According to Al-Beeb, Our Beloved Leader (piss be upon her) is to write to the EU to ask for a Brexit delay until 30 June at the earliest, with a further possible extension of up to two years.
Well now, there’s a surprise and no mistake. Who would possibly have thought that Muppet May would not be true to her word? You know, ‘Brexit means Brexit’. She wouldn’t be dreaming of trying to kick the whole thing into the long grass, would she? She couldn’t be trying to engineer a ‘Brexit In Name Only’ scenario, effectively keeping us arm-locked by Brussels in perpetuity? Surely not. She’s a Rt. Honourable MP after all, and we all know that honour matters far above all else to our esteemed and respected representatives in Parliament.
What’s that you say? They’re mostly a bunch of snivelling, conniving, duplicitous, malicious, hypocritical, backstabbing, unprincipled pygmy cunts, bent on wrecking Brexit in defiance of a referendum outcome they promised to uphold? Never. For shame, sir! Ordure! ORDURE!
Yet another well deserved and eloquent cunting of the Maybot by Ron Knee
You know, I would bestow upon Maybot the title of National Cunt but such an honour isn’t nearly sufficient enough to encapsulate the full scale of her cuntishness. So, instead, I would like to bestow upon her the prestigious honour of Cunt of the Realm – reserved only for those who’s cuntitude is of such epic proportions that nothing else will do.
Brilliant OC!
As you know, the title of National Cunt (and Bar) is already held by May the Betray. I hereby propose that IsAC should declare itself responsible for bestowing upon that select few the title of Cunt of the Realm.
I initially propose the following personages for inclusion along with Maybe;
Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Blair, Diane Flabbott, Owen Jones, Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond, Gary Linekunt, Bono (honorary), Richard Branson.
All in favour say ‘aye’.
Fairly oiy
Cunt of the Century!
We should petition the Nobel Foundation for a new ‘Nobel Prize for Cuntishness’ category.
It’s not my fault it’s all these pesky MPs who are either against Brexit full stop, or the ones who have seen through the deal, and realise it’s a crock of shit. Who does she think she’s kidding?
I don’t know how she was brought up but her mum and dad must have been a right pair of cunts. She’s like that cunt off Charlie & the chocolate factory who stamps her feet till she gets her own way.
And da wimmin is about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
“It’s not me, it’s the MPs.”
How utterly shameful to blame others while the deal you’ve presented them with is a pitiful, surrender document that’s a perfect Remainiac end. Never has this traitor sounded more duplicitous and never has this fucking liar been more embarrassing. Dreadful.
Weak and desperate, resorting to threats, and 100% on the EU payroll. Drink Hemlock, you cunt.
Ohhh, why moderation? Should I have suggested arsenîc instead?
Utter fucking disgrace the lot of it. As somebody’s handle on here, sick of it.
Time to call a general election and vote these traitorous cunts out.
So May still trying to pass her impassable deal, Bercow won’t even allow a third vote on the piece of shit deal, Tusk saying we can have short delay, if the deal that can’t be voted on, is passed (this really confuses me, because the delay was to have time to make changes to the already shit deal, so tusk is saying we have to agree on the shit deal to have more time to renegotiate the deal we’ve already agreed to????) And every single MP says no deal shouldn’t be an option under any circumstance.
Well this is what you call an impasse, a good old Mexican stand off. Just instead of cowboys it’s just a load of cunts pointing their European investment portfolios at each other. If bookies are taking money on the outcome of this, on paper, no deal is the favourite here, because the other options have become a near impossibility. But what’s betting that through some bureaucratic bullshit, A50 delay will come out on top.
I’m no expert on constitutional etiquette or legal implications, i wish her Majesty would tell them to stop fucking about and leave with no deal.
Over the winter period me and the Mrs moved to a new place. It was so much better than the old bed bug, mosquito infested, basically shit hole we used to live. The new place is on the 5th floor (no lift but I’m still ok). The only major problem is that fucking mosque. They fucking rattle on at whatever time they want not giving one single fuck about the local community. And the locals fucking despise the cunts. Where? Bangkok. A Buddhist country.
In Sumatra the Mosque loudspeakers were utterly devoid of sound fidelity but totally amped with power, making for an ear splitting unintelligible brain hammering din.
Each mosque is privately run and the owners seem to believe that extra volume will attract more flock to their mosque.
And there’s one every 100 yards and all going off as loud as possible five fucking times of the day and fucking night.
I was THAT close from pelting the tin roof of one mosk with rocks once. But my Muslim mates held me back, saying how much trouble I’d get into and I don’t doubt them.
A better trick I heard of was some wag managed to get a mosque to accidentally broadcast AC/DC, probably highway to hell. he got caught and deported.
Just received a bulletin from Brandon Lewis – a man deserving a rich cunting in his own right never mind as Conservative party chairman – acquainting the members with May’s address this evening.
Here’s my reply which will no doubt be ignored :
” So what happened to no deal is better than a bad deal?
And what about the 108 times May stated that we are leaving on 29th March?
The membership no longer believe a single word May is saying and the majority of us want no deal.
Time the leadership did what the members want and not the other way around. Time she started listening. “
And so say all of us, Dio.
Breathtaking arrogance – makes Tusk look positively benign by comparison.
May is a cunt of the highest order but she’s surrounded by duplicitous cunts, it’s just one giant cuntfest in Parliament at the moment.
Tusk has played a blinder of an all in hand calling out all of the Labcunt and Cuntservative MP’s who don’t want a No Brexit situation who voted down Maybots deal the last two times it was voted on and is holding a gun to their head saying vote for Maybot’s deal or get fucked yer cunts!
This bunch of shithouse MP’s couldn’t win a game of snap let alone a game of high stake poker!
If the MPs vote for “Maybot’s deal” (which in reality is the EUs deal) we will ALL be fucked.
And Tusk has called out no one but himself.
Or strip poker…The Maybot, The Flabbott, Lady Squegee, Dame Keira Starma, Vince Cable (son AND grandson of Dracula)…
Well done Dio. Don’t expect a reply other than some generic bullshit.
Like the rest of us you’re just a piece of shit. They don’t give a fuck.
Don’t wait up for a reply dio ?
“You, the public, have had enough”.
Oh really? Since when did cunts like you give a two bob fuck about what we think?
Go and fuck yourself bitch!
This country is in urgent need of a political revolution. And i have a feeling that maybe, just maybe, its one that will happen very soon. People have had enough and it feels like we’re ready for it.
Hello Cunts.
Haven’t posted for months but my piss has finally boiled dry so….
For fuck’s sake.
I’ve just watched the entire statement. Joking aside she really is deluded, i’ve read comments tonight which say we need a scorched earth approach to parliament and our system.
It’s heart breaking the cradle of democracy, and only guessing but i bet above 200 years of a system which was the envy of the world, which served us so well destroyed by the incompetence, and vanity of this creature.
What were they thinking when no one challenged her to become leader ? If i went for a job interview, and was asked why i was the most suitable applicant if my reply was because i’m difficult, they would say don’t slam the door on the way out.
Please let us be in the mix for the EU elections, they will see what difficult British people are. Long live Captain Mainwaring.
She was challenged for leader. Sort of. But front runner Boris then got stabbed in the back and put a no mark Leadsham up for the challenge.
Looking at where these 2 are today, one wonders if all that was arranged by Dodgy Dave in the first place to make sure a remoaner got the top job. Cunts.
Boris bottled it, and Leadsom was nobbled.
May was appointed by the Remain establishment, cos they knew she would fuck up big time.
Scorched earth policy Mr Alcatraz?
“If Brexit is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger European Union. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones will have been killed.”
Adolf Creampuff, March 2019.
(Inspired curtesy of Hitler’s March 1945 ‘Scorched Earth’ directive to Albert Speer, stating Germany be made one vast wasteland in the event of the war being lost.)
I wouldn’t want to lay waste to our system or way of life, just for the shortcomings of this woman and MPs who now don’t even try to hide the fact, that they’re thwarting the will of the people.
But this can’t be allowed to happen again, in a GE my vote is quite meaningless as i live in a staunch Labour area, as some people live in Conservative areas. But the referendum was different every vote counted.
But the system needs a drastic and fundamental change, what that is i don’t know because i fear we will always have 2 party politics, everyday is a school day i now know where the scorched earth quote came from.
I believe Andrea Leadsom was hung out to dry for comments that were blown out of all proportion.
Agree, Leadsom was stitched up proper.
People need to stop voting for either of the main parties!
Great cunting ron! Couldn’t read any of the comments but I’m hoping to when I get time.
28?! Cuntings!
Coty has never been more well deserved!
These twats are are gonna get wiped out soon (electorally of course).