Theresa Delay [28]

May the Delay

According to Al-Beeb, Our Beloved Leader (piss be upon her) is to write to the EU to ask for a Brexit delay until 30 June at the earliest, with a further possible extension of up to two years.
Well now, there’s a surprise and no mistake. Who would possibly have thought that Muppet May would not be true to her word? You know, ‘Brexit means Brexit’. She wouldn’t be dreaming of trying to kick the whole thing into the long grass, would she? She couldn’t be trying to engineer a ‘Brexit In Name Only’ scenario, effectively keeping us arm-locked by Brussels in perpetuity? Surely not. She’s a Rt. Honourable MP after all, and we all know that honour matters far above all else to our esteemed and respected representatives in Parliament.
What’s that you say? They’re mostly a bunch of snivelling, conniving, duplicitous, malicious, hypocritical, backstabbing, unprincipled pygmy cunts, bent on wrecking Brexit in defiance of a referendum outcome they promised to uphold? Never. For shame, sir! Ordure! ORDURE!

Yet another well deserved and eloquent cunting of the Maybot by Ron Knee

129 thoughts on “Theresa Delay [28]

  1. I hope the electorate remember these cunts come the next opportunity to vote them into oblivion, somehow I doubt the sheep will bother.


    • Six dog on this occasion I think even the sheep are sick as fuck, up in the north people remember the bastards they voted for and what they do. I hope they get fucked right off the twats

  2. Catweazle is to visit Brussels before Teresa, in order to promote a long delay and a second referendum. I have never called the cunt Catweazle before, but it’s that or cunt now. Looks like Blair’s pulling his strings now. (Pleased to see in his last couple of media outings, Blair’s been showing likely symptoms of early-onset Alzheimers, and he’s the one person on earth I’d wish that on.)

    • The only thing pulling Catweasel’s strings is an unprincipled political cynicism.

    • I wish the worst death on that odious cunt , then again he is married to that fuckin dog perhaps death is a relief. Imagine porking that hideous cunt

  3. She’s just as frustrated as the rest of us with it taking so long !!!
    You couldn’t make it up, she is the worst PM in my lifetime, and that is saying something ( to be worse than Bliar takes real cuntishness ) i was feeling very despondent about it all, but the European elections if we take part will give us a real opportunity to stick it up ’em.
    I voted UKIP in the last EU elections this time it will be Brexit party, so long as Farage gets it together, and i hope our MEPs are as obnoxious and rude as possible with the scum that are foreign MEPs.
    I think the likes of Verhofstadt and Selmayr have an inkling of what’s to come in Strasbourg if we don’t leave, and i hope they blame the foul hunchback cunt who is the honourable member for Maidenhead.
    The more people who blame her for everything, and despise her accordingly the better, she is the ultimate cunt.

  4. In the house today, she virtually said no later than 30 th June or she will quit, not those words but that was implied.

    Letter To Tusk (EU cunt) sent this morning, the news reports suggest the EU recommended short delay be no later than May 22.

    Gunfight in Brussels or Strasbourg tomorrow , not sure where the cunts are meeting.

  5. Lying fucking traitorous fucking bitch. There’s no reason why the fascists should give us an extension without a General Election or a second referendum. You can rule out a GE for obvious reasons so that leaves a referendum stitch up.
    Either that or they invent some other flimsy excuse.
    One thing is for sure they can’t allow a no deal leave. If March 29th comes and goes and the whole world doesn’t collapse then Project Fear is totally fucked. Without Project Fear they have nothing…..just this little shitrag ??

    • Project Fear’s take on a No-Deal Brexit reminds me of the hoopla about the Millennium Bug – so much fear spread by so many with so little basis in fact.

  6. It’s the same old crooked EU tactic – make ’em vote again and again and again, ad nauseam, till they throw in the towel and say yes to living on their knees.

  7. What I propose, my fellow cunters. Is that all of those of us who voted leave and are in employment strike should we fail to leave the 4th Reich on the 29th. The country would grind to a halt. Are you with me?

  8. If these cunts capitulate to the fucking EU, which they clearly intend to do, then you have to ask why we need a fucking government in the first place? 650 cunts pissing up our money and arguing about fuck all.
    They are digging their own graves.

    • Always thought that myself, Fred – If governing our country is done from Brussels, what’s the point of paying £80k per annum per cunt to hundreds of Government / Opposition / Numerous Other Fuckwits with absolutely Fuck All to do all year ??

  9. This is the reason:

    EU referendum results 2016

    By Votes:
    17.4 Leave – 16.1 Remain

    By Constituency:
    406 Leave – 242 Remain

    Constituency by Party:
    Lab 148 Leave – 84 Remain
    Cons 247 Leave – 80 Remain

    By Region:
    9 Leave – 3 Remain

    By MP:
    160 Leave – 486 Remain

    They don’t want us to leave.

    Goodbye for now.

    • Good factchecking, thanks. Before any further voting by our non-representatives, I’d want to see some declarations of interest. We’d soon see how this works.

    • They never have wanted us to leave. That’s been plain, for anyone with eyes to see, right from the start.

      But at least they’ve so far not been hoodwinked into voting for May’s treacherous EU dictated ‘Agreement’… Yet…

      If by some miracle the self serving cunts retain enough gumption to vote down the ‘deal’ again next week, the EU will have no option but to enter into real negotiations… though with a new PM, not the incompetent quisling Queen Midas in reverse fuck we’ve had the misfortune to endure over the last three years since her coronation in 2016.

    • Wet and windy…
      Sloppy and stinky.

      The picture at the top of the noms puts me in mind of Sourbitch…
      I think The Maybot is basically the same sludge that is found inside Sourbitch. May doesn’t give a Jemima-Puddle about the Tory party going tits up; she’d be shoehorned in as the Fourth Reich Gauleiter for Britannia District, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brussels Global plc. (props: Curtain-haired Savile type, Sleazemayr and Druncker)

  10. I am now totally convinced we will be leaving next Friday on WTO rules! About fucking time.

  11. No wonder The Appeaser suffers from Kyphosis (hunchback to us proles) . It must be quite a strain flying over to Brussels all the time getting your back doors smashed in by the likes of Druncker and Tusk.
    Is Catweazle starting to develop a stoop or is that my imagination?

    • That was a injury sustained when flabbot used him as a dildo poor cunt ain’t recovered

      • The poor wee laddie must have ptsd after that appalling experience. Just imagine an unexpected quef in yer face…

  12. I’m afraid we’re entering the final act of the Brexit play/ pantomime, Mavis the Trojan horse is now doing a passable impression of Oliver “ can I please have some more?” It’s an absolute fit up!
    I’m sure she knows unlike pinnocio this is gonna come with plenty of strings attached! Watch her already enormous beak grow when she acts out in mock indignation as goblin faced tusk and Claude drunker tell her the absurd conditions the EU will insist on…..
    “ I’ve tried my best” “ couldn’t have done anymore “ cries May …
    I just wished she would fall on her sword, she’s lost not only control of the process but many in her cabinet who are now openly defying her…..
    The only thing may commands is the contempt of millions that voted to leave….

  13. Tweet of the day

    From Chris Hill‏ @chill1774, Replying to @BBCPolitics

    “Is it the wish of the people 66million in the uk only 17m votes what about the other 59 million who didn’t or couldn’t have a say or voted to remain?”

    Maths, English and democracy clearly not Chris’s strong points. Also fails to take into account the 16m who did vote Remain within his maths, nor those below 18 years of age not allowed to vote.

    What a typical fucking brainless Remoaner twat

    • I wish that only taxpayers or those who have paid in to the system for a reasonable amount of time ie 25 years, were allowed to vote. I would let 16 year olds vote if they were paying in to the system.
      What’s more had the referendum been run under that way, I would wager that the margin of victory would have been wider than 52-48

    • That’s the nonsense that gormless turd and self titled “ brain of remain “ A C grayling has been spouting…..
      idiotic mathematics designed to confuse sheeple…….

      • “I have just been to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty, the Queen asked me to form a new government.”
        Would have saved a lot of time, trouble and money if Her Maj had just laughed in your lying face and told you to fuck right off. Do it now bitch!!

      • HM Queen says “Do fack orf, you tiresome old scrote; I’m eating my beans on toast and watching Corrie.”

        Phil kicks Mavis in the cunt several times on the way out, and pours himself a bloody large pink gin, naval strength.

        This is the stuff my dreams are made of…

  14. Nice one Ron. Was composing one myself but yours covers it nicely.
    Incompetent or cunning? Well she was incompetent as Home Sec so who knows?

    • Cheers CC.
      Yes she was utterly incompetent as Home Sec, but she did wear those oh so sexy tiger skin pattern shoes. Little minx she was in them days, the darling of the party conference…

    • Too bloody right OC! We don’t even need to bother with a vote, cos the result’s a shoe-in. Bit like the referendum, innit? Needn’t have fucking bothered voting then either. Cunts!

      • We really should club together and send her some sort of award, this sort of cuntery shouldn’t go unrecognised.

      • Little Ms Maybe’s now going on about the country being ‘in crisis’ over Brexit. And who’s cunting fault is that, pray?
        Andrea Leadsom reputedly said to the Cabinet something along the lines of ‘this used to be the Cabinet that would deliver Brexit, now I see that it’s not’. I’ve suddenly got a raging boner for Leadsom…

      • Left it a bit fucking late in the day!

        Leadsom’s epiphany I mean Ron, not your boner.

        Besides, anyone who imagined that Cabinet of Remainer quislings was there to deliver Brexit must have been naive at best.

        Most likely preparing to flee a sinking Government.

      • Andrea Leadsom would get it from me.

        There, I’ve said it now…

        Coat time??

      • We should ask the other admins if we can call off COTY 2019 and just award it to the Maybot already.

  15. My, but she’s looking fine and dandy on all the stress of the protracted negotiations. Wonder if she’ll age a tad when she tries to govern 17.4 million ungovernable citizens? Anyone fancy a drive round the M25 on Friday 29th? At 10 mph. See my Gandhi quote “the people have an inalienable right to oppose a government that betrays them in a great cause”

  16. Soubry…. The old slag in the commons stirring up the fear, fuck off and have a bi election.

  17. Question for isac
    Where exactly does this hunchbacked Trojan horse sit in the pantheon of utterly useless PM cunts?
    Is she the worst?
    Worse than Blair?
    Top three surely?
    She’s turned the country into a laughing stock!

    • Blair knew exactly what he was doing, the cunt had a plan.
      I think she’s useless but can’t figure out if it’s intentional or not…

      • I was going to say something about cunning stunts….

        Hang on a mo, I’ve just found that nice pic of Penny Mordaunt in a blue bathing suit.

        Rum, sodomy and the lash, Penny – yes please !!

  18. She wants to bring her twice defeated “plan” back for another go. Now that should ring alarm bells on even the thickest dum dums !

  19. If we think we got it bad at least we don’t have the PM of NZ, she’s using the mosque attacks to basically get the world to quash any discussion of immigration and multiculturalism, even members of her own party think it’s having a negative impact on NZ.

    That woman is one globalist tool

    • She paints this picture of harmony but there have been grumlings about immigration and housing shortages.

      However it was an Australian and not a local resident who decided to make a name for himself (his name shall not pass her lips)

      If the “west” had got a real grip on Immigration, multiculturalism and Islamic extremism there wouldnt be a far right.

    • Isn’t she the cunt who took maternity leave in post as PM ? And titty feeds in mid speech ? And reminds me so much of the useless cunt Jo Cox ?

    • She even ‘advised’ Blair when she was starting up the greasy pole.

      Sorry, but the cunt Blair’s ubiquitous. Rather like Jory in ‘Ubik’ by Philip K Dick, if anyone’s read that. (Slightly hallucinatory, very disturbing. Recommended.)

    • Jacinda Ardern should start with the Maoris who want the Europeans to leave NZ. Seeing the way she’s dressed this week, I wouldn’t be surprised if she flew over to Canada to take one up the arse from Justin Trudeau, who loves dressing up in effnick rags. Or would he offer his arse for a pegging from Jacinda?

    • I’ve been watching that virtue signaling twat since the atrocities, she wasn’t on my cunt radar before but Ive got her locked in now!!
      From wearing a headscarf for photo shoots to “ I refuse to ever say his name” she making my eyes roll , like most politicians Shes making the most out of this horrific event to push her agenda!!
      I’m surprised Justin Trudeau hasn’t turned up in NZ dressed in a jalabiyyah

  20. Blair had ten years to be a cunt she hasn’t had three yet.
    Pro rata she’s hot on his cloven hooves.
    Or is it hoofs? Who cares , they are massive cunts and way out in front.

    • I think you’re right on all cunts, Freddie. Linguistically, like poofs/pooves. Mouse/mice is an oddity (but in a pair with louse/lice), though, as we don’t have hice for pl. of house, and grouse is collective, so no grice.

      In any case, The Maybot is from Hell. And I don’t mean that place somewhere in Scandinavia.

      Many words for The Maybot in the Profanisaurus…

  21. The majority of voters voted to leave. End of.

    Enact the will of the people you load of fucking treacherous cunts!

  22. The EU say Mavis can have an extension if her sell out passes at the THIRD time of asking. Well what the fuck are this bunch of traitors gonna do now?
    The phones must be melting in Westminster right now.
    All you can hear are the rustle of big brown envelopes.

    • “If you vote for our deal, vee vill haff £39 billion of your taxpayers money to play wiv, wink wink…” ?

    • Thats if Bercow allows it.

      It could be too late, if they go for a vote and it fails……

      Leave by default on the 29th

    • Nah, don’t worry about it. The Frogs will be waving white flags and the Italian tanks will be driving in reverse gear back into the sea/

  23. Poor little Jeremy running scared of big bad Chucka Remoaner… gone back to his safe space, home in time for tea with Gerry Adams.

    • So Davros ran away from Ummagumma?

      Just think what would happen if he was faced with the Dagenham and Redbridge Cheerleaders…….or any other serious opponent?

  24. May to address nation on telly!!!

    ‘We will fight them on the landing grounds…we will never surrender!!!…………….er please sir, can I please have an extension? There’s £39 billion in a brown envelope in it for you…’

    • “I have secured a Brexit deal that delivers on the result of the referendum, delivering the Brexit people voted for, building a country that works for everyone, taking back control of our borders, laws and money, but protecting jobs, our security and our precious union, and the squadron of pigs currently flying over my head…”

      • Notice how she left out immigration. Or lack of houses for them. Or the stretched public services looking after their extended families or children to come. Funny how she left all of that out of the statement.

    • That Treesa May Address to the Nation in full…

      “My next appearance will be in the commercial breaks during Homes in the Sun (guaranteed high viewing because of Jasmine Harman’s knockers), where I shall be advising the elderly to retire to the House of Lords (as indeed should I) so that they can be waited on hand and foot.

      Please do consider paying a £Billion 39 one-off premium to the EU; for your peace of mind, and that of your family. I have already made arrangements, as I do not wish to become a burden…
      Other planned appearances are as some sort of spaz in the Malteser ads.”

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