their own? Instead buried them in other!! UKIP were the biggest net gain party last night! You utter cunts …….
Wouldn’t want the plebs getting ideas, would we?
Are we all ready to start counting?
Remember, these ballots…here… go in the Memory Hole.
Civil Servants my arse.
We are the servants and they are the Masters.
Execute the whole rotten lot of them…
I have just done a google search for civil service jobs, i used a search area of 250 miles, from South Yorkshire.
There are at present 1129 jobs available in that radius. I looked through the first dozen pages or so, then gave up.
They’ve got titles i don’t understand, and i suspect that is because most of them are non-jobs really. Highest salary i saw was £125,000 that was something to do with natural England. It’s silly cunts like me paying for these leeches with my taxes.
The Civil Service hss run the country forisdecades, ministers merely being their mouthpieces. Many of the Cunts, as mentioned above, are lazy, greedy, shifty bastards who couldn’t make an honest living if they tried. I have just had a load of bureaucratic nonsense and dithering from DVLC Swansea, the largest shit hole department in the whole of the Civil Service sewer. i have offered them training from my newly formed company” Common Sense for Civil Servants” (CS4CS for the less literate). My first 1 hour session is on the topic “Choosing the correct size of envelope to contain the intended contents”. i’m sure a few of them will have developed the rudimentary skill after an hour of intensive training. All Civil Servants are overpaid cunts, many of whom wield too much power with no responsibility or potential consequences. The title of the so called “job” should just be CUNT (administrative, executive and clerical grade).
Civil servants – i.e. those in the machinations of power from local authorities to high office – are lazy cunts in general.
This is the dross that no company or business wants. They start their working life after a general studies course or sociology degree believing it’s a stepping stone to civvy street but when the time comes after 2 or 5yrs they bottle it because where they are now is easy street, virtually no chance of being sacked (for any level of incompetence) and a real job might actually require them to work for a living.
So then it all becomes about the pension and making it to 55 on a final salary stitch-up that would require a private investment of £250k for an annuity getting anywhere close to what those useless cunts get.
They’re promoted through longevity rather than ability and more often than not are absolute cunts!
Then you see the fuckers in high office. Most from school-to-uni-to-Cuntminster and most having breezed through life on it’s lowest difficulty setting.
They love the EU because the EU makes the rules & decisions and they just follow them like fucking drones.
Leaving the EU would mean that these cunts would actually have to work for a living and come up with policies for the benefit of society. Well we can’t have that can we!
So with all of the big decisions taken care of by Brussels, this means they can turn their attention to the fringe politics that interests them – gender, sex, ethnicity – and bend the ear of their higher-ups that these are the *real* issues that the population (aka Londonistab) are concerned about.
Immigration, no.
Gender neutral toilets, yes.
Stabbing epidemic, no.
More congestion charges, yes.
Streets filthier than in the late 19th century, no.
Wind power, yes.
Who are these fucking retards!?! And what’s worse, we allow these twats to procrastinate their cuntitude by voting same-old, same-old Tory/Labour and yet expect things to change. Einstein’s definition of madness in it’s most tragic cycle.
We barely have any say now and we won’t have any say at all once we’re replaced by the rest of the world’s flotsam and jetsam in yet another Tory/Labour stitch-up.
So who are the idiots? Them or us? Keep voting for either of those two parties and it’s definitely us!
We deserve better!
We need better!
There is an extremely good reason why civil servants don’t want to leave the EU – it’s called working for a living. Most legislation is now handed to the Uk by the EU, and all the civil servants have to do is merely transpose it into UK legislation. Simple – cut,copy,paste. Before the EU we did our own stuff, and civil servants actually had to do something for their money.
As a former civil servant (only for 5 years though, and working for MOD – so important), I despise the way it is now.
Cunts – the lot of them