Amanda Spielman

I would like to cunt the head of OFSTED. Amanda Spielman. She has just stated that same sex relationships have to be taught in schools including PRIMARY schools. For fucks sake let kids be kids you fucking demented morons..

Nominated by Richard1

61 thoughts on “Amanda Spielman

  1. Ofsted are a bunch of cunts but Mandy has to say that if she wants to keep her job. Poof and trannie studies becomes compulsory by law in 2020 and most primary schools have already started it. The government approved “teaching materials “ (one can only imagine what they are) become available in September.
    As I pointed out the other day some of the peaceful schools in Birmingham and Manchester, under pressure from protesting parents, have caved in, the Dept for Education leaving it to the “professional judgement “ of individual head teachers. In effect , if your school is full of peacefuls you are allowed to break the law.
    However the same will not apply to Kuffars. If you object to your 6 year old being taught about sexual deviance you will attract the attention of social services and, eventually, the Coppers. It’s a hate crime, simple as that.
    One law for the peacefuls and another for the Infidels…..,.it’s here, right now!
    Still, you can always vote against it.

    Yeah right.
    Welcome to 1984.

    • You should pursue a Godly and healthy lifestyle rather than the hedonistic existence which you currently “enjoy”.

      I would urge you to repent of your wickedness before it is too late.

      PS….Can the Doctor not up your dose of antiretroviral drugs?

      🙂 .

      • Dick, your concern for my welfare is touching. Or is Fanny giving you earache about my second thoughts regarding our joint nuptials?

        And she still won’t tell me where Great Uncle Kiddie hid the Reichsbank gold.

      • What kind of unscrupulous bastard gives his daughter the name Fanny, oh wait nevermind…

  2. Good counting, Sir. I really fail to grasp just what drives people like Spielman to promote the indoctrination of young children with poovery being an entirely normal way of life.

    Children have enough shit to deal with as they advance into their teenage years. This is really something they could well do without.

    Is Spielman a bean flicker herself?

    • My initial impression is that she definitely looks like a devoted clam lapper to me.

      Let the kids be kids. They have decades to be a demented degenerates like the rest of us, so what’s the rush? Let them enjoy their innocence.

  3. Say what you want about religion…it’s no coincidence that the decline in Christianity, on this soon to be Muslim (as the biggest religion) country and the hounding of the Church to go against its fundamental beliefs by the lgbtqt+-non binary Nazi cunts and general lefty, PC, hyper sensitive wimps has reduced the core identity of this country and what it was built on to nothing. I’m not telling people to get religious but don’t complain about this Christian country England becoming a Muslim country whilst slagging Christianity off.
    This teaching in schools is the beginning of massive moral decline in this country and it won’t stop here we’ll soon have male teachers teaching this wearing high heels and a dress on because it’s ‘normal’. This country is fucked in so many different ways. I look forward to these same nazis trying to ask the Muslims when they are dominant to have a tranny/gay Immam or whatever. Have a nice day and may God bless this fucked up country.

    • Still, it will be fun to watch Owen Jones and all the trannies with AK47s…..

  4. Is she a bean-flicker?

    Would explain a lot.

    To go along with the other high profile lezzah wimmenz completely out of their depth but who tick the right boxes.

    The Met for example…

  5. Public sector and academia is riddled with these cunts. What is just as frightening is that you cannot challenge them. This fuckwit determines it’s now a legal requirement to fill tiny children’s minds with this warped shit and that’s it. Decision made. Parents are no longer entitled to bring up their children as they see fit. Fined if your kid isn’t in school and whilst they’re there filled with this sort of depraved bollocks. A worthy cunting indeed.

    • Yes, schools now concentrate more on teaching younger children ‘values’ rather than facts, or how to read and write.that’s why so many leaving education are now bereft of ‘life skills’; such as making cups of tea, using simple machinery and tools, writing letters and talking to people face-to-face.

      Earth day is celebrated in UK schools with the forced jollity of a Kim Jong Un’s birthday. Wait until the confused little sods have to jump for joy everytime a classmate is sent to have gender reassignment.

  6. Off topic but – After a weekend spent at Chequers in negotiation with the DUP and Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May has just announced that she will honour the result of the 2016 referendum and the expressed wish of the British people by leaving the EU today without a deal and without any payments to the EU. Her move has the full support of all Conservative and Labour MP’s. Except the Flabbot who could not be located despite a search of every KFC outlet in the country.

  7. They’d do better teaching the benefit-sponging little bastards some manners and decency before they farted on teaching them about 50 Degrees of Gay.
    I’d have thought that children of that age wouldn’t really know or care if one of their classmates had two “Daddies”,so perhaps catching them young is the best time to teach them that such behaviour is “normal”.

    As long as the Gayness is legal in this country, children (and their parents) should be taught that it is no more abnormal than a conventional relationship. I shouldn’t think that the teachers are telling the children about the mechanics of one man sticking his cock up another man’s shite-pipe, I expect that it is more about teaching them that alternative relationships are not wrong…..because they are LEGAL.

    Until the Anti- Bumming laws are reintroduced,schools must teach that Gayness is a part of our society and not something abnormal. Better that children are taught this by an educated teacher rather than some bigoted parents who may still harbour the outdated idea that children are better off with both a Mother and a Father,rather than some same-sex Union.

    No,sorry, rhere is no better time to indoctrinate than when minds and ideas are unformed. We,as a society, have accepted the louche idea of legalised Gayness, and now the parents who accepted the “liberal” agenda must also accept that their children need educating in the finer points of bumfoolery. They have only themselves to blame.

    Fuck Off.

    • Wot mayks u fink teechers r edyoukatid Mr F? When I was in that noble profession you had to be properly qualified, unlike today when any bellend who thinks they can teach is pulled off the street. Here’s a story about one of these young snowflakes who quit in tears after one term when he found that teaching was “hard on his psychological and emotional wellbeing. “
      Now teaching certainly has become more demanding over recent years but these fuckers don’t help themselves with weak unions and still too many women teaching for pin money. Stand up for yourselves. Strike! Do anything. As for that bloated organisation OFSTED, if you look through that creepy women Frau Spielman’s career history, she’s never taught! Priceless, says it all!

      • Tbh, I have no time for teachers either. Self-important windbags incapable of getting a job in the real world,in the main.

        Were you a teacher long, BSC?

        🙂 .

      • I don’t like to talk about it Mr F. It was a very traumatic period in my life. Ha! Oh dear, I’ve just realised I taught this snowflake generation! Blame me if you like but I blame the fuckin parents.

    • Morning Mr Fiddler. You seem to be saying that when homosexual practice was legalized it became Normal and If it becomes illegal again it will revert to being Abnormal. Same with Transgenderism; legal ; Normal. Illegal; Abnormal. But if something is intrinsically Abnormal when it is not legal it doesn’t suddenly become Normal just because it is made legal.

      • ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’. You and say Freddie the Frog (so it’s not just you) are in exactly the same position as Liberal wmminz siding with Muslims against the white Christan Patriarchy. You are having to side with the sexual devient lobby because you’re against Muslims. Better to be honest.

      • The Catholic Church in particular is riddled with sexual deviants and child molestors.

        Best we kick ALL organised religions in the cunt and instead proceed on the basis of rational common sense.

      • ” You are having to side with the sexual devient lobby because you’re against Muslims. Better to be honest”…..never denied it for a minute,Miles. I consider Muslims using their religion to trump the law of the Land a damn sight more dangerous than kids learning that having two parents of the same sex is not wrong.

  8. Teach them grammar, punctuation and how to read and fucking write, first. My eyes fucking bleed when I see the standard of written English in the younger generation. ‘There, They’re and Their’ being the most bastardised versions of homophones I see on a regular basis. Sort THAT shit out before you start teaching them other shite, you cunts.

  9. Morning Cuntflap. Religion – not a perversion but an unjustified, in the sense of no evidence for it, belief. Same sex relationships – not a perversion but a diversion from the normal. In reproductive terms literally fruitless. If practiced among consenting adults in private then socially acceptable. Adults are capable of making independent choices. What is a perversion is teaching anything about sexual relationships of any kind in any school. Schools are for the education of our children i.e knowledge that children do not instinctively or intrinsically possess is imparted to them in school. Sexual development is a natural animal progression. A child does not need to be taught that the development of breasts, onset of menses, growth of pubic hair, an erectile penis and ability to ejaculate is the transition from childhood to adulthood. They instinctively and intrinsically possess this knowledge. It does NOT need to be taught in schools. Their choice of sexual preference is precisely that – a preference chosen by an adult capable of independent decision making. People who insist on the teaching of sexual relationships (I’m not objecting to the teaching of biological characteristics of the sexes) in schools are perverts. Amanda Spielman is a pervert. Now try and sue me for libel you cunt (Spielman)You’ll lose.

    • When it was made legal it was inevitable that there would be a push to make it socially acceptable.

  10. O’Shithead’s mugshot on the front page of today’s Guardian like a fly attracted to shit.

    Two April Fools impossible to separate.

  11. This is the problem, the oppressed become the oppressors. I’m sick of racist this and racist that, non whites (like me) have never had it so good in blighty… Yet all you hear is accusations of racism and bigotry because nobody has the bollocks to tell people to fuck off. Well I have a message for the black community… Get your house in order and look at the cancer that is rap culture and the glorification of guns, violence and drug dealing and making illegal money before blaming the lack of funding etc.
    Gay people have to get ‘Married’ when marriage traditionally has always been between a man and woman, a child needs the balance of a female Mum and a male Father… That’s nature no argument. Look at all species in this world… Been that way since the beginning and yet some twisted fuckers think we should ignore that. If someone is Gay/Lesbian that’s your business… Don’t try and take over other traditions so that you feel included as it’s not right. I don’t dispute a Gay couple can love each other etc I have a problem with them pressuring the Church which has clear rules around homosexuality etc into accepting gay Vicar’s and gay marriage. Why would you want to get married in a Christian way that teaches what you practice is wrong?
    PC culture has gone mad and it won’t stop, you’ve now got ‘Pop’ star Sam Smith saying he’s not male or female and Paloma Faith saying she’s raising her child gender neutral.
    What a pot of utter cuntishness we have simmering away.

    • Black & White I salute you and agree 100%
      Don’t teach kids about things they don’t need to know about, leave them alone to be kids; teenage and adult life is tough as it is – let kids have their childhood and don’t teach them stuff about taking it in the wrongun etc

      FUCK OFF PC WANKERS! phew that’s better!

    • The voice of reason as always B&WC. I nominate you for leadership of the newly formed ISAC progressive party. Under your guidance, we will restore this country to a state of moral rectitude befitting such a great nation. I am more confident of you keeping your promises over Brexit than the current lunchpack of the incumbent ruling party.

  12. I wonder if they’ll teach about HIV and the people who are most likely to have it… Yeah thought not.

  13. These people are NOT “demented morons” they are PERVERTS, determined to poison any vestage of what remains of childhood innocence.
    These evil cunts are obsessed with little children’s genitalia and toilet habits.
    These are the sick cunts who wanted a peek into the opposite sexes toilets when they were kids and are now working their psychoses out on us all from a position of influence, bestowed on them by the cowardly shitbags infesting parliament and councils.
    These are the same sick cunts who then bleat about children self-harming or having mental problems that are cause by THEM.
    They need to be publicly shamed and hounded out of office.
    If this wasn’t so serious and perverted, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was an April Fools day joke.
    The worst aspect is that PARENTS are being hounded and criminalised for protecting their own children, while the hard left cultural Marxist PERVERTS and unionised state indoctrinators, masquerading as “teachers” damage and groom innocent minds to satisfy their SICK political agenda

  14. Speilman wants kids indoctrinated into big homo. What a coincidence. So many coincidences these days

  15. I agree in principle that kids should be taught that the gays exist and even that you shouldn’t persecute them (even though every cunt in the world at some point gets mugged off for just about every reason imaginable. Being a poove is just as good a reason to be called a cunt as any other).
    I think it can wait until teens though.

    The problem is that it won’t stop there.

    The “normal” gays are fine. It’s the militant cunts that want to ram it down our throats *shudder*, the fucking trans freaks and the non binary attention seeking moaning twats that I have a problem with.

    I don’t have a problem with a gay person teaching kids but their sexual preferences have NOTHING to do with it, so keep it to yourself. And KIDS should not be taught about buggery.
    The trannys shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near kids. It’s hard enough to make sense of the fucked up world we live in without some hideous psycho beast with size 14 shoes and an Adams apple confusing them and teaching them that it’s perfectly ok and normal to be mentally deranged.

    Let’s see what this bitch has to say once the fatwa’s been issued……
    Alan’s snackbar!

  16. Would be a massive step forward if clam jousters like Spielman championed the teaching of primary school children in how to hold and use a knife and fork and how to tie your own shoelaces.

    The school that my 5 year old son attends is clearly more of the traditional type of school that values the three R’s more than the notion of multiple types of gender. I am hoping they can get round this. Ironically and luckily there are one set of Muslim parents in the school, who are very pleasant people. So with their objection and the weight of what I sense are other quite right-leaning parents, we may be able to fend off this insidious filth.

    • PM, they’re always “very pleasant” when there’s only “one set” of them. Not so pleasant when there’s 5m of them…

    • To be fair to Spielman, she is straight (well, she’s married to a bloke anyway), but if you think about it, that makes her agenda even more frightening…

      • Her family name means “jester” in German. Nuff said. She’ll be out on her arse when Jew hater Catweazle gets in.

    • The Qur’an prohibits a Muslim from befriending a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (9:23), (3:28). Their “holy” book asks them to be disobedient towards the disbelievers and their governments and strive against the unbelievers with great endeavour” (25:52) and be stern with them because they belong to Hell (66:9).

      Pleasant -friendly, considerate, likeable.
      Insidious filth – muslim.

  17. Wishing all cunters a Happy Poisson d’Avril!

    ??? ??? ???

    (She’s a right piece of work)

      • You did indeed, RTC and a good morning from me.

        The “fish code” was not borne of gin, railroad or otherwise, but a simple SOS (from Miss V – with the nice arse). She’s quite the slave driver, yet she’s the Jamaican.

        Were the dividends of the relationship not so generous, I’d happily return to solitude, peace and quiet

        Morning to you, and hope all is as well as can be.

      • Morning CS – t’ings ain’t what they should be, thanks for asking, but at least I don’t have caffeine related issues to worry about any more.

      • What the fuck is railroad gin? I’m guessing its a low quality gin

        I remember a old bob dylan song that said “one was texas medicine and the other was just railroad gin an.. like a fool I mixed them”

        stuck inside a mobile with the memphis blues again definitely one of dylans better songs

      • Spot on TitSlapper – ‘Mobile’ is where I got “railroad gin” from.

        Fan-fucking-tastic song!

        Grandpa died last week
        Now he’s buried in the rocks
        Everybody still talks about how
        Badly they were shocked ?

      • Not a huge bob dylan fan he can be a bit of a stuck up mumbling cunt but some of his stuff especially his early 60’s 70’s material is essential

  18. This amanda spielman cunt looks like Mr DressUp in drag, FYI For cunters not aware, it was a old canadian childrens show in the same style as Mister Rogers neighborhood

    • I think he/she looks like that willy woofter tranny artist Grayson Perry, which explains it all.

  19. “Consenting adults in private” used to cover it pretty well, I thought. For sexual activities and religion, both. Personally not outraged by The Gayness – it’s been with us since the dawn of recorded history and probably before. Our ape relatives will fuck anything that stands still long enough. It’s been disparaged through history because if you’re a lover of the back passage you are failing in your duty to spawn cannon fodder for your country/religion/colonies – and that used to be a problem. There are now far too many people, though, and The Gayness might be a useful corrective. Think on.

    OTOH while I heartily agree that this is wholly inappropriate to primary education, the health risks of all varieties of sex need to be emphasised at secondary level. Attempting to educate anyone under the age of 18 about relationships and touchy-feely emotive stuff is a waste of time. The mental capacity to deal with it just isn’t there at that age. The mechanism and the risks are sufficient.

  20. Chinese style reeducation centres, for deviants, muslims and any other species.

  21. Teacher to Johnny: “Now John, when you asked for a bathroom break, I expected you to be 1 minute not 10!”

    Johnny: “Yes Miss. I was itching my fanny.”

    Teacher: “Now then John, progressive as we are, I know you haven’t got a vagina.”

    Johnny: “No, you’re right Miss, I was having a wank in the girls bogs!”


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